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Muscular System

By: Deon Torres

Francis Figueroa
Eunyu Kwak
The heart’s main purpose is
to pump blood, supplying the
body with oxygen and
nutrients, and to remove
metabolic (pertaining to
metabolism) waste from the
body like carbon dioxide
from tissues in the body.
Digestive System
The digestive system is a
major part of the muscular
system since it digests and
breaks down food into
nutrients then absorbs it.
After that, it removes the
waste from the body.
Blood Vessels
The blood vessels is a major
organ since it carries the blood
from the heart all throughout
the body. The blood supplies
organs and tissues with oxygen
and nutrients that are needed
for them to function. This organ
carries away wastes and carbon
Blood vessels
Types of muscle tissue

smooth skeletal cardiac

Its an internal organ This muscle connected This muscle tissue makes
and blood vessel. Helps with your bone and allows us the heart .this muscle
with material movement. They are long cells can contract and
collection and also thin stripes. The tissue relax without getting
helps with digestion and strand can be a tendon. tired.
collects nutrients.
Types of muscle fiber
Slow Fast Fast
oxidative oxidative glycolytic

contract somewhat possess generate strong,

slowly and comparatively high-tension
generate ATP by quick contractions
aerobic contractions and using anaerobic
respiration, which produce ATP metabolism, but
uses oxygen and mostly through they wear out
glucose. aerobic rapidly.
Functions of Muscular 03
System Protection
01 02 Absorbs shock and
decreases friction between
Movement Support
Joints pulled by muscles Muscles assists in holding bones.
Allow us to move our skeletal muscles 04
together and provides body
Blood circulation
Circulatory system consists of some
muscle and veins, smooth muscle tissue
also help move the blood around
What Is the Muscular System Great job eunyu

Connected To?
The muscular system is connected to
the skeletal system. The
musculoskeletal system gives your
body its structure and support, lets
you move around and protects
important organs.
The most common muscular disease
Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy is the most common muscular disease. It is a
genetic disorder identified by the constant loss of muscles. It affects many
parts of the body such as the deterioration of skeletal, heart, lung muscles.
Duchenne is caused by the change in the dystrophin gene.

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