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Question 1. [Đề minh họa 2023] “Where are you going this weekend?” asked my
A. My sister asked me where I am going that weekend.
B. My sister asked me where am I going that weekend.
C. My sister asked me where I was going that weekend.
D. My sister asked me where was I going that weekend.
Question 2. “I have some work to do tonight,” said Lan.
A. Lan said that she had some work to do that night.
B. Lan said that she had had some work to do that night.
C. Lan said that she has some work to do that night.
D. Lan said that she has had some work to do that night.
Question 3. Binh asked me why I ________ to his birth party the night before.
A. didn’t come B. hadn’t come C. haven’t come D. won’t come
Question 4. “If I were you, I would buy this book,” Mai said to me.
A. Mai told me not to buy that book. B. Mai advised me to buy that book.
C. Mai ordered me to buy that book. D. Mai encouraged me not to buy that book.
Question 5. “How long have you been waiting here?” John asked me.
A. John asked me how long had I been waiting there.
B. John asked me how long have I been waiting there.
C. John asked me how long I had been waiting there.
D. John asked me how long I have been waiting there.
Question 6. “Do you enjoy watching this show?” She asked me.
A. She asked me if I enjoyed watching that show.
B. She asked me if I enjoy watching that show.
C. She asked me if I enjoy watching this show.
D. She asked me if I enjoyed watching this show.
Question 7. Tuan wanted to know where I ________ the week before.
A. have gone B. had gone C. go D. would go
Question 8. “I did some voluntary work last year,” Phuong said.
A. Phuong said that she did some voluntary work last year.
B. Phuong said that she had done some voluntary work last year.
C. Phuong said that she did some voluntary work the year before.
D. Phuong said that she had done some voluntary work the year before.
Question 9. “I didn’t break your antique vase,” Hoang said to his mother.
A. Hoang admitted breaking his mother’s antique vase.
B. Hoang refused to break his mother’s antique vase.
C. Hoang threatened to break his mother’s antique vase.
D. Hoang denied breaking his mother’s antique vase.
Question 10. “Does your brother attend this college?” Nam asked me.
A. Nam asked me whether your brother attended that college.
B. Nam asked me whether my brother attended that college.
C. Nam asked me if my brother attends that college.
D. Nam asked me if your brother attended this college.
Question 11. “Don’t forget to take an umbrella with you,” my mother said.
A. My mother told me not to take an umbrella with me.
B. My mother asked me not to take an umbrella with me.
C. My mother invited me to take an umbrella with me.
D. My mother reminded me to take an umbrella with me.
Question 12. “How often do you play badminton?” Trang asked me.
A. Trang asked me how often did I play badminton.
B. Trang asked me how often I played badminton.
C. Trang asked me how long do I play badminton.
D. Trang asked me how often I play badminton.
Question 13. “Why did you come late this morning?” The teacher asked me.
A. The teacher wanted to know why I had come late that morning.
B. The teacher wanted to know why did I come late that morning.
C. The teacher wanted to know why had I come late that morning.
D. The teacher wanted to know why I came late that morning.
Question 14. “I will go shopping after work,” my sister said.
A. My sister said that she will go shopping after work.
B. My sister said that she had gone shopping after work.
C. My sister said that she would go shopping after work.
D. My sister said that she went shopping after work.
Question 15. “Why don’t you see a doctor?” asked my brother.
A. My brother asked me not to see a doctor.
B. My brother advised me not to see a doctor.
C. My brother apologised to me for seeing a doctor.
D. My brother suggested that I see a doctor.
Question 16. He said that he ______ a visit to his grandparents two weeks before.
A. had paid B. pays C. paid D. would pay
Question 17. “I read your diary,” Nam said to me.
A. Nam refused to read my diary. B. Nam admitted reading my diary.
C. Nam threatened to read my diary. D. Nam denied reading my diary
Question 18. “When did you get home yesterday?” asked my father.
A. My father asked me when did I get home the day before.
B. My father asked me when I had got home the day before.
C. My father asked me when had I got home the day before.
D. My father asked me when I got home the day before.
Question 19. “I’m going to meet my old friends tomorrow,” said my mother.
A. My mother said that she is going to meet her old friends the next day.
B. My mother said that she was going to meet her old friends tomorrow.
C. My mother said that I was going to meet my old friends the next day.
D. My mother said that she was going to meet her old friends the next day.
Question 20. “Don’t use this sharp knife,” Linh said to me.
A. Linh told me to use that shark knife. B. Lin asked me to use that sharp knife.
C. Linh suggested that I use that sharp knife. D. Linh warned me against using that
sharp knife.
Question 21. “How did you spend your summer holiday last year?” They asked
A. They asked me how did I spend my summer holiday the year before.
B. They asked me how I spent my summer holiday the year before.
C. They asked me how I had spent my summer holiday the year before.
D. They asked me how had I spent my summer holiday the year before.
Question 22. “What are you reading now?” Tony asked me.
A. Tony wanted to know what I was reading then. B. Tony wanted to know what I
were reading then.
C. Tony wanted to know what I am reading now. D. Tony wanted to know what am
I reading now.
Question 23. “I have to finish my project tonight,” said Duong.
A. Duong said that he had to finish my project that night.
B. Duong said that he has to finish his project tonight.
C. Duong said that he had to finish his project that night.
D. Duong said that he has to finish his project that night.
Question 24. “Have you considered changing your job?” He asked me.
A. He asked me whether have I considered changing my job.
B. He asked me if I had considered changing my job.
C. He asked me if I have considered changing my job.
D. He asked me whether I had considered changing your job.
Question 25. “What are you planning to do next week?” She asked me.
A. She asked me what I were planning to do the next week.
B. She asked me what I had planned to do the following week.
C. She asked me what I was planning to do the next week.
D. She asked me what I have planned to do the following week
Question 1. “I have a lot of homework to do,” Ha said.
A. Ha said I had a lot of homework to do.
B. Ha said she had a lot of homework to do.
C. Ha said I have a lot of homework to do.
D. Ha said she has had a lot of homework to do.
Question 2. Tim wanted to know where I ________ to go that weekend.
A. will intend B. intend C. have intended D. intended
Question 3. “I can speak Chinese fluently,” Linda said.
A. Linda said he can speak Chinese fluently.
B. Linda said he couldn’t speak Chinese fluently.
C. Linda said he could speak Chinese fluently.
D. Linda said he can’t speak Chinese fluently.
Question 4. Peter said the picture _________ by a famous artist.
A. painted B. is painted C. was painted D. has been painted
Question 5. Laura said she _________ the bus.
A. might miss B. misses C. has missed D. will miss
Question 6. “If I were you, I wouldn’t book tickets at this time.” Luke said to me.
A. Luke encouraged me to book tickets at that time.
B. Luke told me not to book tickets at this time.
C. Luke asked me to book tickets at this time.
D. Luke advised me not to book tickets at that time.
Question 7. “I didn’t say swear words,” Nam said.
A. Nam admitted saying swear words.
B. Nam denied having said swear words.
C. Nam offered not to say swear words.
D. Nam threatened to say swear words.
Question 8. “How long have you volunteered at this hospital?” Linda asked me.
A. Linda asked me how long had I volunteered at that hospital.
B. Linda asked me how long I have volunteered at this hospital.
C. Linda asked me how long I had volunteered at that hospital.
D. Linda asked me how long have I volunteered at that hospital.
Question 9. “Don’t tell him my secrets,” Susan said to me.
A. Susan invited me to tell him her secrets.
B. Susan asked me not to tell him her secrets.
C. Susan advised me not to tell him my secrets.
D. Susan apologised to me for telling him my secrets
Question 10. My mother wanted to know why I _______ home late the night
A. come B. will come C. had come D. have come
Question 11. Bob said the Internet connection _________ stable enough for him to
study online.
A. wasn’t B. isn’t C. won’t be D. hasn’t been
Question 12. Many students said that the book ________ very informative.
A. has been B. may be C. will be D. was
Question 13. The interviewer asked me if I ________ any relevant experience.
A. had B. will have C. am having D. may have
Question 14. Martin wanted to know whether I ________ his diary.
A. have read B. am reading C. will read D. had read
Question 15. “Don’t forget to return the book to the library,” Max said.
A. Max told me not to return the book to the library.
B. Max reminded me to return the book to the library.
C. Max apologised to me for returning the book to the library.
D. Max regretted having returned the book to the library.
Question 16. “I am going to meet my doctor today,” my mother said.
A. My mother said that she had met her doctor that day.
B. My mother said that she will meet her doctor today.
C. My mother said that she is going to meet her doctor today.
D. My mother said that she was going to meet her doctor that day.
Question 17. “Have you seen that movie?” Hung asked me.
A. Hung asked me if I had seen that movie.
B. Hung asked me if had I seen that movie.
C. Hung asked me if I have seen that movie.
D. Hung asked me if have I seen that movie.
Question 18. “I will look into the matter tonight,” the manager said.
A. The manager threatened to look into the matter that night.
B. The manager apologised for not looking into the matter that night.
C. The manager denied looking into that matter that night.
D. The manager promised to look into the matter that night.
Question 19. “Don’t touch the knife,” her mother said.
A. Her mother asked her to touch the knife.
B. Her mother advised her to touch the knife.
C. Her mother warned her against touching the knife.
D. Her mother reminded her not to forget to touch the knife.
Question 20. “I’m sorry. I haven’t completed the weekly report.” she told her
A. She apologised to her manager for not completing the weekly report.
B. She denied completing the weekly report.
C. She admitted completing the weekly report.
D. She warned her manager not to complete the weekly report.
Question 21. Edward said that he _________ his grandparents a visit the week
A. would pay B. has paid C. is paying D. had paid
Question 22. “Stay indoors to avoid catching the virus,” the prime minister said to
the citizens.
A. The prime minister promised to stay indoors to avoid catching the virus.
B. The prime minister told the citizens to stay indoors to avoid catching the virus.
C. The prime minister threatened to stay indoors to avoid catching the virus.
D. The prime minister apologised to the citizens for not staying indoors to avoid
catching the virus.
Question 23. “How often do you go jogging?” Max asked me.
A. Max asked me how often did I go jogging.
B. Max asked me how often I had gone jogging.
C. Max asked me how often have I gone jogging.
D. Max asked me how often I went jogging.
Question 24. James wanted to know when the football match _________.
A. will start B. starts C. started D. can start
Question 25. “Why don’t you rehearse your speech?” Nam said to me.
A. Nam asked me not to rehearse my speech.
B. Nam offered to rehearse my speech.
C. Nam suggested that I rehearse my speech.
D. Nam encouraged me not to rehearse my speech.

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