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Senior High School Department of Education

National Capital Region


Quarter 1: Module 4

Writer: Farolito S. Arbiol Jr. (MSHS)

Cover Illustrator: Joel J. Estudillo (SNNHS)

City of Good Character

What I Need to Know

This module was designed and written with you in mind. It will help
you master the Ellipses. The scope of this module is to define an ellipse and
determine the standard form of equation of an ellipse.
The Our Lady of
the Abandoned Church
also known as Nuestra
Señora de los
Desamparados is a
Roman Catholic Church
found in Marikina City. It
was built by Augustinians
in 1700 and it is still
standing today as one of
Marikina’s old churches
despite being destroyed a
couple of times by 2
earthquakes in 1816 and
1830 and by fire in 1861. It is the home of one of the images of Mary which
has received a Papal seal. The church facade and extensive aisle is perfect
for a dramatic bridal entourage; the main altar, an ensemble of gold and
wood, is an ideal backdrop when reciting your wedding vows. Despite the
activities of the busy streets of JP Rizal, the OLA Church is an ideal setting
for the celebration of your matrimonial service as it brings together history
and romance perfect for a beautiful wedding. The design of the main
entrance of the church is a perfect example of a semi-ellipse figure which
can be calculated and used as an example in solving ellipse problems.

In this lesson we discuss the symmetric, oval-shaped curve known as

the ellipse. When a planet revolves around the sun, it traces out an oval-
shaped orbit known as an ellipse. Once we derive the basic equation of an
ellipse, we can use it to study a variety of applications, from planetary
motion to elliptical domes.
The module is divided into two (2) lessons, namely:

Lesson 1. The Definition of an Ellipse

Lesson 2. The Standard Equation of an Ellipse

City of Good Character

After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. define an ellipse;
2. determine the standard form of the equation of an ellipse;
3. convert the standard form of the equation of an ellipse and vice
versa and
4. illustrate an ellipse.

What I Know
Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. A line segment perpendicular to the major axis of the foci is called _____.

a. Latus Rectum b. Eccentricity c. Vertex d. Asymptote ( s )

2. What is the shape of an ellipse if the eccentricity is decreasing?

a. elongated b. diagonal c. circular d. paraboloid

3. Which of the following statements is TRUE about an ellipse?

a. An ellipse looks like a circle that has been squashed into an oval.

b. An ellipse is defined by three points, each called a focus.

c. An ellipse has three lines a, b, and c called generator lines.

d. An ellipse can be determined by the difference of two distances.

4. What property of an ellipse which has the longest and shortest diameter?

a. center b. major/minor axis c. foci d. area

5. What is the equation of an ellipse when the center is at the origin (0,0)?

x2 y2 x2 y2 y2 x2 x2 y2
a. - =1 b. + = -1 c. - =1 d. + =1
a2 b2 a2 b2 a2 b2 a2 b2

6. Given the equation of an ellipse x 2 + 9y 2 +16x - 54y +136 = 0, find the

center and the vertices.

a. center : ( 3,-8 ) ,vertices : ( 0,-8 ), ( 6,-8 ) c. center : ( -8,3 ) ,vertices : ( -9,3 ), ( -7,3 )
b. center : ( 8,-3 ) ,vertices : ( 7,-3 ), ( 9,-3 ) d. center : ( 8,-3 ) ,vertices : ( 5,-3 ) , (11,-3 )

City of Good Character

7. What is the equation of an ellipse that has its center at the origin with
focus (0,4) and vertex (0,7)?

x2 y2 x2 y2 y2 x2 x2 y2
a. + =1 b. - =1 c. + = -1 d. + =1
49 33 33 49 33 49 33 49

x2 y2
8. Given the equation of an ellipse + =1, find the center and vertices.
49 4
a. center : ( 0,0 ),vertices : ( 0,-2 ), (0,2 ) c. center : ( 0,0 ) ,vertices : ( 0,-7 ), ( 0,7 )
b. center : ( 0,0 ),vertices : ( -2,0 ), ( 2,0 ) d. center : ( 0,0 ) ,vertices : ( -7,0 ), ( 7,0 )

9. What is the equation of an ellipse that has foci of ( 4, 0 ) , with major axis

of length 12?

x2 y2 x2 y2 x2 y2 x2 y2
a. + =1 b. + =1 c. + =1 d. + =1
36 20 36 16 144 16 144 128

( x + 5) ( y + 9)
2 2

10. Given the equation of an ellipse + = 1, find the center and

5 9

a. center : ( 5,9 ) ,foci : ( 5,7 ), ( 5,11) c. center : ( -5,-9 ) ,foci : ( -7,-9 ) , ( -3,-9 )
b. center : ( -5,-9 ) ,foci : ( -5,-11) , ( -5,-7 ) d. center : ( 5,9 ) ,foci : ( 3,-9 ), ( 7,-9 )

What’s In
You learned in Grade 10 Mathematics the use of distance formula in solving
for the length of a segment or finding distance between two points. The
distance formula is given below.

(x - x1 ) + ( y 2 - y1 )
2 2

Find the distance between the points given.

1. A (-1,0); B (-10,5) 2. A (3,-5); B (0,2)

City of Good Character

Geometric Construction


• strings

• pushpins

• paper

• pen


1. Place two pushpins on your piece of paper as shown by the points A

and B on the figure.
2. Tie each end of a piece of string on the two pushpins. The length of
the string should be longer than the length from point A to point B
(see dashed lines).
3. Try to draw the figure shown above by moving your pen (clockwise or
counter clockwise) while it is being held by your piece of string. Make
sure that the string is taut (not lose) while your pen moves.
Guide Questions:

1. Measure the length from one of the pushpins to any point on the
path you have just drawn and the length from the other pushpins to
that same point (in the figure, we measure lengths AD and BD).
Does the sum of the lengths change across any choice of points in
the path?
2. Based on your answer in number 1, how would you define an ellipse
as a set of points?
3. What happens as points A and B get closer to each other? What
happens to the figure if A and B are the same point?

City of Good Character

What’s New
“Push or Pull?”
Read and analyse the given situation below. Put yourself on the shoes of the
truck driver. Should you push to go through the road or pull over and find
another route? y
Situation: A semi-elliptical archway over a
one-way road has a height of 10 feet and a ?
width of 40 feet. A truck with a height of 9 x
feet and a width of 12 feet is about to pass
through the road.

City of Good Character

What is It

What you will learn here is all about the definition of an ellipse.

An ellipse is the set of all points (x, y) in a plane such that the sum of
the distances of (x, y) from two fixed points in the plane is equal to a
fixed positive number d, where d is greater than the distance between
the fixed points. Each of the fixed points is called a focus of the ellipse.
Together, they are called the foci. The line containing the foci is called
the major axis. The line through the center and perpendicular to the
major axis is called the minor axis. The eccentricity of an ellipse is
measure on how nearly circular the ellipse. It is found by the formula
e=c/a where c is the distance from the center to the focus of the ellipse
a is the distance from the center to a vertex.

Ellipses with Center at the Origin

Horizontal Major Axis Vertical Major Axis
Minor y
Major axis
axis V 1 (0, a)
B1 (0, b)
(0, c)
Graph V2 Center V1 Minor axis
(0, 0) x
(-a, 0) (0, 0) (a, 0) B2 (-b, 0) B1 (b, 0)
(-c, 0) (c, 0) x

F2 F1 F2
B2 (0, -b) (0, -c)
axis V 2 (0, -a)

x 2 + y = 1, a  b  0 y 2 x2
Equation + = 1, a  b  0
a 2 b2 a 2 b2
Center (0, 0) (0, 0)
Foci (-c,0), (c,0), c = a 2 − b2 (0,-c), (0, c), c = a 2 − b2
Vertices V2 (-a, 0), V1 (a, 0) V2 (0, -a), V1 (0, a)
Co-vertices B2 (0, -b), B1 (0, b) B2 (-b, 0), B1 (b, 0)

City of Good Character

Segment of x-axis from Segment of y-axis from
Major axis (-a, 0) to (a, 0) (0, -a) to (0, a)
Length: 2a Length: 2a
Segment of y-axis from Segment of x-axis from
Minor axis (0, -b, ) to (0, b) (-b, 0) to (b, 0)
Length: 2b Length: 2b

Ellipses with Center at (h, k)

Horizontal Major Axis Vertical Major Axis

y Major axis
y Minor axis
(h, k + a)
B1 (h, k + b)
(h, k+ c)

Center x F1 Minor
(h – c, k) (h, k) (h + c, k) axis
B2 (h – b, k) (h, k)
B1 (h + b, k)
V2 F2 F1 V1

F2 x
(h – a, k) B2 (h, k – b) (h + a, k)
(h, k – c)
Major axis (h, k – a)

( x − h) 2
( y − k) 2
( y − k) ( x − h)
2 2
Equation 2
+ = 1, a  b  0 + = 1, a  b  0
a b2 a 2
Center (h, k) (h, k)
F2 (h − c, k ), F1 (h + c, k ), F2 (h, k − c), F1 (h, k + c),
c = a 2 − b2 c = a 2 − b2
Vertices V2 (h − a, k ), V1 (h + a, k ) V2 (h, k − a), V1 (h, k + a )
Co-vertices B2 (h, k − b), B1 (h, k + b) B2 (h − b, k ), B1 (h + b, k )

Segment of the line y = k from Segment of the line x = h from

Major axis
(h − a, k ), (h + a, k ) (h, k − a), (h, k + a)
Segment of the line x = h from Segment of the line y = k from
Minor axis
(h, k − b), (h, k + b) (h − b, k ), (h + b, k )

City of Good Character

Example 1: Determine the foci, vertices, and co-vertices of the ellipse with


x2 y 2
+ =1 .
25 9
Solution: Since the equation is in standard form, we can easily identify the
values of a and b. With a 2 = 25 and b 2 = 9, by getting the principal square

root of a 2 and b 2 , we can get a = 5 and b = 3. Let c = a 2 − b2 , substituting

the values of a and b, then c = 4. y

Foci: F1 ( −4, 0 ) and F2 ( 4, 0 )
Vertices: V1 ( −5, 0 ) and V2 ( 5, 0 ) V1 F1 F2 V2
Covertices: W1 ( 0, −3) and W2 ( 0,3)

Figure 1

What’s More

Find the center, vertices, co-vertices and foci of the ellipse that

satisfy the given equations.

2 2
1. x + =1 Answer:
16 9

2 y2
2. x + =1 Answer:
36 25 Center

City of Good Character

What I Have Learned
Answer the following questions.

1. What is the general equation of an ellipse?

2. What is a transverse axis?
3. What is the formula in finding the foci?
4. How do you find the major and minor axis of an ellipse?
5. How do you find the eccentricity of an ellipse?

What I Can Do

Performance Task:

Situational Problem Involving an Ellipse. Show your solution.

Renz Vincent is standing at one focus of a whispering y gallery with 6 feet

from the nearest wall. His friend Caleb Annie is standing at another focus,
100 feet away. What is the length of
this whispering gallery? How high is
its elliptical ceiling at the center?
F1 ( RV ) F2 ( CA ) x


Criteria Excellent Satisfactory Fairly Needs

5 points 4 points Satisfactory Improvement
3 points 2 points
Presentation The solution The solution The solution No solution
is neat and is organize is presented.
organize. but not neat. incomplete.
Answer The student The student The student The student
gave correct gave correct gave gave incorrect
answer with answer with incorrect answer
correct no label. answer with without label.
label. correct label.

City of Good Character

Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. What is the plane curve surround by two focal points, that the sum of

distances is constant?

a. ellipse b. circle c. parabola d. hyperbola

2. What property of an ellipse that has a special case?

a. foci b. tangent c. circle d. center

3. A line segment perpendicular to the major axis of the foci is called _____.

a. Latus Rectum b. Eccentricity c. Vertex d. Asymptote ( s )

4. What property of an ellipse which has the longest and shortest diameter?

a. center b. major/minor axis c. foci d. area

5. Which of the following properties states that a line segment linking any
two points on an ellipse?

a. area b. secant c. chord d. tangent

Additional Activities
A. Find the center, vertices, co-vertices and foci of the ellipse that
satisfy the given equations.
x2 + y =1
1. 25 9 Answer:

City of Good Character

2 y2
2. x + =1 Answer:
16 25

B. Determine the equation in standard form and general form of the

ellipse that satisfies the given conditions.

1. One vertex at (0, -8); one focus at ( 0 ,-2 7 )

2. Minor axis of length 8; foci at (-3, 0), (3, 0)


What’s In
The circle may be considered a special kind of ellipse. To see why, let
a = b . Then x2 y2
+ = 1  x 2 + y 2 = a2 .
a2 a2

This is the equation of a circle with center at the origin and a radius
a. The value of c cis2 = a2 - b2 = 0  a = b .We conclude that the
closer the two foci of an ellipse are to the center, the more the ellipse
will look like a circle.
Prince Laurence wants to determine the center and vertices of an ellipse.
Explain to him how to get the center and the radius of the given equation
and what is the graph looks like.

x2 y2 x2 y2
1. + =1 2. + =1
25 16 9 4

City of Good Character

What’s New

“Push or Pull?”

Read and analyze the given situation below, put yourself on the shoes of the
truck driver. Should you push to go through the road or pull over and find
another route?
Situation: A semi-elliptical archway over a
one-way road has a height of 15 feet and a
width of 36 feet. A truck with a height of ?
14.14 feet and a width of 12 feet is about to x
pass through the road.

What is It

What you will learn here is all about the standard equation of an ellipse.

( x - h) (y -k)
2 2

The equation of an ellipse in standard form is + = 1. The

a2 b2
vertices are ( h ± a,k ) and ( h,k ± b ) the graph depends on a and b. If a>b, then
the ellipse is horizontal and if a<b, then the ellipse is vertical and b becomes
the major radius. However, the equation is not always given in standard
form. The equation of an ellipse is in general form px 2 + qy 2 + cx + dy + e = 0 ,
where p,q > 0.

Example 1: Find the equation of an ellipse with center at the origin, one
focus at (3,0), and a vertex at (-4,0). Graph the equation.

Solution: The ellipse has its center at the origin and, since the give
focus and vertex lie on the x-axis, the major axis is the x-axis. The
distance from the center,(0,0), to one of the foci,(3,0), is c = 3. The

City of Good Character

distance from the center, (0,0), to one of the vertices, ( -4,0), is a = 4.
From the equation, it
2 2 2
follows that b = a -c = 16 -9 = 7 so an equation of the
2 2
ellipse is x + y = 1 . Figure 1 shows the graph.
16 7

(0, 7 )
F1 = ( −3, 0 ) F2 = ( 3, 0 )
V1 = ( −4, 0 ) V2 = ( 4, 0 )

(0, − 7 )

Figure 1

Example 2: Determine the center, major and minor axis, vertices

and foci of the equation 9 x 2 + y 2 = 9 , and sketch the

Solution : To put the equation in proper form, divide each side by

9. x 2 + y = 1. The larger denominator, 9, is in the y 2 - term
so, based on equation, this is the equation of an ellipse
with center at the origin and major axis along the y –

axis. Also, we conclude that a2 = 9, b2 = 1, and

c 2 = a2 -b2 = 9-1 = 8. The vertices are at ( 0,± a ) = ( 0,± 3 ), and

( )
the foci are at ( 0,±c ) = 0,±2 2 . Figure 2 shows the


City of Good Character

F2 = 0, 2 2 ) V2 = (0,3)

( −1, 0 ) (1, 0 )

F1 = 0, −2 2 ) V1 = (0, −3)

Figure 2

Example 3: Find an equation of the ellipse having one focus at (0, 2)

and vertices at (0,-3) and (0,3). Graph the equation.
Solution: By plotting the given focus and vertices, we find that the
major axis is the y-axis. Because the vertices are at
(0, -3), and (0,3), the center of the ellipse is at their
midpoint, the origin. The distance from the

center, (0,0), to the given focus, (0,2), is c = 2. The

distance from the center, (0,0), to one of the vertices,

(0,3), is a = 3 . So b2 =a2 -c 2 = 9 - 4 = 5.

Figure 3 shows the graph.

x2 y2
+ =1
b2 a2
x2 y2
+ =1
5 9

City of Good Character

V2 = ( 0,3)

F2 = ( 0, 2 )

( 5,0 )
( − 5, 0 )

F1 = ( 0, −2 )

V1 = ( 0, −3)

Figure 3

( x + 3) ( y - 2)
2 2

Example 4 : Graph: + =1
4 25
Solution: Written in this form we can see that the center of the ellipse

is (-3,2), a = 4 = 2 , and b = 25 = 5 . From the center mark

points 2 units to the left and right and 5 units up and

down. Then draw an ellipse through these four points.

Figure 4

City of Good Character

What’s More
Determine the equation in standard form and general form of the
ellipse that satisfies the given conditions.

1. One vertex at (6, 0); one focus at ( 4, 0 )

2. Minor axis of length 5; major axis of length 7; center at (0, 0)

3. One focus at (7,0); one endpoint of major axis at (8,0)

What I Have Learned

Answer the following questions.

1. What is the shape of an ellipse?

2. What is the similarities and differences of a circle and an ellipse in
terms of their equation?
3. What is the importance of an ellipse in real life?

What I Can Do

Performance Task: Situational Problem Involving an Ellipse. Show your

A mason is constructing an elliptical form for an arch out of a 4 -ft
by 12-ft sheet of plywood.
a) What length string is needed to draw the ellipse on the
b) Where are the foci for this ellipse? [Hint: Find the
equation of the ellipse with x-intercepts (±6, 0) and y-
intercept (0, 4).]

City of Good Character


Criteria Excellent Satisfactory Fairly Needs

5 points 4 points Satisfactory Improvement
3 points 2 points
Presentation The solution The solution The solution No solution
is neat and is organize is presented.
organize. but not neat. incomplete.
Answer The student The student The student The student
gave correct gave correct gave gave incorrect
answer with answer with incorrect answer
correct no label. answer with without label.
label. correct label.


Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

x2 y2
1. Given the equation of an ellipse + =1, find the center and the
49 4

a. center : ( 0,0 ),vertices : ( 0,-2 ), ( 0,2 ) c. center : ( 0,0 ) ,vertices : ( 0,-7 ) , ( 0,7 )
b. center : ( 0,0 ) ,vertices : ( -2,0 ), ( 2,0 ) d. center : ( 0,0 ) ,vertices : ( -7,0 ) , ( 7,0 )

( x + 5) ( y + 9)
2 2

2. Given the equation of an ellipse + =1, find the center and

5 9
the foci.

a. center : ( 5,9 ) ,foci : ( 5,7 ) , ( 5,11) c. center : ( -5,-9 ) ,foci : ( -7,-9 ) , ( -3,-9 )
b. center : ( -5,-9 ) ,foci : ( -5,-11) , ( -5,-7 ) d. center : ( 5,9 ) ,foci : ( 3,-9 ) , ( 7,-9 )

( x − 2) ( y + 5)
2 2

3. Given the equation of an ellipse + = 1, find the vertices.

61 36

( ) (
a. V : 2 - 61,-5 ,V : 2 + 61,-5
1 2 ) ( ) (
c. V : 4 + 11,-7 ,V : 4 - 11,-7
1 2 )
b. V : ( 3 - 33,-4 ) ,V : ( 3 + 33,-4 ) d. V : (5 + 22,-6 ),V : (5 - 22,-6 )
1 2 1 2

City of Good Character

4. What is the equation of an ellipse whose foci are ( −3, −6 ) and ( −3, −2 ) , the

sum of its distances from the foci is 14?

( x + 2) ( y + 3) ( x + 5) ( y - 3)
2 2 2 2

a. + =1 c. + =1
25 16 13 36
( x + 3) ( y + 2) ( x - 4) ( y - 2)
2 2 2 2

b. + =1 d. + =1
33 49 4 81
5. What is the equation of an ellipse that has its center at the origin whose

foci are ( 4, 0 ) and vertices ( ±5,0 ) ?

x2 y2 x2 y2 x2 y2 x2 y2
a. + =1 b. + =1 c. + =1 d. + =1
25 9 16 36 4 25 49 36

Additional Activities
Determine the equation in standard form and general form of the
ellipse that satisfies the given conditions.

1. Center at (4,-2); one endpoint of minor axis at (0,-2); one

focus at (4,-9)

2. Center at (3,-1); one endpoint of major axis at (3,-7); passes

 5 7 
through the point  3 + ,0 
 3
 

City of Good Character


Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Given the foci (3,3) and (-4,4), passing through the origin, what is the
eccentricity of an ellipse?

a.3 7 b. 2 7 c. 5 7 d. 6 7

2. What is the length of the major axis of the ellipse

( 3x - 4y + 7 )

( 5x -10 ) + ( 5y +15 )
2 2
= ?
a. 10 b. 20 3 c. 20 7 d. 4

3. In a conic section, if the eccentricity is e  1, what is the locus?

a. circle b. ellipse c. hyperbola d. parabola

4. A chord which contains focus and it is in a line perpendicular to the

major axis is called ________.

a. latus rectum b. conjugate axis c. minor axis d. focal width

5. What is the set of all points on a plane whose distance from two fixed

points F and G add up to a constant?

a. parabola b. hyperbola c. circle d. ellipse

6. What is the standard equation of an ellipse with foci at ( 0,±4 ) and a

vertex at (0,6)?

x2 y2 x2 y2 x2 y2 x2 y2
a. + =1 b. + =1 c. + =1 d. + =1
4 9 9 16 20 36 25 4

x2 y2
7. Given the equation of an ellipse + =1, what are the foci?
36 16

a. ( ±8,0 ) b. ( ±5,0 ) c. ( ±3,0 ) d. ( ±1,0 )

City of Good Character

8. What is the standard equation of an ellipse whose foci are

(2 ) ( )
5 ,0 and -2 5 ,0 with vertices ( ±6,0 ) ?

x2 y2 x2 y2 x2 y2 x2 y2
a. + =1 b. + = -1 c. + =1 d. + =1
9 25 16 36 36 16 25 49

( x -1) ( y + 4)
2 2

9. Given the equation of an ellipse + =1, find the vertices.

9 16

a. (1,0 ) , (1,-8 ) b. ( -1,0 ) , ( -1,-8 ) c. (1,0 ) , ( -1,8 ) d. ( 0,0 ) , ( 2,-8 )

10. What is the equation of an ellipse whose foci are 1,-4 + 7 and ( )
(1,-4 - 7 ) with vertices (1,0), (1,-8) ?
( x -1) ( y + 5) ( x +1) (y - 4)
2 2 2 2

a. + =1 c. + =1
16 25 16 25
( x -1) ( y + 4) ( x +1) ( y + 2)
2 2 2 2

b. + =1 d. + =1
9 16 36 16
11. A 40 feet wide tunnel has the shape of semi-ellipse that is 5 feet high a
distance of 2 feet from either end. How high is the tunnel at its center?

a. 12.13ft. b. 16.25ft. c. 11.47ft. d. 13.67ft.

12. A racetrack is in the shape of an ellipse, 100 feet long and 50 feet
wide. What is the width 10 feet from a vertex?

a. 20 ft. b. 30 ft. c. 40 ft. d. 50 ft.

13. What is the equation of an ellipse whose vertices are ( 13, 0 ) and foci

are ( ±5,0 ) ?

x2 y2 x2 y2 x2 y2 x2 y2
a. + =1 b. + = -1 c. + =1 d. + =1
121 100 64 36 81 49 169 144
14. A whispering gallery has a semi-elliptical ceiling that is 9m high and a
30m long. How high is the ceiling above the two foci?

a. 5.4m b. 6.7m c. 7.2m d. 8.4m

City of Good Character

15. What is the equation of an ellipse with focus ( -6,-2 ) , co vertex ( -1,5 ) ,

horizontal major axis ?

( x +1) ( y - 2) ( x -1) ( y + 2)
2 2 2 2

a. + =1 c. + =1
16 25 25 64
( x +1) ( y + 2) ( x -1) ( y - 2)
2 2 2 2

b. + =1 d. + =1
74 49 81 4

16. What is the equation of an ellipse whose co vertices are ( -4,8 ) and

(10,8 ) , with a focus at ( 3,12 ) ?

( x + 2) ( y - 4) ( x + 3) ( y + 5)
2 2 2 2

a. + =1 c. + =1
81 36 64 81
( x - 2) ( y + 3) ( x - 3) ( y - 8)
2 2 2 2

b. + =1 d. + =1
4 25 49 65

17. Given the equation of an ellipse 25 x 2 + 9 y 2 = 225, what are the foci?

a. ( 0,4 ) , ( 0,-4 ) b. ( 0,5 ) , ( 0,-5 ) c. ( 0,6 ), ( 0,-6 ) d. (0,7 ), (0,-7 )

( x + 4) ( y - 6)
2 2

18. Given the equation of an ellipse + = 1, what are the

49 40

a. ( -5,4 ) , ( -3,2 ) b. ( -7,6 ) , ( -1,6 ) c. ( -5,3 ), ( -3,7 ) d. ( -8,4 ), ( -3,5 )

19. What is the equation of an ellipse with major axis of length 22, foci 9

units above and below the center (2,4) ?

( x - 3) ( y - 2) ( x - 2) ( y - 4)
2 2 2 2

a. + =1 c. + =1
36 81 40 121
( x - 4) ( y +1) ( x - 4) ( y +1)
2 2 2 2

b. + =1 d. + =1
121 125 25 64

( x - 5) ( y - 3)
2 2

20. Given the equation of the ellipse + = 1, what is the

100 64
length of major axis?

a. 10 b. 14 c. 16 d. 20

City of Good Character


Ascano, Joy P. Precalculus Learner’s Material. Quezon City. Sunshine

Interlinks Publishing House, Inc. 2016.
Young, Cynthia Y. Precalculus E-books
Larson 8th Edition Precalculus E-books 2011
Hill, Mc Grew (Common Core Edition) Precalculus E-books 2014
Faires, Douglas J./ De Franza, James 5th Edition Precalculus E-books
Leithold, Louis. The Calculus 7. Singapore. Pearson Educatiuon Asia Pte.
Ltd. 2006.

City of Good Character

Development Team of the Module

Writer: Farolito S. Arbiol, Jr (MSHS)

Editor: Analyn C. Santos (MSHS)
Lourdes B. Guyong (NHS)
Validator: Kervin Rey G. Torrente (ADMU)
Internal Reviewers:
Freddie Viernes (Public Schools District Supervisor)
Dominador J. Villafria (Education Program Supervisor-Mathematics)
Cover Illustrator: Joel J. Estudillo (SNNHS)
Management Team:
Sheryll T. Gayola
Assistant Schools Division Superintendent
OIC, Office of the Schools Division Superintendent

Elisa O. Cerveza
Chief, CID
OIC, Office of the Assistant Schools Division Superintendent

Dominador J. Villafria
Education Program Supervisor-Mathematics

Ivy Coney A. Gamatero

Education Program Supervisor– LRMS

For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Schools Division Office- Marikina City

Email Address:

191 Shoe Ave., Sta. Elena, Marikina City, 1800, Philippines

Telefax: (02) 682-2472 / 682-3989

City of Good Character


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