PM Modi Election Affidavit

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i + S ¥ oe i i ' } Corticate No. Cernticate Issued Date Account Reference Unique Doe. Reference 1 NARENDRA DAMODAR DAS MODI Purchased by Description of Document Article 4 Affidavit Property Description + Not Applicable “Consideration Price (Rs.) First Party 1: NARENDRA DAMODAR DAS MODI ‘Second Party + Not Applicable ‘Stamp Duty Paid By 1 NARENDRA DAMODAR DAS MODI ‘Stamp Duty Amount(Rs.) : Sey or Please write or type below this ne J calms Cenicata aoa arta onthe the Ms Ap sett sa PP SS Nok } i i | eee olf L512 @NI if » fe (ante, \ \ \A FORM 26 (See rule 4A) OLAR) SPoosnet AFFIDAVIT TO BE FILED BY THE CANDIDATE ALONG WITH NOMINATION PAPER BEFORE THE RETURNING OFFICER FOR ELECTION TO THE HOUSE OF THE PEOPLE (LOK SABHA) (NAME OF THE HOUSE) FROM 77-VARANASI PARLIAMENTARY CONSTITUENCY (NAME OF THE CONSTITUENCY) |, NARENDRA MODI, **son (daughter wife of DAMODARDAS MODI Aged 73 years, resident of C/1, SOMESHWAR TENAMENT, RANIP, AHMEDABAD — 382480 (mention full postal address), a candidate at the above election, do hereby solemnly affirm and state on oath as under:~ (1) Lam a candidate set up by BHARATIYA JANATA PARTY (*name of the political party) / Mtamn-contesting-as-an-independent-candidate, (** strike out whichever is not applicable) (2) My name is enrolled in 55-SABARMATI of the GUJARAT State (Name of the Constituency and the state), at Serial No. 380 in Part No. 116 (3) Mycontact telephone number(s) is/are 8980809224, and my e-mail ID (if any) is, and : my social media account(s) (if any) isfares 0) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v)__ (vi) __ t \.P. SINGH VARANAS| a The financial year income shown in Income Tax Return for which the last ne Names PAN Income-tex return |. Rupees) for the last five ‘completed (as on | ee 31" March] “ Rs. 11,14,230/- (i) | 2019-2020: Rs. 17,20,760/- 1, [self ‘AHHPM8993N 2022-2023 | (ii)|_ 2020-2021: Rs. 17,07,930/- (iv)| 2021-2022: Rs. 15,41,870/- (v) | 2022-2023: _ Rs. 23,56,080/- (i) | 2018-2019: Not Known (ii) | 2019-2020: Not Known Spouse (Jashodaben)| Not Known Not known — |(ii)| 2020-2021: Not Known: wT (wv) }| 2021-2022: Not Known i 2022-2023: Not Known Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable HUF (Ifthe 3. | Candidate is Not Applicable | Not Applicable Karta/Coparcener) Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable 4, |Dependent 1 Not Applicable |} Not Applicable | (ii) Not Applicable (wy Not Applicable w Not Applicable a Not Applicable (ii) Not Applicable 5. |Dependent 2 Not Applicable | Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable wy Not Applicable Not Applicable 6. |Dependent 3... Not Applicable | Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable ”ANASI * Note: It is mandatory {or AAREAIAe20fp Fnerftion PAN, and in case of no PAN, it should be clearly se “No PAN allotted”. IS) “ we ee D5) Pending criminal cases ty) (%) tdectare that there is no pending criminal case against me. (Tick this alternative if there is no criminal case pending against the Candidate and write NOT APPLICABLE against alternative (ii) below) OR (i) The following criminal cases are pending against me: Not Applicable (If there are pending criminal cases against the candidate, then tick this alternative and score off alternative (i) above, and give details of all pending cases in the Table below) Table (a) ]FIRNo. with the name and address of the Police Station . ancerned Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable {b) | Case No. with Name of the _ [Court Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable ? DN) [Section(s) of concerned Acts/Codes involved (give : . : no. ofthe Section, e.g. Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable im Section...... of IPC, etc.). y ) | Brief descri n of offence Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable (e) | Whether charges have been framed (mention YES or NO) 7 Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable (f) | fanswer against (e) above is YES, then give the date on ' which charges were framed | Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable (e)_| Whether any Appeal/ ‘Application for revision has been filed against the Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable proceedings (Mention YES or NO) tur (6) a 2 Cases of conviction (¥) tdectare that | have not been convicted for any criminal offence. (Tick this alternative, if the + candidate has not been convicted and write NOT APPLICABLE against alternative (i) below) oR Ihave been convicted for the offences mentioned below: (if the candidate has been convicted, then tick this alternative and score off alternative (i) above, and give details in the Table below) Not Applicable x > Table (a) | Case No. Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable (6) _|Name of the Court Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable (0) _| Sections of Acts/Codes involved (give no. of the 7 Section, eg Section... of | NotApplicable Not Applicable Not Applicable IPC, ete.). (d)_| Brief description of offence for which convicted Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable {e) [Dates of orders of conviction Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable (f) | punishment imposed Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable (@) | Whether any Appeal has been filed against conviction} Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable ‘order (Mention YES or NO) (h) | if answer to (g) above is YES, ive details and present Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable status of appeal (6A) | have given full and up-to-date information to my political party about all pending criminal cases against me and about all cases of conviction as given in paragraphs (5) and (6). NOT APPLICABLE IN VIEW OF ENTRIES IN 5(1) and 6(1), above [Candidates to whom this Item is not applicable should clearly write NOT APPLICABLE IN VIEW OF ENTRIES IN 5(i) and 6(i), above] Note : 1, Details should be entered clearly and lye(G{yh BOLD 2, Details to be given separately for eac ¢ 3. Details should be given In reverse ¢) and backwards in the order of date: 4. Additional sheets may be added if re 5. Candidate is responsible for supplying, judgment in W.P (C) No, 536 of 2011. 5. columns against each item. the latest case to be mentioned first vo) Vy ( Ampliance of Hon'ble Supreme Court's et qe we (7) That | give herein below the details of the assets (movable and immovable etc.) of myself, ry spouse, and all dependents: A.D able assets Note: 1. Assets in joint name indicating the extent of joint ownership will also have to be given. Note: y #). Note: Note: Note: Note: Explanation- 2. In case of deposit/investment, the details, including Serial Number, Amount, date of deposit, scheme, Name of Bank/Institution, and Branch, are to be given. 3. Value of Bonds/Share Debentures as per current market value in the Stock Exchange in respect of listed companies and as per books in case of non-listed companies should be given. 4, ‘Dependent’ means parents, son(s), daughter(s) of the candidate or spouse and any other person related to the candidate whether by blood or marriage, who have no separate ‘means of income and who are dependent on the candidate for their livelihood. 5. Details, including amount, is to be given separately in respect of each investment. 6. Details should include the interest in or ownership of offshore assets. For the purpose of this Form, the expression “offshore assets” includes, details of all deposits or investments in Foreign banks and any other body or institution abroad, and details of all assets and liabi foreign countries. Sr. ‘Spouse No. ee (ashodaben) (i) [Cash in hand. Rs. 24,920/- (hs of 31.03.2028) + Rs. 28,000/- feces (age (Withdrawal from Election] Not Known ei laces Se eal ‘Applicable | Applicable | Applicable eta Total : Rs. 52,920/- | {ii) [Details of deposits in |1) State Bank of India Bank accounts (FDRS., |NSC Branch, Gandhinagar Term Deposits, and all other types of Balance : deposits, including Rs. 73,304/- saving accounts), Deposits with : Financial Institutions, a eiae — ‘Non-Banking stv Naga Branch, nottnown |. |. | me || me Fineical Companiss, ‘Avpicabe | Applicable | Applicable | Applicable ‘and Cooperative | Balance : societies, and the | ‘amount in each such Rs. 7,000/- | deposi (As of 13.05.2024) | SBI’s Bank FDRs: | Rs, 2,85,60,338/- Le 1A) A per Annexure Spouse Dependent [nperdent | Oxpendent Description Self | ashodaben) | "YF 4 Details of investment in Bonds, Debentures/ Shares and units in : ‘companies/ Mutual NIL Not Known | aypacsoe | appnete | Appacste | appactane Funds and others and | {the amount. ) (iv) [Details of investment |National Savings . in NSS, Postal Saving, | Certificates: VK) insurance Policies, Rs. 9,12,398/- \ - and investment in (as per Annexure 2 & 2A) tot ne | nt | ome any Financial Not Known | aepicable | Appesle | Appcable| Applicable instruments in the Post office or lnsurance Company land the amount (W) | Personal |loans/advances given to any person or entity, including firm, "1 Not Not Not Not cenpany Tr et i Not Known | appicable | Applicable | Applicable | Applicable |and other receivables from debtors and the amount. [Motor | |Vehicles/Aircraft/ YYachts/Ships (Details iat tol] ln He | |of Make, registration Nil Not Known | postcanie | Anoicabe | Anpcable | Apotcable number, etc. year of | [purchase and amount) (vil [Jewelry bullion, and [Gold Rings 4 Pieces valuable thing(s) (give | Total Wt. 45.00 gms. etsisorwetht and Not Known | sppicaie | appcate | Appeabe|Appeable Rs. 2,67,750/- (vil) [Any other assets such [TDS : Income-Tax |as the value of Deducted for \claims/ interest F.Y. 23-24 SBIBanK PMO: L wotknown | set | apc] | ape | Rs. 3,33,179/-| | (Projected) 5 (As per Annexure ~ 3) | (i) [Gross Total value Rs, 3,02,06,889/-| NotKnown | sels | aptctte|aprctne|apetne etails of Immovable asset: Note indicated. Note: 2. Each land or building or apartment should be mentioned separately in this format. Note: 3. Details should include the interest in or ownership of offshore assets. 1. Properties in joint ownership indicating the extent of joint ownership will also have to be Sr. ‘Spouse Dependent Dependent: Ospendent- Description Self HUF No. a (ashodaben) 1 2 3 (i) [Agricultural Land Location(s) Not Not Not Not ~ Survey number(s) oe Not Known | applicable | Appicable | Applicable | Applicable [t) (lay Tare (total | measurement in . mot | not | not | not *\ acres) et Not Known | appicable | Applicable | Applicable | Applicable *] \Whether inherited Property (Yes or No) Not Applicable Not Known | ayeutote | asreabe | apectte | aps Date of purchase . ot | not | not | not Not Known | gopicabie | applicable | Applicable | Applicable (Cost of Land (in case of purchase) at the Nit Not known | Mt | not | not | noe time of purchase ‘Appliable | Anplicable | Applicable | Applicable [Any Investment on {the land by way of ole le development, na Not Known | gopizabie | applicable | Applicable | Applicable construction etc. ‘Approximate current pte Nil Not Known | appt | aptate| Apri | Apsesie {i [Non-Agricutural Land Not Not Not Not Location(s) Ld Not Known | sypicabie | applicable | Appicabe | Applicable Survey number(s) (area (total | cr Not fneseronet ns wt wortown | sa | apt notin at Whether inherited property (Yen or No) Not Applicable Not Known | aprtecbie feel ee Date of purchase in ~ 7 - case of self-acquired Not known | Mt | mot | not | tot property ‘Avocable | Applicable | Applicable | Applicable Ul (Cost of Land (in qo lof purchase) at th Not known sotto {time of purchase Aa ription Spouse Hur |Orvendent. | orpendent | Dependent Ac | _Deseriot _= _| ashodaben) lees fee Any investment on the land by way of Pie | ‘development, Ll Not Known | pppicable Applicable | Applicable | Applicable | [construction ete. | [approximate current market value Not Not Not Not Nil Not Known | poitesbie ‘Applicable | Applicable | Applicable Ti) [Commercial-Building (including apartments) Nil Not Known | sopncsbie | apptesble | Appucle | Appts - Location(s), mate - Survey numbers) Area (total measurement in sq. ot | moe | not | not bn Nit Not Known | gorse | aprile | apritoe |aprtove Built-up Area (total measurement in sq. not | not | not | noe Ft) 7 Lal Not Known | spptzabie | appteabe | appicable | Applicable ~. |Whether inherited property (Yes or No) Not Applicable Notknown |. Mt | tot | not | tot ‘Applicable | Applicable | Applicable | Applicable Date of purchase in ase of Self-acquired i Not Known |. Nt] Net | mot | mee able l property ‘Applable | Appable | Appeabe | Appicable (Cost of property (in case of purchase) at Notknown | Not | not | not | not the time of purchase Annlicabe | Apptiable | Applcabe | Applicable | [anyinvestment on the property by way mot | not | not | not of development ml Not Known | aopicale | Appable | Applsbe | Apptcabie construction ete [approximate current | |maket vale Nil Wot Known. | sss] geliteuse | acsmeic | Agpachus (id) [Residential Buildings {including ot apartments) : Not Known | aopicauie | appicaie | Apple | Appcble - Location(s) |-Survey number(s) ‘Area (Total measurement in sq. Nil Not Known, ae ee oo noe ft) Bult-up area (total % yf at measurement in sq c2#*'T Not Known | ayiutule | apruecble | Apticble | Apptecbe tt) Not Not ot Not Known | appicabie | Applicable Apteie | apple ——— Hal or Deseription sett Spouse nur _|Pevenden [Dependent | Dependent No. : ee Uashodaben) | 4 a a Date of purchase in case of self-acquired Nil Not Known | aapcaie | aptabe | appa | Arpt | |property | [cost of Property (in os te | en | [case of purchase) at Ni Not known ; * Aoplcabe | Appable | Appicable | Appeabie | [the time of purchase . eerie | [amy investment on | {the land by way of Not Not Not Not development, na Not Known | prpicabe | Applicable | Apptiable | Appiable construction ete. [Approximate current : wot | not | tot Leaded Nil Not Known Applicable | Applicable | Applicable others = (such as interest in Nil Not Known fa val teat hestie| appa | Aspesbe property) otal of current oot rket value of (i) to Nil Not Known | gpa | aprctne | Aptctle | aprette (v) above y (8) Igive her tions and government :- (Note: Please give separate details of name or individual and amount before each item) ‘Spouse Dependent | Dependent | Dependent Description Self iechoasen | ME [ta : - [oan ordues to Bank/Financial Institution(s) Name of the Bank or Nil Not Known | soyncsbie | apptcae| Appiable | Apptcable Financial institution, |Amount outstanding, Nature of Loan Loan or dues to any other individuals/ | |entity other than w | w not | not mentioned above Nil Not Known | septate | patel | Asptcatle | Appeable Name(s) ‘Amount outstanding, Nature of loan ‘any other liability oe ee | Nil Not Known | applicable | applicable | Applicable | Applicable ‘The grand total o see eee eee (eae Not Known | aopabe | aptcable “t votcane 49 ae jovernment Due: Dues to Departments dealing with Government accommodation (a) (W) tas the Deponent been in occupation of accommodation provided by the Government at any time during the last ten years before the date of notification of the current election? (B) If answer to (A) above is YES, the following declaration may be furnished namely == (i) The address of the Government accommodation : (a) Bungalow No. 1 & 26, Sector 20, Gandhinagar — 382 020 For the period January 2014 to June 2014, and {b) House No. 7, Lok Kalyan Marg, New Delhi-110 011 From June 2014 onwards (ii) There is no dues payable in respect of the above Government accommodation towards- (a) rent; -Nil (b) electricity charges; Nil (c)_ water charges; and ‘Nil (4) telephone charges as on 31.03.2024 (date) -Nil [the date should be the last date of the third month prior to the month in which the election is notified or any date thereafter] Note - ‘No Dues Cer ate’ from the agencies concerned in respect of rent, electricity charges, water charges and telephone charges for the above Government accommodation should be ves YES/NO (Pl. tick the appropri ate alternati ve submitted. (iil] [dys to department (Sing Seahpswitn Govdrnment Nil ‘a | ‘trangport (including (Note: Up to 31" March, 2024) airgraft and helicopters) ‘Spouse Dependent] Dependent-| Dependent Self Gashodabeny | AUF [1 2 3 {iv) [income tax dues wot | wor | mot | nee 7 Not Known | opicabie| Applicable | Apoiable | Appliable W) [GST Dues : wot | not | not | not i Not Known | aopicable | Anplicable| Apoiable | Applicable (vi) [Municipal/ Property il Not Not Not Not tax dues Nil Not Known | appicabie | anplicable| Appiable | Applicable ‘(il [Any other dues : re re Nil Not Known | appicabe | Applcable| Appliable | Appliable (vil) |The grand total of all wit | mot | not | Not [Government dues il Not Known | appcabie|appeatie | Appesble | Appicabie (ie) |Whether any other “liabilities are in dispute, If 0, a ‘mention the amount Not Known | speucsoe | apptcste| Apptcebte | Apptcabie | |involved and the | authority before 7 \_|which it is pending. ahs’ i ay gene UY WH

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