1 Tooth - Development Questions

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Tooth Development

Oral Biology department

Shamel & Ankily


2011 Tooth development 0

Tooth development

1. Tooth development starts at the age of..................
2. The morphological stages of tooth development are ……………......, .....................,
................................,……................................. & .....................................
3. The histophysiological stages of tooth development include ............................, …….........,
..........................., ................................. & .................................
4. The tooth germ consists of………….…..., ……………….&........................
5. The first stage of tooth development is known as the........................
6. Teeth development of the 1ry dentition begins at ................. wiu life.
7. The ectomemsenchyme that is condensed beneath the dental organ is called....................while the
ectomesenchyme encircling the dental organ is called............................
8. The epithelial component of the tooth germ is known as ....................................
9. The dental organ is...................in origin, while the dental papilla and dental sac
are..................................in origin.
10. The shape of the dental organ changes from a bud to a cap as a result of
11. The cells present in the dental organ in the cap stage are ............................,
....................................& ................................................
12. In the cap stage, the IEE is .........................in shape, the OEE is ...............................in shape,
while the stellate reticulum is ....................in shape.
13. The enamel knot and the enamel cord appear in....................stage.
14. In the cap stage, there is...................separating the dental papilla from the enamel organ.
15. The cell free zone contains..................................
16. The stellate reticulum cells are.....................in shape, and in-between them they are rich
17. In the cap stage, the nutrition to the dental organ occurs through ...................&.......................
18. The shape of the dental organ changes from cap to bell due to.......................
19. In the bell stage, the connection of dental organ to the dental lamina is elongated forming a
20. Induction process occurs in ...............stage, while reciprocal induction occurs in ...............stage.
21. The cells which elongate and make influence on the UMC of the dental papilla to be
differentiated into odontoblasts are called....................
22. The process by which the IEE of the dental organ influence the underlying UMC of the dental
papilla to be differentiated into odontoblast is called...................
23. The arrangement of the IEE in the early bell stage will determine ………..
24. The changes that occur in the IEE in the early bell stage are………………,………
25. The shape of the OEE in the early bell stage is.........................

2011 Tooth development 1

26. In the early bell stage, the lateral D.L is ..................in shape, while the main D.L grows deeper
to give.............
27. The appearance of stratum intermedium starts in.....................stage.
28. Stratum intermedium is rich in enzyme called.................which is important in.............................
29. The end result of induction process is the appearance of............................
30. The area where the IEE meet the OEE in the dental organ is called......................
31. Late bell stage starts by deposition of first layer of...........................
32. The stage of teeth development in which there is deposition for the 1st layer of dentin is
33. The lateral D.L disintegrates in the....................stage, and their remnants are
34. In the advanced bell stage, the dental organ will depend mainly on .......................for the
35. The changes that occur in the OEE in the late bell stage are..., and...............
36. The first layer of dentin appears in ..................stage, while disintegration of the lateral D.L
occurs in ..................stage.
37. Reciprocal induction occur in...............................stage
38. The end result of reciprocal induction is appearance of..........................
39. Dentin is formed (before/after) enamel formation.
40. The enamel organ (dental organ) is responsible for formation of ..................while the dental
papilla is responsible for formation of............................................
41. The dental follicle (dental sac) is responsible for formation of
42. Alveolar bone proper is derived from.....................while the enamel is derived from..................
43. The stratum intermedium has the following functions..., &..............
44. The functions of OEE are..........................
45. The functions of IEE are..........................
46. Function of dental papilla is formation of....................&....................
47. Function of dental sac is formation of…………,………..…….., &..................
48. The life span of the dental lamina is about....................years.
49. The dentin is……………..in origin while the enamel is………………in origin
50. The lateral dental lamina gives rise to .............................
51. Initiation occurs in ……………stage , proliferation occurs in ………………….stage ,
histodiffrentiation occurs in ………………stage , morphodiffrentiation occurs in
…………………..stage , apposition occurs in ……………………..stage.
52. The last product of ameloblast is called...............

53. The.........................protect the enamel from being in contact with the connective tissue of the
dental sac before eruption .

54. The process of root development takes place after the .................. is completely formed.
55. The....................... is the structure responsible for root development.
56. The number of roots that are formed is determined by the number of .....................

2011 Tooth development 2

57. Root formation begins when...........................

58. Epithelial root sheath of hertwig consist of 2 types of cells, they are........&.............

59. The remnants of epithelial root sheath of hertwig are called...........................while the remnants
of the lateral D.L is called...............

60. Intermediate cementum is caused by……………………… ………..

61. Enamel pearl is caused by…………………………………………...

62. Degeneration of hertwig before odontoblastic differentiation will result in………………..

63. Degeneration of hertwig after odontoblastic differentiation and before dentin formation will
result in……………….

64. Persistence of hertwig (no degeneration) after dentin formation will result in…………………

65. Primary closure of the apical foramen occur by .while secondary closure of the apical foramen
occur by…………………..

66. The function of the hertwig is………………..and……………………….

67. The connective tissue-beneath-and around the enamel organ and dental papilla
68. Misplaced enamel formed on the cemenum root surface is called…………….
69. And formed due to……………………………..
70. The ameloblasts are differentiated in the………..…..stage
71. The function of the………………is to map out the root and induce dentin formation in the root


1. Tooth development starts at the age of:

a. 3-4 W.I.U. b. 4-5 W.I.U.

c. 5-6 W.I.U. d. 6-7 W.I.U.

2- The tooth germ is consisted of:

A. Enamel or dental organ. B. Dental papilla.

C. Dental sac. D. All of the above.

3- Inner dental epithelium:

A- Consists of a single layer of cuboidal epithelial cells.

2011 Tooth development 3

B- Consists of a single layer of columnar epithelial cells.

C- Consists of a single layer of polyhedral epithelial cells.

D- Consists of a single layer of polygonal epithelial cells.

4- The dental sac is:

A- The condensation of the ectomesenchymal cells surrounding the dental organ.

B-The condensation of the ectomesenchymal cells surrounding the dental papilla.

C-The condensation of the ectomesenchymal cells surrounding the dental organ and dental papilla.

D- None of the above.

5- The main difference between early bell and late bell stage is:

A- The formation of first layer of enamel.

B- The formation of first layer of dentine.

C- The formation of first layer of cementum.

D- The formation of first layer of alveolar bone.

6- Concerning stellate reticulum one of the following statements is incorrect:

A-It protects the underlying dental tissues against physical forces.

B-It maintains the tooth shape

C-It acts as a store house for the nutritive materials.

D-It keeps room for the developing dentin.

7-The reduced enamel epithelium is derived from:

A- Maturative ameloblasts and stratum intermedium.

B- Stratum intermedium, stellate reticulum and outer dental epithelium.

C- Stratum intermedium, stellate reticulum and inner epithelium.

D- Protective ameloblasts, stratum intermedium, stellate reticulum and outer dental epithelium.

8- The following tissues are developed from the dental sac except one:

A. Cementum. B. Dentin.

C. Alveolar bone. D. Periodontal ligament.

9- Epithelial rests of Malassez are:

2011 Tooth development 4
A-Epithelial strands and may undergo degeneration.

B-Epithelial remnants of the epithelial root sheath of Hertwig .

C- Network or isolated islands in the P.L.

D- All of the above.

10- Accessory root canals develop as a result of:

A-The epithelial root sheath of Hertwig is broken prior to dentin formation and odontoblastic differentiation.

B-When the developing root encounters a large blood vessel.

C- Disturbance in the fusion of the extensions of the diaphragm at the pulpal floor.

D- All of the above.

11- Enamel is:

A- An ectodermal tissue covering the anatomical crown.

B- A mesodermal tissue covering the crown.

C. An endodermal tissue. D. A mesenchymal tissue.

12- The IEE:

A. Is the only layer of the enamel organ that is close to blood vessels
B. Will form ameloblasts
C. Becomes the dental pulp
D. Will combine with the dental papilla to form cervical loop

13- Which of the following give rise to odontoblasts:

B. Ectomesenchyme of the dental papilla
C. Cells of the dental sac

14- The epithelial root sheath of Hertwig is the apical continuation of:
a- OEE only
b- IEE only
c- Stellate reticulum & stratum intermedium
d- IEE & OEE

15- The Reduced enamel epithelium is derived from:

a- Ameloblasts + stratum intermedium
b- Stratum intermedium , stellate reticulum & OEE

2011 Tooth development 5

c- Stratum intermedium , stellate reticulum & IEE
d- Ameloblasts , stratum intermedium , stellate reticulum & OEE

16- The only epithelial ( ectodermal )component of the tooth germ is the:
a- Dental lamina
b- Dental papilla
c- Dental organ
d- Dental sac

17- The ectomesenchyme that lies adjacent to IEE :

a- Differentiated to ameloblasts
b- Differentiate into odontoblast
c- Are under the influence of stellate reticulum
d- Become folded

18- The function of the IEE is:

a- Has influence on the dental papilla cells
b- Lays down dentin matrix
c- Protect the enamel after eruption
d- Rich in alkaline phosphatase enzyme

19- Which of the following contain blood vessels:

a- Enamel
b- Dental lamina
c- Dental sac
d- Oral epithelium

20- Which of the following is not component of the dental organ :

a- Ameloblasts
b- Odontoblasts
c- OEE
d- Stratum intermedium

21- If the epithelial root sheath of Hertwig does not disintegrate:

a- No cementum will be formed on root dentin
b- Enamel will be resorbed
c- Accessory root canal will result
d- Intermediate cementum will be formed

22- Which of the following functions of the IEE is WRONG:

a- It has an organizing influence of the UMC of the dental papilla to be differentiated into

2011 Tooth development 6

b- Shares in transport of nutrition
c- It folds to take the future crown pattern
d- It lays down enamel matrix

23- Which of the following is WRONG concerning stratum intermedium:

a- 2-3 layers of flat cells
b- Between IEE & stellate reticulum
c- Connected to each other by desmosomes
d- Contain acid phospatase enzyme

24- Before enamel formation begins:

a- Enamel knot disappears and enamel cord remains
b- Enamel knot remains and enamel cord disappear
c- Both the enamel knot and the enamel cord disappear
d- Both the enamel knot and the enamel cord remains

25- The process of differentiation of the UMC into odontoblasts is called

a- Initiation
b- Induction
c- Apposition
d- Morphodiffrentiation

26- Enamel pearl occur in :

a- Apical 1/3 of molars
b- Furcation areas of molars
c- Cervical 1/3 of molars
d- Furcation areas of premolars

27- The epithelial rests in the PDL are derived from:

a- Dental pulp
b- Epithelial root sheath of Hertwig
c- Vestibular lamina
d- Dental sac

28- Odontoblast start their secretory activity :

a- Before enamel matrix production
b- After enamel matrix production
c- During enamel matrix production
d- During and after enamel matrix production

29- Serre's pearl are derived from:

a- Dental lamina
b- Dental pulp

2011 Tooth development 7

c- Dental sac
d- Dental organ

30- The dental lamina that give rise to permanent molars is called:
a- Successional lamina
b- Disatl extension of the dental lamina
c- Lateral dental lamina
d- Vestibular lamina

31- All of the following are involved in the formation of a tooth except:
a- Epithelial root sheath of Hertwig
b- Successsional lamina
c- Dental lamina
d- Vestibular lamina

32- Which of the following start first in the sequence of tooth development:
a- Deposition of 1st layer of enamel
b- Deposition of first layer of dentin
c- Elongation of IEE
d- Differentiation of odontoblasts

33- The number of roots is determined by:

a- Number of root sheath developed
b- Number of medial ingrowth ( tongue like extension ) of the epithelial diaphragm
c- Thickness of the cervical loop

34- The stimulus that initiates the actual formation of the enamel matrix seems to be:
a- Reduction of stellate reticulum
b- Increase vascularity of the dental sac
c- Disappearance of the cell free zone
d- Presence of dentin

35- The downgrowth of epithelial thickening buccal to the dental lamina is called:
a- Vestibular lamina
b- Lateral dental lamina
c- Main dental lamina
d- Successional lamina

36- The lateral dental lamina will give rise to:

a- Deciduous teeth
b- Permanent successors
c- Permanent molars

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37- The epithelial root sheath of Hertwig disintegrate :
a- After odontoblastic differentiation & before dentin formation
b- After odontoblastic differentiation and after dentin deposition
c- Before odontoblasic differentiation
d- After cementum formation

38- The enamel cord :

a- Extension of the dental lamina
b- Extension of the dental papilla
c- Extension of the succesional lamina
d- Connect IEE to OEE

39- The dental organ :

a- Develops from cells of the dental sac
b- Is completely connective tissue structure
c- Completely epithelial tissue
d- Highly vascular

40- No basement membrane is found between the :

a- Stratum intermedium & IEE
b- OEE & dental sac
c- Hertwig & dental papilla
d- IEE & dental papilla

41- Which structure of the crown is formed first:

a- Enamel
b- Cementum
c- Pulp
d- Dentin

42- The mesoderm gives rise to which of the following :

a- Dental lamina
b- Dental papilla
c- Stratum intermedium
d- OEE

43- The dental lamina is induced to proliferate into buds by :

a- Basement membrane
b- Epithelial nerves
c- Ecto mesenchymal cells
d- Oral epithelium

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44- Which of the following in WRONG concerning the epithelial diaphragm:
a- Its plane remains horizontal during root formation
b- After dentin formation its cells differentiate into cementoblasts
c- Composed of OEE and IEE
d- It remain relatively fixed in plane during root formation

45- Concerning the stellate reticulum , one of the following is WRONG:

a- It protects the underlying dental tissues against physical forces
b- Act as sore house for nutritive materials
c- Keeps a room for developed dentin

46- Functions of the dental lamina:

a- Connect tooth bud to oral epithelium
b- Formation of permanent teeth
c- Formation of deciduous teeth
d- All of the above

Scientific term:

1- The epithelial component of the tooth germ.

2-The Lingual extension of the dental lamina

3- The first stage of tooth development.

4-Misplaced enamel formed on the cemental root surface.

5- The second stage of odontogensis.
6-The ectomesenchymal cells condensed just beneath the enamel organ
7- The connective tissue-beneath-and around the enamel organ and dental papilla.
8-The third stage of odontogensis.
9- The region where the inner and outer enamel epithelia meet at the rim of the enamel organ.
10-The enzyme that secreted by cells of the stratum intermedium and essential for enamel
11- The remnants of the dental lamina and the lateral dental lamina.
12- The final stage of odontogensis.
13- A layer of cells that seems to be essential to enamel formation but does not actually secrete the
14-The strand of cells extend form the stratum intermedium into the outer enamel epithelium.

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15-The remnants of epithelial root sheath of Hertwig.
16- The stimulus that initiates the actual formation of enamel matrix.
17- The downgrowth of an epithelial thickening buccal to the dental lamina.


1- Enumerate the stages of odontogenesis

2- Enumerate the function of inner dental epithelium

4- State the functions of the dental sac.

5- State functions of epithelial root sheath of hertwig.

6- State functions of stellae reticulum.

7- State functions of the dental lamina.

8- Enumerate the hypoclacified areas in enamel.

9- Enumerate the epithelial cell layers forming the enamel organ in the lab bell stage.

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