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Universal / Singular

Affirmative Negative


A stands for singular or universal affirmative proposition.

E stands for singular or universal negative proposition.

I stands for particular affirmative proposition.
O stands for particular negative proposition.

Quantity of the Proposition Quality of the Proposition Symbol

Singular Affirmative (+) A
Particular Affirmative (+) I
Universal Affirmative (+) A
Singular Negative (-) E
Particular Negative (-) O
Universal Negative (-) E


A Proposition
1. Tacio is a philosopher.
2. Alligators are wild animals.
3. Every dolphin is a mammal.
4. Krystel is a bright lady.
5. Every sinful person is immoral.

E Proposition

1. Cookie is not an artist.

2. A dragonfly is not an animal.
3. Adobo is not an American delicacy.
4. No bachelor is a married person.
5. Florentino Timbreza is not an Isabelino.

I Proposition

1. Most Filipinos are honest.

2. Some dogs are part of the Canine Unit.
3. A few security guards are ineligible.
4. Janitors are industrious persons.
5. Laws are moral.

O Proposition

1. Not every teacher is patient.

2. Europeans are not wide readers.
3. Philosophers are not virtuous men.
4. A green mango is not sweet.
5. Some Filipino superstitious beliefs are out-dated.

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