EE414 Test

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The PNG University of Technology

School of Electrical Engineering

EE414: Power Systems II
Test 1

Name: ID:

1. Given two generating units, one rated at 300 MW with a governor speed
regulation of 6.0%, and the other rated at 450 MW with a governor speed
regulation of 6.4% are operating in parallel.
What is the load shared by each unit when supplying a combined load of 500
MW, assuming free governor action?

2. A single area consists of two generating units with the following characteristics.

Unit Unit Rating Speed regulation R

(pu onunit MVA base)
1 500MVA 6%
2 400MVA 4%

The units are operating in parallel, sharing 750 MW at the nominal frequency.
Unit 1 supplies 400 MW and unit 2 supplies 350 MW at 60 Hz. The load is
increased by 90 MW.

a. Assume there is no frequency-dependent load, i.e., D = 0.

Find the steady-state frequency deviation and the new generation on
each unit.

b. The load varies 1.5 percent for every 1 percent change in frequency, i.e.,
D = 1.5.
Find the steady-state frequency deviation and the new generation on
each unit.

3. The fuel-cost function in $/h of two thermal plants are;

𝐶1 = 320 + 6.2𝑃1 + 0.004𝑃12
𝐶1 = 200 + 6.0𝑃2 + 0.003𝑃22
where P1 and P2 are in MW. Plant outputs are subject to the following limits (in
50 ≤ P1 ≤ 250
50 ≤ P2 ≤ 350

The per-unit system real power loss with generation expressed in per unit on a
100-MVA base is given by
2 2
𝑃𝐿(𝑝𝑢) = 0.0215𝑃1(𝑝𝑢) + 0.0625𝑃2(𝑝𝑢)

The total load is 412.35 MW.

Determine the optimal dispatch of generation. Start with an initial estimate of λ
= 7 $/MWh.

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