Quiz No.1 (Motivation)

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1. In your own perspective, what is motivation?

- Motivation can be thought of as the energizing force behind behaviors, and it is what gives our
behavior direction and persistence. For years, psychologists viewed motivation as a unitary
concept meaning that you either had it or not. People who are motivated are easy to spot they
are much more likely to approach an activity and do so with much more enthusiasm, energy,
direction, and tenacity. Alternatively, those who lack motivation often procrastinate or avoid a
task altogether, and when they do participate in the activity, they show much less enthusiasm,
creativity, or persistence.

2. What motivates you to study?

- My motivation to continue studying is my family. I came from a family where my father needs
to work abroad for us to have a decent life, for us to have food on our table, and for us to
study. My dad is currently working abroad for more than a decade, and being away from him
cost me so much in my childhood. Now I am still pursuing my dream to become a successful
engineer so that I can make my dad come home here to the Philippines so he can spend his
entire life with us, his family.

3. Differentiate the two types of motivation. Explain and give examples

- Intrinsic Motivation is one that comes from inside the person, depending on his personal needs
and enjoyment of any task. Simply put, the motivation to adopt a certain behavior comes from
within, as it is naturally satisfying. It arises out of fun, challenge, interest, etc. The source of
motivation is inherent to the task and so the person is automatically involved in the task.
Moreover, it is related to the state of self-actualization, wherein the contentment of attaining
something invaluable motivates the person again, so the motivation is autogenerated and it has
nothing to do with financial rewards.

- Extrinsic Motivation is a type of motivation that is induced by outside forces, commonly of

financial nature called extrinsic motivation. This type of motivation is based on the fact that if
human behavior is positively rewarded for the work done, it tends to be repeated. Nevertheless,
the reward of such behavior has to be powerful and long-lasting so that it improves, its
occurrence probability. So far, monetary reward is regarded as the best incentive for desired
behavior. However, it has been argued whether money actually motivates people or it simply
pushes them to work. This can include higher pay, add-on benefits like retirement plans, profit-
sharing schemes, paid vacations, health insurance, food coupons, etc.

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