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Applied Soft Computing xxx (2014) xxx–xxx

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Applied Soft Computing

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1 An optimal vibration control strategy for a vehicle’s active suspension

2 based on improved cultural algorithm
3 Q1 Wei Wang, Yuling Song ∗ , Yanbing Xue, Hongling Jin, Juncai Hou, Minglei Zhao
4 College of Mechanical and Electronic Engineering, Northwest A & F University, Yangling 712100, China

20 a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
8 Article history: This research is conducted such that the bodywork vertical vibration acceleration of a quarter car model
9 Received 19 September 2012 is selected as a control objective and Fuzzy-PID control strategy based on improved cultural algorithm
10 Received in revised form 17 October 2014 is proposed for vibration reduce. Cultural algorithm and niche algorithm are mixed together to design
11 Accepted 30 November 2014
Fuzzy-PID controller and optimize control rules, which can accelerate optimization speed and has a good
12 Available online xxx
global optimal performance. The numerical results show that the active suspension, with Fuzzy-PID
control strategy in which control rules are optimized by improved cultural algorithm, can significantly
14 Keywords:
suppress the bodywork vertical vibration acceleration, and the ride comfort is improved. All the simula-
15 Automobile active suspension
16 Fuzzy-PID control method
tion analyses can give the support for the optimal control scheme.
17 Improved cultural algorithm © 2014 Published by Elsevier B.V.
18 Niche algorithm
19 Vibration control

21 1. Introduction is especially suitable for nonlinear, time-varying vehicle dynamic 44

Q2 system which often travels on different roads. Based on the virtues 45

22 The active suspension can adjust active force generated by of its strong-points, a lot of research work has been done about the Q4 46

23 actuator to suppress the bodywork vertical vibration according to fuzzy control strategy by many scholars. Tzuu-Hseng et al. [9] used 47

24 control laws, ease the shock of uneven road and vibration of carrier a novel fuzzy feedback linearization control strategy via differen- 48

25 systems, ensure the ride performance and improve ride comfort. tial geometry approach to improve the control effect and stability. 49

26 The active suspension is one of the main symbols of modern cars A field programmable gate array was proposed by Aldair et al. [10] 50

27 and its actuator can generate active force to inhibit the bodywork to build an adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system for controlling 51

28 vertical vibration, for which the active suspension directly affects a full vehicle nonlinear active suspension system. Chiou et al. [11] 52

29 the characteristics of a vehicle’s stability, comfort and safety. There- used fuzzy logic control for an automotive active suspension sys- 53

30 fore at present, a number of scholars still research on the active tem in which the membership functions were optimized using a 54

31 suspensions of vehicle with the focus on its control method [1–4]. genetic algorithm. Du, et al. [12] proposed a fuzzy control method 55

32 In the aspect of motion control, intelligent control methods for nonlinear uncertain electro-hydraulic active suspensions with 56

33 attract much attention of scholars. Many significant results are input constraint. Lin et al. [13] and Nurkan et al. [14] proposed two 57

34 obtained by using neural network [5,6], fuzzy inference, and opti- different fuzzy sliding mode controllers (FSMC) to control active 58

35 mization method. Among them, Fuzzy control method is developed suspension systems and evaluated their control performance. In a 59

36 rapidly in recent years. It uses linguistic variables instead of word, fuzzy method has broad application prospects in the domain 60

37 numeric variables and the controller based on fuzzy method con- of intelligent control and fuzzy logic control has been applied suc- 61

38 tains a large number of people’s control experience and knowledge, cessfully in active suspension systems [15]. 62

39 which is similar to human intelligence [7,8]. Fuzzy control tech- As a key problem, it plays an important role to select suitable 63

40 nology has its unique advantages. The controlled system does not control strategies and design effective controllers in active sus- 64

41 necessarily be as accurate as a mathematical model, and fuzzy con- pensions. However, the application of fuzzy logic control requires 65

42 troller is not sensitive to the system parameters. It is highly robust considerable efforts in determining appropriate fuzzy rules [16]. 66

43Q3 and the control laws are based on a number of control rules. So, it This work is difficult if the controlled system is complicated. Active 67

suspension systems generally possess time-varying and uncertain 68

dynamic characteristics, for which to design a fuzzy logic controller 69

∗ Corresponding author. is complex. To solve the problem that mentioned above, the cultural 70

E-mail address: (Y. Song). algorithm associated with niche algorithm is proposed to design 71
1568-4946/© 2014 Published by Elsevier B.V.

Please cite this article in press as: W. Wang, et al., An optimal vibration control strategy for a vehicle’s active suspension based on
improved cultural algorithm, Appl. Soft Comput. J. (2014),
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2 W. Wang et al. / Applied Soft Computing xxx (2014) xxx–xxx

72 a Fuzzy-PID controller and optimize its control rules, which can 0.10

Road contour x(t)/m

73 accelerate optimization speed and has a good global optimization
74 performance.
75 2. The model of the active suspension system
76 In terms of research on the bodywork vertical vibration caused
77 by uneven road, the quarter car model with two degrees of free- -0.10
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
78 dom is selected as a control and simulation model. This model Time t/s
79 can reflect the performance indexes of the active suspension well,
80 such as the bodywork vertical vibration acceleration, the suspen- Fig. 1. The road contour of B rank in time domain.
81 sion travel and tire dynamic load. On the premise of correctness
82 and effectiveness, this model can reduce system parameters and
83 the dynamic differential equations are easy to be solved with low
84 computational cost. So, the quarter car model with two degrees of
85 freedom is established and used in this study.

86 2.1. Random road input model

87 As to analysis on dynamic performance of the active suspension

88 in time domain, the road input model gives more important roles.
89 It is the basis of research on the active suspension, which belongs
90 to a member of the active suspension model system. For the con-
91 tinuous random road input model, the vehicle speed is also taken
92 into consideration and the white noise speed spectrum is used to
93 describe the road model in time domain. The random road input
94 model is acquired through integral of white noise signal.
95 The frequency spectrum density function of the road contour in Fig. 2. A quarter car model.
96 the time domain can be given by

 n −2 v
Table 1
Parameter values of a quarter car dynamic model.
97 Gq (f ) = Gq (n0 ) = Gq (n0 )n20 (1)
v n0 f2 m2 m1 ks kt c0
98 where Gq (n0 ) is the road roughness coefficient. v is the vehicle 340 kg 40 kg 17 kN/m 190 kN/m 1400Ns/m
99 speed. f is the frequency in time domain. n is the space frequency,
100 and it represents per meter length of wave number. n0 is the refer-
101 ence value of space frequency. Here, n0 = 0.1/m. Point contact theory is applied between tire and the surface of 124
102 The power spectrum function of the vehicle speed in the time road. Assuming that the tire is contacted with the surface of road at 125
103 domain can be expressed by all times, the dynamic differential equation of the active suspension 126

2 can be obtained as follows 127

104 Gq̇ (f ) = (2f ) · Gq (f ) = 4 2
Gq (n0 )n20 v (2) 
m2 ẍ2 + c0 (ẋ2 − ẋ1 ) + ks (x2 − x1 ) + u = 0
105 If assuming that the vehicle speed is a constant, the power spec- (5) 128
106 trum function Gq̇ (f ) can be calculated, and it is denoted by Cn . In this m1 ẍ1 + c0 (ẋ1 − ẋ0 ) + kt (x1 − x0 ) + ks (x1 − x2 ) − u = 0
107 way, the road contour can be described as follows
 where x0 is the road contour excitation. x1 , x2 is individually the 129

1/2 vertical displacement of m2 and m1 . 130

108 x(t) = Cn w(t) dt (3)
In the dynamic Eq. (5), the concrete parameter values used in Q5 131
this study are derived from a ford car and they are created and 132
109 where w(t) is white noise. shown in a list in Table 1. 133
110 If letting that the speed is 20 m/s and the road is B rank, it is
111 can be obtained that Gq (n0 ) = 64 × 10−6 , Cn = 5.05 × 10−4 . So, the 3. Fuzzy-PID control strategy for the active suspension 134
112 formula (3) can be given by

Because the errors exist in the measurement and modeling, the 135
113 x(t) = 0.022 w(t) dt (4) dynamic model established in this study is uncertain. Fuzzy con- 136
trol strategy does not depend on the precise mathematical model. It 137
114 By computation, the road contour of B rank in time domain is uses linguistic variables to describe the system characteristics and 138
115 shown in Fig. 1. produces the corresponding control rules. Then the actuator gen- 139

erates the active control force using these control rulers. However, 140

116 2.2. Dynamic model of the active suspension the precision and stability of fuzzy control system are not satisfac- 141

tory. For avoiding the shortcomings of fuzzy control, a PID control 142

117 The quarter car model with two degrees of freedom is shown scheme combined with fuzzy inference optimized by cultural algo- 143

118 in Fig. 2. In this model, the sprung mass and unsprung mass are rithm is advanced to control the active suspension system. It can 144

119 respectively denoted by m2 and m1 . The suspension system is rep- exert the advantages of optimal fuzzy control and PID control. After 145

120 resented by a linear spring with the stiffness coefficient ks and a that, the control effect is enhanced. In this part, a Fuzzy-PID con- 146

121 linear damper with a damping coefficient c0 . The tire is described troller is designed and interpreted. The optimal control rules of 147

122 by a linear spring with the vertical stiffness coefficient kt . The active fuzzy inference are obtained in Section 4 by using cultural algo- 148

123 control force is u generated by the actuator. rithm. 149

Please cite this article in press as: W. Wang, et al., An optimal vibration control strategy for a vehicle’s active suspension based on
improved cultural algorithm, Appl. Soft Comput. J. (2014),
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W. Wang et al. / Applied Soft Computing xxx (2014) xxx–xxx 3

Update function

The belief space

Situational knowledge
Normative knowledge

Acceptance Influence
Fig. 3. The optimal fuzzy-PID control strategy.
function function

150 The Fuzzy inference system with 2-input and 3-output is

151 designed in this research. The inputs are the vertical acceleration
152 error of bodywork and its derivative, and they are denoted by E The population space
153 and EC. The outputs are the proportionality factors, and they are Crossover, mutation, selection
154 expressed by Kp , Ki and Kd . The flow chart shown in Fig. 3 gives the
155 optimal Fuzzy-PID control scheme.
156 In Fig. 3, r(t) is the acceleration reference value of bodywork. c(t)
157 is the acceleration feedback of bodywork. The error of the acceler- Fitness function
158 ation is expressed by e(t) instead of denotation E. u is the input of
159 active control force. The scale factors in PID controller are defined Fig. 4. Framework of cultural algorithm.
160 by K p , Ki and Kd which can be automatically tuned depending on
161 the following formula
⎧  population and produces many generations. Cultural algorithm is 190

⎪ K (n) = Kp (n − 1) + Kp also a dual-inheritance system, which maintains two search spaces.
⎨ p 191

One is a population space that represents a genetic component

Ki (n) = Ki (n − 1) + Ki
162 (6)

⎩ based on biological evolution principle and the other is a belief 193

Kd (n) = Kd (n − 1) + Kd space that represents a cultural component. Cultural algorithm 194

enables the population to adapt to their changing environment at a 195

163 Thus, the active control force can be given by
higher speed than biological evolution algorithm which depends 196

164 u(n) = Kp (n) [e(n) − e(n − 1)] + K  (n)i e(n) on gene inheritance, and its global optimization property is 197

favorable. 198
165 + Kd (n) [e(n) − 2e(n − 1) + e(n − 2)] + u(n − 1) (7) As shown in Fig. 4, cultural algorithm mainly contains three ele- 199

ments, and they are the population space, the belief space and the 200
166 where e(n) is the acceleration error of the nth iterative step.
communication protocol. The population space simulates biologi- 201
167 The Fuzzy inference system of Fuzzy-PID controller is designed
cal evolution process from microscopic perspective and the belief 202
168 according to the steps below
space simulates society derivation process which contains the for- 203

mation and transmission of cultural from macroscopic perspective. 204

169 (1) Fuzzy domain and fuzzy variables.The Fuzzy domain of the
The population space and belief space evolve in parallel, and influ- 205
170 input variables E and EC and the output variables Kp , Ki , and
ence with each another. The communication protocol that includes 206
171 Kd are both belonging to [−6,6]. The Fuzzy linguistic variables
the acceptance function and influence function is an important 207
172 are defined by [NB, NM, NS, ZO, PS, PM, PB]. The values of quan-
constituent of cultural algorithm because it defines two communi- 208
173 tization factors are chosen as Ke = 0.1 and Kec = 0.001, and the
cation channels. One uses a selected group of individuals to amend
initial values of scale factors are Kp (0) = 2010, K i (0) = 16 and
the belief space and the other defines the method used by the 210
175 Kd (0) = 0.4.
belief to guide the evolution of all the individuals in the population 211
176 (2) Membership functionThe inputs E and EC and the outputs Kp ,
space. 212
177 Ki , and Kd entirely use Gauss membership function and linear
Cultural algorithm makes the individuals in the population 213
178 division method, and then they have the same distribution.
space evolve like the derivation of human beings in society which 214
179 (3) Fuzzy control rule
has the intentionality and directivity. When the algorithm program 215

ends, the optimal individual via decoding in final population can be 216
180 The fuzzy control rules are made up of a set of fuzzy condition
regard as the optimal solution to a given problem. 217
181 sentences. The form is given as follows
1. If E is NB and EC is NB then Kp is PS and Ki is PM and Kd is ZO.
2. If E is NB and EC is NM then Kp is NM and Ki is PB and Kd is NM.
4.1. Population space structure 218
3. If E is NB and EC is NS then Kp is PB and Ki is NB and Kd is NM.
. 4.1.1. Encoding scheme 219
49. If E is PB and EC is PB then Kp is NM and Ki is PM and Kd is NS. Better computational performance can be obtained by using a 220

floating-point representation because the Fuzzy-PID controller has 221

183 4. Optimal fuzzy control rules based on cultural algorithm three control tables that contain a total of 147 elements. In accor- 222

dance with a certain order, these 147 elements are connected into 223

184 Cultural algorithm advanced by Robert G. Reynolds in 1994 is a a string of numbers as a chromosome which is regarded as a vec- 224

185 two-level evolution mechanism [17]. In terms of evolutionary com- tor. This encoding scheme can shorten the chromosome length of 225

186 putation, culture is modeled as the source of data that influences the individuals in population space, reduce the searching space and 226

187 the behaviors of all individuals within the population. The culture enhance the running speed of algorithm program. In the program, 227

188 stores the general behavioral traits of the population, and then the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 respectively represent the fuzzy 228

189 the cultural information is accessible to all the individuals in the variables NB, NM, NS, ZO, PS, PM, and PB. 229

Please cite this article in press as: W. Wang, et al., An optimal vibration control strategy for a vehicle’s active suspension based on
improved cultural algorithm, Appl. Soft Comput. J. (2014),
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4 W. Wang et al. / Applied Soft Computing xxx (2014) xxx–xxx

230 4.1.2. Initial population slice which ends up at the top shall be recorded. After that, the cor- 288

231 The individuals are generated randomly. For each gene, the responding individual is selected. Roulette wheel selection method 289

232 value of that gene is selected as a random positive integer in the is utilized and the selection rate is ps = 0.95. The probability of the 290

233 range [1,7], and the size of the initial population is 100. ith individual is described as following expression 291

234 4.1.3. Objective function and fitness function Pi = I (9) 292

235 The root-mean-square value (RMS) of bodywork vertical vibra- f

i=1 i
236 tion acceleration is selected as objective function. The smaller value where fi is the fitness value of the ith individual. I is the size of all 293
237 of the RMS of bodywork vertical vibration acceleration means the the individuals in the population space. 294
238 better ride comfort of the vehicle. The expression of objective func-
239 tion can be written as follows 4.2. Belief space structure 295

1 Cultural algorithm based on the principles of human social evo- 296
240 g= |ẍ2 |2 (8)
N lution is an approach to bias the search process with the prior 297
t=1 knowledge in the domain as well as the knowledge gained during 298

241 where N is the number of sampling points. the evolutionary process. The belief space serves as a global knowl- 299

242 Generally, the solution represented by a chromosome is directly edge repository of behavioral traits, where the collective behaviors 300

243 evaluated using the fitness function. The fitness function is defined (or beliefs) of the individuals in the population space are stored. 301

244 by the reciprocal of the objective function (1/g). The individual with The knowledge within the belief space is the generalizations of 302

245 the higher fitness value shows that the property of control rules is the experience of individuals within the population space. These 303

246 better. When the evolution process ends, the optimum individual experiential generalizations are accumulated and described over 304

247 can be obtained. several generations. These generalizations express the beliefs as 305

to what the optimal behaviors of individuals consist of. The belief 306

space contains two knowledge components. They are situational 307

248 4.1.4. Crossover operation
knowledge and normative knowledge described by S, N structure 308
249 Crossover operation is the procedure of creating new individ-
[18]. 309
250 uals according to crossover rate through the random combination
251 of genetic material selected from the parents. Two-point crossover
4.2.1. Situational knowledge 310
252 algorithm is utilized in this paper. Each pair of parents has a
Situational knowledge keeps track of the best solution found 311
253 crossover rate expressed by pc = 0.95, and the offspring can be pro-
at each generation. It stores a set of best individuals which are 312
254 duced by using it. Two positions are randomly selected, and by
arranged in a descending order according to fitness value. The situ- 313
255 comparing the crossover rate and random rate, if the crossover
ational knowledge components can be described as follows 314
condition is satisfied, the new strings can be acquired by using
257 swap method. Otherwise, do nothing. For example, the parents S= s1t , s2t , · · ·, sjt , · · ·, sm
(10) 315
258 are P1 = [1 1 1 2 2 2 7], P2 = [1 1 2 2 3 5 6], if the two crossover pos-
259 itions are 2 and 5, then the offsprings are C1 = [1 2 2 2 5–7] and where S is a matrix. m is the number of column vectors in matrix S. 316

260 C2 = [1 1 1 1 2 2 3]. sjt is the jth most suitable individual of the tth generation, and it is 317

a column vector. 318

261 4.1.5. Mutation operation The situational knowledge components can be updated as fol- 319

262 Mutation is the process of randomly changing the values of lows 320
t ) > f (st+1 ) > f (st ) then
If f (sj−1 321
263 genes in a chromosome. The aim of mutation is to introduce new j
264 genetic material into an existing individual and add diversity to the
265 genetic characteristics of the population. Mutation is applied at a S = [s1t , · · ·, sj−1
, st+1 , sjt , · · ·, sm−1
] 322

266 certain rate expressed by pm , which is usually a small value and can
Else if f (st+1 ) > f (s1t ) then 323
267 make each gene produce the mutated offspring.
268 Here, in-order mutation method is used. Two mutation points S = [st+1 , s1t , s2t , · · ·, sjt , · · ·, sm−1
] 324
269 are randomly selected and only the strings between these muta- 325
270 tion points execute mutation. The mutation rate is pm = 0.5. If the Else
271 random rate is bigger than mutation rate, the strings between the
S=S 326
272 points reverse order. Otherwise, do nothing. For example, the par-
273 ent is P 1 = [ 2 3 1 2 7 5 ], the two mutation positions are 2 where st+1
is one of the most suitable individuals of the (t + 1)th 327

274 and 5, then the offspring is C 1 = [ 2 1 2 1 3 7 5] . generation. f(·) is the fitness function. 328

275 4.1.6. Selection operation 4.2.2. Normative knowledge 329

276 A new population of candidate solutions is selected at the end of Normative knowledge provides the standards for individual 330

277 each generation to serve as the population of the next generation. behaviors, and it is used as guidelines for mutational adjust- 331

278 The selection operator ensures that good individuals can survive ments to individuals. The normative knowledge components can 332

279 and be put into next generation. The main objective of selection be described as follows 333

280 operator is to obtain the better solution.

N = [Z1 , Z2 , · · ·, Zj , · · ·, Zm ] (11) 334
281 Roulette wheel selection is a proportional selection operator.
282 By using this method, the fitness values are normalized via divid- where N is a matrix. Zj is the column vector of normative knowl- 335

283 ing the fitness value of each individual by the summation of fitness edge. 336

284 values of all individuals. Therefore, the probability distribution can The information of the column vector Zj is stored in matrix [Ij , 337

285 be seen as a roulette wheel, and the size of each slice is proportional Lj , Uj ]. Here Ij = [lj , uj ]. lj , uj respectively represents the lower limit 338

286 to the normalized selection probability of an individual. Selection vector and the upper limit vector of Zj . Lj and Uj are both column 339

Q6 can be likened to the circumrotating of a roulette wheel and the

287 vectors that their variable value of each dimension is respectively 340

Please cite this article in press as: W. Wang, et al., An optimal vibration control strategy for a vehicle’s active suspension based on
improved cultural algorithm, Appl. Soft Comput. J. (2014),
G Model
W. Wang et al. / Applied Soft Computing xxx (2014) xxx–xxx 5

341 consist of the fitness value of lj and uj . The initial fitness values of lj The expression of the dynamic acceptance function of niche 388

342 and uj are both +∞. algorithm is given by 389

343 The normative knowledge components can be updated as fol-   

344 lows P · ˇ − P · ˇ · (1/Cf ) zi − zj < L
acp =   (16) 390
 P·ˇ+2 zi − zj ≥L
Z tj (i) Zjt (i) ≤ ljt (i) or f (Zjt ) > Ljt (i)
345 ljt+1 (i) = (12)
t where acp is the number of accepted outstanding individuals in 391
lj (i) else
belief space. 392

Z tj (i) Zjt (i)≥utj (i) or f (Zjt ) > Ujt (i)
4.3.2. Influence function
(i) = (13)
utj (i) else The adjusting of individuals in the population space is realized 394

via influence function. The destination is to find the global opti- 395

t mal solution quickly. It can be seen from the influence function 396
347 where Zjt (i) , lj (i), utj (i) is respectively the ith dimension variable that the situational knowledge is used to determine the muta- 397
348 of vector Zj , lj , uj in the tth generation. ljt+1 (i) represents the lower tional direction, and the normative knowledge is used to determine 398

349 limit value of Zj (i) in the (t + 1)th generation. ljt (i) represents the the mutational step size. The influence function can be written as 399

350 lower limit value of Zj (i) in the tth generation. (i) is the upper
j If Zjt (i) ≤ sjt (i) then 401
351 limit value of Zj (i) in the (t + 1)th generation. utj (i) is the upper limit
352 value of Zj (i) in the tth generation. Ujt (i), Ltj (i) is respectively the ith Zjt+1 (i) = Zjt (i) + (utj (i) − ljt (i)) · rand(0, 1) 402

353 dimension variable of Ujt , Ltj , and they are the fitness values of utj 403
354 and ljt .
Zjt+1 (i) = Zjt (i) − (utj (i) − ljt (i)) · rand(0, 1) 404

355 4.3. The communication protocol where rand(0, 1) is the random number between 0 and 1. sjt (i) is 405

the ith dimension variable of sjt . Zjt represents the jth individual 406
356 4.3.1. Acceptance function
357 The acceptance function determines that which individuals in of the tth generation in population space. Zjt+1 represents the jth 407

358 the current population can be used to describe the beliefs for the individual of the (t + 1)th generation in population space. Zjt (i) is the 408

359 entire population. Generally, it provides a set of most suitable ith dimension variable of Zjt . Zjt+1 (i) is the ith dimension variable of 409
360 individuals to the belief space. The dynamic acceptance function
Zjt+1 .
Fig. 5 shows the concrete optimal calculation process based 410
361 combined with niche algorithm is proposed in this paper. There
362 is a changeable number of individuals which can be accepted to on improved culture algorithm, by which the optimal fuzzy control 411

363 adjust the belief space, and the number of individuals accepted rules can be obtained. 412

364 by belief space may change from generation to generation. By

365 using this approach, the number of individuals used to adjust the 4.4. Simulation analysis of the optimal control system 413

366 belief space is large at the beginning. With the decrease of the
367 number of individuals over time, the diversity of individuals in evo- In order to avoid the subjectivity and empiricism in fuzzy-PID 414

368 lutional prophase is relatively better than evolutional anaphase. control strategy and get the good control results, the control rules 415

369 The number of outstanding individuals decided by fitness value for are optimized by improved cultural algorithm. Simulation model is 416

370 pre-acceptance can be expressed by established by Matlab 7.0. The 4-order RK method is used to solve 417

the Eq. (5) and the optimized process is realized according to the 418

371 M =P·ˇ (14) flow chart expressed by Fig. 5. 419

Through running the program of the improved cultural algo- 420

372 where P is the number of the population. ˇ is the acceptance rate. rithm, the fitness curve is obtained after 100 times evolutionary 421

373 Then the Euclidean distance of every two different pre- computation and shown in Fig. 6. Fig. 6 presents that the fitness 422

374 acceptance individuals can be calculated. According to the curve becomes a straight line after 23 generations in the evolution 423

375 literature [19], the computational formula can be given by process which hints that the optimal solution is found. The code of 424

optimal control rules is obtained when the program finished suc- 425

cessfully and it is shown in Fig. 7. The code expressed by Fig. 7 is 426

R = [632 551 255 325 264 566 771; 663 127 753 315 754 623 724;
376 zk − zl  = (zk (i) − zl (i))

765 122 764 672 513 667 672; 312 566 367 464 234 773 176; 353 428
i=1 521 415 244 353 735 415; 733 644 521 142 743 577 317; 635 352 429

141 524 533 335 155]. By decoding, the optimal fuzzy control rules 430

377 where zk , zl is respectively the different pre-acceptance individ- are described in Table 2. 431

378 ual, i.e. k =

/ l. zk (i), zl (i) respectively represents the ith dimension Based on the optimal control rules after decoding, the vertical 432

379 variable of zk and zl . n is the dimensional number of each individual. vibration acceleration curves of bodywork are acquired. In order to 433

executing the operation of crowding and penalty. If compare the optimal control effect with passive control, two accel- 434

381 zk − zl  < L, here L is the Euclidean distance parameter, it eration curves are plotted into one figure which are shown in Fig. 8. 435

382 shows the similarity of pre-acceptance individuals is higher, so Meanwhile, there are two vertical vibration acceleration curves of 436

383 some individuals need to be supplanted depending on crowding bodywork; one is obtained by the optimal control method and the 437

384 factor 1/Cf and their fitness values are defined   to ensure
by zero other is obtained by Fuzzy-PID control without optimization, are 438

385 that they are not reselected. Otherwise if zk − zl  ≥L, it shows plotted into Fig. 9. It can be seen from Fig. 8 and Fig. 9 that the 439

386 the diversity of pre-acceptance individuals is higher, the number acceleration of bodywork obtained by the optimal method is much 440

387 of acceptance individuals needs to be enlarged. smaller than passive control and simple Fuzzy-PID control which 441

Please cite this article in press as: W. Wang, et al., An optimal vibration control strategy for a vehicle’s active suspension based on
improved cultural algorithm, Appl. Soft Comput. J. (2014),
G Model
6 W. Wang et al. / Applied Soft Computing xxx (2014) xxx–xxx

Fig. 7. The code of optimal control rules.

fuzzy-PID control with rules optimized by cultural algorithm passive suspension


d2x2/dt2 / (m/s2)





0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time t/s

Fig. 8. The vertical vibration acceleration curves of bodywork (the optimal control
strategy vs. passive control).

fuzzy-PID control with rule optimized by cultural algorithm fuzzy-PID control without rule optimation

d2x2/dt2 / (m/s2)

Fig. 5. The flow chart of improved cultural algorithm program.


4.0 -1.5
g / (m/s2)

3.5 -2.0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time t/s
Fig. 9. The vertical vibration acceleration curves of bodywork (the optimal control
2.5 strategy vs. fuzzy-PID control without optimization).

0 20 40
0 60 80 10
onary generations t
Evolutio tire dynamic load are described from Figs. 10–13. As it shown in 446

Fig. 10 and Fig. 11, compared with passive control and simple Fuzzy- 447
Fig. 6. The fitness curve.
PID control, the suspension travel obtained by the optimal method 448

is decreased. This decreasing phenomenon also can be seen in Figs. 449

442 gives the strong support for the optimal control scheme proposed 12 and 13. The tire dynamic load is decreased through using the 450

443 by this paper. optimal control rules obtained by improved culture algorithm. So 451

444 In addition, to verify the optimization effect of improved cultural the optimal control method based on improved cultural algorithm 452

445 algorithm, the contrastive curves of the suspension travel and the is effective. 453

Table 2
The optimal fuzzy control rules.


E Kp Ki Kd Kp Ki Kd Kp Ki Kd Kp Ki Kd Kp Ki Kd Kp Ki Kd Kp Ki Kd


Please cite this article in press as: W. Wang, et al., An optimal vibration control strategy for a vehicle’s active suspension based on
improved cultural algorithm, Appl. Soft Comput. J. (2014),
G Model
W. Wang et al. / Applied Soft Computing xxx (2014) xxx–xxx 7

Table 3
The maximum value of vertical vibration acceleration of bodywork, suspension travel, tire dynamic load and RMS of vertical vibration acceleration.

Indexes The body vertical vibration Suspension Tire dynamic RMS of vertical vibration
acceleration (m/s2 ) travel (m) load (N) acceleration (m/s2 )

Passive suspension 2.1 0.052 1700 0.80

Fuzzy-PID control strategy 1.7 0.036 1100 0.66
The optimal control by cultural algorithm 0.8 0.018 620 0.25

0.03 1200
fuzzy-PID control with rules optimized by cultural algorithm
0.02 passive suspension 1000

(x2-x1)/ m

kt(x1-x0) / N

-0.06 -400
0 2 4 6 8 10
t/s -600
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Fig. 10. The suspension travel (the optimal control strategy vs. passive control).
Time t/s

Fig. 13. The tire dynamic load (the optimal control without optimization).

RMS of bodywork are obviously decreased, the maximum value of 463

vertical vibration acceleration of bodywork is reduced to 0.8 m/s2 464

and its RMS is down to 0.25 m/s2 , the maximum respective value 465
(x2-x1)/ m

of suspension travel and tire dynamic load is respectively reduced 466

to 0.018 m and 620 N. 467


5. Conclusions 468

-0.04 A novel optimal controller is obtained by combining cultural 469

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time t/s algorithm improved by the niche algorithm with fuzzy-PID con- 470

trol strategy. The ride comfort and handling stability of automobile 471

Fig. 11. The suspension travel (the optimal control strategy vs. fuzzy-PID control are obviously improved through using the optimal controller pro- 472
without optimization). posed by this paper. According to the numerical simulation results, 473

compared with passive control and Fuzzy-PID control without opti- 474

454 The vertical vibration acceleration of bodywork is mainly used mization, the control effect produced by the proposed optimal 475

455 to evaluate the performance of active suspension. The two most Fuzzy-PID approach is the best. All the numerical analyses give the 476

456 important indexes are the maximum value of vertical vibration support for this control scheme. 477

457 acceleration of bodywork and its RMS, while maximum value of

458 suspension travel and tire dynamic load serve as auxiliary indexes. Acknowledgements 478
459 Table 3 shows the maximum value of the vertical vibration acceler-
460 ation and its RMS of bodywork, the maximum value of suspension The research investigated by this paper is supported by 479
461 travel and tire dynamic load. According to the Table 3, by using the Chinese Universities Scientific Fund (QN2011141) and Research Q7 480
462 optimal control method, the vertical vibration acceleration and its Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education of China 481

(20120204120017). 482

fuzzy-PID control with rules optimized by cultural algorithm passive suspension
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Please cite this article in press as: W. Wang, et al., An optimal vibration control strategy for a vehicle’s active suspension based on
improved cultural algorithm, Appl. Soft Comput. J. (2014),

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