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Centre number 995

Student name Asma AL-SAADI

Student ID number 42516241

CIPD number 88102630

Unit code 3CO01

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Assessment submission date 10th Oct 2023

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Student Name Asma AL-SAADI

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10th oct 2023

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BUSINESS, CULTURE, And change context


OCTOBER 9, 2023
Submitted by Asma Al-Saadi

Table of Contents
AC 1.1.................................................................................................................................................4/5
AC 1.2....................................................................................................................................................6
AC 1.3....................................................................................................................................................7
AC 1.4....................................................................................................................................................8
AC 2.1....................................................................................................................................................9
AC 2.2..................................................................................................................................................10
AC 3.1..................................................................................................................................................11
AC 3.2.............................................................................................................................................12/13
AC 3.3.............................................................................................................................................14/15

(AC 1.1)

1. An examination of three key external influences impacting or likely to impact the

organisation’s activities.

Economic Economic conditions such as inflation rates, currency exchange rates, and
Factor economic recessions can significantly impact an organization's activities
(Maverick, 2022). For instance, a recession might lead to decreased
consumer spending, affecting sales and profitability.
Legal Factor changes in laws and regulations, whether related to environmental
standards, data privacy, or industry-specific regulations, can have a
profound effect on how organizations conduct business. Compliance with
these changes can be costly and time-consuming.
Technological Rapid technological advancements can disrupt industries and
Factor organizations. For example, the adoption of new technologies like
artificial intelligence or automation can transform the way a company
operates, impacting its workforce and competitiveness.

Strength Weakness
Succession Planning: Organizations need to plan for Employee Development and
leadership transitions and ensure a pipeline of Retention: Another important goal
qualified individuals who can step into key roles. for many organizations is to attract,
Succession planning helps maintain continuity and develop, and retain talented
stability within the organization. employees. Planning is critical for
Employee Engagement: Planning strategies for this goal because:
employee engagement, such as creating a positive Skills Gap Analysis: Effective
workplace culture, offering career advancement planning involves assessing the skills
opportunities, and providing competitive and competencies of the current
compensation packages, can help attract and retain workforce and identifying skill gaps.
top talent. High employee engagement is linked to This information helps organizations
improved productivity and reduced turnover. design training and development
programs to bridge these gaps and
enhance employee capabilities.

Opportunities Threat
Revenue growth One common business goal for Risk Mitigation: Revenue growth
organizations is to achieve revenue growth, whether goals often come with risks, such as
through increased sales, expansion into new markets, market fluctuations or changing
or the introduction of new products or services. customer preferences. Planning
Planning is vital for this goal because: allows organizations to identify
Resource Allocation: Proper planning helps allocate potential risks and develop
resources efficiently. Whether it's allocating a budget mitigation strategies, ensuring they
for marketing campaigns, hiring additional sales staff, are prepared for unexpected
or investing in research and development, planning challenges that could hinder
ensures that resources are directed toward activities revenue growth.
that will contribute to revenue growth.
Market Analysis: Planning involves conducting
market research and analysis to identify growth
opportunities, target customer segments, and
competitive landscapes. Understanding these factors
enables organizations to make informed decisions
and tailor their strategies to maximize revenue.
2. (AC 1.2)

Business Goals

Goals in business are aspirations the company has set for itself that are both concrete and
measurable and have a set deadline. These objectives give the company a clear course to
follow, directing decisions and activities to achieve strategic priorities.

Business Goal 1: Achieving Net Zero Greenhouse Gas Emissions

BAE Systems has established a goal of achieving net zero greenhouse gas emissions across
its operations by 2030, with the goal of achieving a net-zero value chain by 2050 (BAE
Systems, 2022). The company's dedication to lowering its carbon footprint and
environmental sustainability is shown in this goal.

Importance of Planning for Goal 1:

Since achieving this aim will necessitate a radical change in the way the firm operates, its
energy sources, and its supply chain procedures, planning is essential. Without a well-
thought-out plan, BAE Systems might struggle to carry out the necessary modifications. A
lack of planning could result in missed deadlines, reputational damage, and possibly non-
compliance with legislation. To achieve this, BAE Systems needs to employ sustainable
practices, energy-efficient procurement methods, and renewable energy sources.

Business Goal 2: Achieving Gender Diversity on the Executive Committee

By 2030, BAE Systems wants to have at least 50% of its Executive Committee comprised of
women (BAE Systems, 2023). The company's dedication to promoting an inclusive and
diverse workplace is reflected in this goal.

Importance of Planning for Goal 2:

BAE Systems requires extensive planning to attain this goal, which includes programs to
attract, retain, and advance women into senior positions. The organization might find it
difficult to achieve this degree of gender diversity on its Executive Committee without
preparation. Insufficient variety may result in a restricted scope of viewpoints and possible
talent reservoirs. If goals related to diversity and inclusion aren’t fulfilled, it could potentially

lead to legal or reputational issues. Plans should include mentorship, leadership
development initiatives, and methods for resolving possible biases.

3. (AC 1.3)


1. Product/Service Description: Begin by providing a concise overview of what the

organization produce Oil & Gas

2. Uniqueness: North Oil company have sea filed:

 Drilling
 Operating
 Oil and Gas production

3. Product/Service Lifecycle: between B to B (Business to Business)

Main Customers:

1. Customer Segments: demographics, geographic location, industry, or any other

relevant criteria. For example, if the organization is a B2B provider, their customers
might be businesses in specific industries.

2. Customer Relationships: North oil company maintains relationships with customers.

This could involve sales teams, customer support, online platforms, or other means
of interaction.

3. Customer Value: terms of cost savings, improved efficiency, enhanced productivity,

or other benefits.

4. Customer Loyalty and Feedback: strategies the organization uses to foster customer
loyalty and gather feedback. This can include surveys, or feedback mechanisms that
help the organization continually improve its offerings (Olson, 2022).

4. (AC 1.4)

1. Human Resource Management Systems (HRMS): HRMS software streamlines

various HR functions, including recruitment, employee onboarding, payroll, and
performance management (Holliday, 2020). It improves working practices by
automating administrative tasks, reducing paperwork, and ensuring data accuracy. It
also enables better collaboration among HR teams by providing a centralized
platform for information sharing.

2. Employee Self-Service (ESS) Portals: ESS portals allow employees to access their HR-
related information, such as pay stubs, benefits, and leave requests, independently.
This technology empowers employees to manage their own HR-related tasks,
reducing the workload on HR professionals and fostering a sense of ownership in

3. Learning Management Systems (LMS): LMS platforms allow organizations to deliver

and track employee training and development programs. People professionals can
use LMS to enhance employee skills, ensure compliance, and promote ongoing
learning, thereby improving workforce capabilities.

4. Performance Management Software: Performance management software helps HR

professionals streamline the performance appraisal process, set goals, and provide
feedback to employees. These tools facilitate better communication between
managers and employees, promoting performance improvement and development.

5. (AC 2.1)

Organizational Culture Definition:

Organizational culture refers to the shared values, beliefs, norms, and behaviors that
characterize how people within an organization interact, make decisions, and work together
(Indeed, 2021). It's the collective personality of an organization, encompassing its traditions,
customs, and the way things are done. Organizational culture influences employees'
attitudes, actions, and the overall work environment.

importance of Fostering an Appropriate and Effective Workplace Culture:

Fostering an appropriate and effective workplace culture is crucial for several reasons:

1. Employee Engagement: A positive culture fosters higher levels of employee

engagement and satisfaction. When employees feel aligned with the organization's
values and mission, they are more motivated, committed, and likely to contribute
their best efforts.

2. Attracting and Retaining Talent: A strong organizational culture can be a powerful

tool for attracting top talent and retaining employees. People are often drawn to
companies that have a culture that aligns with their own values and work

6. (AC 2.2)

1. Structure: The organizational structure defines the hierarchy, roles, and reporting
relationships within an organization. It can be hierarchical, flat, matrix-based, or
some combination thereof (Cooks-Campbell, 2022). The structure affects how work
is organized and how decisions are made.

2. Systems: Systems in an organization encompass the processes, procedures, and

workflows that govern how work gets done. These systems can include HR processes
(recruitment, performance management, etc.), financial systems, and operational
processes. They ensure the smooth functioning of the organization.

Interrelation between these aspects:

 Structure and Systems: The structure of an organization determines how systems

are designed and implemented. For example, in a hierarchical structure, decision-
making authority may be concentrated at the top, leading to centralized systems and

processes. In contrast, a flat structure may encourage more decentralized decision-
making and streamlined systems.

Impact of People Professionals' Work and Actions:

People professionals, such as HR managers, play a critical role in shaping and maintaining
these interconnected aspects of organizations. Their actions can have ripple effects:

 Recruitment and Talent Management: HR professionals impact the organization's

structure by recruiting talent that fits the culture and supports the strategic goals.
Their training and development programs also influence the culture by fostering
specific skills and values.

 Performance Management: HR's performance management processes and systems

affect how employees are evaluated and rewarded, which, in turn, influences
behavior and reinforces cultural norms.

 Employee Engagement and Culture Development: HR plays a central role in

promoting a positive culture through initiatives like employee engagement surveys,
diversity and inclusion programs, and leadership development.

7. (AC 3.1)

Organizational change is a fundamental and often necessary aspect of any business or

institution's life cycle. Change can be driven by various factors such as shifts in market
conditions, technological advancements, competitive pressures, or internal needs for
improvement. It is crucial that organizational change is planned and effectively managed for
several key reasons:

1. Minimizes Disruption: Change can disrupt normal operations and workflows. When
change is not carefully planned and managed, it can lead to confusion, productivity
declines, and resistance from employees (SHRM, 2019). Effective planning helps
minimize these disruptions and ensures a smoother transition.

2. Mitigates Resistance: Change often meets resistance from employees who may fear
the unknown or be attached to existing processes and routines (IMD, 2022). Effective
change management strategies include communication, training, and involving
employees in the decision-making process. This reduces resistance and increases the
likelihood of successful implementation.

3. Reduces Risk: Change, if not managed properly, can introduce risks and
uncertainties. Planning allows organizations to identify potential risks and develop
mitigation strategies. This reduces the likelihood of costly setbacks or failures.

4. Enhances Employee Engagement: Employees who feel informed, involved, and

supported during periods of change are more likely to remain engaged and
committed to their work. Effective change management fosters a sense of ownership
and empowerment among employees.

8. (AC 3.2)

People professionals play a pivotal role in facilitating and managing organizational change.
They can take on various roles within the change process, each contributing to its success.
Here's an explanation of some key roles that people professionals can play and their

1. Gatekeeper:

 Importance: People professionals can act as gatekeepers by evaluating
proposed changes to ensure they align with the organization's values,
culture, and strategic goals. This role is essential for maintaining the integrity
of the organization's core principles.

 Role: They assess the potential impact of change initiatives on employees,

culture, and overall well-being, filtering out changes that may have negative
consequences or conflicts.

2. Champion:

 Importance: As champions of change, people professionals actively promote

and advocate for the proposed changes within the organization. Their role is
crucial in building support and enthusiasm for change (Jacoby, 2015).

 Role: They inspire and motivate employees to embrace change,

communicate its benefits, and lead by example, demonstrating their
commitment to its success.

3. Facilitator:

 Importance: People professionals often serve as facilitators during change

initiatives, helping to design and coordinate training programs, workshops,
and communication strategies that support the transition (Mariadiricatti,

 Role: They create an environment where employees can openly discuss

concerns, provide input, and collaborate on solutions, fostering a sense of
involvement and ownership in the change process.

4. Critical Friend:

 Importance: In the role of a critical friend, people professionals offer

constructive feedback and challenge assumptions to ensure that change
initiatives are well-thought-out and thoroughly planned.

 Role: They provide a valuable external perspective and help identify potential
pitfalls or blind spots in the change strategy, ultimately enhancing its quality
and effectiveness.

5. Record-Keeper:

 Importance: Maintaining records and documentation of the change process

is essential for accountability, compliance, and future reference. People
professionals can ensure that all aspects of the change are well-documented.

 Role: They keep records of communications, decisions, feedback, and

progress throughout the change process, helping the organization learn from
its experiences and meet regulatory or reporting requirements.

Overall, people professionals serve as key change agents and facilitators within
organizations. Their diverse roles, including gatekeeper, champion, facilitator, critical friend,
and record-keeper, help navigate the complexities of change management. By fulfilling
these roles effectively, they contribute to the successful planning, implementation, and
adaptation of change initiatives while ensuring alignment with the organization's values and

9.(AC 3.3)

Organizational change can have a profound impact on individuals within the organization,
and these impacts can vary widely depending on the nature of the change. Here's a
discussion of how organizational change can affect people in different ways:

1. Changing Roles and Responsibilities:

 Positive Impact: Some individuals may see the change as an opportunity for
personal and professional growth. They may acquire new skills, take on more
challenging roles, and broaden their experience (Feldmann, 2014).

 Negative Impact: Others may feel overwhelmed or unprepared for their new
roles. Changes in responsibilities can lead to stress, anxiety, and a sense of
being outside one's comfort zone.

2. Financial Situation:

 Positive Impact: Organizational changes that lead to increased revenues or

cost savings can sometimes result in financial rewards for employees. This
might include bonuses, profit-sharing, or improved compensation packages.

 Negative Impact: On the other hand, cost-cutting measures such as layoffs or

downsizing can lead to job insecurity and financial stress for those affected.
Even changes in job roles and responsibilities can impact compensation if not
appropriately adjusted.

3. Work-Life Balance:

 Positive Impact: Some changes, such as flexible work arrangements or

remote work options, can positively impact an individual's work-life balance,
leading to improved well-being and job satisfaction.

 Negative Impact: Conversely, increased workloads or expectations due to
changes can lead to longer hours, decreased work-life balance, and potential

4. Job Security and Job Satisfaction:

 Positive Impact: When individuals perceive change as a positive step

forward, it can enhance job satisfaction and job security, leading to a more
engaged and motivated workforce.

 Negative Impact: Conversely, when changes are perceived as chaotic or

disruptive, job satisfaction can decline, and employees may actively seek
alternative employment options.


1. BAE Systems. (2022). Protect the planet. BAE Systems | United States.
2. BAE Systems. (2023). Diversity and inclusion. BAE Systems | International.
3. Cooks-Campbell, A. (2022, September 1). Organizational structure: Your guide to
configuring and growing teams.
4. Feldmann, T. B. (2014). Understanding the Dynamics of Change and the Impact on
Psychiatric Education. Academic Psychiatry, 38(6), 672–679.
5. IMD. (2022, August 19). Everything you need to know about change management.
6. Indeed. (2021, April 1). 8 Reasons Why Organizational Culture is Important. Indeed
Career Guide.
7. Jacoby, J. (2015). Champions, Change Agents and Change Advocates.
8. Mariadiricatti. (2017, February 15). #Working4HRM: HRM as Change facilitators.
9. SHRM. (2019, August 16). Managing Organizational Change. SHRM.

10. Holliday, M. (2020, August 10). Why You Need an HR Management System. Oracle



11. Maverick, J. B. (2022, March 17). Which economic factors most affect the demand for

consumer goods? Investopedia.


12. Olson, S. (2022). 7 ways to build customer loyalty (and why it’s important). Zendesk.


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