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Name ___________________________________________ Grade ______

Unit 2 Test A

1 Write the opposite of the underlined words.

0 We’re in a band.
We aren’t in a band.
1 Bob and Sarah are from England.
Bob and Sarah .......... from England.
2 We aren’t at school now.
We’ .......... at school now.
3 You aren’t my friends.
You’ .......... my friends.
4 They’re good tennis players.
They .......... good tennis players.
5 You’re from Switzerland.
You .......... from Switzerland.
___/5 marks

2 Complete the sentences. Use the words in the box.

me you him her it us the

0 London is great I like it very much.

1 Our teacher is Laura Smith and I like .......... .
2 Matt and John are my brothers. Do you like .......... ?
3 I like you. Do you like .......... ?
4 Rafael Nadal is a fantastic tennis player. Do you like .......... ?
5 We’re in a great band. Do you like .......... ?

___/5 marks

English in Mind for Bulgaria A1 Tests

Name ___________________________________________ Grade ______

3 Are the sentences positive (+) or negative (-)? Write + or -.

0 Coldplay are my favourite band. +
1 Volleyball is a fantastic sport. ..........
2 Horses are wonderful animals. ..........
3 Classical music is awful. ..........
4 New York is a great city. ..........
5 English grammar is terrible! ..........

___/5 marks

4 Write the words in each sentence in the correct order.

0 a / city / Rome / fantastic / is Rome is a fantastic city.

1 sport / football / awful / an / is ........................................
2 film / ‘Pretty Woman’ / is / a / ........................................
3 fantastic / Belgian / is / ........................................
4 friend / you’re / wonderful / a ........................................
5 is / coffee / English / terrible ........................................

___/5 marks

TOTAL ___/20 marks

English in Mind for Bulgaria A1 Tests

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