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Date Completed:
Manga, Peñablanca, Cagayan Signature of Proponents

Proponents Last Name First Name MI

Sibbaluca Angel A.
Limbauan Shyla Irish B.
Calagui Christine Joy F.
Calagui Crislyn P.
Taguinod Jaylord B.
Tangan John Paul S.
Tagguiam Paul aries T.

Research Design


Working Title:
(as proposed by the proponent)

Approved Title: <This will be given by the panel>

(as redirected by the research
(APA Style) :Abdul- Rahman H., Takim, R., & Sze Min, W. (2010, August). Financial-related causes
contributing to project delays. Journal of Retail & Leisure Property, Volume 8, Issue 3, pp
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: Anikwe, M. N., Nwobodo, K. A. (2002, July). Long term effect of municipal waste disposal
on soil properties and productivity of sites used for urban agriculture in Abakaliki, Nigeria.
Elsevier: Bioresource Technology, Volume 8, Issue 3, pp 241 - 250. Retrieved February 6,
2018, from
: Boehlke, J. (2017, June 13). The Effects of Improper Garbage Disposal. Retrieved
February 6, 2018, from
: Brasch, B. (2017, July 18). Lack of Truck Drivers Creates Mountain of Garbage at Cobb
Dump. Retrieved April 11, 2018, from The Atlanta-Journal Constitution website:
DpCojjGQltz2nPnzoy2x1M/ Chris. (2015, February 6). Ready to Get Your Junk Removed?
Retrieved February 6, 2018, from

Theoretical/Conceptual Framework
-lack of garbage disposal -Observing a problem in a -Application of the project
barangay proposal
-Absence of garbage trucks -Analyzing -Composting
-Searching for possible

This study employs E. Pongcraz P. S Philips and R.L Kerskis Theory on waste management
(2004)will discuss the conceptual analysis of waste, activity upon waste, and holistic new the
golas of waste management. The theory waste management is a unified body of knowledge
about waste and waste management and it is founded on the expectation that waste
management is to prevent waste to cause harm to human health and the environment and
promote resource is the optimization.
Waste management is effected by two main reasons which are waste disposal and waste
segregation.Without this two we can notproperly manage or control the pile of waste in the
community. Waste disposal is affected by the application of the self sufficient principal and
discipline. Waste segregation is also affected discipline and waste control. This two are
affected discipline because without discipline the people cannot manage things successfully
and properly.

Review of Literature From prehistory through the present day, the favored means of solid waste disposal is simply
(Thematic Approach) to dump solid waste outside the city or village limits. Frequently, these dumps are in
wetlands, river or lakes. To minimize the volume of the wastes, the dump is often burned.
These methods are being used in remote or sparsely populated areas in the world (Enger &
Smith, 2006)

According to the Aeckerman (1997), waste management is an integrated part of the

sustainable development. As population continues to grow and economy expands, there is a
need to ensure the waste generated is properly manage on order to preserve the existing
environment for future generations. Waste management has also been widely recognized
especially in the 1980’s when there was a fear of landfill crisis. Since then, major
development happened in municipal waste managementLandfill.
is typically a depression in an impermeable clay layer that is lined with an impermeable
membrane. Each day’s deposit of fresh garbage is covered with a layer of soil. Selection of
modern landfill sites must be based on an understanding of ground-water geology, soil type,
and sensitivity in local citizen’ concerns. Once the site is selected, extensive construction
activities are necessary to prepare it for use. In some cases, methane produced by rotting
garbage is collected and used to generate electricity. In 2001, about 57 percent of United
States and about 80 percent of Canadian municipal solid wastes go into landfills, but this
method is failing to handle the large volume of wastes (Cunningham & Saigo, 2001).

Incineration of refuse was quote common in North America and Western Europe prior to
1940. However, many incinerators were claimed because of aesthetic concerns, such as foul
odors, noxious gases, and gritty smoke, rather than for reasons of public health. Most
incineration facilities burn unprocessed municipal solid waste, which is not as efficient as
some other technologies. About one-fourth of the incinerators use refuse-derived fuel-
collected refuse that has been processed into the pellets prior to combustion (Cunningham&
Saigo, 2003).

Incineration could be a process of burning wastes to generate electricity. This process is

considered harmful to the environment as it adds a lot of emission to the atmosphere making
already fast speed scale of global warming to escalate even further (Guzman et al.,
2010)Source Reduction. According to Cunningham and Saigo (2003), the most fundamental
way to reduce wastes is to prevent it from becoming waste in the first place. Source
reduction means using less materials when making a product or converting from heavy
packaging materials to lightweight ones. Some packaging materials are converted to
lightweight aluminum and plastic and reducing the thickness of packaging, thus reducing the
amount of packaging wastes. In 2003, plastic milk jugs weigh about half of what they
weighted when they were first introduced. On an individual level, one can reduce amount of
wastes generated. Every small personal commitment accumulates result of a significant
reduction of municipal solid wastes.

Solid wastes may be recycled into useful products. Nowadays, as reported by Guzman et
al., (2010), recyclable materials recovered from municipal refuse. Many municipalities require
that those who generate solid wastes must separate and keep bottles, cans, newspaper,
cardboards and other recyclables items. Special trucks pick up these wastes and transfer to
the recycling facilities.

The United States recycle about 23% of its municipal solid wastes while Canada recycles
about 10% of its waste. The goal for Ontario, Canada is to reduce amount of garbage to the
landfill sites by 50% in 2000. Recycling along with source reduction, is a major part of the
Ontario plan. Recycling along with source reduction, is a major part of the Ontario plan.
Recycling initiative has grown rapidly in North America during the past several years
(Cunningham & Saigo, 2005).

In the Philippines, recycling is well established. It is slowly taking-off in the more parts of
Asia. Two of which are in the remote village of Looc on Panglau Island in the Philippines.
Locals now collect plastics for recycling to supplement their income. Also, schemes are
under way to recycle plastic bottles and cans. The collected material is send to Cebu City by
barge. There, the bottles can are processed. It is important to note that the motivators for this
recycling initiate are mostly financial rather than environmental. These rural communities are
still living in a severe poverty, with the proceeds of sale used to buy basic foods staples
(Alan, 2011). There are two types of recycling: One is direct in the sense of materials are
reused directly like bottles and refillable beverage containers. The indirect way is when the
waste materials will undergo processing like aluminum cans. With recycling, new materials
are formed out of sates (Guzman & Reyes, 2003 as cited in Anito, 2011).

Biodegradable wastes can be transformed into fertilizer or soil conditioner in the form of
compost. Compost is a humus-like material that usually results from the aerobic biological
stabilization of the organic materials in solid wastes. The operation includes preparing the
refuse and de grading organic matter by aerobic microorganism. The refuse is presorted to
remove materials that might have a salvage value cannot be composted, then it is ground to
improve efficiency of the decomposition process. This can be a soil conditioner to and a
fertilizer for flower heads, vegetables gardens, trees and shrubs (Guzman et al., 2010)

Composting technology is basic and simple, requiring minimum skill and capital with the
joint effort of the government and AWARE Inc., (1996) the process is further enhanced.
Biodegradable wastes can be composted and turned into organic fertilizer in a process that
essentially returns the wastes to the earth. Food wastes such as peelings, leftover, vegetable
trims, fish/fowl, and entrails, soft shells, garden wastes such as manure and carcases are
compostable and become organic fertilizer through a controlled process of biological
decomposition in about 35 to 45 days. It is a messy and tedious process, but it is good for
the earth and is profitable (Lapid, Ancheta & Villareal, 1996)
Burning Wastes
In cities that do not have enough land available for landfills, controlled burning of wastes at
high temperatures to produce steam and ash is a preferred waste disposal technique.
Combustion reduces significantly the volume of wastes to be disposed. Moreover, solid
wastes can provide for a continuously available and alternative source for generating energy
through combustion. This energy can be channeled into useful purpose (Debashree, 2012).
Open Dumps
As reported by Cunningham ad Cunningham (2006), often, the way people dispose of waste
is to simply drop it in some places. Open, unregulated dumps are still the predominant
method of waste disposal in most disposal in most developing countries. The giant third
world megacities have enormous garbage problem

Research Questions/
Objectives The study assess the profile of the respondent and the proper waste disposal of every house
hold members in pabahay at manga. The objective of this study is to let the residents of
barangay manga pabahay know how to dispose their garbage.
Specifically this study aims to answer the following :
1.what is the profile of the respondent in terms of :
1.3 sex
1.4.educatinal attainment
2.what are the current community isuues of the residence in the barangay?
3.What are the methods used by the residence in disposing their waste?
4.What are the factors cause this problems?
5.How often do they assess solid waste management?
6.What are the health hazard associated with solid waste?
7. Is there a signifact relationship between the implementation of solid waste management
and the profile of respondents?

Significance of the Proposed Study The objective of the study is to let residents of Barangay Manga Pabahay know how to
dispose their garbage.
The study is significant because it will help the researcher to discover the problems of solid
waste management. It Wil help create awareness about the dangers associated about the
improper waste managemen . The study will assist policy makers to draw concrete plans that
will tackle the problems of solid waste management and also stimulate further researcher.


Research Design
-This research utilized a case study a type of qualitative research that determines the
problems of barangay pabahy manga. In regards in proper waste disposal.
Respondents of the study
-All of the interviews are all women and this data can effect the results because women stay
at their household more often and they are more aware of the changes that occur on the
Research Instruments
-The researcher approach the people by saying some simple introduction and explaining the
purpose of the research. Some question listed in the questionnaire were about their weekly
budget, their expenses and family background knowledge about waste disposal and
appliances that they are using.
Collection of data
-The Interviews /Survey Question include their name, occupation, educational attainment,
including their age, marital status, and occupation. It is followed questions about barangay
Manga residences about proper waste segregation and disposal
Data gathering tool should also be included in a separate sheet

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