Wellness Chat Topics

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(Topics A and B may be discussed individually, or combined and linked in one presentation)
A. Decoding the Nutrition Label
• There’s a lot to read on a nutrition label. Many numbers and percentages which often make
little/no sense, several confusing health claims, and commercials all over the media replaying in
the back of your head. This can all be extremely overwhelming.
• Most people actually exceed the recommended limits for things such as saturated fat, sodium,
and added sugars, so the Nutrition Facts label can help you reduce consumption. There are other
nutrients, such as dietary fiber, vitamin D, calcium, iron and potassium, that many people do not
consume enough of.
• Checking the label can help you identify foods high in the nutrients you need to eat more of,
and avoid those which are doing you no good, proving to be costly to both your health and bank
Take away objectives:
1. Know how to read the food label and understand how it impacts your personal health choices
2. Be able to decipher marketing schemes from truthful health claims
3. Understand what all the numbers mean and how they apply to and meet your needs
4. Master the skill of scanning a food label (quickly and efficiently) and identifying whether a food is
actually healthy and worth the consumption by your stomach AND wallet

B. Ditching the Diet

• If you’ve tried dieting to lose weight fast, you’ve probably found that you ended up gaining the
weight right back. When it comes to eating healthy to achieve your weight goals, there is
unfortunately no quick fix.
• There’s always a new diet being promoted as the best approach to weight loss, but many of
these diets involve eliminating foods that contain necessary nutrients. Some diets even cut out
entire food groups.
• Many of these fad diets may lack major nutrients, such as dietary fiber and carbohydrates, as
well as selected vitamins, minerals, and protective phyto-chemicals. By not receiving proper
amounts of these nutrients, you can develop serious health problems.
Take away objectives:
1. Understand the consequences of dieting
2. Review nutrition basics and importance of consuming each food group (i.e. protein, fat AND carbs)
3. Learn the steps to take towards healthier eating
4. Learn how to calculate your individual calorie needs
5. Master the skill of planning meals and snacks
• Sleep is more than just an extended nap between busy days. It’s something that we all need, but
what do you actually KNOW about it? And are you getting ENOUGH?
• Did you know that the impact of losing 4 hours of sleep is comparable to the effects of drinking
a 6 pack of beer? You wouldn’t go to work drunk from alcohol, so how can you go to work
‘drunk’ from a lack of sleep?
• Everything from the food you eat before bed, to the temperature in the room, to your pillow, to
technology, to your workout routine – can impact your sleep.
Take away objectives:
1. Learn how sleep works and what happens in your body from the time you shut your eyes to the
moment you hit the alarm
2. Clarify common misconceptions of sleep
3. Review basic sleep recommendations
4. Uncover little known facts to find out what may be keeping you awake at night
5. Understand how sleep impacts your mood, cognition, energy, hormones, weight, and overall health
6. Evaluate your own sleep habits and night time routines
7. Discover sleep strategies that could work best for you


• Do you feel like the demands of the day are bringing you down? Are you feeling overwhelmed
with trying to balance work and life, specifically your own personal well-being? Not sure how
to blow off some steam without any negative consequences? You’re not alone – 43% of adults
suffer adverse health effects from stress.
• Some stress can be good. It can be a challenge that keeps us alert, motivated, and ready to avoid
danger. But too much stress can actually make us physically sick.
• Stress can have a negative impact on productivity, job performance, energy levels, personal
relationships, physical and emotional health, and overall mental outlook.
• Modern life is filled with challenges. From the demands of our careers to the responsibilities of
our personal lives, it's easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle, often neglecting the very
core of our existence, our mental and emotional health.
Take away objectives:
1. Learn how to stay cool, calm and collected by identifying stressful triggers in your life
2. Recognize the different ways in which stress impacts you and your health
3. Develop and implement simple stress management techniques to incorporate into you daily routines
4. Learning how to prioritize your mental health by incorporating small, effective practices into your
daily routine, whether at work or home


(Topics A and B may be discussed individually, or combined and linked in one presentation)


• Whether you spend most of the day sitting, standing or being active, workspace ergonomics is
designed to minimize the risk of injury and enhance employee comfort, productivity and work
• Did you know that 9/10 people suffer from pain linked to the way they work at their desks?
Workspace ergonomics can reduce back and neck pain, muscle stiffness, repetitive motion
injuries, carpel tunnel, tendinitis, muscular pain or stiffness, joint pain or eye strain due to poor
vision or lighting.
• Proper ergonomics have shown to increase productivity by 11% and is linked with improving
the quality of work.
Take away objectives
1. Identify risk factors in your personal workspace for neck, back, joint & muscular injuries
2. Review the recommendations and tips for an optimal workspace to make it ergonomically
sound using simple and easy changes
3. Learn how to set up your own personal workspace to make it ergonomically sound using simple
and easy changes
4. Demonstrate correct sitting and standing posture and review proper lifting and bending
• The average person sits for 7.5 hours each day, and current research shows that inactivity is
responsible for more deaths than smoking.
• Prolonged sitting or general inactivity can lead to increased risk of heart disease, diabetes,
osteoporosis, colon and breast cancer.
• 90% of people say they suffer from pain, such as headaches, neck and shoulder pain, or general
muscle stiffness and tightness linked to the way they work at their desk.
• “Desk-ercise” can be done right at your desk, in your work clothes. With simple stretches and
movements, you can strengthen and loosen the muscles of neck, shoulders, arms, back, chest,
wrists, hands, and legs. These exercises can also give you a mental boost, fight stress and boost

Take-away objectives
1. Learn simple exercise that can be done at your desk to strengthen and loosen muscles to prevent
pain and discomfort
2. Identify the risks of sedentary lifestyle and how to incorporate activity into your day, even if
your job requires hours of sitting



• Whether you lift heavy items for your job or simply have a slipped disk from a pesky athletic
injury, lower back pain is likely to plague you at some point in your life. Low back pain can
result from an acute injury or from chronic overuse that leads to arthritis. This, in turn, can
break down the fluid-filled disks in your spine that act as shock absorbents. Whatever the cause,
there are some practices you can do to strengthen your back and keep lower back pain at bay.
• 60-70% of the world has Lower Back related issues, and 10% of the world suffer from pain
daily – and the population as risk are becoming younger and younger
• Over time, there has been an increase in time spent sitting, which has resulted in many having a
hunched, forward posture
• As it stands, approximately 264 million work hours are lost per year as a result of people
suffering severely from back pain

Take-away objectives
1. Determine the current state of your spine through the use of several simple, global spinal
assessments, as well as how it measures up to the standard performance indicators
2. Obtain a better understanding of why you might be experiencing back pain, i.e. identifying the
root cause
3. Realize the importance of a strong Core and Glutes, especially with regards to strengthening
and protecting your lower back
4. Learn the most effective guidelines for training in such a way as to eliminate current back pain,
as well as prevent it from occurring/reoccurring in the future


• Body composition is a method of understanding the body’s core components, which includes
body fat, protein, minerals, and body water.
• In this way, your total body weight can be described more accurately and a better glimpse into
your overall health can be provided compared to using traditional methods such as the Body
Mass Index (BMI) measurement matrix.
• In a body composition analysis, changes in body fat mass, muscle mass, and body fat
percentage can be shown and tracked effectively.
• Knowing these kinds of stats can furthermore help you determine the amount of calories and
specific macros you as an individual should be consuming in order to reach your fitness goals,
whilst still being healthy.

Take-away objectives
1. Obtain a clear understanding of all the different compositions of the body – i.e. body fat, muscle
mass, water etc.
2. Calculate the total amount of body fat through the use of skin-fold calipers, which are used to
assess the thickness of skin-folds (this kind of prediction is based on the hypothesis that body
fat is equally distributed over the body, and that the thickness of said folds can be used as fairly
accurate measures for subcutaneous fat.
3. The same measurements will also be used to determine other important considerations, such as
lean muscle mass, desired fat loss, and ideal body weight.
4. Learn what the standards are, and how your own personal body composition measures up.
5. Learn how you can use the results of your body composition analysis to better reach your
fitness goals, through training and nutrition

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