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One of the important aspects in learning language is mastering the vocabulary of the
target language. If foreigners learn a new language without mastering the vocabulary of
the language, they will find it difficult to understand that language. Vocabulary is one of
English components or sub skills that must be taught to the learners because vocabulary
has the primary role for all languages. Moreover, there are some researchers regarding that
vocabulary is more important than grammar. Carter (2014) stated that vocabulary is
knowledge about words and word meanings.
Vocabulary is the basic competence that must be reached by students in order to gain
other competences such as reading, writing, listening, and speaking. In order to
communicate well, the students need to have adequate vocabulary. It is difficult to master
the other competencies without mastering and understanding the vocabulary well. In
learning English students should know about vocabularies, because by knowing the words,
they will try how to use it to express their ideas and communicate. In fact, the vocabulary
cannot be separated from other aspects of language.
According to Amri (2013, p.28) the concept of curriculum 2013 is a scientific
approach which means students learn more independently in the learning process. So, if
students have a lack of vocabulary, they will have difficulty in learning understand the
material which is provided by curriculum. It is important to consider because vocabulary
learning will help students to understand the material.
Teachers as facilitators in the learning process will have an important role. Besides,
they should fulfill students' achievement in their lesson plans. They must think how to
improve students' vocabulary. Nowadays, teachers just focus on the material in the
syllabus. In the syllabus, there is no teaching vocabulary, it just focuses on 4 aspects, such
as listening, speaking, reading, and writing. So, the students who have a lack of
vocabulary will have difficulty doing the exercise and some of them also have a problem
where there are many words that have multiple meanings.
Usually, students are ordered by teachers to rewrite the vocabulary on the white
board, pay attention to what the teacher's explanation, and memorize the vocabulary that
they have written at home. Hammer (1991) stated the problem on improving vocabulary
that researchers can find. Many students are difficult to improve vocabulary because the
technique of teaching from the teacher is not interesting and makes students feel bored.
Teachers should think and implement the creative method and media which will increase
students' motivation in learning vocabulary. They are indeed using media in teaching, but
ignore to support vocabulary learning with those. In this case the teaching of the 4 skills
should be taught together with vocabulary for language learners to avoid many problems
in learning English language.
Nation (1994, p.20 as cited in Muttahidah, 2011) has given several strong reasons
for which the vocabulary components of language courses should be planned carefully.
First, the different vocabulary gives a very different feedback for study. Second, most
language teaching courses make vocabulary learning more difficult than it should be. And
third, vocabulary learning opportunities and the quality of vocabulary learning can be
greatly improved through the careful design of both vocabulary and other skill activities.
Therefore, the writer wants to see how the influence of Duolingo would be if
teachers implemented it in classroom teaching to the students of SMPN 1 KAYANGAN.
It will be aimed to see whether it will help them to improve their vocabulary or not. It is
expected to be a positive atmosphere in the classroom.
Based on the background above this study is about classroom action research
entitled “Improving Students Vocabulary Mastery Through Duolingo Applications at
In line with the background of the research, the writer formulates the research question as
1. What is the effect of Duolingo on students' vocabulary mastery?
2. What is the students' perception toward the use of Duolingo to improve their at
The aim of this research conducted is in order to improve students' vocabulary
through Duolingo at third years Students of SMPN 1 KAYANGAN and to make them
exciting and interesting in learning and practicing their English, especially vocabulary by
using Duolingo and also want to see whether it will be helpful and enjoyable or not for
them in practicing their English.
The findings (results) of this research are expected for 3 (three) groups, they are:
1. The teacher
Based on the results of this study, the researcher expected that duolingo would be
one of the tools used by educators to help students learn English vocabulary and address
their inability to retain vocabulary. This would help students find the learning process in
the classroom more engaging and dynamic, particularly for second-year SMPN 1
KAYANGAN students.
2. The students
For students, this research is expected to provide mastering the English lesson by
using Duolingo will make them feel exciting and enjoy when they learn English in the
classroom or at their home. Then, it can solve their problem in understanding the meaning
of words in the sentence, because the teachers use the suitable media in teaching them as if
it is like something new for them. Therefore, the students can use the duolingo everywhere
and every time because it will help them to memorize vocabulary and they can use those in
everyday communication.
3. The further researchers
This research is expected to give a new knowledge of the further researcher to do the
better research of teaching and learning cases, and to solve the students' vocabulary
problems by something new, and also the teachers who have the similar problem with this
There are some terms that will be clarified to avoid misunderstanding. The terms are as
follows :
 Vocabulary : as a competence to master basic daily vocabulary such as fruit, animal,
school, house, market, etc. Than can be assessed by test. The mastery only focuses on
the students’ ability in pronounce, write, know the meaning or the word and know to
use the word in sentence.
 Duolingo : The term "duallingo" in English refers to multilingualism. According to
the Oxford Dictionary (2008, p. 288), multilingualism is the ability to know or use
more than one language. With the aid of the program Duolingo, foreign learners can
acquire multiple languages and study new ones at the same time. Because of its
simple and comfortable design, users don't feel like they are learning; instead, they are
just having fun playing games. It based on Munday (2015, p.96), Duolingo can serve
well as an addition to a formal language course offered through a school or university,
whether in the classroom or online.

A. The Concept Of Vocabulary

1. Definition of Vocabulary
Vocabulary is the most important aspect which must considered in learning language.
It is a basic element because vocabulary is required when language learners learn to speak,
read, write, and to make them understand from what they listen from a language that they
have listened. It means that a limitation in mastering vocabulary will cause the obstacles to
language learners in learning a new language. According to Jack C. Richards (2002,
p.255as cited in Kartika, 2011) says that: “Vocabulary is a core component of language
proficiency and provides much of the basic how well learners speak, listen, read, and
write. Without an extensive vocabulary and strategies for acquiring new word, from
making use language learning opportunities around them such as listening radio, listen to
native speakers, using the language in different context, reading, or watching television.”
Students must master vocabulary in order to progress to other aspects of language
development such as speaking, reading, listening, and writing. According to Nunan (1991,
p.118, as cited in Kamal, 2012), despite being the easiest part of second language learning,
vocabulary is rarely obtained in the classroom learning process. Because learning
vocabulary is needed for all language abilities, teachers in senior high school and junior
high school do not place a great premium on teaching vocabulary, making it easier for
their students to enhance their ability to understand the language. For example, in reading,
pupils will have difficulty understanding or comprehending the text if they do not grasp
the meaning of the terms in the text. If they only know a few vocabularies, it will be
difficult for them to converse in a foreign language. understanding a language is difficult if
you do not begin with the most basic; it is impossible to learn a new language without first
understanding vocabulary.
2. The Importance of Learning Vocabulary
People who wish to learn something new should understand the significance of what
they want to learn. In this scenario, the value of studying vocabulary is to assist pupils in
mastering what they learn in a target language. Language learning not only prepares the
language material but also teaches pupils how to utilize that language, whether oral or
written. There are numerous definitions of the aim of learning vocabulary. The Indonesian
National Education Department (quoted in Muttahidah, 2011) stated that acquiring
"According to essentially language learning, learning vocabulary was involved in
discourse context, with regard to subjects and also related with specific areas as an
example of the discourse on the theme of games." To attain best learning outcomes in
vocabulary, teachers must provide their pupils with terms pertaining to a specific field.
Special terminology were employed in every discipline of science. Vocabulary enrichment
must be done on a constant basis and can be gained through certain areas."
From the explanation above, mastering vocabulary is very important in order to
understand the language. The students are able to communicate both verbally or orally. To
achieve those students’ need, the teachers must make sure the component in teaching
learning process adequate in mastering of vocabulary. Therefore, the words related in
specific areas to the students are the words around them like nouns, verbs, adjectives and
3. The Component of Effective Vocabulary Teaching
To be effective, a program of teaching vocabulary should provide students with
opportunities for word learning by:
a. Encouraging wide reading
Words are taught to students by encountering them in the text. Increasing the
opportunity for such encounters through reading enhances pupils' vocabulary
knowledge. The single most significant thing a teacher can do to improve their
pupils' vocabulary is to encourage them to read more and more. Texas Education
Agency (TEA), 2002. The amount of reading done by kids is highly related to their
vocabulary knowledge. According to Herman et al., 1987, referenced in Texas
Education Agency, 2002), their research demonstrates the effects of broad reading.
First, there is evidence of ardent readers who learn vast vocabularies without any
form of explicit vocabulary education. Second, a growing body of research shows
that, while the odds of learning a specific word from context are tiny, the
cumulative impact of learning from reading can be significant. Consider the
following case for the benefits of broad reading.
Teachers can assist students in developing reading strategies that will allow
them to read increasingly difficult books with less frustration. When students are
taught comprehension methods, they tend to read more, therefore teachers play a
vital role in motivating their pupils to read. According to the Texas Education
Agency (2002), wide reading has some limitations, as does any strategy of
increasing vocabulary expansion. One clear limitation is that it cannot be used with
extremely young kids who are unable to read much on their own. Another
limitation is that, although wide reading may be effective in producing general
vocabulary growth, it is not an effective method for teaching the words that
students need to master a particular selection or a concept related to a specific
content area.
b. Promoting word consciousness
Word consciousness is defined as an interest in and awareness of words. Word
consciousness entails being aware of word structure, including word parts and
word order. Word consciousness, according to Graves and Joel (2000), is the
knowledge of and interest in words. Students that are word-conscious like learning
new terms and engaging in word play. They are aware of the nuances of word
meaning as well as the power that words may have. Word consciousness can be
promoted in a way that encourages students to recognize differences between
Standard English and non-standard variants without stigmatizing the latter. Shirley
Brice Heath (1983, cited in Texas Education Agency, 2002) recounts classes where
pupils were taught to be "language detectives," investigating how people
communicate differently in different groups and settings. She believes that this
understanding contributed significantly to the students' academic performance.
Based on this, teachers should seize opportunities to cultivate kids' interest in
words, how to have fun with words, and how words and concepts are related across
c. Providing explicit instruction of specific words
Although students obtain the majority of their word knowledge through broad
reading, individual education of specific terms and their meanings can also help
them improve their vocabulary significantly. Explicit instruction is especially
helpful for kids who have had little exposure to literate English vocabulary (Texas
Education Agency, 2002). Explicit vocabulary education should be dynamic and
utilize a variety of strategies to be most effective.
Students frequently require explicit guidance on how to use what they find in a
dictionary entry in order to turn that information into something valuable. Students
may be perplexed by different meanings for the same term, or the definition of a
word offered in a dictionary may be difficult to comprehend.
The Texas Education Agency (2002) suggested the ways how to resolve that
1) use background knowledge about the content in the text
2) have a sense of the grammatical use in the text
3) read and understand more to each definition of the word
d. Providing modeling and instruction in independent word-learning strategies
Techniques that teachers might exhibit and teach to students to assist them in
determining the meanings of unfamiliar words on their own. Because students
learn the majority of new words incidentally, through extensive reading, assisting
pupils in developing a set of word-learning strategies is critical to their vocabulary
Teaching children how to use information about word components is one type
of instruction in autonomous word-learning strategies that can be very beneficial in
fostering vocabulary acquisition. However, many students are unaware of this
method. Even students who have learnt to break words down into components as
part of their decoding instruction may be unaware that they can use this
information to deduce word meanings. Teacher modeling helps pupils understand
the importance of the method. Beck and colleagues (2002).
4. Problem of learning vocabulary
There are several strong reasons why mastering vocabulary can be an important
components of language course which needs to be carefully planned. MuhibbinSyah
(2005, p.132) classifies two factors that make learners facing problem in learning
vocabulary. There are; individual factors and social factors.
Based on his statement, individual factor is the factor which come from the
learners, it consists of motivation, growth, attitude, and aptitude. While, social factors
are the factors which come for surrounding the learners such as family, teacher,
environment, teacher, and facilities.
Many problems faced by students in learning a target language such as English in
mastering vocabulary. First, they are lack of vocabulary so that they cannot understand
the meaning from what they read and listen. Sometimes they are also confused in using
the words, it can be because they do not what the function of the words they know.
Lack of vocabulary can make students difficult in mastering all of skills in English.
Second, students learn based on what their teacher teach to them. If their teacher
asks, they do. If not, they do not. It happens maybe because there is no motivation of
them to learn English well, they need high motivation. According Hinson and Brown
(2001) defined motivation as an important component or factor in the learning process.
Learning and motivation have the same importance to achieve something. Learning
makes us gain new knowledge and skills and motivation pushes or encourage us to go
through the learning process; meanwhile motivation is defined as the condition which
can initiate, guide and maintain our behaviors until a goal has been reached.
The last, it is about the media which used by teacher. Commonly, the media that
used by teacher is not interesting to students. Some teacher some prepared simple
media for students and students feel bored with it. If they bored, they will not focus in
learning process. The teachers must attract students’ attention by using the interesting
B. Duolingo
1. Definiton of duolingo
Duolingo is a free language learning applications and website. Like what they said
at their website ,“ Duolingo builds a world with free education and no language
barriers. Users are able to learn languages for free while simultaneously translating
web”(Jaskova, 2014, p.16). It has various and up to date techniques in learning
language especially on vocabulary. It can make the students easier to understand and
memorize the words, make them interest, enjoy, and happy in learning because it
provided gamitation in learning prosess.
Duolingo is being as a future in learning language. It can easily access and
provides a lot of language, so it is so helpful to those who want to learn a new
language. Duolingo has a lot of features which can help the learners easily in learning
language, such as list words for every day, discussion with other user so the learners
can share with each other, the Lingot store, and immersion for more advanced learners.
In duolingo guide book (2015) stated that Duolingo have a lot of language which
language learners can choose the language what we want to learn, such as English,
Arabic, Spanish, French, Dutch, and other languages. It also have educators forum that
the users can exchange lesson ideas and experiences with each other such as teacher or
student to them more easier in leaning. It can measure students achievement and
dedication with perfect ways. It provide data such as point earned, of course overview
tree, the streak, and the time spent.
The techniques which Duolingo provides in learning are so various and
comfortable for beginner who learn a new language from the very basic. It is so easy to
use because the prosedures for the use are simple. It is because the target of Duolingo
can be used for all ages such as children, teenagers, parents, and others. Munday (2016,
p.96) stated that Duolingo is prefered than regular assignment and media because of the
convenience it provides, it based on his research. It means that Duolingo is easy to use
and more interesting so it will be comfortable to be one of the media that we use in
teaching in classroom. Grego and Vesselinov (2012), they did a research which is see
the effectiveness of Duolingo in learning language. Their research showed that the
students are satisfied in learning language with Duolingo and they enjoyed to learn with
2. The Purpose of Using Duolingo
The Purpose of Using Duolingo Mastering vocabulary is important to who is still
beginner in learning a language, especially for foreign language learners. If they are
lack of learners. If they are lack of vocabulary, they be will hard to understand what
they read or listen because for beginner to understand the sentence is not easy. That is
why vocabulary is strongly important to understand a language. Teacher must know the
exciting technique to present the vocabulary to students.
According to Ruth Gairns and Stuart Redman (1991, p.73-74), there are two
techniques in presenting vocabulary, visual technique and verbal technique.
a. Visual techniques include photograph, wallchart, flashcard. They
are extensively used for teaching which focus on items of vocabulary.
b. Verbal techniques include the use of illustrative situation (oral or written), use
of synonym and definition, contrast and opposite, scale and example of type.
From the description above, the techniques which provides by Duolingo
included both of those.
3. Advantages of Duolingo
There are several advantages of Duolingo as medium of learning in classroom. The
advantages include:
a. Duolingo is a language learning media which can be used to increase levels of active
leaners in teaching learning process. It can be because Duolingo incorporates some
gamification aspect in learning with, it can motivate and engage learners in learning
with Duolingo (Munday, 2015, p.88). The material which learning for game usually
difficult to forget, it can be because the learners enjoy in learning.
b. Duolingo can create a homework so besides learning in classroom, Duolingo also
can support to make students practice to improve their vocabulary with Duolingo at
their home. Based on research which done by Munday (2015, p.93-94) shows that if
the A1 student 84.8% agreed if homework with Duolingo better that other types of
c. Duolingo can be accessed anywhere and everywhere, so teachers are not difficult to
implemented it in indoor learning or outdoor learning. It is a media learning
language as well which allows the learners to learn wherever they have internet
connection and whenever they feel like it.
4. Disadvantages of Duolingo
Every media for learning definitely have positive and negative side according to
situation and condition of learning. There are some disadvantages of using Duolingo as
media in learning vocabulary:
a. Duolingo is an online media learning, so it is hard to implement in classroom if there
is no internet connection.
b. If teacher wants to use Duolingo in the classroom, they must use projector. It will
make student more active and they will participate in learning teaching process.
c. It needs more preparation for the teacher for time allocation and tools if it does in
regular classroom, such as time to prepare projector, loudspeaker, and notebook.
d. In terms of grammar, Duolingo does not offer any explanations whatsoever on
grammatical use. For language learners, grammar is an essential part of language
learning and there are not direct grammar lessons. There should be a way to
incorporate it along with vocabulary. e. In listening exercises, the way the sentences
are spoken is not a representative way of native people speaking that language. The
machine can never really provide the learners with a great listening activity when it
is automatic.
5. The Procedure of Learning Vocabulary by Duolingo
The core teaching in Duolingo is extremely clear. The exercises are solid and
replicate some of the typical drills. Exercises build on one another so that the leaners
are introduced to words and concepts at the right point in the program. There are five
types of activities that Duolingo employs in learning, such as:
a. The first exercise which Duolingo give is a selecting pictures exercise for
vocabulary where the learners are ordered to select the right meaning of pictures and
vice versa.
b. Next exercise is translating the sentences. There is the translation from the learner’s
native language to the target language and vice versa. There are two kind the way
how to translate the sentences. First, the learners just choose the right translation of
the words which provided and the they must arrange those into the right sentences.
The second, the learners must type the right translation based on the sentences.
c. There is also a listening exercise where the learner listens to a sentence being spoken
and types in what they heard, it is possible for the learner to slow down the pace of
the spoken sentence if they do not understand all of it and it is also available to be
listened to as many times as the learner wishes.
d. A speaking exercise is offered as well, during which the learners have to read out
loud a sentence in the language they are learning.
e. The lastly, It has also the exercises fill in the blank. In exercise in the form multiple
choice. The learners must choose the right answer among two or three choices.
One of the reason what kept language learners going with Duolingo is learning
language with it is like playing a game. The learners have three hearts for each
exercise which means that they only get three chances to get each lesson in each level
right; otherwise they have to start over. This structure makes Duolingo really suitable
for beginners, which is not always the case with language-learning programs.
C. Previous Study
There are many studies of Duolingo which have been done (e.g., Vesselinov & Grego,
2012, Munday, 2016, Heba Bahjet Essa Ahmed, 2016). Vesselinov & Grego (2012)
discussed about the motivation for learning a new language take a primary role in the
progress of the learners’ levels in improving their new language. people who are
motivated are more likely to follow the program’s regulations. The participants had to
learn Spanish for two months by depending on Duolingo though some of them were not
committed to the program. The findings displayed that the majority of learners developed
over time without any external sources or assistance. The results indicate the importance
of being determined and having an incentive in order to learn energetically and
independently by using online websites and apps, such as Duolingo. The study which had
done by Munday (2016) ”The Case for Using Duolingo as Part of The Language
Classroom Experience” examined the efficiency of Duolingo in corporate with the
traditional teaching method, and it was used in Spanish university courses. The purpose
of the study was not to cram for Spanish learning, but to enhance their learning process
by not limiting them to a number of hours. At the end, it was shown that Spanish learners
enjoyed the app, and achieved more than the required levels. However, advanced learners
did not show an adequate development in comparison to first-level learners who
improved rapidly through
the course. Munday (2016) recommended that Duolingo should be used in the classrooms
as the learners prefer to have it instead of homework. Furthermore, there are students who
kept using Duolingo even after the end of the course (Munday, 2016). The results
demonstrate that Duolingo could be more enjoyable and beneficial for basic level learners
than the sophisticated levels.
This study was done by Heba Bahjet Essa Ahmed (2016). It explored on the use of
technology in order to promote language learning. Duolingo is one of the modern
applications that facilitate acquiring a second language. Hence, the study aims to confirm
the hypothesis that Duolingo helps promote acquiring two languages simultaneously for
beginners. The results showed that Duolingo can promote acquiring two languages for
beginners, but it has limitations. Thus, it is recommended to develop Duolingo for
advanced levels as well as for English language learners. From previous study findings
reviewed, it can be understood that Duolingo can help students, especially who is still
beginner in improving their English.

In line with the research problem, the writer uses pre-experimental research with one
group pre-test and post-test in this research. There is only one class to be researched to
know the students’ vocabulary before and after the implemented the media. (Syamsuddin
& Damaianti, 2009, p.157). If the score of post-test is higher than pre-test, it shows the
improvement of students’ vocabulary and the treatment is effective as the media in
teaching vocabulary.
Population According to Bryman (2001), the population is the whole in which a
sample is chosen by a researcher, while the sample is the part chosen by him to
represent the whole unit or group. The population of the research is the third-year
students of SMPN 1 KAYANGAN in the academic year 2023/2024. The school was
chosen because it has good facilities in implementing the media.
Semiawan (2007) states that "the sample is a segment of the population chosen to
represent it”. In this case, the samples are the third-grade students of SMPN 1
KAYANGAN. The class which be the subject of the research is VIII. The class was
chosen by same reason, such as; their score in English subject still below expectations
and most of them are misbehavior students in the classroom.
C. Technique of Data Collections
In this research used two instruments, test and questionnaire. It takes based on the
research question. The test is to see the effectiveness Duolingo after implementing to
students and questionnaire is to know students’ perception after learning by Duolingo.
1. Test
The first instrument is test. The test used in this research is pre-test and post-test. The
pre-test was done before implementing Duolingo. Before treatment, the writer gives
the students 20 questions consist of basic vocabulary, its about animals life’s and their
characteristics. The objective of the test is to know the basic score of students’
vocabulary. After treatment, the writer once again conduct a test. The purpose of this
test is to know the scores of students’ vocabulary after using Duolingo. the writer also
gives the students 20 questions in post-test. Together with the result of pre-test, this
score will be analyzed in order to know the effectiveness of Duolingo in improving
students’ vocabulary. Overall, this research uses quantitative approach, which means
the data used is in the form of number (Suharsimi, 1993, P6 cited in Hisan, 2012,
p.20). Then, he analyzed the data by formulas that appropriate with the aim of the
research and explain the results descriptively. In this research, the test was conducted
in form of matching pictures with words, translate the sentences from the learner’s
native language to target language and vice versa and gap filling.
2. Questionnaire
The second instrument is questionnaires. The questionnaires were in closed-ended
item questions form. Specifically, the questionnaires are to find out the students’
perception after learning English through Duolingo. In this research, the respondents
were distributed the likert-scale questionnaire. There are 12 questions, 1-4 are about
students’ interest after learning by Duolingo, 5- 8 is about the disadvantages of
Duolingo and 9-12 is about the advantages of Duolingo. The questionnaires are
administered to student at the last meeting. All questionnaires distributed are returned
after they have filled in.
D. Technique of Data Analyses
This research used quantitative approach. The writer gave a test to students before and
after implementing the Duolingo to get the data of quantitative. In this case, he collected
the entire data which was gained. In analyzing the numerical data, first he tried to get the
average of students' vocabulary score among pre-test and post-test. It is used to know how
well student’s score as a whole on vocabulary which it has taught and given by reseacher.
It used the formulas which suggested in Sudjana (2002, p.67).

X= ∑ x
X : Mean
x : Individual Score
n : Number of Students
After getting the result of pre-test, the writer identified whether or not there might
have students' improvement score on vocabulary comprehension from pre-test up to
posttest score. In analyzing that, he used the formula :
P= 𝑓 X 100%
P = Percentage
𝑓 = frequency of respondents
𝑛 = number of sample
100 = constants value

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