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NAME: _______________________________________ GRADE & SECTION: _____________



Let us check your prior knowledge about this module’s coverage.

A. Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.
___1. It is an evaluation or analysis of any literary piece of work. These are opinions, aided by evidence
and other literary devices and views from other researchers.
a. Critical Writing c. Literary Analysis
b. Descriptive Writing d. Formal Analysis
___2. It aims to evaluate an argument and its value, wherein the writer or the critic himself can also
add his views about the literary text.
a. Critical Writing c. Literary Analysis
b. Descriptive Writing d. Formal Analysis
___3. These are the different perspectives we consider when looking at a piece of literature.
a. Literary Theories c. Critical Writing
b. Critical Approach d. Literary Criticism
___4. It emphasizes the form of a literary work to determine its meaning, focusing on literary elements
and how they work to create meaning.
a. Formalist c. Critical Approaches
b. Deconstructive d. Literary Analysis
___5. The setting of a story is…
a. Something concrete that stands for something abstract.
b. The attitude of a writer toward a subject or their audience.
c. The location and time in which the action of a narrative takes place.
d. The atmosphere created by the location, time and actions of the characters in it.


Critical Writing explains a researcher's interpretation or argument and then evaluate the merits
of the argument or give your own alternative interpretation. It includes a critique of a journal article,
or a literature review that identifies the positive and negative of existing research.
Critique is a genre of academic writing that briefly summarizes and critically evaluates a work
or concept. It is used to carefully analyze a variety of works such as novels, films, images, poetry,
monographs, journal articles, theories, news reports, and feature articles. It uses a formal academic
style and has a clear structure. The body of a critique includes a summary of the work and a detailed
Literary Criticism is the comparison, analysis, interpretation, and/or evaluation of works of
literature. Literary criticism is essentially an opinion, supported by evidence, relating to a theme, style,
setting, or historical or political context. It usually includes a discussion of the work’s content and
integrates your ideas with other insights gained from research. Literary criticism may have a positive
or a negative bias and maybe a study of an individual piece of literature or an author’s body of work.
There are different types of literary criticism but in this module, we are going to discuss the
major types of literary criticism. Its definition/description, differences, comparison, and uses.
When writing critically or critiquing a poem, writers utilize different literary criticisms. These
literary criticisms usually include a discussion of the work’s content and integrating your ideas with
other insights gained from research

Types of Literary Devices

1. Formalism is the analysis that displays how the different parts of a literary piece is put
together to create a whole new paper that forms each part of a literary piece.
A formalist critic analysis:
How the work is structured or organized (formed)
- How the parts relate to one another and work as a whole
- The language of the literary piece
- Style of the writing
- Literary devices such as imageries, similes, metaphors, ironies, paradox, etc.
2. Deconstructivism critiques the text’s structure, symbols and other disclosed ideas that
serves as a beauty of indistinctive event focus to show how the different ideas within the text
undermine the stability of the literary work.
For Binary Opposition (ex. Good/bad)
- Focus on the oppositions within the text, show how these terms are related.
- Subvert the hierarchization of terms to make the text mean the opposite of what it
originally appeared to mean.
- Observe that both terms of the opposition become mutually intertwined and are
released from their oppositional conflict into a ‘free play’ of a non-hierarchical, non-stable
multitude of meanings.


Directions: Read each statement. Identify the literary devices present in each sentence. The answers
can be found on the puzzle below.
1. It explains a researcher's interpretation or argument and then evaluates the merits of the
argument or gives your own alternative interpretation.
Answer: _______________________________
2. It is used to carefully analyze a variety of works such as novels, film, images, poetry,
monographs, journal articles, theories, news reports and feature articles. It uses a formal academic
style and has a clear structure.
Answer: _______________________________
3. It is essentially an opinion, supported by evidence, relating to theme, style, setting or historical
or political context.
Answer: _______________________________
4. This literary criticism is used to show how the parts of the different literary element relates to
one another and work as a whole
Answer: _______________________________
5. A certain type of literary criticism which focus on the oppositions within the text, show how
these terms are related.
Answer: _______________________________

Directions: Identify the literary criticism used in the following. Write FORMAL if it uses Formalism
and DECONSTRUCT if it’s Deconstructivism in the space provided.

Sentence Analysis Literary Criticism

‘A heart of stone.’ A heart made of stone. 1.

An unforgiving and cruel heart 2.
or attitude.
"Friends, Romans, Countrymen, The speaker is asking the 3.
lend me your ears." audiences to listen.
Ching Chua gave his wife a red Red Rose symbolizes ‘Passion 4.
rose. and Happiness.’
The snow is coming. Snow represents the weather or 5.
condition which is winter.

Directions: Identify the type of literary criticism (FORMALISM/ DECONSTRUCTIVISM) used in
critiquing each poem. Write your answer on the space provided.
_________________1. Untitled by Matsuo Basho
The summer grasses.
All that remains.
Of warriors’ dreams.

The first line of the poem expresses what’s left after the fun a ‘summer grass.’ Summer grass
represents the end or remains of a lively encounter. But we must consider that summer is also the
beginning of famine and distress. Therefore, the poems express the torment of a soldier and all that’s
left of him.
______2. Untitled by Matsuo Basho
Sicking on a journey,
My dream run about
A desolate field.
The literary piece talks about the speakers’ misfortune in life. The first line of the piece is ‘Sicking on
journey’ means that the speaker is ill while traveling. The second line ‘My dream run about’ is an
opportunity or blessing missed or lost by the speaker. Lastly, ‘A desolate field’ a place without proper
nurture or maintenance. This negativity is also obvious in the form and style of the poem. The tense of
the verb is not constant, it changes in every line. There is no existing rhyme nor pattern in the poem
which only shows the how unstable the life or mind of the speaker. With these the poem only shows
that the speaker is experiencing a cruel life.

The words sicking, run about, and desolate represent the kind of life the speaker is experiencing. These
words are unfavorable experiences in life. But in this sense, it only shows how thrilling life can be.
Journey, dream and field actually support the idea that life is fulfilling and enjoyable if a person work

_______________4. Spring and All

By William Carlos Williams
By the road to the contagious hospital
under the surge of the blue
mottled clouds driven from the
northeast-a cold wind. Beyond, the
waste of broad, muddy fields
brown with dried weeds, standing and fallen.
patches of standing water
the scattering of tall trees

In William's "Spring and All," two very prominent structural elements, which can be related to a
discussion of subject and theme, are his use of enjambment and closely related line-end punctuation.
Enjambment is used by a poet to carry an idea or expression of a thought from one live to the next.
Williams has only scattered instances in which he does not use enjambment in "Spring and All," thereby
making enjambment a primary structural element.


Directions: Read the questions and write the letter of the best answer on the space provided.
___1. Analyze the following text using formal analysis. “She's a night owl.”
a. The speaker sleeps early.
b. The speaker sleeps late at night.
c. The speaker is awake during the day.
d. The speaker is awake during the night
___2. What makes deconstructive criticism different from a formal criticism?
a. It deals with the structure of a literary piece.
b. Historical and author’s background is included.
c. Text is an arbitrary and unstable medium.
d. The text connotation and denotation is analyzed
___3. The Teacher asks the class to critique a poem by focusing on its text and giving the opposite
representations of the
symbols used in it. For example, “snow” represents purity and modesty but in the poem it
symbolizes death and
mourning. What technique should the class use in critiquing their poem?
a. Formal c. a and b
b. Deconstructive d. none of the above
___4. What type of literary analysis focuses on the unstableness of the text?
a. Formal c. a and b
b. Deconstructive d. none of the above
___5. ‘Spring is around the corner.’ Using deconstructive analysis what does the word “spring” in the
a. Spring symbolizes death b. Spring symbolizes love
c. Spring symbolizes joy d. Spring symbolizes rebirth
___6. Analyze the following text using formal analysis. "How nice!"
a. The speaker is actually telling how bad or awful his situation is.
b. The speaker just simple state the statement without implying anything.
c. The speaker is expressing how good the situation he is into is.
d. None of the above
___7. What technique is used in critiquing the poem?
Untitled by Matsuo Basho
The summer grasses.
All that remains.
Of warriors’ dreams.
The first line of the poem expresses what’s left after the fun a ‘summer grass.’ Summer grass
represents the end or remains of lively encounter. But we must consider that summer is also the
beginning of famine and distress. Therefore, the poems express the torment of a soldier and all that’s
left of him.
a. Deconstructive c. a and b
b. Formal d. none of the above

NAME: _________________________________________________ GRADE & SECTION:


A Critique Paper is a genre of academic writing that briefly summarizes and critically
evaluates a work or concept. Critiques can be used to carefully analyze a variety of works.

Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write your answer in the space provided.
___1. It is like an essay, it uses a formal, academic writing style and has a clear structure.
A. Reaction paper C. Reflection paper
B. Critique paper D. Concept paper
___2. The first part in writing an article critique that will give the reader an idea of what is the
writing all about
A. Introduction to the title of the article C. Summary of the article
B. Thesis statement D. Critique paragraph
___3. It includes the relationship between the work and the creator’s life experience.
A. Explaining the context C. Name the topic
B. Describe the main argument D. Name the work reviewed
___4. What is the first thing to consider when writing a critique paper?
A. Make notes on key parts of the work. B. Study the work under discussion.
C. Develop an understanding of the topic. D. Consider how the work relates to a
___5. It is the least to consider in writing a critique.
A. Make notes on key parts of the work B. Study the work under discussion
C. Consider how the work relates to a critique D. Develop an understanding

A Critique Paper is also known as a response paper. It is a formal evaluation of a journal article
or another type of literary or scientific content. Your main goal is to show whether or not the author
provided reasonable arguments and facts for their main points.
Writing a critique on a work helps us to develop: knowledge of the works subject area or related works.
It gives us understanding of the works purpose, intended audience, development of argument, and
structure of evidence or creating style. It is also recognition of the strengths and weaknesses of one’s
The purpose for writing a critique is to evaluate somebody’s work (a book, an essay, a movie, a
painting… ) in order to increase the reader’s understanding of it.
The Three principles of review and critique writing are:
1. Be concise. Do not ramble nor veer off the subject.
2. Be honest and fair. State your opinion(s) about the subject, both positive and negative.
3. Give examples and back your critique up. Don’t just say something like ‘Restaurant X is
Purposes of Critique Paper Writing for an article, book and manuscript review are the following:
1. To demonstrate your skills for close reading and analysis
2. To show that you understand key concepts in your field
3. To learn how to review a manuscript for your future professional work
4. To Describe the book’s content
5. To summarize the book’s strength and weaknesses
6. To provide a reliable recommendation
7. To provide the editor with an evaluation of the manuscript
8. To recommend the authors with constructive feedback and reasonable suggestions for

Types of Critique Paper

1. Article Review – Article that has already been published.
-to demonstrate your skills for close reading and analysis
-to show that you understand key concepts in your field
-to learn how to review a manuscript for your future professional work
2. Published Book Review- book that has already been published
-to describe the book’s contents
-to summarize the book’s strengths and weaknesses
-to provide a reliable recommendation to read (or not read) the book
3. Manuscript Review- Manuscript that has been submitted but has not been published yet
-to provide the editor with an evaluation of the manuscript
-to recommend to the editor that the article be published, revised, or rejected
-to provide the authors with constructive feedback and reasonable suggestions – for
4. Movie Review- is an article describing the movie, giving critics on it. It is commonly based
from the writer's opinion.
- It allows the viewer or anyone to know and understand the whole picture of the movie
- It helps the viewers so much to let them to know if it is really worth to watch that

Critique Paper contains summaries of the book, journal article, and artworks, among
other sources.
Critique papers contain a summary and a critical analysis of a source or concept.
Basically, these papers lead to a careful analysis of a variety of works like:
• Research Papers – published journal articles, scientific reports, and general reviews
• Media – news reports and periodicals
• Creative Works – paintings, poems, songs, and novel
Source: “Writing Critiques” The Writing Center,University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2020

Critique Paper use formal and academic writing styles. For instance, students follow a clear structure
to present ideas. In practice, Critique Papers must have the following:
1. Introduction
• identify the work under review, the date of formation and author or creator;
• explain the context of the work under evaluation – the required information may include
social or political context and place of work in an academic tradition;
• have a thesis statement that indicates the type of evaluation used.
2. Body
A. Summary- summarizes the main points and objectively describe how the Creator portrays
these by using techniques, styles, characters or symbols.
-should not be the focus of the critique and is usually shorter than the critical
B. Critical Evaluation- should give a systematic and detailed assessment of the different
elements of the work, evaluating how well the creator was able to achieve the purpose through
-it does not simply highlight negative impressions
-it should deconstruct the work and identify both strengths and weaknesses.
-it should examine the work and evaluate its success, considering its purpose.
3. Conclusion
• key reasons identified during the assessment process;
• purpose of the evaluation;
• recommendations for improving the whole work.

How to Write a Critique Paper

1. Laying the Groundwork
A. Examine the prompt or assignment
B. Read the text
C. Do some research
2. Writing the Introductory Paragraph
A. Give the basic information about the work
B. Provide a context for the work
C. Summarize the creator’s goal or purpose in creating the work.
D. Summarize the main points of the work
E. Present your initial assessment
3. Writing the three Body Paragraphs
A. Organize your critical evaluations
B. Discuss the techniques or styles used in the work
C. Explain what types of evidence or argument are used.
D. Determine what the work adds to the understanding of its topic
E. Use examples for each point
4. Writing the Conclusion Paragraph and References
A. State your overall assessment of the work
B. Summarize your key reasons for this assessment.
C. Recommend any areas for improvement, if appropriate
D. Provide a list of references
Activity 1
Directions: Read the following statement carefully. Write PRINCIPLE if the statement is one of the
principles of critique writing and write PURPOSE if it falls under the purpose of critique writing.
____________1. Do not ramble nor veer off the subject
____________ 2. Description of the work
___________ 3. It can formally help in evaluating one’s work
___________ 4. Give examples and back your critique up
___________ 5. State your opinion(s) about the subject, both positive and negative.
Activity 2
Directions: Decide whether you agree (1st box) or disagree (2nd box) on the given statement. Check
the box corresponding to your decision, then, on the line provided, write the reason behind your

1. A Conclusion statement should indicate

the overall evaluation of the work
2. Summary should be longer than
evaluation parts of critique essays.
3. Recommendations for improvement on
the work may be appropriate.
4. To support the Critical Evaluation, one
must provide evidence from the work itself,
such as a quote or example.
5. In the Summary, you should name the
work being reviewed as well as the date it
was created and the name of the author/creator.

Activity 3
Directions: Choose what type of Critique Paper below is described in each item.

A. Article Review C. Manuscript Review

B. Published book Review D. Movie Review

____1. Teacher Jenny asked her Grade 12 students in her EAPP class to write a 100-word Critique
Paper on a shooting incident that was published in the newspaper.
____2. The class of Miss Santos presented a Critique Paper which is also called a literature review,
which is a survey of previously published research.
____3. After the film viewing, the students were asked to write an analysis by collectively expressing
their opinions on the film.
____4. Miss Gonzales presented a manuscript to some members of the Theatre play and asked them
to provide constructive feedback and reasonable suggestions or revisions.
____5. In the Literature class, Miss Duran read a story entitled, “Dead Stars” by Paz Marquez-Benitez
and created a short play to describe the content of the book.


Directions: Read the questions and write the letter of the best answer in the space provided.
___1. This paper refers to a formal evaluation of a journal, an event, or program.
A. Reaction paper C. Critique paper
B. Reflection paper D. Concept paper
___2. It is an exhaustive recitation of facts and statistics.
A. Objective review C. Reaction paper
B. Review D. Critique paper
___3. In writing a Critique Paper for a book we must consider the following except one:
A. Describe the book’s content C. Provide a reliable recommendation
B. Summarize the book’s strength and weaknesses D. Learn how to review a manuscript
___4. The following are the principles of a Review and Critique Writing except for one.
A. Be concise. C. Give example.
B. Be honest and fair. D. Conduct effective reviews.
___5. It is an example of a critique paper.
A. A professor writing notes about a student’s work
B. Checking one’s work and making a comment
C. Researching one’s literature review
D. Verifying information
NAME: ______________________________________ GRADE & SECTION: _____________________


Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.
___1. Which of the following statement about concept paper is NOT TRUE?
a. It fosters critical thinking b. It surely reveals reality.
c. It develops connections. d. It expands knowledge
___2. Which of the following is NOT part of a concept paper?
a. Introduction c. Hypothesis
b. Goals or objectives d. Opinion
___3. Which of the following is not involved in concept paper?
a. Investigation c. Theory testing
b. Gathering of data d. Express opinion
___4. Concept paper develops the following, except one.
a. Interest c. critical thinking skills
b. Problem-solving skills d. the family’s income
___5. Which of the following is not a characteristic of a concept paper?
a. Cynical c. Analytical.
b. Methodical d. Historical

The terms “concept paper” and “proposals” are often used interchangeably. They can be used for
the same function. A research paper is a presentation of your own thinking backed up by others' ideas
and information, regardless of the type subject you wish to write.
A concept paper is a brief paper outlining the key aspects of a study before undertaking the
study. It is meant to provide an idea of the study. Thus, it helps the supervisor assess whether the study
is relevant, feasible, and worthwhile. If not, they may suggest studying different research question
Here are the major parts of a concept paper format:
1. A title page
2. Introduction and statement of the problem
3. Value of the study
4. A preliminary literature reviews
5. State the research goals or objectives
6. Write down all the research questions
7. The research hypothesis. ...
8. State the methodology you intend to use.
Directions: Read the article and answer the questions below.

Title page — provides a tentative title for the dissertation. The title of the Concept Paper
should be a stand-alone statement that can fully describe the project by summarizing the main idea of
the manuscript.
Introduction is the first paragraph of a written research paper, or the first thing you say in an
oral presentation, or the first thing people see, hear, or experience about your project. The
introduction gives the reader the beginning of the piece of thread so they can follow it.
Abridged Methodology — provides the student’s best idea on how to conduct the research
and analyze the data. The goals identified in previous sections of the Concept Paper should relate to
the research methods described in this section. For the Concept Paper, the methodology is simplified
or summarized, serving as a general outline of the methods that will be employed.

Preliminary Literature Review — provides identification of major literature that supports and
validates the topic. The literature review focuses on areas that offer support for new research and
offers the student an opportunity to analyze and synthesize past research in the context of their
present problem. For the Concept Paper, the student
should connect their research project to a theoretical model reported in the literature. The most
successful research projects have been based on the research of predecessors, and this section of the
Concept Paper provides enough of a description of previous research to plant seeds in the mind of
the reader suggesting more information is needed. A strong Concept Paper is based on a wide-range
literature review that is condensed into a summary of key points.
Goal Statement — provides a broad or abstract intention, including the research goals and
objectives. This part of the Concept Paper tells the reader “who, what, and when” regarding the
research goal.
Research Questions — provides a preliminary view of the questions the student will
investigate. Questions are based on theory, past research, and need. These questions will direct the
research methodology; their inclusion in the Concept Paper links the research problem with the
methodology. For some, composing the research questions may be the most difficult part of the
research project, or possibly the most difficult aspect of writing the Concept Paper. The questions will
direct everything that will be done; therefore, it is important that they are focused to the main
research problem. These research questions will specifically direct the research and the type of
analyses conducted; as such, their compatibility is essential.
An Abridged Methodology — provides the student’s best idea on how to conduct the research
and analyze the data. The goals identified in previous sections of the Concept Paper should relate to
the research methods described in this section. For the Concept Paper, the methodology is simplified
or summarized, serving as a general outline of the methods that will be employed.
Timeline — provides a range of time for completion of the project, highlighting key elements
for each stage of the project. This element is unique to the Concept Paper and provides the student
structure for managing sections of the project within a realistic time frame.
References — provides references to the material cited in the literature review and elsewhere
in the Concept Paper.

Read and identify the part of a concept paper. Choose your answer from the options. Write only the
___1. It lays out how much time the project will be completed.
a. Methodology b. Tittle page c. Timeline d. Introduction
___2. It is a way of giving credit to people who sourced the researcher the needed information
a. Outline Citation b. Tittle page c. Timeline d. Introduction
___3. It details how the researcher wants to carry out his project/research study
a. Methodology b. Tittle page c. Timeline d. Introduction
___4. It is a statement which the writer anticipates based from his prior knowledge. These statements
may either be
positive or negative
a. Methodology b. Tittle page c. Hypothesis d. Introduction
___5. These questions will properly direct the researcher on every details of the research such as what
data to collect
and how to analyzed it
a. Research question b. Open-ended question c. Timeline d. Introduction
Three Ways in explaining a Concept explaining Concept Paper
A writer can expound and lay down his concept using definition, explication, and clarification.
1. Definition is the method of identifying a given term and making its meaning clearer. This can be
presented in 3
ways: informal, formal, extended
a. Informal-parenthetical or short explanation
b. Formal-explains a term to be defined in category and characteristics
c. Extended- detailed way of defining term (extend to one paragraph)
Signal Words (Definition)
As defined Means For instance
For example, Such as To define
Is defined as To illustrate
1. Explication is a method of explanation in which sentences, verses, quotes or passages are
taken away from a
literary or academic work and then interpreted and explained in detailed way.
2. Clarification points are organized from general abstract idea to specific and concrete
Signal Words (Clarification)
After all For instance Namely That is
As an In other words Put another way To be
Consider the following In particular
In short For example stated differently

Points to remember with a concept paper

• A concept paper may have different purposes. It may serve as the foundation of the full
• A concept paper may vary in its parts/steps according to its purpose
• A concept paper can be for a project and for an academic research.
• A concept paper for a project and for academic research may vary its structure and its
presentation, however
the said elements such as, introduction, rationale, project description, etc. will always be its
main parts.
• It is a powerful tool that greatly increases the chances of success of any project/research
study, in particular
the more complex ones.
• A concept paper is a brief paper outlining the key aspects of a study before undertaking the
study. It is meant
to provide an idea of the study/project.
• However, whether for project or for academic research, they must have an introduction,
rationale and
description or methodology.
• Thus, it helps the supervisor/professor whether the study is relevant, feasible, and
worthwhile. If not, they
may suggest studying a different research question.

Activity 1: CHECK ME! Things that you do if you write a concept paper.
Directions: Put a check on the blank before each number if it is a researcher’s work, write x if it is
not a researcher’s work.
________1. I save my daily allowance for future use.
________2. I gather data.
________3. I read other materials related to my topic problem.
________4. I follow scientific method.
________5. I write stories.
________6. I take initial step to make your research known to the global community.
________7. I promote good relationships and help get letters of commitment from your partners, as
________8. I write the introduction to the subject.
________9. I vary the steps in a concept paper according to its purpose.
_______10. I really see a greater chance of success if I make a concept paper.


In this module, you have learned about some features or element of concept paper. Let us find out
what you have gained in this lesson.
Directions: Tell whether the statement about making a concept paper is true or false. Write your
answer on the space provided before the number.
_________1. A writer has to include in his concept paper how he intends to answer question in his
concept paper.
_________2. A research paper can be presented in more than 5000 words
_________3. A concept paper tells what the project all about and how important it is to implement the
_________4. A concept paper provides an overview of the project.
_________5. One of the purposes of a concept paper is for bases to find whether the project is feasible
or not.
Choose your answer from the options. Write only the letter and write your answers on the space
___1.This part of the concept paper is a broad statement that tells what the researcher wants to
a. Research question b. Objectives c. Timeline d. Introduction
___2.Similar to literature review, this section allows the applicant to state the purpose of the project,
why is it important
and how can it be a solution to the problem.
a. Research question b. Objectives c. Timeline d. Rational
___3.Why is it necessary to include the project description in writing the concept paper?
a. Because it tells what the project’s goals and objective
b. It measures progress towards accomplishment of the project’s goals
c. Because it is an overview of the project’s methodology
d. Because it functions as the solution to the problem.
___4.The project description typically concludes with a Statement of Benefits. This means that…
a. Projected outcomes must be clearly stated in the project description
b. Cost of the project should be itemized
c. Objectives and activities must be aligned
d. Methods and activities should be accomplished with in proposed timeline
___5. A goal is an abstract state of being, a condition, an end, or an aspiration while objectives
a. Statements of measurable outcomes of the project
b. Description also includes an overview
c. Statements addressing the significance of the project
d. A reason why the funding agency should support projects in the given area

NAME: ______________________________________ GRADE & SECTION: _____________________



Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write your answer in the space provided.
___1.What are the three parts that make up a thesis statement?
a. Identification of topic, the purpose, and at least 3 supporting details to support your thesis
b. Topic sentence, introduction, and conclusion
c. Introduction, a quote or paraphrase, and conclusion
d. Why I chose the topic, why is it a great topic, my personal connection to the topic
___2.In which paragraph is the thesis statement usually found?
a. First paragraph b. Anywhere in the essay
c. Last paragraph d. The first sentence of every paragraph
___3. Thesis statement is usually composed of _____________:
a. 1-2 sentences b. 1-2 paragraphs c. 1-2 words d. 1-2 pages
___4. When creating a thesis statement, it is important to consider your ____________.
a. Topic b. Purpose c. Audience d. All of the above
___5. A thesis statement should never _______________:
a. Ask a question b. State your opinion c. Provide evidence d. Be direct to the point
___6. A thesis statement is the ______________________ of an essay.
a. shape b. evidence c. controlling idea d. all of the above
___7. A formal style and objective tone in a thesis statement will….
a. help readers focus on the idea b. display a respectful attitude toward the
c. ensure the readers to take the idea seriously d. all of the above
___8. What is the purpose of a thesis statement?
a. To give readers a hard time in understanding the paper
b. To state an opinion or clam, give evidences to prove it
c. To use vocabulary words
d. To impress the readers

A thesis statement is a sentence used in an essay that serves as the guide for the essay and
directly answers the question or task asked of you. It expresses the main idea of your paper. It is a
single sentence preferably a simple declarative sentence that expresses the basic idea around which
the paper will develop.
4 Reasons Why Thesis Statement is Important
1. It gives direction to the author of a paper.
2. It gives the readers an idea to what the paper will be all about.
3. It declares the main purpose of the entire paper.
4. It is the single most useful organizational tool for both the writer and the reader.
Components of Thesis Statement
1. Topic- the general subject of the essay
e.g. Teenage Smokers
2. Controlling Idea- your opinion/belief/view/feeling about the topic
e.g. Public health departments need aggressive promotional campaigns
3. Sub-topics (Optional)- the areas you will focus on support to your idea
e.g. Damages the lungs, increases the risk of cancer, raises the chance of heart disease.

Examples of Thesis Statement

• High school seniors who join the ROTC program develop better leadership skills because of
the discipline
instilled in them by the program.
• E-books do not hold our attention in the same way traditional books do.
A thesis is an argument that can be supported by evidence. It must have three qualities:
1. Interpretation- A thesis cannot be a mere statement of fact.
2. Precision- A good thesis is specific to the facts being discussed and
shows the precise relationship among them.
3. Surprise- A thesis must change a reader’s mind to be of value.
These are the 7 Characteristics of An Effective Thesis Statement
1. Responds to the assignment by following instructions.
• Thesis statement is relevant and addresses what your teacher has prescribed.
2. Expresses the main idea in one to two sentences.
• Thesis statement should be comprehensive yet concise.
3. Focuses on specific issue.
• Thesis statement should be sufficiently narrowed based on the boundaries of
assignment and should
only discuss one or a few related issues.
4. States a stand on the topic.
• Thesis statement must reveal your attitude toward the topic.
5. Says something meaningful by answering the questions, so what, how and why.
• A good thesis statement shows why the reader should care about your work.
6. Previews the rest of the essay by being placed in the introduction.
• Thesis statement is usually placed in the introduction so that the reader knows
what to expect in reading your essay.
7. Reflects a tone and point-of-view appropriate to the identified purpose and audience.
• Thesis statement should consider the writing situation you find yourself in.


Directions: Read and understand the text below. Write your answer on the space provided.

The Golden Age of Comics

(1) The period from the late 1930s to the middle 1940s is known as the golden age of comic books.
The modern comic book came in the early 1930s in the United States as a giveaway premium to
promote the sale of the whole range of household products such as cereal and cleanser. The
comic books, which are printed in bright colors to attract the attentions of potential customers,
proved so popular that some publishers decided to produce comic books that would come out
on a monthly basis and would sell for a dime each. Though comic strips had been reproduced
in publications prior to thistime, the Famous Funnies comic book, which was started in 1934,
marked the first occasion that a serialized book of comics was attempted.
(2) Early comic books reprinted already existing comic strips and comics based on known
characters, however, publishers soon began introducing original characters developed specially
for comic books.
Superman was introduced in Action Comics in 1938, and Batman was introduced a year later.
The tremendous success of these superhero comic books led to the development of numerous
comic books on a variety of topics, though superhero comic book predominated. Astonishingly,
by 1945, approximately 160 different comic books were being published in the United States
each month, and 90 percent of US children were said to read comic.

Source: Teacher’s Guide, English for Academic and Professional Purposes, Quezon City,
Sunshine Interlinks Publishing House, Inc., 2016,10-11

___1. What is the thesis statement of the text?

a. Early comic books reprinted already existing comic strips and comics based on known
b. by 1945, approximately 160 different comic books were being published in the United States
each month
c. The period from the late 1930s to the middle 1940’s is known as the golden age of comic
d. comic strips had been reproduced in publications prior to this time.
___2. What is the main idea of this text?
a. Superman and Batman were introduced in the Action Comics.
b. The Golden Age saw the growth and development of the comic book industry.
c. Comic books must be printed in bright colors to attract potential customers.
d. Early comic books were based on known characters.
___3. Why is it called the Golden Age of Comics?
a. Because the text describes an era of American comic books
b. Because comics are considered gold during that era
c. Because Americans love to read comic books
d. Because comic books are old reading material, and nobody loves to read it in the present
___4. The tremendous success of these superhero comic books led to the development of numerous
comic books on a
variety of topics, through superhero comic book predominated. What does the underlined word
a. bantam b. midget c. huge d. bitty

___5. The purpose of this text is to ___________ the readers.

a. inform b. convince c. question d. argue

ACTIVITY 1: Directions: Read the thesis statements below. Place a check mark (/) if the thesis
statement is effective. If not, identify the flaw by writing (A) for announcement or (O) for opinion.
Write your answer on the space provided
______1. In this essay, I am going to discuss the advantages of DepEd’s Blended Learning.
______2. Rodrigo Roa Duterte is the best president.
______3. Due to COVID-19, schools should continue to adapt DepEd’s Blended Learning
because it is still unsafe
for children to go out of their house and be in school.
______4. It will be better if minors will be allowed to go to malls and fast food chains.
______5. This paper will discuss about pros and cons of K to 12.


Directions: Read the thesis statements below. Put a check mark (/) if the thesis statement is correct
and (X ) if not. Write your answer on the space provided
Reading Text Your
1. Thesis statement reflects a perspective on a topic.
2. Using quotes in a thesis statement to support your point of view about a certain topic
is necessary.
3. Thesis statement in a question form is the best.
4. Thesis statement and topic sentence are the same.
5. Thesis statement serves as your readers guide.

Directions: Read the statements below and identify whether the thesis statement is weak or strong.
Shade your answer.
1. Many people object today’s violent horror movies.
2. I enjoy watching horror movies.
3. Everyone should exercise.
4. Everyone should add exercise to their daily routine because it helps our Weak
body healthy and also reduces the risk of high blood pressure. Strong
5. In developing a child’s analytical mind, frequent reading can help.

Directions: Choose the strongest thesis statement based on the topic idea provided. Write your
answer on the space provided.
___1. Based on a topic of Teacher Pay
a. Teachers have tons of work.
b. I think teachers are hard workers and must be compensated well.
c. This paper will discuss about reasons why teachers should be paid with higher salary.
d. Teachers play a vital role in educating children and with this, they should be paid with
higher wages to replicate the importance of this task.
___2. Based on a topic of Vegetarian Diets
a. This essay will discuss on the benefits of vegetarian diet.
b. Vegetarian diet provides health benefits, and Americans could benefit from becoming
c. I think vegetarians live longer life.
d. Vegetarian diet does not have any significant health benefits at all.
___3. Based on a topic of Digital Literacy Skills
a. Teaching student’s digital literacy will help them understand the difference between
opinion from legitimate
and with this, they can examine reading material whether it’s a good source or if it has
b. Is digital literacy skills important for students to learn?
c. This paper will discuss the importance of why students should learn digital literacy for it
will help them
scrutinize reading materials.
d. I think teaching digital literacy will benefit students for they can identify factual information
from opinionated
____4. Based on a topic of Supporting More Women to Run for a Political Position
a. I think women are really capable of handling any political position on the government
regardless of their
b. Can women handle any political position in the government?
c. This paper will discuss about empowering women.
d. It is significant to educate women to run for office and support a future candidate to get
started on a political
___5. Based on topic Diversity in the Workforce
a. Regardless of skin colors or backgrounds, diverse group of people in a workplace leads to
richer ideas, more
cooperation, and empathy among group.
b. Two heads are better than one.
c. This paper will talk about Diversity in the workforce.
d. I think regardless of individual’s background, everybody is encouraged to freely share their
ideas to contribute
meaningfully for the success of their company/workplace.

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