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Name Class Class 3A/B

Subject UOI - General Science Submission dateline 10 January 2024

Conductors and Insulators

A Conductor is a material that allows electricity to pass through.

An Insulator is a material that does not allow electricity to pass through.

Task [Part 1]

As part of your holiday homework, you are expected to make a Board of materials
consisting of small pieces of conductors and insulators. You are required to come up
with an information sheet of each material you have put on your board, describing the
material and explaining if it is a conductor or insulator with appropriate explanation.

Task [Part 2: To be done in the school]

You will bring the board of material to school on the submission date. In the class, with
your peers, you will use the circuit which will be given by your teacher to test out your
materials on your board. After this experiment, you will present your findings to the
class with the help of your information sheet. You will then be required to pen down
your reflections in your notebook.
Criteria Excellent (4) Proficient (3) Basic (2) Limited (1)

The student
The student The student has a basic The student has a
demonstrates a deep
demonstrates a good understanding of limited understanding of
understanding of
understanding of conductors and conductors and
conductors and
conductors and insulators. Some insulators. Many
Content Knowledge insulators. The
insulators. The materials may be materials are
selection of materials is
selection of materials is misclassified, and misclassified, and
accurate, and
mostly accurate, and explanations are explanations lack
explanations are clear
explanations are clear. somewhat unclear. clarity.
and comprehensive.

The student presents The student lacks

The student presents The student presents
confidently, using a confidence in
with confidence. The with some confidence.
clear and loud voice. presenting. The voice
voice is clear, and the The voice is clear, but
Presentation Skills The presentation is may be unclear, and the
presentation is the presentation may
well-organized, presentation lacks
organized and lack organization and
engaging, and holds the organization and
engaging. engagement.
audience's attention. engagement.

Visuals are Visuals are effective in

Visuals are ineffective
exceptionally effective, enhancing the
Visuals are somewhat and do not contribute
enhancing the understanding of
effective but may lack significantly to the
Use of Visuals understanding of conductors and
relevance or quality understanding of
conductors and insulators. They are
design. conductors and
insulators. They are relevant and
well-designed, relevant, well-designed.
and aesthetically

The board includes a

wide variety of
The board includes The board includes
real-world examples, The board lacks
good examples of basic examples, but
Inclusion of Examples enhancing the examples or includes
conductors and they may lack diversity
application of irrelevant ones.
insulators in daily life. or relevance.
conductors and
insulators in daily life.

The board is of
The board is of good The board is of average The board is of poor
exceptional quality,
quality, indicating a quality, reflecting a quality, indicating a
demonstrating a
Overall Quality solid understanding of basic understanding of limited understanding of
thorough understanding
conductors and conductors and conductors and
of conductors and
insulators. insulators. insulators.

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