Midterm Act No.1

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Andres, Christian Adrian E.

1. What is the main message or lesson in this passage?

“Do not do unto others what you don’t want others to
do to you.”

- This Analects of Confucius simply means to treat everybody how you want
to be treated. It also encourages them to treat others as they would like to
be treated in return. In other words, it advises you to refrain from acting in
a way that would be harmful, disrespectful, or cruel toward you. It's a
straightforward rule for encouraging consideration, kindness, and empathy
in one's relationships with others. This idea is a cornerstone of numerous
ethical and theological doctrines, and it frequently serves as the foundation
for moral conduct. It is just the same as “what goes around comes around”

2. How do you interpret this passage in the context of your life in society today?
Can you think of a personal experience that relates to this passage?

- The passage " Do not do unto others what you don’t want others to
do to you." is a general guideline for moral behavior in modern culture. It
teaches us to consider the potential effects of our actions and to refrain
from acting in a way that we wouldn't want done to us. We can help create
a society that is more peaceful and caring by adhering to this rule.
- My personal experience that can relate to this passage is when I was new at
Perpetual, I didn’t have any friends, and I found it very hard to
communicate with others because I am a very shy person. So, what I’m
doing today is I am the one who approaches the new students especially
when we are in the same class. And I share all the information that I know
regarding our classes, especially scheduling.

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