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Submitted to


In partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of the degree in


Under the guidance of


Dept. of MBA



MYSURU – 570002 (2023 – 2024)



The first Smartphone was invented by IBM in 1992 known as a Simon Smartphone. This was
a big breakthrough in the field of technology and for the requirements of people.
Smartphones as name itself indicates something special, facilitates easy, quick and affordable
world of information resources. The electronic device which is capable of effectively
performing functions installed in combination of both hardware and software parts. It can
perform many tasks that a computer do one can talk, send messages, take 2 photos watch and
share videos, business, entertainment etc. In addition, smartphones have several physical
features that set them apart from normal phones especially every activity done through touch

Smartphone has become a very important and wonderful communicative tools among young
generation. One feels incomplete without the use of smartphone and it has revolutionized all
affairs of human development viz: Education and Research, Business, Health, Sports,
Entertainment etc. It has been observed that use of smartphone has tremendously increased
since many years now. In any particular occasion whether in public place, workplace or any
family gathering, everyone one remains in-touch with it. Research reveals that majority of
people especially young generation remains busy in calling, checking messages, watching or
sending videos, up-dating, chatting etc., so this has become an un-avoidable part of
individual’s life. It seems that life of youth without the use of smartphones cannot run
smoothly. With the access to internet, anything, anytime, anywhere happens/happening comes
to be known in a few seconds and the same propagates very quickly around the globe.
However, the use of smartphones has badly affected social, psychological as well as physical
life of people especially young generation as Bhalla (2017) is of the opinion that smartphones
are popular innovation and need of the hour. It has both positive as well as negative impact. It
can act as Instructor, Reminder, educational tool and Entertainer etc. On the other side, acts as
distractor, interrupt you while doing important assignments with irrelevant notification and
disturbs one’s social life. Also creates nuisance at worship places like Masjids, Mandirs,
Churches Etc. In this context, the present study is an attempt to explore and examine the
impact of Smartphones on the life of young generation

Need for identifying problem:

Addressing negative consequences effectively: Without a clear understanding of the specific

problems, any interventions or solutions could be misguided or ineffective. Pinpointing specific issues
like cyberbullying, addiction, or mental health impact allows for targeted solutions and support

Disrupted social interactions and communication skills: Evaluating social skills

development, observing social interactions, and conducting surveys can help identify
challenges faced by youth in face-to-face communication and inform initiatives to promote
social skills development.

Addiction and excessive screen time: Measuring average usage time, tracking app access
patterns, and analysing behavioural changes associated with smartphone use can help identify
the severity of addiction and inform strategies for digital detox and time management.


 Study on the impact of smartphones on youths is to investigate and understand the effects
that smartphone usage has on young individuals, typically those in the age range of 13 to
25 years
 Physical health: Investigating the potential physical consequences of smartphone use,
like eye strain, neck pain, and posture-related problems due to prolonged screen time
 Internet addiction: Exploring the concept of smartphone addiction among youths and its
potential consequences on their lives.
 Social interactions: Understanding how smartphones affect youths' social skills,
communication styles, and relationships with peers, friends, and family members
 Productivity and creativity: Assessing whether smartphones positively or negatively
impact youths' creativity, problem-solving skills, and ability to manage their time


research will adopt a mixed-methods approach, utilizing both quantitative and qualitative data
collection techniques. This approach will provide a more comprehensive and understanding
of the impact of smartphones on youths.


Population: The target population will consist of youths between the ages of 15 to 25 years.

Sampling Technique: A stratified random sampling technique will be used to select

participants from different age groups and educational backgrounds.

Data Collection:

Quantitative Data: Surveys will be conducted using structured questionnaires to gather

numerical data on smartphone usage patterns and its impact on various aspects of youths'

Qualitative Data:

Focus group discussions and in-depth interviews will be conducted to gain insights into the
subjective experiences and perceptions of the participants regarding smartphone use.

 31.6% of respondents said they spend more than 6 hours per day using their

 36.8% of respondents said they spend between 4 and 6 hours per day using their

 21.1% of respondents said they spend between 1 and 2 hours per day using their

 10.5% of respondents said they spend less than 1 hour per day using their

Overall, the pie chart shows that a significant majority of people spend a lot of time using
their smartphones. More than two-thirds of respondents said they spend more than 4 hours
per day on their phones.

 40% of respondents said they strongly disagree that they miss important details due to
smartphone distractions.

 30% of respondents said they disagree that they miss important details due to
smartphone distractions.

 20% of respondents said they are neutral on whether they miss important details due
to smartphone distractions.

 10% of respondents agree that they miss important details due to smartphone

Overall, the pie chart shows that a majority of people (70%) report that smartphone
distractions do not cause them to miss important details in conversations or lectures.

 45% of respondents said they strongly disagree that their face-to-face communication
skills have been affected.

 25% of respondents said they disagree that their face-to-face communication skills
have been affected.

 25% of respondents said they are neutral on whether their face-to-face communication
skills have been affected.

 5% of respondents agree that their face-to-face communication skills have been


Overall, the pie chart shows that the majority of people (70%) feel that their face-to-face
communication skills have not been negatively affected by excessive smartphone use.

 15% of respondents said they strongly agree that they experience physical discomfort
due to prolonged smartphone use.

 40% of respondents said they agree that they experience physical discomfort due to
prolonged smartphone use.

 30% of respondents said they are neutral on whether they experience physical
discomfort due to prolonged smartphone use.

 15% of respondents disagree that they experience physical discomfort due to

prolonged smartphone use.

Overall, the pie chart shows that 55% of people report experiencing physical discomfort due
to prolonged smartphone use.

 45% of respondents said their quality of in-person social interactions has strongly
declined due to smartphone use.

 25% of respondents said their quality of in-person social interactions has declined due
to smartphone use.

 10% of respondents said their quality of in-person social interactions has remained

 10% of respondents said their quality of in-person social interactions

has improved due to smartphone use.

 10% of respondents said their quality of in-person social interactions has strongly
improved due to smartphone use.

Overall, the pie chart shows that 70% of people reported that their quality of in-person social
interactions has declined due to smartphone use.

 65% of respondents strongly agree or agree that smartphone use enhances their
overall learning experience.

 10% of respondents are neutral on whether smartphone use enhances their overall
learning experience.

 25% of respondents disagree or strongly disagree that smartphone use enhances their
overall learning experience.

Overall, the pie chart shows that a majority of people (75%) believe that smartphone use
enhances their overall learning experience.

 20% of respondents said they strongly disagree that they use their smartphones while
studying or working on academic tasks.

 25% of respondents said they disagree that they use their smartphones while studying
or working on academic tasks.

 10% of respondents said they are neutral on whether they use their smartphones while
studying or working on academic tasks.

 30% of respondents said they agree that they use their smartphones while studying or
working on academic tasks.

 15% of respondents said they strongly agree that they use their smartphones while
studying or working on academic tasks.

Overall, the pie chart shows that 55% of people reported using their smartphones while
studying or working on academic tasks.

 65% of respondents said they feel that smartphones have strongly
influenced or influenced their face-to-face social interactions with friends and family.

 10% of respondents said they feel that smartphones have had a neutral influence on
their face-to-face social interactions.

 25% of respondents said they feel that smartphones have had little or no influence on
their face-to-face social interactions.

Overall, the pie chart suggests that a majority of people (75%) feel that smartphones have
influenced their face-to-face social interactions with friends and family.

 55% of respondents strongly agreed or agreed with the statement.

 15% of respondents were neutral on the statement.

 30% of respondents disagreed or strongly disagreed with the statement.

Overall, the pie chart shows that a majority of people (70%) agree that using smartphones has
made it easier for them to communicate with others.

Focus Group Discussions and Interviews:

A semi-structured interview guide will be developed to facilitate focus group discussions and
individual interviews. These discussions will delve deeper into participants' experiences,
allowing them to express their feelings and thoughts openly

Data analysis:

Qualitative Data:

Thematic analysis will be applied to transcribed focus group discussions and interviews.
Themes and patterns related to the impact of smartphones on youths will be identified.

Major observation:

Positive impact of smart phones on youths.

Smartphones have had numerous positive impacts on youths, transforming the way they
communicate, learn, and interact with the world. Here are some of the key positive effects

Enhanced Communication: Smartphones have revolutionized communication, allowing

youths to stay connected with their friends and family regardless of distance. Social media
platforms, messaging apps, and video calling have made it easier to maintain relationships
and support networks

Access to Information: With smartphones, youths have instant access to a vast amount of
information through the internet. They can stay updated on current events, research topics for
school projects, and access educational resources, which has significantly enhanced their
learning capabilities

Learning Opportunities: Mobile apps and online courses have made education more
accessible and flexible. Youths can now learn new skills, languages, and subjects at their own
pace, expanding their knowledge beyond what traditional education offers

Creativity and Expression: Smartphones provide various tools for creative expression, such
as photography, video-making, and digital art. Many youths use social media and online
platforms to showcase their talents, which can lead to personal growth and even professional

Health and Fitness: Numerous health and fitness apps encourage youths to lead a healthier
lifestyle. These apps can track physical activity, provide fitness routines, and offer nutritional
advice, promoting overall well-being.

Cultural Awareness and Global Perspective: Through smartphones, youths can connect
with people from diverse backgrounds and cultures. This exposure fosters greater cultural
awareness and empathy, promoting a more inclusive and global perspective.

Safety and Security: Smartphones allow youths to maintain constant communication with
parents or guardians, providing a sense of safety and security. In emergencies, they can
quickly access help through various apps and features

While smartphones have brought about many positive impacts, it's important for youths to
use them responsibly and in moderation. Striking a healthy balance between online and
offline activities is crucial to ensure the positive effects are maximized while mitigating
potential negative consequences, such as excessive screen time and social media pressures

Negative impact of smart phones on youths

Smartphones have undoubtedly brought numerous benefits to our lives,

enabling easy communication, access to information, and productivity on-thego. However,

they can also have negative impacts on youths. Some of the

potential negative effects include:

Addiction and Excessive Screen Time: Smartphones can be highly addictive, leading to
excessive screen time among youths. This addiction can interfere with their daily routines,
sleep patterns, and social interactions. Spending too much time on smartphones can also lead
to a sedentary lifestyle, contributing to health problems like obesity.

Social Isolation: Paradoxically, despite being more connected digitally, excessive

smartphone use can lead to social isolation in the real world. Youths may prefer online
interactions over face-to-face conversations, which can hinder their ability to develop strong
interpersonal skills and form meaningful relationships.
Mental Health Issues: Research has shown a correlation between heavy

smartphone use and mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, and

loneliness, especially among vulnerable age groups like teenagers. The pressure

of social media, cyberbullying, and comparing oneself to others can negatively

impact youths' self-esteem and overall mental well-being.

Impact on Physical Health: Constant smartphone use can lead to physical

health issues such as eye strain, neck pain, and repetitive strain injuries.

Additionally, the blue light emitted by screens can disrupt sleep patterns,

affecting the quality and duration of sleep, which is particularly concerning for

developing adolescents.

Academic Performance: Excessive smartphone use can negatively affect

academic performance. It can lead to reduced focus, attention, and productivity. Frequent
distractions from notifications and social media can hinder the ability to concentrate on
studying and completing tasks.

Cyberbullying and Online Harassment: The widespread use of smartphones

and social media has made youths more vulnerable to cyberbullying and online

harassment. These negative experiences can have long-lasting emotional and

psychological effects on young individuals.

Privacy and Security Concerns: Smartphones can store a wealth of personal

information, and youths may not always be aware of the potential privacy and

security risks associated with various apps and online activities. This can make

them susceptible to identity theft, online scams, and data breaches.

Reduced Face-to-Face Communication Skills: Constant reliance on digital

communication can hinder the development of strong face-to-face

communication skills in youths. This can impact their ability to express

themselves effectively and navigate real-world social situations.

Implications on society:

Positive Implications:

 Access to information and education: Smartphones provide young people with instant
access to a vast amount of information and educational resources, empowering them to
learn and explore independently.
 Enhanced communication and connection: Social media platforms and messaging apps
allow young people to stay connected with friends and family, regardless of physical
distance. This can be especially beneficial for those living in remote areas or facing social

Development of creativity and digital skills: Smartphones offer various tools and platforms
for young people to express themselves creatively through photography, videography, music
production, and other digital media. This can foster innovation and equip them with valuable
skills for the digital age.

Negative Implications:

 Addiction and excessive screen time: Smartphone overuse can lead to addiction, with
detrimental effects on sleep patterns, attention spans, and overall well-being. This can
disrupt academic performance, social interactions, and physical activity levels.

 Disrupted social interactions and communication skills: Excessive smartphone use

can lead to face-to-face communication difficulties and hinder the development of
social skills. This can create challenges in forming meaningful relationships and
navigating social situations.

Open communication: Parents and educators should talk openly with youths about the
benefits and risks of smartphone use, setting clear expectations and boundaries without
demonizing technology.

Digital literacy: Schools can integrate digital literacy programs that teach youths about
healthy online behaviour, critical thinking, and online safety.

Time management: Encourage youths to develop healthy screen time habits and create
"device-free" zones at home and during specific activities. Apps and parental controls can
offer helpful tools.

Balance and variety: Promote activities that don't involve screens, like physical
exercise, hobbies, socializing in person, and creative pursuits. Encourage them to explore
their non-digital interests.


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