Cerere de Retragere Studii Licenta 03.12.2020

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Numarsi data inregistrare

Number and date of registration

To the Dean of the faculty,


I undersigned
CNP 6030201394459, student(a) in cadrul Facultatii de ADMINISTRAREA AFACERILOR
Personal ID Numberstudent within the faculty of

__________________________, seria B, grupa1110, anul universitar

Series group academic year

2021/2022 programul de studii universitare de licenta

Bachelor`s degree program/ Master`s degree program.


anul 1 de studii, forma de invatamant CU FRECVENTA

study year form of education (ie. On campus)
forma de finantare TAXA locatia geografica BUCURESTI
form of financing geographical location
va rog sa-mi aprobati retragerea de la studii si restituirea documentelor originale din dosar
I kindly ask youto approve my withdrawal from studies and the return ofthe original documents from
my application folder
aflat la secretariatul facultatii.
found at the faculty’s registrar.
Mentionez ca motivul retragerii de la studii este MUTARE IN STRAINATATE
I mention that the reason for retiring from the studies is
__________________________________________________________________________ .

Am luat la cunostinta de art. 91 din

Regulamentulprivindactivitateadidacticapentrustudiileuniversitare de licenta, conform caruia:
"in cazul in care, in primeletreisaptamani de la incepereasemestrului, studentiisolicitaretragerea
de la studiisauintrerupereaacestorasibeneficiaza de finantare de Iabugetul de stat,
locurilevacantatesuntalocateurmatorilorstudenti de la taxa care au dreptulsabeneficieze
definantare de Iabuget, infunctie de rezultateleobtinute in semestrul anterior de studiisau in
functie de rezultatulobtinut la concursul de admitere (in cazulretrageriistudentilor din semestru
I al anului). Dacaretragerea de la studii are locdupaprimeletreisaptamani de la
incepereasemestrului, se considera ca studentul a beneficiat de finanfare de Iabugetul de stat
pentruintregsemestrul ".
I took note of art. 91 of the Regulation on teaching activity for undergraduate studies, according to
which: "if, in the first three weeks from the beginning of the semester students request withdrawal from
school or their interruption and benefit from funding from the state budget, places vacancies are
allocated to the next students from those with tuition and who are entitled to benefit from funding from
the budget, depending on the results obtained in the previous semester of studies or depending on the
result obtained at the admission contest (in case of withdrawal of students from semester I of the year)
"If the withdrawal from school has taken place after the first three weeks from the beginning of the
semester, it is considered that the student has benefited from funding from the state budget for the entire

De asemenea, conform avizelor din tabelul de maijos, vaaduc la cunostintafaptul ca nu am

Also, according to the opinions in the table below, I would like to inform you that I do not have

datoriifinanciarecatre Academia de StudiiEconomice din Bucuresti.

financial debts to the Bucharest University of Economic Studies.

Precizez ca DORESC/ NU DORESC eliberareauneiadeverinte din care sareiasa ca am depus

I mention that I WANT / DO NOT WANT the issuance of a certificate stating that I have submitted

solicitarea de retragere de la studii, fiindu-mi necesara la Caminul _____________________ .

withdrawal request from studies, being necessary for me at the Home
Termination form
' ',

Directia / Department Debit / Debit

Semnatura&stampila Data/ Date
/ signature&stamp ',' '

1.Directia et.4,sala0438)
Sociala /
Social Scholarship Office and other
Departme financial student rights (Ion
nt N. Angelescu building, 4th
floor, room 0438)

ServiciulSocials i Serviciul
Social Service and Canteen
Service (building located in
Stanislav Cihoschi, 1st
floor, room 5107)

gelescu,etajul2,sala0216)/ .Library
Department (Ion N Angelescu
building, 2nd floor, room 0216

ala0024) / International Relations
Department (only for foreign students,
building Ion N Angelescu, ground floor,
room 0024)

5411) / Economic Directorate
(StanislasCihoschi building, 4th floor,
room 5411)

Data ...15.07.2022........................... . Semnatura .......ANGHEL ROBERTA ALESSANDRA

Date Signature

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