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Recent Advances in Lithium-Ion and Lithium-Polymer Batteries

H. V. Venkatasetty and Y. U. Jeonga7b

a H.V.Setty Enterprises Inc., 12110 Red Oak Court So, Burnsville, Minnesota 55337
Corrosion Research Center, Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science,
The University of Minnesota at Twin Cities, Minneapolis,MN 55455

In recent years, there have been increasing efforts to develop new and novel electrolytes
and electrode materials to improve the capacity, energy density, cycle life, and the
performance of lithium batteries with enhanced safety. These batteries have the potential
to meet the needs of several new medical device applications as well as the growing needs
of portable electronic devices. Improved cathode materials are being developed and
composite anodes are being prepared and evaluated with some success. On the electrolyte
side, investigations are being carried out in developing new materials with high
conductivity and electrochemical stability to reduce the size and weight of the batteries.
This paper will describe our recent work on the synthesis of new and novel lithium salts
and copolymers and the properties of solid polymer electrolyte films (SPE). The
performance characteristics of prototype cells with SPE films as well as solutions of super
acid-based lithium salts are presented and their results are discussed in terms of their
structure and properties.

INTRODUCTION with lithium metal anode and have

problems with leak proof packaging and
Lithium rechargeable batteries
safety. Lithium-solid polymer battery
are very attractive power sources for
provides an entirely new battery
portable electronic devices and several
structure without the conventional metal-
new and emerging medical devices.
case assembly. Lithium-polymer battery
Lithium batteries have high energy and
uses solid polymer electrolyte unlike the
power density and good cycle life commercial lithium battery which uses
compared to those of nickel metal liquid electrolyte and/or lithium-ion gel
hydride and nickel cadmium batteries (1- electrolyte. The solid electrolyte film
3). can be physically sandwiched between
One of the challenging areas is to
electrodes, the anode and the cathode
develop highly conducting and stable formed out of thin sheets and then the
electrolytes for flexible lightweight and
cell is contained in laminated foil and
high energy and power density batteries
sealed at the edges to form an entire
with improved safety. Both polymer
battery. The resulting cell is extremely
-gel electrolytes and solid polymer
thin and flexible, spill proof, more
electrolytes are promising materials.
resilient under pressure, and capable of
Although Lithium-ion gel electrolyte being engineered into any shape.
batteries have the capability for reduced
Therefore, Lithium-polymer batteries are
cell thickness and weight and are being
lighter, flexible and leak resistant.
considered for use in portable electronic Lithium-polymer battery with high
devices, they are not highly compatible

0-7803-7132-1/02/$10.00 02002 IEEE. 173

conductivity electrolyte film (SPE) has used for lithium-polymer batteries. We
the potential to deliver the best power have successfully synthesized fifteen
available for rechargeable batteries. new imide salts of lithium and
However, the state-of-the-art characterized them for conductivity and
solid polymer electrolytes based on electrochemical stability in nonaqueous
polyethylene oxide (PEO) have poor solvent mixtures. While all these salts
conductivity at room temperature (-loa are electrochemically stable from 0 to
to 10-7S/cm)due to the crystallinity of 4.5 V vs. LdLii, the conductivity values
PEO. There are several approaches to of many salts are quite low for practical
achieving high conductivity solid lithium battery applications. Our efforts
polymer electrolyte materials. One such are directed toward salts with high
approach is to synthesize novel l i h u m conductivity. These salts and their
imide salts, some with two or more solutions have been investigated for use
lithium ions per molecule and a large in both lithium-polymer batteries and
anion. These imide salts with lithium-ion batteries.
delocalized charge density can facilitate
high degree of dissociation into lithum
ions with amorphous phase in the Synthesis of new salts: CF$302NLiSO&F$
polymer matrix of solid polymer was synthesized by reaction of
electrolytes. The imide salts and perfluorobutylsulfonyl fluoride with
particularly the salts containing two or ammonia and n-butyl lithium followed
more lithium ions, on dissociation, can by treating with suitable perfluoroalkyl-
promote multiple lithium ions resulting sulfonyl fluoride. Similar methods were
in high conductivity. There is a used used for all other lithium salts (3-
phenomenogical relation between ionic 5). Lithium salts were dissolved in a
conductivity and the segmental motion solvent mixture of EC:DMC:DEC
of the PEO chains, and therefore, our (34:33:33 vol%)
research efforts are directed toward Synthesis of copolymer: Starting materia
synthesizing amorphous and low glass -1s of 5.54g of MeO-PEG-MA (M.W. of
transition temperature polymers (4). Our llOOg, Aldrich) was dissolved in 26 ml
approach is to modify the molecular
of aqueous medium, then this solution
architectures and compositions of was degassed with N2 gas for 10
polymers to suppress crystallization (4). minutes. In this solution 25mg of 2,2’-
This paper describes research Dipyridyl (bpy) as a chelating agent,
and development efforts devoted to
llmg of Cu~Br2~4.9mg of Cu, and 15pl
synthesize new and novel lithium imide
of Ethyl 2-bromoisobutyrate (EBB)
salts with large anions. figh molecular
were added and left for reaction for 1-2
weight co-polymers and /or in
days. The polymerized product was
combination with a small amount of
transferred to 200 ml of Tetrahydrofuran
polyethylene oxide have the potential to
(THF) and 40g of MgS04 was added to
provide high conductivity when
remove water contents in polymer. The
complexed with lithium salts. Therefore,
sample was washed with THF, then THF
a number of co-polymers have been
was removed by evaporation through
synthesized to minimize andor eliminate
vacuum. This sample was passed
the crystallinity problem associated with
through A1203 column for purification.
polyethylene oxide polymer commonly
This sticky product was vigorously

stirred and washed several times with 173) with Model 175 programmer were
warm petroleum ether and dried under used to measure the electrochemical
vacuum. Several copolymers with stabilities from 0 to 4.5 V versus Li
varying molecular weight were reference for both liquid electrolytes and
synthesized and purified by liquid solid polymer electrolyte films.
phase chromatography. Platinum foil was used for working
electrode and Li foils were used as both
Preparation of Composite Polymer
the reference and counter electrodes.
Films: Composite polymer thin film
Arbin battery tester was used for
were prepared in the dry room with
charge/discharge characteristics of the
copolymer, polyethylene oxide (M.W. of
test cells. For Li-ion battery, cathode
600,000 or 5,00O,OOOg), lithium salts
prepared by mixing LiMn204 with
such as C F $ ~ O ~ N L ~ S O ~ (Cl-C2),
conducting carbon, MCMB anode and
CF$O2NLiSO2C& (Cl-C4), or
liquid electrolyte were assembled in a
LiN(S02C2F& (C2-C2) were dissolved
in acetonitrile at - 7OoC, and small
pouch type cell. In the case of Li-
polymer battery, cathode was prepared
amount of Ti02 (particle size of 0.2pm), by mixing LiMn204, conducting carbon,
polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF), carbon and composite polymer. Test cell was
were dispersed homogeneously in the assembled by pressing solid polymer
solutions. The excess solvent was
evaporated with stirring at - 7OoC to
films, Li metal anode, and cathode
between two glass plates.
make viscous solutions. The viscous
solution was cast into films on Teflon RESULTS A N D DISCUSSIONS
substrate. These films were dried in Fifteen new salts with
vacuum oven at -70°C for 12 to 24 heterocyclic ring or linear imide types
hours to remove any solvent completely were characterized. The solubilities of
in the films. lithium salts were depended on the
Electrochemical Characterizations: The structure and molecular weight. While
conductivities of the liquid electrolytes the majority of heterocyclic ring type
with new lithium salts were measured at salts were not very soluble, linear type
room temperature using calibrated cells salts could be easily dissolved in mixed
with platinum electrodes at 10 KHz solvent systems. As shown in Figure 1,
using a Hewlett Packard Impedance most of conductivities at room
Analyzer 4277A. In the case of solid temperature vary from 10” to lo4 S/cm.
polymer electrolytes, dried films were # 14 (C1 - C2) and ## 15 (C1 - C4 - C1)
cut into a circle (diameter lcm) and exhibit higher conductivities even at low
pressed between two stainless steel concentration. The low conductivities of
electrodes and loaded in special cell for lithium salts with six member rings can
impedance measurement. AC impedance be attributed to poor dissociation of Li’
measurements were carried out as a ions due to the stabilization of the
function of frequency from 1 Hz to 10 structure from resonance effect. These
MHz using a Solatron 1260 Impedance enhanced transport properties are
Analyzer with 1268 Electrochemical attributed to easier dissociation of Li’
Interface to evaluate the conductivity of ions from large anions. These salts were
the polymer films at room temperature. found to be electrochemically stable
Potentiostat (EG & G Model from 0 to 4.5 V versus Li reference.

#1 II II 0.1348 M
#I1 C2&0-P-NNS-CF3
I II u = 3.36'1H Wcm
m2H5 0
0.1353 M
#2 u = 8.235*10-5 Wcm O L I O
kJ II II 0.1134 M

#3 x
0.0961 M

0 = 2.9wlc-4 Sm

0.0986 M

#4 a I1.9699'10-4 Wcm

0.0648 M

9 = 1.18'10-4 Wcm
#5 Flcccu,

#I5 0 u 0 o u o
II-C4Fg- 11S-N-S-CF3 11 0.0206M

#6 II II 0 11 11
0 u = 1.045'10-3 Wcm
0 0

Figure 1. Structures and conductivities of

#7 r
a = 2.31'104 Wcm
with this copolymer. The results of
several composite films are shown in
#8 Table 2. Small amounts of nanoscale
particles (Ti02) and PVDF were added
to the composite to get better mechanical
#!3 In the case of sample #6 in Table
2, X-ray diffraction data show that the
mixture of PEO and copolymer shows
#10 PEO crystalline peaks. Adding of
lithium salts reduces crystallinity, and
Figure 2 shows the first cycle of adding Ti02 further reduces the
charge and discharge voltage vs. crystallinity of SPE films. As shown in
capacity plot for Li-ion cell with Table 2, a variety of blending conditions
LiMn204 cathode, MCMB anode, and for SPE films were canied out. The
liquid electrolyte (0.0206 M of Cl-C2). conductivities of SPE films vary from 1
Surface area of electrode was 5cm2 and to 3 x 10-~ S/cm.
0.1mNcm2 of current density was Conductivities and mechanical
applied. properties of SPE films depend on each
Synthesized copolymers were of preparation conditions. Higher PEO
molecular weight in the range of content samples have better mechanical
-214,OOOg and completely amorphous at properties but lose their ionic mobility
room temperature. In order to improve with time due to the crystallization of the
the mechanical strength of SPE films, samples. Addition of carbon with small
PEO were added, as PEO is compatible amount (< 2 wt%) in SPE films were

First Cycle of
LiMn,O,/Celgard 2300/MCMB 2528
(a) Fifth Cycle of LiMn20dSPE#9/Li
with C1-C2SuperAcid (Dried)
4.5 t I
A 2 8 I
3 3.5
5 3.0

> 2.5
Q 2.0
CD -Charge
0 1.5
c 0 1.5

0 1.0
> 1.0 *Discharge

0 10 20 30 40 50 SO 70 SO 90 100 110
0 1 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 5 0 6 0
Capacity (mAh/g)
Capacity (mAhlg)
Figure 2. Charge-discharge plot for Li-ion
(b) LiM%O@PE#sRi
70 I

--c Discharge Capacity


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6

Cycle Mmber

Figure 4. Charge-dischargeplot for Li-

10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 polymer battery
Degree (CuK a)
In an attempt to achieve better
Figure 3. X ray diffraction data for
mechanical property as well as higher
Samde #6 in Table 2
conductivities, our strategy is to use
previously reported that shown improved lower molecular weight PEO and add the
conductivity (6). However, SPE films microporous PVDF along with Ti02 in
were sticky and had poor mechanical the samples. Too high a content of
properties. PVDF or Ti02 reduces conductivity.
Table 2. Conductivity data for each fabrication conditions

However, this could be avoided by
varying Li/O ratio and combination of
lithium salts with polymers. This SPE
films are electrochemically stable from 0
to 4.5 V versus Li reference.
Figure 4 (a) shows the fifth cycle -
$ 2.5
of charge and discharge voltage vs.
capacity plot for Li-polymer battery.
Cathode was LiMn204 (82% LiMn204,
8% super P carbon, and 10% composite

polymer). Li metal anode and SPE film 0

(sample #9 in Table 2) was used. Surface -

area of electrode was 2.1cm2 and current - 1
rates of C/25 for charge and C/50 for
discharge were applied at 37OC with the 0 5 10 15
operating voltage range from 4.15 to3.0 wt% PVDF
V (Figure 4a). The charge/discharge
capacities range from 55 to 57 mAh/g. Figure 5. Comparison of conductivity
The cyclability data was shown in Figure for several SPE films
4 (b). The delivered charge/discharge Heart Lung and Blood Institute is
capacities as a function of cycle are gratefully acknowledged. Authors thank
about 55 to 57 mAh/g (Figure 4b). Professor Thomas R. Hoye of The
Conductivity values of composite SPE University of Minnesota for his help in
films as a function of composition are the preparation of lithium imide salts and
shown in Figure 5. copolymers.
Various new lithium imide salts 1. M.Armand, Solid State Ionics 69,
and copolymers have been synthesized 309( 1994)
and characterized. Systematic 2. H.V.Venkatasetty, in:
investigations for various preparation Proceedings of the 16&Annual
conditions for solid polymer electrolyte Battery Conference on
are reported. These lithium salts and Applications and Advances,
solid polymer electrolyte films exhibit California State University, Long
good electrochemical stabilities and Beach, California, 09-12 January
conductivities up to 3x10-’ S/cm along 2001 pp277
with dimensional stabilities at room 3. H.V.Venkatasetty, J. of Power
temperature. Higher conductivity Sources, 97-98,671 (2001)
lithium salts (Cl-C2 and Cl-C4-C1) and 4. M.Armand, European patent 89-
optimized blending conditions for solid 402744,891004; Chem. Abstr.
polymer electrolytes show the promising 113 (15) 131568r. (1981).
properties for lithium rechargeable 5. W.Qui, D.J.Burton, J.Fluorine
batteries. Chem. 60,90 (1993).
6. G.B.Appetecchi and S.Passerini,
Electrochim.Acta, 45,2139
Financial support from NIH, the (2000).


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