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Question 1. _____ step must be completed to the fullest extent.

A. Each B. Much C. Many D. All
Question 2. If I were _____, I wouldn't make any comments on _____ problems.
A. hers – them B. him – their C. its – they D. your – theirs
Question 3. Among the three boys, Dan is the tallest; _____ are just a little shorter.
A. others B. the others C. another D. each
Question 4. Hana made _____ profit from selling her old clothes.
A. many B. lots of C. almost D. few
Question 5. You can take _____ the table _____ the bench; we don't need them
A. neither – nor B. either – nor C. both – or D. either – or
Question 6. _____ the water in the lake was contaminated by heavy metals.
A. All B. Many C. Much D. Little
Question 7. Finally, he found only one shoe and accepted that _____ was lost.
A. another B. others C. the other D. other
Question 8. Giang gave me _____ helpful advice on studying abroad.
A. many B. a lot C. some D. a few
Question 9. Would you like to have a look at _____ choices? There is also coffee
and juices.
A. much B. another C. other D. every
Question 10. There is _____ sugar left; it's not enough to make a cake.
A. a few B. little C. much D. many
Question 11. Can I meet the shopkeeper? I want to exchange this blue dress for
A. other B. another C. many D. every
Question 12. You can find ________ useful information on plastic pollution on this
A. each B. another C. many D. some
Question 13. _____ public bicycles were left on the side of the road.
A. A few B. Much C. Most of D. Each
Question 14. Peter admitted that he was good at _____ Math _____ English so he
couldn’t help.
A. neither – nor B. either – nor C. neither – or D. either – or
Question 15. Rebecca spends _____ her time in front of the screen surfing the web.
A. each B. almost C. most of D. many
Question 16. _____ people still mistakenly believe that _____ majors are useless
and give students no job opportunities.
A. Many – little B. A lot of – some C. Almost – many D. Few – much
Question 17. He gave _______ colour options, but I couldn’t decide which one
would be the most suitable for my bedroom.
A. several B. almost C. others D. each
Question 18. _____ tusks were found on the edge of the forest after the poachers
had been arrested.
A. Much B. A lot C. Others D. Some
Question 19. The Browns denied _____ were at the restaurant that evening.
A. them B. their C. themselves D. they
Question 20. My husband insisted that he had prepared the meals _____.
A. him B. his C. himself D. he
Question 21. I often visit Mike whose house is next to _____.
A. me B. mine C. my D. I
Question 22. _____ young people regard their online image as important to their
A. Much B. Many C. Every D. Another
Question 23. Jack and Jill fought _____ in front of all their classmates.
A. much B. each other C. a little D. another
Question 24. _____ the workers in the factory do not have an employment
A. Most B. Almost C. Most of D. Many
Question 25. Luke gave me ______ books, but none of them was interesting.
A. some B. each C. others D. a little
Question 26. I _____ didn't finish the test.
A. most B. each C. almost D. much
Question 27. _____ books in my school library cannot be found online.
A. Almost B. Most of C. A little D. Most
Question 28. Doing exercise has positive impacts on _____ physical and mental
A. neither B. either C. both D. all
Question 29. Learners just need to put in _____ effort every day to make progress
in English.
A. a little B. a few C. many D. several
Question 30. The teacher was disappointed that _____ students could do such a
simple math question.
A. few B. many C. a lot of D. every
Question 1. There are _______ students who prefer to study online.
A. much B. another C. little D. many
Question 2. Your ideas are totally different from ________.
A. mine B. I C. me D. my
Question 3. ______ people say that exams help students study better.
A. Some B. Every C. Another D. Each
Question 4. My brother is crazy about this singer, but he’s never met _______
A. my B. our C. her D. theirs
Question 5. We don’t know why we laugh, but one idea is that it makes _______
people feel good.
A. another B. every C. other D. each
Question 6. _______ people came to see me off, which was a great shame.
A. Every B. Others C. Few D. A little
Question 7. She wrote _______ science books, but none of them were popular.
A. little B. many C. every D. another
Question 8. Today, _______ families in Vietnam still watch TV shows together.
A. every B. much C. each D. many
Question 9. We smoke a lot, but we don’t know how smoking really affects
A. us B. him C. theirs D. mine
Question 10. Their new house is large, but ________ is a bit larger.
A. our B. her C. ours D. we
Question 11. Sadly, _______ TV shows we’ve created really catch the attention of
the viewers.
A. much B. many C. each D. few
Question 12. In this article, they suggest _______ ways to make friends at your
new school.
A. some B. every C. almost D. another
Question 13. They’ve been unemployed for months due to the pandemic, so they
have ______ money to spend.
A. few B. much C. all D. little
Question 14. Students in this school are required to wear face masks all the time
when ________ return to school on Monday.
A. our B. his C. they D. we
Question 15. It came as a surprise to me that ______ Tim and Peter were selected.
A. neither B. both C. either D. most
Question 16. He needs to do _______ more work before he can go to sleep.
A. many B. a few C. every D. some
Question 17. Peter had to borrow Nam’s pen because _______ was out of ink.
A. their B. he C. him D. his
Question 18. The covid-19 pandemic is very dangerous because _______ claimed
thousands of lives in just 5 months.
A. they B. its C. it D. theirs
Question 19. I don’t know why ________ are so rude to her.
A. others B. much C. almost D. himself
Question 20. ________ companies offer temporary internship programmes for
final year students.
A. Much B. Many C. Each D. Every
Question 21. We have _______ milk left. Could you buy some on your way home?
A. much B. each C. a few D. little
Question 22. In _______ cities, cycling is the most popular way to commute to
A. every B. almost C. some D. little
Question 23. If you intend to study or live in ________ country, you should learn
about its culture.
A. many B. much C. a few D. another
Question 24. We were shocked to find out that Jim spread rumours about _______.
A. hers B. us C. they D. mine
Question 25. Producers should change the way _______ make shows in order to
accommodate each viewer’s needs.
A. we B. they C. them D. his
Question 26. Without enough sleep, we can’t concentrate on work for _______
A. every B. each C. many D. much
Question 27. I will need _______ more background information so that I can start
writing the article.
A. a little B. each C. every D. a few
Question 28. Today, people are quite good at remembering ________ different
ideas at the same time.
A. every B. much C. another D. lots of
Question 29. Today’s such an exhausting day. _______ customers have complained
about our new pricing system.
A. Every B. Others C. Most of D. Many
Question 30. Sadly, _______ Max nor Linda attended the party.
A. either B. till C. neither D. both

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