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Muhurta for digging of earth: One should not start digging when earth is sleeping.

Earth is
said to sleep on 5th, 7th, 9th, 10th, 21st and 24th day from solar ingress day or Sankranti day.
Alternatively, earth is said to sleep if Moon’s nakshatra is 5 th, 7th, 9th, 12th, 19th
or 26 from Sun’s Nakshatra on a particular day.
Havan muhurta: Add the numbers tithi plus vaar, i.e weekday (taking Sunday as 1) plus 1
and then divide this sum by 4. If the remainder is 0 or 3, the fire dwells in the earth and is
good for havan and the performer gets happiness. If remainder is 1, fire dwells in the paataal
and is bad for havan as it indicates loss of wealth thereafter. If remainder is 2, fire dwells in
the Aakaash and is bad for havan as it indicates demise in the family.
Havan ahuti: (the spices etc. that are poured into fire in one lot). Note the count from Sun’s
nakshatra to the day’s nakshatra (Moon). Allot 3 points to Sun and same to the other planets
in the order of day lords. The ahuti of the ending graha should be propitiated.
Example: Suppose Sun’s nakshatra is 24 (satabhisha), and Moon’s nakshatra is 11
Counting from 24 to 11 = 15
Allotting 15 among planets @ 3 each commencing from Sun., i.e. Sun 3, Moon 3, Mars 3,
Mercury 3, Jupiter 3. The count of 15 finishes at Jupiter. The ahuti should be aimed at this
ending graha Jupiter. The ending graha should be propitiated–may it be malefic or benefic.
For the marriage of a girl:
Take a piece of 70 cms of yellow cloth and put following articles in it:
1. 7 Janaeoos
2. 7 yellow flowers
3. 70 grams of daal chana
4. 7 coppers pieces
5. 7 pieces of gur
6. 7 pieces of haldi
7. 7 pieces of sabut supari
8. 7 pieces of ashtagandhak (wood pieces meant for havan)
9. A small photograph of baguala mukhi mata
Keep this bundle in a safe place in your house on Friday in Shukla paksha while
chanting om namah shivaye where strangers or outsiders are not able to see it. After 42 days
the marriage chances of a girl gets brightened.
To get service or job:
Take a full lemon and cut it into 4 equal pieces. Go to a chowk and throw each peace in each
direction of the chowk. Do it for 4 days continuously.
To overcome great difficulties in life:
Take a dry coconut and pierce a small hole in it. Fill it with equal quantities of shakkar and
khaskhas (poppy seeds) and bury it in a secluded place in a way that its mouth remains
approachable by ants for them to take away and eat the mixture contained in the coconut.
The problems will run away.
Rahu Kaal: About 1. ½ hours in a day belong to Rahu kala. No auspicious work should be
started in this period. Divide dinmaan in 8 equal parts. 8th part on Sunday (4.30pm. to
6.00pm.) 2nd part on Monday (7.30am. to 9.00am.) 7 th part on Tuesday (3.00pm. to 4.30pm.)
5th part on Wednesday (12.00 to 1.30pm.) 6 th part on Thursday (1.30pm. to 3.00pm.), 4 th part
on Friday (10.30am. to 12.00 noon) and 3 rd part on Saturday (9.00am. to 10.30am.) are such
bad periods.
Bhadra Niwas –When Moon transits sign Cancer, Leo, Aquarius or Pisces coinciding with
Vishti Karna, it is harmful and not otherwise.

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