Designing Smart and Sustainable Irrigation A Case Study

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Journal of Cleaner Production 315 (2021) 128048

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Designing smart and sustainable irrigation: A case study

Henner Gimpel a, Valerie Graf-Drasch a, *, Florian Hawlitschek b, Kathrin Neumeier c
Chair of Digital Management, University of Hohenheim, and FIM Research Center, Project Group Business & Information Systems Engineering of the Fraunhofer FIT,
Augsburg, Germany
FES Frankfurter Entsorgungs- und Service GmbH, Germany
FIM Research Center, University of Augsburg, Germany


Handling editor: Cecilia Maria Villas Bôas de Water scarcity is becoming an increasingly important issue – also for cities in the Western world. As key-
Almeida regulators of cities’ micro-climate, urban trees suffer from this scarcity fueled by rising temperatures. With
climate change on our doorsteps, cities turn to smart city concepts that harness advanced information tech­
Keywords: nologies’ potential to conserve scarce resources. Regarding withering trees, we suggest that a smart city should
Water scarcity
consider putting smart irrigation systems in place. We use a design science research approach to establish,
demonstrate, and evaluate how a smart irrigation system for urban trees can be designed. In doing so, we
IoT describe how IoT and data analytics can be leveraged as the backbone of sustainable and smart irrigation. Our
Smart city design is informed by theory and experts, including city administration representatives, IoT specialists, and
Sustainability botanists. A prototypical instantiation including 18 sensors at eight trees evaluates the design knowledge’s
viability in Frankfurt am Main (Germany). First insights into collected data in the pilot area indicate promising
effects. Projected to the currently 5000 young trees in Frankfurt, we argue that water distribution within one
round of irrigation in spring could be reduced by up to 1 million liters.

1. Introduction 2014). A recent study even found neurological evidence that urban
green spaces reduce mental stress, fatigue, and even psychiatric
Water scarcity is a global challenge. The increasing frequency and morbidity (Tost et al., 2019).
intensity of extreme weather events deplete water reservoirs and An open question remains, however, how cities can best irrigate in
diminish groundwater levels in many corners of the globe (Heggie, times of droughts and scarcity. Clearly, smart irrigation strategies are an
2020). While water scarcity is primarily associated with drinking water important imperative for cities to avoid unnecessary exacerbation of
in naturally arid countries, it has crept up to drying out humid countries water scarcity. Smart irrigation systems, in fact, are considered a part of
and particularly urban areas (Mallet and Arnold, 2020). Specifically, in the global concept of smart cities (Canales-Ide et al., 2019) and thus
large cities, increasing water demands rooted in urbanization coincide currently a ‘hot topic’ (Masseroni et al., 2020). They root in the rapid
with sealed surfaces (Koop and van Leeuwen, 2017) and dwindling development and implementation of ‘smart’ and Internet of Things (IoT)
groundwater levels (Stavenhagen et al., 2018). During the summer based technologies, which come along with high efficiency and bring
months, this often results in severe water scarcity in urban areas with important as well as useful benefits to citizens (Nižetić et al., 2020).
serious consequences for urban green spaces and trees. Cities have Smart irrigation systems accurately determine plants’ water demands
already started to announce chief heat officers to keep heat conse­ and map an optimal water supply to minimize water losses. Most
quences at bay (see e.g., Pittmann, 2021; Wray, 2021). Regular irriga­ distinguished forms of such systems comprise sensor data (e.g., soil
tion preventing urban trees from withering under the heat is paramount, moisture sensors or tensiometers) as a basis for irrigation decision
given their positive and vital effects: Trees considerably define a city’s models (Masseroni et al., 2020). A plethora of smart irrigation efforts
micro-climate (Lüttge and Buckeridge, 2020) and air quality (Oliveira has already been conducted in agricultural contexts such as precision
et al., 2011). Further, urban trees are essential for well-being as they farming (Goap et al., 2018) or crop irrigation (Villarrubia et al., 2017).
form a key place for human recreation in cities (Luvisi and Lorenzini, However, studies investigating the design of smart irrigation systems in

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (H. Gimpel), (V. Graf-Drasch),
(F. Hawlitschek), (K. Neumeier).
Received 15 February 2021; Received in revised form 15 June 2021; Accepted 19 June 2021
Available online 23 June 2021
0959-6526/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
H. Gimpel et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 315 (2021) 128048

urban settings are scarce: To date, some research in the context of urban cities (Sodhro et al., 2019). A prominent example of such advanced IS
green spaces exists (e.g., Froiz-Míguez et al., 2020; Rivas-Sánchez et al., refers to IoT. IoT describes the connectivity of physical objects to the
2019), which does cover urban green spaces but not trees in particular. Internet (Oberländer et al., 2018). As this connectivity provides signif­
Further, prior studies describe and investigate smart irrigation systems, icant process improvements and efficiencies, IoT is considered a key
which are often based on moisture sensors that do not capture the water enabler for smart cities (Nižetić et al., 2020) and public services (Vels­
potential of the soil (e.g., based on tensiometer data) and thus cannot berg et al., 2020). Various smart city services already capitalize on IoT
measure plant available water (Thalheimer, 2013). benefits, such as effective waste management, traffic solutions, opti­
Acknowledging that urban trees shape the climate of cities and the mized administration, or efficient healthcare (Velsberg et al., 2020). As
(mental) well-being of their citizens (Tost et al., 2019), we argue that IoT is expected to evolve into an increasingly sophisticated network of
there is a significant research gap in the current body of literature sensors and physical objects involving machines, tools, and places, all
regarding the design of smart and sustainable irrigation systems for kinds of everyday objects can be integrated via smart data-sensing de­
urban environments. Our study, to the best of our knowledge, is among vices, such as people, animals, and also plants and soil (Bibri, 2018).
the first to propose a design for a smart irrigation system for urban trees. Thus, IoT allows us to gather previously non-available information
This system leverages data collected from soil moisture sensors as well as on urban trees’ soil conditions to approximate water demand and shift
tensiometers. While core rationales of the agricultural context can be towards demand-oriented irrigation. This contributes to more sustain­
transferred to the irrigation of urban trees, there are notable differences able water use, ensuring urban trees’ survival while not exacerbating
between the two irrigation cases: First, compared to croplands, a tree’s scarce water resources. Such applications of advanced IS to address
water demand is difficult to predict. Particularly urban trees are com­ sustainability issues are categorized as “Green IS.”
plex, highly individual ecosystems within their surroundings. Second,
urban trees are typically irrigated manually instead of installing an 2.2. Green IS and the energy informatics framework
automated irrigation infrastructure. Third, if irrigation is supported by
adequate technology, greater distances and concrete buildings within Green IS address issues associated with IS use by individuals, groups,
cities impose higher demands on networks and ICT. In this notion, organizations, and society to help eco-sustainable practices to emerge
established irrigation solutions are not directly applicable to the use case and diffuse (Watson et al., 2010). The impacts of Green IS on environ­
of urban trees. Hence, our research question reads: mental sustainability can be classified into.

1.1. How to design a smart irrigation system for urban trees? 1) direct effects due to the physical existence and use of IS (i.e., “green
in IS”),
The main objective of our study is to initiate design efforts for smart 2) indirect effects due to more sustainable business processes (i.e.,
irrigation systems that are suitable for urban trees. We thus apply a design “green by IS”),
science research (DSR) approach to propose design knowledge for a smart 3) and medium- or long-term changes of economic structures and be­
irrigation system for urban trees. DSR is a search process aiming to discover haviors towards more sustainability (Henkel and Kranz, 2018;
an effective solution to a problem (Hevner et al., 2004). Our design Wunderlich et al., 2013).
knowledge comprises a set of design principles and guidelines that guide
smart irrigation system’s development and implementation. Our system The seminal work of Watson et al. (2010) summarizes Green IS’ po­
builds on IoT and sensors based on the Internet of Things (IoT), which we tential to contribute to environmental sustainability in a central frame­
prototypically instantiated in Frankfurt am Main as a smart German city. In work, known as the “energy informatics framework.” The core idea is
2019 more than 4000 out of 200,000 trees in Frankfurt have died from expressed in the equation Energy + Information < Energy. The information
drought, leading to increasing calls for action (Stillbauer, 2020). The pro­ term points to an IS managing energy supply and demand to reduce total
totype includes 18 sensors at eight pilot trees. First insights into the demand. To this end, the IS integrates three distinct types of technologies:
collected data over a three-month period corroborate the artifact’s viability Flow and sensor networks on the supply side and sensitized objects on the
and support the core idea that collected data will lead to water savings and, demand side. First, a flow network refers to transport components sup­
thus, sustainable irrigation strategies. porting the movement of resources (e.g., electricity, oil, air, water). Second,
We contribute to research and practice on smart urban irrigation. a sensor network refers to spatially distributed devices that report the status
Regarding research, we propose theory-inspired and practice-informed of a physical item or environmental condition. Finally, a sensitized object
design knowledge on smart irrigation systems of urban trees. Thereby, refers to a physical good that a consumer manages and can sense and report
we build on the energy informatics framework of Watson et al. (2010) data about its use (Watson et al., 2010). Further, the framework considers
and discuss its transferability to the use case of smart irrigation. key stakeholders (i.e., consumers, suppliers, governments) influencing the
Regarding practice, our research is triggered by practitioners’ needs deployment of the system and different “eco goals” (i.e., efficiency, effec­
calling for sustainable irrigation solutions in cities. The resulting design tiveness, and equity) shaping stakeholder actions.
knowledge outlines how to design such Information Systems (IS) to Despite its focus on energy, Watson et al. (2010) suggest its appli­
support smart and sustainable irrigation decisions and guide practical cability to further scarce resources. Hence, extant research applied it in
instantiations. various other contexts (e.g., Loock et al., 2013; Teubner and Flath 2015;
Seidel et al., 2018 and recently discussed its transferability to water
2. Theoretical background contexts proposing a “water informatics framework” for the purpose of
smart irrigation (Gimpel et al., 2020).
2.1. Smart cities
2.3. Smart irrigation
A wide array of smart city definitions is available (Gimpel et al.,
2019). Giffinger et al. (2007) regard a city as smart if it is enabled by ICT Smart irrigation is a rather recent and innovative concept – which,
to act in a forward-looking manner, concerning the six dimensions of based on wireless networks of sensors, focuses on water use efficiency in
economy, people, governance, mobility, environment, and living. With (agricultural) irrigation (Nasiakou et al., 2016). It includes a group of
sustainability as a key issue for the population, scholars primarily focus techniques and often demands the accurate estimation of plant water
on smart cities’ environmental aspects, aiming at more sustainable requirements. While it is certain that information technology can play
development through resource conservations associated with IS (Gimpel an important role in water conservation (Mutchek and Williams, 2010),
et al., 2019). This highlights that advanced IS form the basis of smart especially in the context of irrigation management (Roy et al., 2021),

H. Gimpel et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 315 (2021) 128048

there is no exact and common definition of the smart irrigation concept residential purposes, that is, home appliances or lawn irrigation systems.
across various disciplines (Canales-Ide et al., 2019). Within the scope of By applying this list of inclusion criteria, we ended with a final set of 14
this study, we thus refer to the concept of smart systems as proposed by studies summarized in Table 1.
Alter (2020), which considers the availability of information as a A vast majority of the identified articles address the design of smart
fundamental prerequisite for smartness in terms of information pro­ irrigation systems in the context of agricultural settings such as precision
cessing, internal regulation, action in the world, and knowledge acqui­ farming (Goap et al., 2018) and crop irrigation (Villarrubia et al., 2017).
sition. Consequently, smart irrigation systems critically rely on the With only a few exceptions (Casadei et al., 2021; Haghverdi et al., 2021),
availability of sensor data. the proposed systems rely on wireless sensors, including the measure­
To provide a comprehensive overview of the current body of litera­ ment of soil moisture. The use of tensiometers is only suggested within
ture that addresses the design of smart irrigation in agriculture and the context of two studies dealing with the more general issues of
especially in urban environments, we conducted a structured literature designing a Smart Irrigation Decision Support System (Navarro-Hellín
search. We used the database Web of Science. Concerning our search et al., 2016) and an IoT framework for smart irrigation (Campos et al.,
string, we included the term “smart irrigat*” in either title, abstract, or 2019).
keywords. The initial search string yielded 137 studies. Only two studies address the design of smart irrigation systems in an
To ensure a high-quality sample, we included studies from journals urban setting, that is, in the context of urban green spaces (Froiz-Míguez
with an impact factor larger than 2.5. We chose the impact factor in line et al., 2020; Rivas-Sánchez et al., 2019). However, none of the retrieved
with Henkel and Kranz (2018) as a criterion, as it is a popular numerical articles addressed the issue of irrigating urban trees.
measurement method in scientific work (Garfield, 2006). While Garfield We thus argue that in the current body of literature, there is a sig­
(2006), creator of the Social Science Citation Index (SSCI), acknowl­ nificant research gap regarding the design of smart irrigation systems for
edges that the journal impact factor is not a flawless measure, he argues urban environments and urban trees in particular. Our study, to the best
that it is well established and that a superior metric remains to be found. of our knowledge, is among the first to propose a design for a smart
Typically, an impact factor larger than 3.0 is conceived as a good irrigation system for urban trees that leverages data collected from soil
threshold (Sci Journal, 2020). A factor of 3.0, however, would exclude moisture sensors as well as tensiometers.
relevant sustainability-focused journals. We, therefore, reduced the
threshold to 2.5 to capture valuable contributions. After filtering for the 3. Research approach
impact factor, 59 studies remained.
We carefully screened the list of studies based on title and abstract. We apply a DSR approach. Design science and behavioral science
Only articles with the main purpose of irrigation based on sensor in­ constitute the two scientific paradigms in the IS research discipline
formation were considered for a detailed review. We furthermore (Hevner et al., 2004). While behavioral science seeks to develop and
excluded articles, which did not describe a design or development of an justify theories for human and organizational behavior, design science
irrigation system but focused on theoretical modeling or survey-based seeks to extend the boundaries of human problem-solving and organi­
research. Finally, we excluded articles, which only addressed indoor zational capabilities by creating artifacts. Design science is not about
systems, such as greenhouses or tunnel farms, or systems designed for truth but usefulness. It is a search process (Hevner et al., 2004). Hence,

Table 1
Results of literature review.
Source Field of application Technology Research Contribution

Agri- Urban Urban Soil moisture Tensio- Wireless

culture green Trees sensors meters sensors

Rivas-Sánchez et al. ✓ ✓ Design of a low-cost automated irrigation system for green walls
Keswani et al. ✓ ✓ ✓ Design of a precise irrigation monitoring and control mechanism for
(2019) irrigation in precision agriculture by the precise management of water
valve using neural network-based prediction of soil water requirement
Goap et al. (2018) ✓ ✓ ✓ Design of a sensor and weather data-based irrigation system for
precision farming.
Villarrubia et al. ✓ ✓ ✓ Design of a multi-agent system for monitoring and automating crop
(2017) irrigation
Navarro-Hellín ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Design and test of a sensor and climate data-based automatic smart
et al. (2016) irrigation decision support system
Campos et al. ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Design of an IoT framework for smart irrigation
Krishnan et al. ✓ ✓ ✓ Design of a smart irrigation system that helps farmers water their
(2020) agricultural fields using Global System for Mobile communication
Roy et al. (2021) ✓ ✓ ✓ Design of an IoT-based dynamic irrigation scheduling system (e.g.,
farmer-friendly user interface)
Haghverdi et al. ✓ ✓ Design of irrigation water conservation strategies
Casadei et al. ✓ ✓ Design of a web-based irrigation decision support system adaptable and
(2021) scalable to individual farms
Ramzan et al. ✓ ✓ ✓ Design of an “Internet of Trees” (IOTr) concept that monitors and
(2020) regulates the water content of plantations
Froiz-Míguez et al. ✓ ✓ ✓ Design, implementation, and empirical validation of an IoT smart
(2020) irrigation systems for fog computing applications
Tiglao et al. (2020) ✓ ✓ ✓ Design of an alternative, low-cost irrigation mechanism to monitor and
regulate the irrigation of agricultural lands
This study ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Development of design principles for an urban irrigation system for
trees based on sensor-data

H. Gimpel et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 315 (2021) 128048

the search process description (i.e., the methods) and its results (i.e., the key stakeholders of a smart urban irrigation system: Two representatives
design knowledge) are somewhat interwoven. DSR aims to achieve of irrigation service providers (ISP1 and 2), one IoT-expert (IE), one
satisfactory designs and provide prescriptive knowledge and theories for interview partner in his functions as a botanical expert (BE1) and smart
design and action (Gregor et al., 2020). city representative in charge of the public green spaces (SCR), and
Design science artifacts occur on three different levels (Gregor and another botanical expert (BE2). The interviews were conducted in
Hevner, 2013): Level 3 contributions are well-developed design theories German, the native language of all interviewees, and translated to En­
about studied phenomena. Level 2 contributions are more general and glish afterward. We used a semi-structured interview protocol that fol­
abstract in the form of nascent design theories (e.g., design principles, lowed the TORE framework (Adam et al., 2014), which provides
models). Level 1 contributions are specific instantiations in the form of conceptual guidance during a requirements engineering process for an
products and processes. IS.
Our work aims at level 2 and 1 contributions. Our level 2 design
knowledge involves an overarching framework setting the context for 4.1. Design objectives and the irrigation informatics framework
the smart irrigation of urban trees along with design objectives. Further,
we develop and evaluate design principles (DPs) and design guidelines This study aims to develop design knowledge for a smart irrigation
(DGs). While DPs are generic descriptions of central functions of an system for urban trees. To ensure that an instantiation of the proposed
instantiation, DGs are more detailed recommendations for implement­ design knowledge contributes to stakeholders’ goals, we derived ex­
ing the DPs. pectations from expert interviews. ISP2 summarizes: “What motivates me
Further, the exemplary instantiation in a smart city is a level 1 to do this is the goal to use less water, while trees are becoming ‘healthier’.”
contribution that serves as an evaluation of the more abstract design On that basis, we developed a design meta requirement which reads as
knowledge. Depending on application domain maturity and solution follows:
maturity, a DSR artifact can be classified as an a) improvement, b) in­
vention, or c) exaptation (Gregor and Hevner, 2013). Our targeted The instantiated design knowledge should support city administra­
contribution can be classified as “exaptation,” as a known solution is tions in making demand-oriented irrigation decisions to protect
extended to a new problem, i.e., smart irrigation as established in urban trees while preserving water resources.
agricultural contexts is adapted to a new domain regarding urban trees. On this background, our design involves developing an overarching
As design knowledge is prescriptive knowledge and has no truth framework setting the context for the smart irrigation system of urban
value in itself, the validity of DSR results must be assessed through trees along with design objectives and guiding the design of the DPs and
descriptive knowledge obtained in the DSR process (Sonnenberg and DGs.
vom Brocke, 2012). In the search for a satisfactory design, evaluation Developing this framework, we build on the water informatics
against descriptive knowledge is key. We evaluate our design artifacts framework of Gimpel et al. (2020), which is based on the energy
against the design objectives from an outcome-oriented, practical view informatics framework of Watson et al. (2010), and apply it to our
(Peffers et al., 2018). study’s specific use case: Irrigating urban trees. Watson et al. (2010) see
Our DSR approach follows the established process of Peffers et al. the lack of information enabling and motivating solutions as a problem,
(2007), comprising six iterative steps captured in Fig. 1. Triggered by a requiring an IS at the framework’s core. Similarly, in the case of irri­
real-world problem, our approach’s official entry point is a “problem-­ gation, there is currently a lack of information regarding trees’ water
centered initiation.” demand: “I think what is missing is the knowledge of how much water a tree
The research process maps onto this paper’s structure: Section 1 needs” (BE2). Thus, an IS as part of our framework incorporates infor­
motivated our study by outlining the problem and respective research mation on the water demand and supply, enabling city administrations
gap, and section 2 introduced the theoretical basis (step I). Section 4 to make demand-oriented decisions. ISP2 explains: “Sensors are perma­
presents the study’s design objectives (step II) and describes our arti­ nently pointing to current conditions. Suppose we can integrate this data with
fact’s design (step III). The design is informed by theory (engrained in additional data like temperature, rain, irrigation date, and amount. In that
literature) and practice (expert interviews). Section 5 demonstrates and case, we can better manage the irrigation, and we will get better and better
describes the instantiation of a prototype in a real-world environment with the help of sensors […], and if this is successful and we learn enough
(step IV). An evaluation of the design knowledge through the presented from the data, we will change the irrigation process.”
prototype is detailed in section 6 (step V). Overall, this paper commu­ However, considering the specifics of this use case, several refinements
nicates the results of our DSR approach (step VI). need to be made as already proposed on a more general level by Gimpel
et al. (2020): First, on the supply side, water as part of the natural water
4. Development of design knowledge cycle significantly differs from energy, as a) natural supply as a result of
weather phenomena is not controllable and b) exists in various aggregate
The development of our design knowledge was informed by theory states and purity levels (e.g., drinking or process water). Thus, sensor
and practice. Regarding theory, particularly the energy informatics networks need to report different water supply sources available to urban
framework (Watson et al., 2010) adapted to the context of water served trees, such as precipitation as natural or manual irrigation as artificial
as input. On this background, we identified technology affordances supply. Accordingly, flow networks include multiple supply ways – natural
guiding the development of the DPs. Additionally, prior Green IS design ones (i.e., precipitation, air, soil) and artificial ones (i.e., transport routes
principles by Hilpert et al. (2013) guided the formulation of the DPs and for manual irrigation). Second, on the demand side, trees are biological
DGs. Regarding practice, we conducted six expert interviews with five objects and thus represent complex ecosystems while at the same time they

Fig. 1. Our Design Science Research approach (based on Peffers et al., 2007).

H. Gimpel et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 315 (2021) 128048

are part of the natural ecosystem surrounding them. Accordingly, the water amount. This allows to see how the parameters change afterward” and
demand is complex, if not impossible, to capture precisely. It can only be „control whether the water reached the tree or went down the drain.”
approximated with sensors, for example, in the soil, as opposed to technical Third, based on 1) and 2) the IS enables demand-oriented irrigation.
objects that simply report data on their demand, hence requiring a By capturing the available water supply and monitoring and analyzing
demand-side sensor network. On top of that, trees’ water demand cannot data from the soil, the demand can be better met with proper irrigation
be managed, as natural influences in the ecosystem such as climate and strategies instead of irrigating each tree with lump amounts at fixed
weather conditions significantly determine the demand causing low intervals, which is common in German cities. To this end, heat stress
demand-side flexibility. Accordingly, the overarching goal of this frame­ caused by underirrigation and moisture stress caused by overirrigation
work for smart irrigation needs to be altered and reads as follows: The can be avoided as the IS facilitates the adaptation of irrigation amounts.
integrated IS aims to provide information indicating the water demand of The IS contributes to the more efficient use of water and avoids the
trees to balance supply and demand better. waste of water. By better aligning irrigation to the demand, the IS helps
Fig. 2 summarizes the “irrigation informatics framework” as an to reduce the water supply efficiently. BE1 summarizes: “It is about
edited version of the framework of Watson et al. (2010) and Gimpel et al. determining an optimal water supply in a demand-oriented way, avoiding the
(2020) specified to our use case. withering of trees and continuous heat stress, as well as over-irrigation […]
Based on this framework and expert insights, we concretized the while saving respective water resources.”
meta requirement to four design objectives, which inform the design of Fourth, smart city projects are typically cost-constrained, limiting
the smart irrigation system: the demand-side sensor network’s scope on trees. Hence, the IS aims at a
cost-effective implementation by leveraging data analytics capabilities
1) The smart irrigation system monitors soil parameters based on which and software scalability to reduce hardware investments. This fourth
trees’ water demand can be approximated. design objective will not manifest in concrete design implications as it is
2) The smart irrigation system captures information on the water considered a design restriction and imperative underlying design
supply. choices.
3) The smart irrigation system enables the adaptation of irrigation to In summary, the four major design objectives are in line with the
foster demand-oriented irrigation of urban trees. three pillars of sustainability (Barbier, 1987), extending the framework
4) The smart irrigation system aims at a cost-effective implementation of Watson et al. (2010) to include social and economic goals in addition
leveraging the scalability of software and data analytics to reduce to ecological goals.
investments in hardware.
4.2. Design principles
The design objectives root in the following rationales: To make
demand-oriented and sustainable irrigation decisions, the IS needs to DPs represent prescriptive statements indicating how to achieve a
provide a solid decision base, both on demand and supply sides. First, design objective (Gregor et al., 2020). Combining the “irrigation infor­
regarding the demand side, the IS needs to monitor parameters in the matics framework” and insights from the expert interviews, we derived
soil as trees naturally provide no information on their water demand or three DPs. These DPs represent central functions of the IS, which point to
soil conditions. This information allows approximating the water de­ the interaction of the IS with the central technological elements of the
mand of trees. BE1 expects the system to collect “parameters that indicate framework (i.e., supply-side sensor and flow networks, demand-side
how much water is available for the tree in the soil” and to “monitor the sensor networks). Further, the DPs aim at the design objectives 1–3.
parameters promptly.”
Second, regarding the supply side, the IS needs to capture the water DP 1: Monitor soil parameters that allow conclusions to be drawn
supply from both natural and artificial sources, i.e., rain and irrigation. about a tree’s water demand.
Tracking precipitation allows determining the additional supply needed DP 2: Track the water supply each tree received.
by irrigation. Tracking irrigation allows determining the water use ef­ DP 3: Enable decision-makers to adapt the irrigation amount of each
ficiency. BE1 expects to „see at what time which tree was irrigated by which tree.

Fig. 2. Smart irrigation framework (based on Watson et al. (2010) and Gimpel et al. (2020)).

H. Gimpel et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 315 (2021) 128048

First, the IS should monitor the soil parameters that indicate trees’ availability and state as they are dependent on environmental factors such
state. On that basis, the water demand of a tree can be approximated by as the substrate type. However, as there exists an established connection
experts. Second, the IS should be designed to track water supply to between water potential and moisture (Or et al., 2002), the cheaper sensors
capture information on water amounts each tree received. Third, based allow approximations of the water potential based on the measured soil
on the monitoring and tracking functions, the IS enables the adaptation of moisture as the basis for irrigation decisions. Note, however, that this
discrete water units transported through the flow network for irrigation approximation requires further analysis of the measured time series of data
purposes. The IE summarizes the three DPs: „The application receives a based on the soil water characteristic (Or et al., 2002).
multitude of data, that should be compared to each other and to weather data Further, all sensors must correspond to practical requirements: They
allowing experts to conduct rigor analyses and make predictions.” need to be robust to external influences such as vandalism and hidden to
If these three DPs inform the IS design, the IS should support city prevent potential thefts. Yet, the sensor’s data sending entity needs to be
administrations in making demand-oriented irrigation decisions to on the surface to ensure continuous data transmission. Expert interviews
protect urban trees while preserving water resources. revealed further installation difficulties, such as the manual efforts
required to install the sensors in the soil without harming roots or sensor
4.3. Design guidelines measurement units. In this notion, low-energy consuming sensors
should be chosen, characterized by low maintenance efforts (e.g., bat­
As our design should encourage and guide practical instantiations, tery renewal), which would trigger a repetition of installation efforts.
we further develop multiple DGs for each DP providing further imple­ Such low-energy consuming sensors send data regularly but do not
mentation details. The guidelines were discussed in multiple iterative support bi-directional and real-time communication.
rounds. Therein, we refined them based on the novel insights from the The network and communication architecture needs to ensure reli­
prototypical instantiation. able and persistent data transmission via performant gateways and
servers in the city (DG 1.2). This is particularly challenging in urban
4.3.1. Monitoring environments as buildings may hinder data transmission. Data from
The DGs associated with DP1 “monitoring” particularly address the trees all over the city need potentially be transmitted over long dis­
interaction of the IS with the demand-side, i.e., trees, which takes place tances, which demands gateways in proximity to the sensors.
via IoT-based sensors. Thus, design decisions regarding the IoT-based The perceived data should then be collected in an accurate, secure,
sensor network are central. and timely manner. Further, the parameters should be enriched with
The DGs’ development detailing DP 1 was informed by core ratio­ meta-data like location, sensor ID, time, and information on the tree
nales of smart irrigation in agricultural contexts. García et al. (2020) (type, age, plant-year, etc.) to allow for comprehensive analyses (DG
summarize that an agricultural IoT irrigation system is typically divided 1.3).
into four layers: Devices, communication, services, and application. Finally, the gathered data should be visualized in easily under­
Devices refer to the sensing entities, communication refers to the data standable formats like graphs within an application. The values on water
transmission, services refer to the storage, synchronization and fusion, potential and moisture should be compared to established thresholds
and the application layer refers to users’ interaction with the IoT system and indicated with graphical elements and expressive colors. Also, ac­
to visualize the gathered data or receive alarms (see e.g., Campos et al., cess and interaction functions should be provided to relevant stake­
2019; Fraga-Lamas et al., 2020; Chew et al., 2020; Khan et al., 2018). holders with features to select a particular area or street within the city
Our four DGs correspond to these four layers. (DG 1.4). Table 2 summarizes DGs and corresponding expert quotes.
Considering the multifaceted and complex characteristics of biolog­
ical ecosystems such as trees, central considerations regarding the sen­ 4.3.2. Tracking
sors have to be made, which we summarize in DG 1.1: Trees, as opposed The DGs associated with DP2 “tracking” particularly address the IS
to technical sensitized objects (e.g., washing machines), do not report interaction with the supply side’s sensor networks, capturing water
their water demand. Thus, respective demand can be inter alia supply sources. In our use case, these sources refer to natural precipi­
approximated via captured data on soil conditions. This data is derived tation and artificial irrigation.
from a demand-side sensor network installed in the soil. Since the amount of irrigation required depends on the amount of
The more sensors available, the more accurate approximations are. water already naturally available for a tree, the IS should capture rele­
But under consideration of the fourth design objective (financial re­ vant supply sources. To this end, the IS should provide interfaces to
strictions), we suggest identifying reference trees within the city which integrate precipitation data. As an advanced option, the system could
are equipped with sensors and allow to draw conclusions about trees’ display weather predictions, allowing adaptation of irrigation schedules
water demands in similar surrounding conditions (as proposed by and amounts accordingly (DG 2.1).
Campos et al. (2019) in agricultural contexts). The BE1 states, “If there Further, urban trees are frequently irrigated manually by service
are equal conditions represented by surroundings, location, heat, radiation, providers using transport vehicles. The system should provide interfaces
substrate, it is valid to draw conclusions about other trees.” He suggests: or input fields for service providers to document irrigations with each
“Sensors are not needed at every tree. About 5 – 10% should be monitored.” tree’s date and amount (DG 2.2).
Additionally, sensors differ in type and price and vary in measure­ The water supply from both sources should be visualized in the user
ment precision. According to the botanical experts, so-called “tensiom­ interface by integrating it in the graphs displaying the water potential
eters” are considered as most advanced sensors and deliver the current (DG 2.3). Table 3 summarizes DGs and corresponding expert quotes.
best practice data on irrigation needs. Tensiometers require no site-
specific calibration and particularly capture the soil water potential, 4.3.3. Adapting
allowing direct conclusions about plant water availability (Thalheimer, The DGs associated with DP3 “adapting” address the interaction of
2013). The water potential indicates „the energy a plant needs to expend to the IS with the flow networks targeting the ways of water supply. As the
extract water from the soil” (BE1). However, tensiometers represented a IS aims to contribute to more sustainable and demand-oriented irriga­
four to five times higher upfront investment during the time of our study tion, the IS needs to enable decision-makers to change the irrigation
and are more difficult to install and less robust than simple moisture amount.
sensors. Therefore, the IS should allow decision-makers to receive notifica­
In this notion, our design also suggests installing cost-efficient moisture tions about soil conditions, such as warnings if a certain threshold is
sensors, which provide data on the volumetric water content. These mea­ exceeded or weekly summaries. A universal understanding is that the
surements do not allow for direct conclusions about a tree’s water water potential should not exceed 33 cbar. Still, as the IS should support

H. Gimpel et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 315 (2021) 128048

experts in their irrigation decisions, it should allow customizing notifi­

on-demand […], but it is necessary to consider the use case – for things that change slowly, like soil moisture, hourly data are sufficient. It is
you don’t need to change the battery every two years. There is no bidirectional communication on the downside. Data cannot be requested
• “Costs are important and depend on the maintenance and battery life. Keeping the sensors in the soil for 15 years is a great advantage.” (IE)

• “The sensors can reach gateways in two to 6 km distance in urban areas. In Frankfurt, about 12 gateways are required to cover the whole

• “The sensor sends hourly data making them energy efficient. That’s a big advantage: Outdoors, low energy demand is important, so that

• “For data analysis, it is important to know the sensor’s location. After decoding the data, it is enriched with additional information from
cation rules (DG 3.1).

• “The data is securely encrypted. […] It is not collected in the cloud and not accessible by others. It is provided to customers via secure

• “The data should be displayed in a dashboard to get precise information easy and quick. The data should be collected and displayed in
• “We need appropriate sensors and processes for installing and maintaining them […] and protecting them from vandalism, theft, and
Further, the IS should provide functions for decision-makers to adapt

• “Gateways are receiving data from sensors, which means that data is redundant if there are multiple gateways nearby. This ensures
irrigation amounts based on the displayed information on measured soil

• “The sensors should be placed close to the roots. […] You need to be careful not to harm roots when installing sensors.” (BE1)
• “The sensors should be installed at reference trees […] to indicate parameters of similar trees in similar surroundings.” (IE) conditions to better meet the trees’ water demands (DG 3.2).
The adapted amounts and irrigation assignments should then be

• “A traffic light system is useful: Green until 25 cbar, then yellow and red if the threshold of 33 cbar is surpassed.” (SCR)
• “Maintaining the network and sensors is important, to keep them updated regarding firmware and data security.” (IE)
communicated to the service providers responsible for irrigation. Hence,
the IS should incorporate export functions or communication features

• “Gateways transmit data to servers, where it is gathered, redundancies are removed and then it is stored.” (IE)
(DG 3.3). Lastly, the IS should provide interfaces enabling the interac­
tion with other systems, such as automated planning and documentation
software from service providers (DG 3.4). Table 4 summarizes DGs and
corresponding expert quotes.

• „A user-friendly interface is important – to assess current values and thresholds at a glance.” (BE1)
damage. This is important for the installation processes and the scalability of the solution.” (IE)

5. Instantiation of the design knowledge in a case study

reliability when the signal is blocked by a truck or weather conditions, for example.” (IE)

We instantiate the proposed design knowledge to assess practical

viability and value. In this notion, we demonstrate a case study in
Frankfurt am Main, where a prototype was instantiated. A case study is
considered a typical naturalistic evaluation method exploring the per­
formance of a solution technology in its real environment and improves
the quality of the knowledge outcomes concerning the artifact’s effec­
tiveness in actual use (Venable et al., 2016). In the following, we provide
details on the case study and the realization of the DGs and DPs before
other databases, like location, sensor ID or tree ID.” (IE)

continuing to the evaluation. Evaluation is a core component of DSR

• “Displaying daily averages would be practical.” (SCR)

endeavors (Hevner et al., 2004).

a great use case for this network technology.” (IE)

5.1. Description of the case study

We chose a pilot area in Frankfurt am Main to implement the pro­

totypical instantiation in collaboration with local stakeholders. Frank­
furt is a particularly well-suited location for the demonstrator setup for
diagrams over time.” (IE)

two main reasons: First, global rising temperatures are a particular

challenge for the city of Frankfurt, being one of the warmest cities in
Germany (Wilks, 2020) with an increasing need for importing scarce
Interview quotes

ground water already (Dick, 2020). Second, Frankfurt is in an ongoing

servers.” (IE)

transition towards becoming a smart city with a corresponding potential

city.” (IE)

for data collection and utilization as well as the necessary technological

infrastructure (Hawlitschek, 2020).
The irrigation of urban trees is organized by the urban green space
planning office and mostly outsourced to external service providers on a
Data collection: Collect accurate and timely data on relevant soil parameters enriched
Transmission: Ensure reliable, secure, and persistent data transmission via performant

Application: Show parameters for selected trees in easily understandable maps and

yearly basis. Thus, current urban irrigation follows a defined process

Perception: Carefully install smart, robust, economical, and low-energy consuming
Monitor soil parameters that allow conclusions to be drawn about a tree’s water

with contracted frequencies, including a specified number of irrigations

with a predetermined water amount. Especially young urban trees (i.e.,
<15 years) are irrigated in 15–20 rounds from April to September with a
fixed amount of 200 L (i.e., 52.83 US gallons) per round. BE1 relates:
„Currently, every 1.5 or 2 weeks, usually 200 L in all 15 to 20 irrigation
rounds from April to September are distributed to each tree. […] The service
with additional information on location, sensor, and time.

provider is free to plan when and where to irrigate […]. Irrigation is most
relevant for young trees particularly prone to heat stress.” Given the overall
number of about 5000 young trees in Frankfurt, this sums up to a yearly
water demand of 20 Million liters (i.e., 5.3 million US gallons).
sensors in the soil on selected reference trees.

According to experts, this contracted lump sum of water “leads to the

over-irrigation of some species” (BE2), and “a lot of water is wasted because
it evaporates, does not reach the tree’s roots, or seeps away and is not kept in
gateways and servers in the city.

the soil” (BE1). But experts also witnessed the death of trees, which may
be due to heat stress and under-irrigation, as “trees are more susceptible to
viruses or diseases if they experience water stress” (BE1).
The irrigation contract is sealed with the lowest bidder. Although the
urban green space planning office provides several sources of process
and rainwater throughout the city, which can be used for irrigation
DGs for monitoring.

services free of charge, the use of drinking water is favored by service



providers. This is because it is associated with lower expenditures (e.g.,

driving distances and related emissions, equipment, and personnel to re-
fill, the volatility of availability). The ISP1 explains: „There’s the possi­
Table 2





bility to use process water from two sources in Frankfurt. But in case you won
DP 1





a contract in a different area, it’s uneconomical as the way back and forth is

H. Gimpel et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 315 (2021) 128048

Table 3
DGs for tracking.
DP 2 Track the water supply each tree received Interview quotes

DG Integration of precipitation: Provide interfaces for the • “The irrigation required is always dependent on precipitation […] Precipitation should be integrated.”
2.1 integration of precipitation data. (BE1)
• “Other data can be integrated with the timestamp known.” (IE)
DG Integration of irrigation: Provide interfaces or input fields to • “It would be great to record the irrigation service digitally in the system instead of via Email.” (BE)
2.2 document irrigation amount and date. • “We already operate with a cloud-based system […] and document the service in real-time for internal
use.” (ISP1)
DG Visualization: Integrate amounts of water received in the • “Precipitation and irrigation would need to be integrated. Supply of water, if manual or natural, should
2.3 graphs. be visualized in the graph.” (SCR)
• “It would be great to see when an irrigation was conducted to see how many liters were provided to a
tree. Then you could directly see how the values change afterward.” (BE1)
• “It would be great to be able to monitor it in the dashboard what is happening to control the irrigation
service.” (BE1)
• “They would be able to monitor in real-time where the vehicle is, which tree it irrigates and see a
picture.” (ISP1)

Table 4
DGs for adapting.
DP 3 Enable decision-makers to adapt the irrigation amount of each tree Interview quotes

DG Notification: Provide decision features to receive notifications • “Notifications should be sent to the person responsible for the irrigation in the area.” (SCR)
3.1 and allow customization of notification rules. • “Either there is a notification when the threshold is about to be exceeded, or you receive a weekly
report with a summary.” (SCR)
DG Decision: Provide a function to adapt the irrigation. • “The required irrigation is better determinable knowing the water potential.” (BE1)
3.2 • „If experts do not interpret the data, there is no value to it. It is about the interaction of technical
solutions with expert knowledge. This is key to a successful application.” (IE)
DG Communication: Include functions to export data and • “It would be great if the system directly notifies the service provider about the required irrigation
3.3 assignments to irrigation service providers. service.” (BE1)
DG Interaction: Provide features for interacting with other systems. • “A real smart city solution would be the interaction with the route planning system and the
3.4 controlling of valves from service providers.” (SCR)
• “It would be easier if we receive a digital output offered via an interface instead of a simple list we
need to digitize afterward.” (ISP1)

too costly […] It’s easier to use drinking water available from pipes around expensive sensor types, we installed soil moisture sensors with inte­
every corner.” This results in a supply network largely operating on grated temperature measurements. In the case of a homogeneous tree
drinking water. Further, BE2 already notices that “the water demand for substrate – as it is the case for most newly planted trees – this facilitates
irrigation is increasing which becomes evident from higher expenses.” We an indirect measurement of the water potential once the general relation
thus argue that this presents a useful case for the instantiation of our between water potential and moisture for a given substrate in a specific
design knowledge, enabling decision-makers to make better irrigation temperature range is established (Or et al., 2002). The sensors transmit
decisions to use drinking water more sustainably. measurement data wirelessly and have a battery life of ~12 years. They
In the following, we describe the instantiation of formulated DPs and were installed inside easily maintainable and protective polypropylene
discuss associated process improvements, taking the status quo as a tubes with sealed end caps to prevent damage from vandalism and
comparative scenario. potentially facilitate maintenance, as captured in Fig. 3a and b. An
illustrative photo-documentation of the moisture sensor installation
5.1.1. Monitor soil parameters that allow conclusions to be drawn about a process is available in the Appendix.
tree’s water demand Transmission: We collaborated with an IoT infrastructure expert to
Perception: As described above, we installed two types of sensors ensure reliable and persistent data transmission via performant gate­
from an IoT provider. They are positioned close to the roots to monitor ways and servers in the city. We used a Long Range Wide Area Network
young urban trees’ soil: First, tensiometers serve in representative areas (LoRaWAN), specifically designed to wirelessly connect battery-
as reference points for the water potential. Second, besides these rather operated “things” in a network to the Internet. Literature suggests that

Fig. 3. a and 3b: Sensor and polypropylene tube.

H. Gimpel et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 315 (2021) 128048

LoRaWAN is an upcoming solution equipped to address several technical personal working preferences. In our case study, we prepared Email
challenges in urban environments (e.g., the need for long-range com­ notifications for trees that reached a “critical” state in terms of the
munications, long battery life of devices, high network capacity, and measured water potential, as captured in Fig. 7.
cost-effectiveness) (Fraga-Lamas et al., 2020). We carefully tested the Decision: To highlight the benefits of demand-oriented irrigation
necessary network coverage during the sensor installation phase – compared to the previous lump sum, the IS provides a decision-making
particularly during special events such as fog or large vehicles parking function: Specifically, decision-makers can decide on the irrigation
nearby. Based on the insights, we iteratively improved network amount of each tree in their district individually by entering any amount
coverage by positioning mobile gateways that were later replaced by of water. Also, information on the positive or negative percentual de­
durable solutions. Please note that installing new gateways in a city is a viation from the de facto standard value of 200 L is shown, as Fig. 8
non-trivial task that should be carefully planned and executed – espe­ highlights. The positive or negative adjustment is also visualized in the
cially due to the extremely high efforts in acquiring the necessary lo­ map by an upward or downward pointing arrow in each traffic light
cations for installation (e.g., skyscrapers or industrial buildings with representation of a tree (see Fig. 5 above).
large smoke pipes). The overall network and transmission architecture, Communication: As most urban irrigation is outsourced to external
including respective data security measures, is depicted in Fig. 4. service providers, we proposed an export function for the adapted irri­
Data collection: The data is temporarily securely stored based on an gation instructions per district. Consequently, any irrigation service
encryption protocol in the sensor unit. We collect hourly data from all provider can work with the instructions, independent from the respec­
sensors. After removing redundancies, this data source is further tive IT technology stack. Yet, the IS should also provide predefined ac­
enriched with meta-data (i.e., sensor-ID, timestamp, and location) and cess or the direct integration of the service provider’s system to facilitate
weather data (i.e., moist, temperature) to inform irrigation decisions. collaboration.
Application: We developed the application for visualization as Interaction: We stipulated the provision of features and interfaces for
depicted in Fig. 51 by following agile development principles, iteratively integration with other systems. This includes the interaction with route
collecting feedback on functions and visualization. As a result, we came planning or water delivery tracking systems and automized controlling
up with a user interface that graphically displayed the time series of of valves to improve the smartness and automatization of irrigation
trees’ average daily water potential. We visualized the water potential as processes.
a traffic light system based on predefined threshold values. These
graphical elements were integrated into a map-based solution enriched
5.2. Quantitative insights
with information on the tree extracted from the publicly available or­
chard register. We evaluate a water potential as green if it is < 25 cbar,
Besides displaying the measured values in the interface, we con­
as yellow if it is < 33 cbar, and as red otherwise.
ducted further analyses to gain first insights into our sensor data. In
total, we analyzed data from 14 sensors installed at six trees in a dedi­
5.1.2. Track the water supply each tree received
cated pilot area over a time period of two months starting from March
To accurately track the amounts of water each tree received from
2021 – the starting point of trees’ vegetation period. Note that this time
precipitation, we technically prepared the relevant integration and
span only captures a small fraction of the relevant observation period
visualization against the water potential:
since droughts and required irrigation are expected in the summer
Integration of precipitation: We prepared an interface to utilize his­
months. Thus, the preliminary results of our analysis should be inter­
torical precipitation data, which a communal partner currently provides
preted with caution. The demonstrator setup includes lead trees that are
to ensure adequate local data resolution. Precipitation may also be
equipped with multiple soil moisture sensors at different depths (30, 60,
captured in real-time via sensors.
90 cm) and a tensiometer at one depth (60 cm). The instantiated system
Integration of irrigation: We prepared an interface for irrigation ser­
collects data on an hourly basis to capture short-term developments.
vice providers to directly communicate irrigation information (i.e.,
Though, for the purpose of visualization over the two-month period, we
location, amount of water, and timestamp) to the system, facilitating the
averaged the data per day. This is reasonable as the data shows that soil
documentation. It might also be feasible in future applications to pro­
conditions change slowly and steadily during the observation period.
vide interfaces to crowdsourcing solutions (e.g., Gießdenkiez2) to keep
The data of one exemplary tree is summarized in Fig. 9 and reveals a
track of irrigation events executed by citizens. In case no technical
parallel progression of moisture at different depths. We see that tension
integration is feasible from the irrigation service providers’ standpoint,
is less sensitive towards changes in water supply compared to soil
we also included a user interface for manual input, as shown in Fig. 6.
moisture. Establishing a general relation between water potential and
Visualization: We included the information on irrigation and pre­
soil moisture for the given substrate will be subject to future analyses
cipitation events in the water potential visualization, as shown in Fig. 5.
with data collected over a broader time span, including summer months
This allows controlling irrigation services automatically, which was
with a higher variance of tension. The jump in the graphs reflects the
done with some sample checks before. We adapted all design decisions
irrigation of the tree conducted by the service provider on April 28th
to decision-makers’ needs and wishes from the urban green space
following the city’s assignment. Considering that the graph shows an
planning office. Specifically, we adapted the graphical layout to repre­
almost optimal water availability with an average water potential of
sentations they were already familiar with.
about 7 cbar (blue line) in this period, we argue that irrigation was not
necessary. 1200 L of water in the pilot area could have been saved
5.1.3. Enable decision-makers to adapt the irrigation amount of each tree
during the first round of irrigation when looking at the data. Extrapo­
Notification: In addition to the graphical support for expert decisions,
lating from the pilot area to all 5000 young trees in Frankfurt am Main,
we implemented customizable notifications accessible to decision-
which are subject to irrigation with a standard irrigation of 200 L, po­
makers for a specific district. The system facilitates dynamic adjust­
tential water saving add up to 1 million liters (assuming comparable soil
ments of the alarm threshold or turning the function on or off, based on

Figure as representation for the dashboard functionality and does not
include current data.
Gieβdenkiez is a crowdsourcing initiative in the German city Berlin that
encourages citizens to irrigate trees in periods of drought: https://www.giessd

H. Gimpel et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 315 (2021) 128048

Fig. 4. LoRaWAN architecture.

Fig. 5. Visualization in the user interface.

H. Gimpel et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 315 (2021) 128048

Fig. 8. Deciding on irrigation amount for selected tree.

environmental circumstances affecting water availability in the soil or

due to possible measurement errors. For example, the sensor at tree 6
shows at one point in time after watering a soil moisture of almost 60%,
while most other trees report moisture between 20% and 30%. This
difference highlights the complexity of measuring soil conditions and
points towards either an anomaly of the substrate in 60 cm depth at Tree
6 or a measurement error. This observation supports the use of tensi­
ometers, known as the most advanced measurement method capturing
water potential, which is independent of substrate conditions. More­
Fig. 6. Tracking of irrigation processes. over, it highlights the need for further and more detailed analysis of
future time series data. Eventually, our first quantitative insights suggest
that current IoT systems alone will not suffice to decide on the irrigation
strategies. Instead, the available data needs to be interpreted with expert
knowledge to support the decision-making process of botanical experts
regarding sustainable irrigation.

6. Evaluation and expansion of the design knowledge

6.1. Evaluation of the design knowledge

We evaluate the prototypically instantiated design knowledge ac­

cording to the well-established evaluation criteria effectiveness, effi­
ciency, and impact on the environment and the artifact’s users, as
proposed by March and Smith (1995).
First, effectiveness refers to the artifact’s contribution to the design
objectives defined at the start of the DSR process. We, therefore, assess
the impact on each objective:

1) The prototype monitors soil parameters based on which trees’ water

demand can be approximated as it captures hourly data on moisture
and water potential via IoT-based sensors.
2) The prototype captures information on the water supply by tracking
artificial irrigation from service providers and natural precipitation.
3) The prototype enables the adaptation of irrigation to foster demand-
oriented irrigation of trees by allowing decision-makers to dynami­
Fig. 7. Notification of critical states. cally decide on the amount of irrigation based on the visualized data
from 1) and 2).
conditions for all trees).3 4) The prototype aims at a cost-effective implementation. To this end, it
We further compared soil moisture sensors installed at different trees leverages the scalability of software and data analytics to reduce
(at 60 cm depth). Results are summarized in Fig. 10 and show a parallel investments in hardware. It operates on a calculated relation be­
development, even for different trees in the area. However, the graphs tween soil moisture and water potential to avoid investments in
show that the absolute moisture level varies – either with a tree’s costly tensiometers.

Second, efficiency refers to the degree to which the artifact prudently

3 uses resources. The prototype can be regarded as efficient, as it does not
We acknowledge that this does not directly account for actual water sav­
ings, since a certain fraction of the water used for irrigation will be retained in need manual, time-intensive intervention. By leveraging the capabilities
the soil and is thus not entirely wasted. We argue however, that using the same of IoT-based sensors and the local LoRaWAN, the IS allows monitoring of
amount of water at a later point in time would have resulted in a lower loss of soil conditions and integrated analyses capturing the water flows sup­
irrigation water by persolation, vaporisation, etc. and might have reduced the plied to the trees. The prototype allows monitoring the tree’s conditions
overall number of necessary irrigation rounds per year. remotely and enables digital interaction of service providers and city

H. Gimpel et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 315 (2021) 128048

Fig. 9. Measured moisture and water potential values for a selected tree.

Fig. 10. Comparison of moisture for different trees at 60 cm depth.

administrations to commission and document irrigation rounds. This 6.2. Expansion of the design knowledge
makes manual controls for city administrations superfluous and eases
the planning process for service providers. While the evaluation confirms that the instantiated design knowl­
Third, the impact on the environment and the artifact’s users eval­ edge contributes to reaching the meta requirement, we recognized
uates whether the effect is positive or negative. We argue that the pro­ further development options as suggested in the literature on smart
totype has a substantial positive impact. It facilitates the irrigation irrigation in agriculture (e.g., Millán et al., 2019; Nikolidakis et al.,
process for smart city administrations and service providers and posi­ 2015) and within interviews. Collating insights from these sources, we
tively impacts society and the environment. Enabling demand-oriented suggest three maturity stages of a smart and sustainable irrigation sys­
irrigation for urban trees, young trees’ survival probabilities are tem within a smart city, each having different implications for practical
enhanced, promoting their various valuable urban climate functions applications, as summarized in Table 5.
while using the resource water efficiently and sustainably. These maturity stages correspond to the four capabilities smart
In sum, the design knowledge is practically viable. It addresses the connected products are typically grouped into: Monitoring, control,
study’s meta requirement to support city administrations to make optimization, and autonomy (Porter and Heppelmann, 2014).
demand-oriented decisions on urban trees’ irrigation. Stage I comprises the first two capability areas. “Monitoring” de­
scribes the comprehensive monitoring of conditions, environments, and
operations and enables alerts on changes. “Control” describes remote
controlling through commands or algorithms responding to changes in

Table 5
Overview of maturity stages.
Stage 0: Stage I: Stage II: Stage III:
No information Monitoring and adaptation Predictive optimization Automation

Description No smart irrigation Irrigation system allows monitoring of soil Irrigation system makes recommendations based Irrigation system controls the
system in place. parameters and enables experts to adapt on predicted water potential from various data automated allocation and
the amount of irrigation according to sources (e.g., historic water potential values and distribution of water via flow
established thresholds. predicted weather) networks.
Application Trees are irrigated with a No changes regarding the irrigation Adaptation of processes: Automatization of processes:
lump amount of 200 process:
liters ~ every two weeks. Adapt the irrigation amount for each tree Adapt scheduling and route planning of service Automated control of flow
for given irrigation assignments. providers. networks without manual

H. Gimpel et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 315 (2021) 128048

the conditions or environment. We consider the proposed design executions are no longer made by city administrations but by the IS
knowledge and the corresponding instantiated system as a stage I without any manual intervention. This system could include a fully
implementation as it allows monitoring soil and environmental condi­ automated system of pipes and valves in the long run. BE2 sees an
tions and includes notifications on critical observations. Additionally, it advantage concerning water use efficiency:
allows adapting and controlling irrigation assignments. Stage I already
“An automated irrigation system could irrigate at suitable times of
presents a significant improvement for smart and sustainable irrigation
the day as we currently irrigate during the day where the sun is
compared to the status quo determining irrigation according to fixed
standing high, and large parts of the water just evaporate.”
amounts without considering any information. BE2 concludes:
However, since this requires physical facilities like pipes and valves,
“A tree will never tell us the exact water demand, not even with
investments to set up the infrastructure for trees might not be worth­
sensors or vitality testing or any other way because it is a complex
while for cities in the short term, compared to other use cases like
system. We can only work with approximations […], but there is no
agricultural fields.
way to calculate the exact demand. […] The expectation of devel­
oping an ideal system and identifying the precise irrigation amount is
unrealistic; that is utopian. It would be great to improve and quantify 7. Discussion
current irrigation decisions of 200 L based on the provision of
additional data. Which alterations are made? Can we optimize the This paper presents design knowledge for a smart and sustainable
baseline amount of 200 L based on sensor data? That would be irrigation system for urban trees. In the DSR approach, we first devel­
interesting as we gain knowledge with every additional oped an overarching framework theoretically informing the design and
information.” design objectives defining technical affordances. Second, we identified
three DPs and eleven more detailed DGs guiding such an irrigation
This does not imply changes regarding the scheduling and routing system’s practical development. Finally, we evaluated the design
processes as only the irrigation amount is adapted in a demand-oriented knowledge in terms of viability and added value by a prototypical
way. instantiation in Frankfurt am Main. Applicability and expansions of this
Stage II comprises the third capability, “optimization” of an opera­ instantiation were discussed.
tion enabled by monitoring and control to enhance efficiency and allow
predictive diagnostics. Smart city administrations wish for such mature
solutions in the longer run incorporating predictive recommendations, 7.1. Theoretical contribution
as BE1 explains:
This paper has three major implications for research: First, our
„It would be valuable to predict how the values develop and make design knowledge is informed by the well-established energy infor­
recommendations to irrigate in three, four, or five days.” „One could matics framework of Watson et al. (2010) and its extension to the water
track the development [of the water potential] and calculate with an context. While the energy informatics framework is well applicable to
algorithm what will happen in the next few days under consideration sensitized technical objects such as dishwashers or washing machines,
of climate and weather conditions.” where an integrated IS is already common practice to save water, the
Consequently, this would imply alterations regarding irrigation frugal use of water in natural ecosystems is not yet well understood, as
processes. Instead of fixed schedules, routes, and water amounts, more recently remarked by Gimpel et al. (2020). Thus, we apply the mingled
flexibility would be required. This imposes several conditions on the IS. frameworks to our concrete use case and outline necessary refinements.
It needs to provide an integrated solution with interfaces for service This yields our specific “irrigation informatics framework,” based on
providers to interact with the system dynamically to plan irrigation which we suggest the following boundary conditions of applying it to the
rounds flexibly using optimization algorithms. ISP1 suggests: irrigation of urban trees.
Starting with the supply side, sensor networks provide data on the
“Suppose a sensor reports that it needs water, and there’s another status of an item or environmental condition that can be used to
sensor in this area that will need water in two days. I would also determine the optimum use of a flow network (Watson et al., 2010). In
irrigate there so that I will not need to go there again in two days. our use case, different water supply sources need to be captured, i.e.,
[…] Basically, one needs to collect data and retrieve information artificially distributed irrigation and naturally available water like rain.
about every three days on trees requiring water and make small Capturing naturally available water then allows to adapt the artificial
‘planning bubbles.’ […] We already have the meta-data, and every supply and optimize water use within the flow networks. Second, flow
tree has an ID […]. If every tree reported data about the water de­ networks are described as a set of connected transport components
mand, we could easily plan a tour based on this. The degree of supporting the movement of discrete objects or continuous matter, such
automatization to plan and optimize a tour is already high. We use as water (Watson et al., 2010). But, regarding irrigation, water cannot be
algorithms to solve a traveling salesman problem. […] The only regarded as purely continuous since it is distributed via transport ve­
thing missing is the information which tree needs water, the IoT hicles. Further, flow networks would also include natural ways of
connectivity.” transportation such as through air or surface.
On the demand side, the energy informatics framework contains
Further, stage III comprises the fourth capability, “autonomy,” which
sensitized objects that can sense and report data about their consump­
combines the previous areas to allow autonomous operations. Stage III
tion patterns (Watson et al., 2010). As trees do naturally not have this
refers to an autonomous irrigation system that directly interacts with
capability, the demand side needs to incorporate sensor networks to, for
flow networks. The SCR expects:
example, monitor soil conditions to indicate water demand. Also,
„A smart city solution would include valves at irrigation vehicles con­ demand-side flexibility is low as trees’ water consumption depends on
nected to LoRaWAN, that get notifications to irrigate x liters at tree y and various factors within the natural ecosystems. These boundaries of the
then being automatically opened and closed before going to the next tree.” transferability of the energy informatics framework to the use case of
irrigation are rooted in the tension field between digital and natural
The automated allocation of water is another step towards a fully ecosystems. Future research may build on this discussion and transfer
automated irrigation system. Such a system would be characterized by the refined framework to other use cases of digital ecosystems embedded
automatically controlling the allocation and distribution of water via in natural ecosystems, such as forests or seas (Watson et al., 2010). As
flow networks in an end-to-end process. Irrigation decisions and trees do not naturally have this capability, the demand side needs to

H. Gimpel et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 315 (2021) 128048

incorporate sensor networks to monitor soil conditions to indicate water needs to be tailored to each individual city considering the technical
demand. Also, demand-side flexibility is low as trees’ water consump­ conditions such as network technologies and existing irrigation systems.
tion depends on various factors within the natural ecosystems. These Also, the system was instantiated in a pilot area in Frankfurt am Main.
boundaries of the transferability of the energy informatics framework to Additional instantiations and evaluations are required to ensure gener­
the use case of irrigation are rooted in the tension field between digital alizability and especially process integration, operations, and mainte­
and natural ecosystems. Future research may build on this discussion nance on a large scale. In particular, we suggest measures such as
and transfer the refined framework to other use cases of digital eco­ manual recalibration measurements for the installed sensor network in
systems embedded in natural ecosystems, such as forests or seas. order to minimize measurement errors and follow-up analyses on the
Second, we transfer knowledge on smart irrigation systems to the functional relation of soil water potential and soil water content.
novel context of urban trees. With smart irrigation systems being Furthermore, a dedicated pilot for an end-to-end irrigation process
prominent in agricultural contexts so far, this paper’s contribution can should be set up. Second, some limitations regarding the design
be regarded as “exaptation” in design science research (Gregor and knowledge need to be noted. The development and empirical testing of a
Hevner, 2013). Exaptation describes the adaptation of known and fully instantiated system, which covers different trees and districts, are
established solutions to a novel problem. Thereby we identify that yet to emerge. However, we prototypically showed the practical
existing solutions in agricultural contexts do not adequately meet the viability of the design knowledge. Another limitation is that cities’
requirements of complex processes and various involved stakeholders to practical instantiations are coupled to change management, incorpo­
irrigate urban trees. Therefore, monitoring networks need to be rating running processes’ alteration. This may be fraught with several
expanded to track and manage manual irrigation. Developing the design difficulties indicated in this paper, such as governance issues, reluctance
knowledge, we address the differences of applying a smart irrigation to offer interfaces, and financial investments in IoT technologies or
system in the use case of urban trees instead of agricultural fields and infrastructure. As this paper aimed at implementing a viable prototype
provide well-suited design knowledge. quickly, this long-term perspective is left for further research.
Third, the theory-inspired DPs and DGs are considered a level 2
contribution as nascent design theory (Gregor and Hevner, 2013). The 8. Conclusion and future research
following prototypical instantiation is considered a level 1 contribution
(Gregor and Hevner, 2013). DSR scholars suggest that contributions on Water scarcity threatens urban trees – the “green lung” of today’s
these levels are significant if new to the world and/or bringing major cities providing city dwellers with oxygen. Current irrigation efforts are
practical impact to a knowledge area (Gregor and Hevner, 2013). In this typically neither ecologically, socially, nor economically sustainable. In
vein, we developed a real-world prototypical instantiation of our design this notion, we propose how to design a smart and sustainable irrigation
knowledge and aimed to stimulate further smart irrigation instantiations system for urban trees. The system design serves for a demand-oriented
by proposing different maturity levels of our design knowledge. Future and resource-efficient irrigation that protects urban trees without un­
research may develop a level 3 design theory by maturing and gener­ necessarily exacerbating water scarcity issues. The design knowledge is
alizing the prescriptive knowledge captured in DPs and DGs. prototypically instantiated and evaluated in a case study in Frankfurt am
Main. 18 sensors were installed at eight trees in a selected pilot area.
7.2. Practical implications Data was collected over a period of three months, from March to May
2021 and revealed first insight into the soil moisture and water potential
The proposed design knowledge supports smart cities that intend to time series in the pilot area, which are subject to further analyses. Our
develop a smart irrigation system, and once instantiated, the system serves results highlight the prototype’s practical viability and usefulness in
as a support for irrigation decisions. Practical implications are threefold: terms of water savings and translate into a maturity model for urban
First, we propose design knowledge that guides practical instantiations. To smart and sustainable irrigation systems.
this end, the DPs and DGs were informed by practitioners’ insights and Future research should focus on several very important and chal­
expectations, including city administration representatives, IoT specialists, lenging facets of designing smart, sustainable irrigation systems, inter
and botanists who are working with smart irrigation systems. Second, we alia including botanical research, data science, and user-centered
instantiated the proposed DPs and DGs in Frankfurt am Main and outline research approaches: First, demand-oriented irrigation of urban trees
the implementation process. Thereby, we provide practical guidance on the per se is a complex and scarcely addressed issue in the extant literature.
development and implementation based on a real-world case study. We Botanical research and interdisciplinary efforts should contribute to a
aim to stimulate further instantiations of the design knowledge to foster better understanding of the actual water demand of urban trees based on
smart and sustainable irrigation in other cities. Thereby we argue that the various sensors as well as the consequences of different irrigation stra­
proposed design knowledge can be transferred to other cities since the DPs tegies such as deficit irrigation. On the basis of smart irrigation systems
and DGs were formulated in a generalizable way and are based on a designs – as proposed within the scope of this study – new means of
theoretical framework, the energy informatics framework. However, we capturing large amounts of relevant data can be implemented that will
recognize that each instantiation demands potential refinements based on facilitate new insights. Second, we call for future research efforts by
the individual conditions and requirements of each city. Our proposed data-scientist from various disciplines, which go well beyond the mere
knowledge could also be extended to include different types of urban green monitoring of time series data and descriptive statistics. New ap­
spaces such as parks or flower beds. Third, we suggest three maturity levels proaches of data science and machine learning techniques, in particular,
of a smart irrigation system for urban trees. This may serve as a reference to will be necessary to facilitate predictive optimizations of irrigation
develop and improve irrigation systems towards smarter and more sus­ strategies or even fully automated and autonomous irrigation based on
tainable irrigation. large amounts of sensor data. For example, the recombination of various
demand-related data sources and the application of deep learning
7.3. Limitations techniques, as suggested by Šolić et al. (2020), could be applied for more
accurate estimates of relevant parameters and situational demand.
This paper comes with several limitations: First, some limitations Third, the iterative nature of design science suggests further refinements
regarding the approach exist. Even though the design knowledge was of design principles and decisions as well as additional usability and
informed by the energy informatics framework, the formulation of the acceptance studies. User-centered research will be needed to ensure the
DPs and DGs was based on expert interviews, and their opinions acceptance of smart irrigation systems, especially against the backdrop
regarding the set-up of a system for the use case in Frankfurt am Main. of the low digital readiness and grown structures in some relevant areas
Hence, the design knowledge serves as guidance for implementation yet of emerging smart cities (Hawlitschek, 2020). We thus call for

H. Gimpel et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 315 (2021) 128048

user-centered interdisciplinary and IS research efforts in the tension CRediT authorship contribution statement
field of smart irrigation processes for irrigation service providers as well
as crowdsourced irrigation initiatives. In particular, the prospective Henner Gimpel: Conceptualization, Methodology, Validation, Su­
collaborative work of stage 4 irrigation systems with human experts will pervision. Valerie Graf-Drasch: Conceptualization, Methodology,
raise a plethora of research questions regarding human agency and the Validation, Investigation, Writing. Florian Hawlitschek: Conceptuali­
collaboration with (semi-)autonomous systems but also regarding zation, Validation, Investigation, Writing, Project administration, Data
complex optimization problems for service delivery. curation, Resources. Kathrin Neumeier: Conceptualization, Method­
With this paper, we pave the way for smart city initiatives and ology, Investigation, Writing, Project administration, Formal analysis,
interdisciplinary research efforts that tackle the important challenge of Data curation, Visualization, Project administration.
designing and introducing smart and sustainable irrigation systems. The
proposed irrigation system promotes smart and sustainable irrigation of Declaration of competing interest
urban trees leading to the more thoughtful use of the scarce resource
water and improves the urban climate by ensuring the survival of urban The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
trees. With more mature solutions, even more environmental benefits interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
are likely such as the reduction of emissions from transport vehicles and the work reported in this paper.
the additional saving of freshwater resources by incorporating the use of
process or wastewater for irrigation purposes. Cleaner, more efficient, Acknowledgments
and more sustainable approaches to irrigation will be an important
cornerstone for the successful handling of challenges resulting from We would like to thank the Palmengarten and the Grünflächenamt of
increasing water scarcity in many urban areas. We thus encourage both the City of Frankfurt am Main as well as the IoT Concepts GmbH & Co
academics and practitioners to contribute to the successful design of KG and the clickbar. GmbH for their support in realizing this study.
smart irrigation systems for smart cities. Especially, we acknowledge the collaboration with the FES group.
Financial support of FES Frankfurter Entsorgungs-und Service GmbH for
measurement infrastructure is gratefully acknowledged.

Appendix. Photo documentation of the moisture sensor installation process

Fig. A1. Tools for the installation of moisture sensors.

Fig. A2. 80 cm distance to the tree for installation.

H. Gimpel et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 315 (2021) 128048

Fig. A3. Preparation of the drilling area.

Fig. A4. Manual drilling (for pilot installation only).

Fig. A5. Positioning of the polypropylene tube for depth check.

H. Gimpel et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 315 (2021) 128048

Fig. A6. Fixation of the sensor head.

Fig. A7. Positioning of the sensor..

Fig. A8. Installed sensor unit.

H. Gimpel et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 315 (2021) 128048

Fig. A9. Filling the tube with soil.

Fig. A10. Positioning of the wire, transmitter and antenna (will be covered by the polypropylene tube in an updated hardware-setup)..

Fig. A11. Sealed tube.

H. Gimpel et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 315 (2021) 128048

Fig. A12. Visible parts of the antenna after covering with soil and stones (results in low probability of vandalism).

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