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International Journal of Cardiology Congenital Heart Disease 12 (2023) 100449

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Nutrition, dietary recommendations, and supplements for patients with

congenital heart disease
Macarena Lorente a, María Josefa Azpiroz a, *, Paula Guedes b, Rosa Burgos c, Amador Lluch c,
Laura Dos a, d, e
Adult Congenital Heart Disease Unit. Cardiology Department. Vall d’Hebron University Hospital, Barcelona, Spain
Adult Congenital Heart Disease Unit. Cardiology Department. Canary Island University Hospital. Tenerife. Spain
Nutrition Support Unit, Endocrinology and Nutrition Department, Vall d’Hebron University Hospital. Spain
Vall d’Hebron Institut de Recerca (VHIR), Barcelona. Spain
CIBER de Enfermedades Cardiovasculares, Instituto de Salud Carlos III. Spain


Keywords: Nutrition is the cornerstone of a healthy life and is crucial for the prevention of cardiovascular disease. Patients
Congenital heart disease with congenital heart disease (CHD) are prone to nutrition disorders, including abnormalities in body compo­
Nutrition sition such as overweight or obesity which, along with other classic cardiovascular risk factors, places our
Dietary recomendation
increasing and aging adult CHD (ACHD) population at a higher risk for acquired cardiovascular disease. These
Cardiovascular risk prevention
Iron status in cyanotic congenital heart disease
patients are also at risk of cachexia or sarcopenia as well as macronutrient and micronutrient deficiencies derived
from the development of heart failure as a complication of their underlying cardiac disease. In this paper, we
review different dietary recommendations and supplementation with specific macronutrients and micro­
nutrients. We also discuss some special scenarios in ACHD patients and the importance of the microbiota, a new
therapeutical target as yet underexplored in this patient population.

1. Introduction with heart failure (HF), the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in
ACHD [3]. In fact, malnutrition (defined as deficiencies or excesses in
Healthy habits are crucial for the prevention of cardiovascular dis­ nutrient intake, imbalance of essential nutrients, or impaired nutrient
ease (CVD). Nutrition, together with regular exercise, smoking cessa­ utilisation) is independently associated with an increased risk of major
tion, and appropriate rest, among others, is the cornerstone of a healthy cardiovascular events in ACHD patients [4].
life. Indeed, there is strong evidence supporting the association between Sarcopenia is defined as a progressive and generalised disease of
diet and increased risk of CVD and it has been estimated that nutritional skeletal muscle, characterised by a decrease in muscle strength and
factors are responsible for about 40% of all CVD [1]. Unhealthy dietary mass, and is frequently associated with advanced stages of HF [5]. In
patterns (i.e., excessive intake of sodium and processed foods; added addition to sarcopenia, the definition of sarcopenic obesity requires the
sugars; unhealthy fats) predominant in Western countries, as opposed to presence of excess adiposity [6].
healthier dietary patterns (favouring intake of fruit, fibre, vegetables, The terms sarcopenia and cachexia are often used interchangeably;
whole grains, fish, legumes, and nuts) such as the Mediterranean diet, however, they correspond to different body composition phenotypes.
lead to a proinflammatory state responsible for the development of Cachexia is defined as an unintentional, non-edematous weight loss of
atheromatosis [2]. 5–6% in the last 12 months. Cachexia typically shows a decrease in fat
If dietary habits are important for disease prevention, once heart mass, in contrast to sarcopenia and sarcopenic obesity, in which loss of
disease is established, either due to acquired or congenital conditions, lean mass is accompanied by preservation of, or even an increase in, fat
nutrition becomes paramount. Interestingly, nutrition disorders, mass. Cachexia is associated with anorexia as well as progressive
including abnormalities in body composition such as obesity, cachexia worsening of functional capacity [7].
or sarcopenia, and/or macronutrient and micronutrient deficiencies, are On the other hand, obesity is a well-known cardiovascular risk factor
highly prevalent in cardiac patients, predominantly in those afflicted and an independent risk factor for HF. Recent evidence has shown that

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (M.J. Azpiroz).
Received 31 January 2023; Received in revised form 3 March 2023; Accepted 12 March 2023
Available online 17 March 2023
2666-6685/© 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
M. Lorente et al. International Journal of Cardiology Congenital Heart Disease 12 (2023) 100449

metabolic syndrome is more prevalent in ACHD than in the general dyslipidaemia, and diabetes mellitus. Thus, it is expected that dietary
population, and its prevalence increases with age [8]. Considering an interventions with a proven lowering of the cardiovascular risk profile
increasingly large and aging ACHD population, with high rates of and risk factors, will be particularly beneficial in this population.
overweight and obesity [4], it is of vital importance to emphasise a
broader assessment of health behaviours and healthy habits. 2. Dietary recommendations
Regarding the assessment of the patient’s nutritional status, several
methods have been used, the most common tool in clinical practice The importance of a patient’s nutritional status for a complete
being the body mass index (BMI). While it is easy to use, it does not medical assessment has been increasing during the last few years. ESC
differentiate weight due to excess fluid or lean mass. However, lower Guidelines offer dietary advice for the prevention of CVD in the general
BMI values are associated with worse prognosis, particularly in symp­ population. However, when it comes to specific patient groups, dietary
tomatic patients with complex CHD [9]. Conversely, the methods that recommendations are scarce and weak. As an example, although some
measure body composition allow us to differentiate the proportion of fat, dietary interventional trials have already been undertaken, the current
lean, and liquid mass. However, some methods are inaccurate in the case HF guidelines offer only short recommendations on nutrition, mainly
of excess body water (dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry or bioelectrical derived from expert opinion consensus.
impedance analysis), while other methods are expensive and/or
impractical (magnetic resonance imaging) [7]. The use of opportunistic 2.1. Nutritional restrictions
CT scans to evaluate muscle mass could help to evaluate sarcopenia in
patients with heart disease [10]. Biomarkers such as albumin, pre­ Dietary recommendations in HF are so uncertain that even the
albumin, and lymphocyte count have been reported as indicators of poor worldwide strategy of dietary sodium restriction is not exempt from
nutritional prognosis in patients with HF; although simple to measure, controversy. It reduces congestive symptoms and improves functional
they can be affected by comorbidities, medications, and inflammation class; however, some studies have reported neurohormonal activation in
[11]. response to sodium restriction with renin-angiotensin-aldosterone sys­
Finally, multidimensional assessment tools incorporate several do­ tem activation and worsening renal function. A low-sodium diet (<1500
mains to categorise the severity of malnutrition in the context of HF. The mg daily), in the recently published SODIUM-HF trial, was associated
nutritional risk index (NRI) combines serum albumin levels and weight with a better quality of life and functional status with no significant
loss and has been validated in many populations of patients with ac­ improvement in outcomes [15].
quired heart disease, being a better predictor of survival than albumin or The same applies to the body weight control recommendation. The
BMI alone [12]. A low NRI has been shown to be an independent pre­ main HF guidelines recommend intentional weight reduction to
dictor of cardiovascular event in CHD patients [4]. These scores have decrease adiposity to lower the risk of incident HF and increase peak
been extensively validated, however, there is no accepted reference tool oxygen consumption. However, numerous studies have reported the
and their results may reflect the severity of the patient’s underlying obesity paradox, in which a protective effect of class I or II obesity on the
disease rather than malnutrition. survival of patients with established HF was found. The exact mecha­
Beyond detecting patients with stablished nutritional deficits, it is nisms are not well established yet but an underlying metabolic reserve
important to detect population at risk. Such assessment should include and increased muscle mass have been suggested.
medical history, current and past dietary intake (including energy and
protein balance), physical examination and anthropometric measure­ 2.2. Dietary patterns
ments, functional and mental assessment, quality of life, medications,
and laboratory parametres. Futhermore, some Nutritional Scores have The Mediterranean (MedDiet) and the DASH (Dietary Approaches to
been developed to detect peadiatric patients at risk of nutritional dis­ Stop Hypertension) diets are the most frequently studied patterns for
orders. According to a systematic review [13] at least 33 different CVD risk reduction. Both share many common characteristics, encour­
nutritional risk screening tools exist, for use in various clinical settings aging the consumption of fruit, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes.
and patient populations (inpatients, community, geriatrics, etc.). The While the DASH diet limits sodium, saturated fatty acids, and total fat
European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism (ESPEN) rec­ intake, the MedDiet emphasises unsaturated fatty acids (Fig. 1A and B).
ommends specially three of them: the Nutritional Risk Screening 2002 The PREDIMED clinical trial [16] showed a lower incidence of
(NRS-2002) for the inpatient setting, the Malnutrition Universal myocardial infarction, stroke, or cardiovascular death in participants
Screening Tool (MUST) for the ambulatory setting and the Mini Nutri­ randomised to MedDiet. Ensuing large observational trials have
tional Assessment (MNA) for institutionalized geriatric patients [14]. So demonstrated a reduction in HF incidence, as well as improvement in
far, there are no specific tools developed for the setting of CHD patients. clinical outcomes in patients with existing HF adhering to a MedDiet.
In this paper, we review different dietary recommendations and The main benefit of this diet against CVD is mainly derived from the
supplementation with specific macronutrients and micronutrients. We improvement of risk factors: blood pressure, lipid profile, glucose
also discuss some special scenarios in CHD patients (see Table 1) and the metabolism, arrhythmic risk, or gut microbiome. Additionally, it was
importance of microbiota. We will focus on the CHD literature available suggested that the MedDiet has an anti-inflammatory effect with a
but, for those topics in which the evidence for CHD is scarce or absent, reduction in adiposity, C-reactive protein, insulin resistance, and
we will mainly refer to the literature regarding the HF population as it is interleukin-6 (components associated with a higher likelihood of CVD)
the main driver of morbidity and mortality in ACHD. CHD patients are at [17]. However, the scarce evidence concerning CHD shows a low
a higher risk of developing classic cardiovascular risk factors, such as adherence of our patient population to this diet [18].
overweight and obesity, metabolic syndrome, hypertension, On the other hand, the DASH study reported that a dietary pattern
with fruit, vegetables, low-fat dairy, low saturated fat, total fat, and
cholesterol, reduced systolic and diastolic blood pressure. The DASH
Table 1 diet provides a complex mixture of nutrients, low in sodium and high in
Nutritional disorders associated to specific congenital heart defects
potassium with evidence supporting an improvement in cardiac func­
Specific congenital heart disease Nutritional deficit tion, functional capacity, blood pressure, oxidative stress, and mortality
Cyanotic CHD Iron deficiency [19].
Fontan circulation Protein-losing enteropathy Fasting has increased in popularity over the past decade and is
Failing systemic right ventricle Malnutrition, sarcopenia, cachexia commonly used worldwide at different intervals and for different rea­
Tetralogy of Fallot Dysbacteriosis
sons, such as religion or health. Intermittent fasting is reported to have

M. Lorente et al. International Journal of Cardiology Congenital Heart Disease 12 (2023) 100449

Fig. 1. Comparison between the Mediterranean and

the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH)
diets.A. Mediterranean diet: is based on the diary
intake of vegetables, whole grain, fruits and beans.
Animal origin protein is recommended once a day,
mainly fish and seafood, also eggs and dairy products;
while low consumption of red meat is recommended.
The Mediterranean diet emphasises the consumption
of unsaturated fatty acids, being olive oil the main
source of fat in the diet.B. Dietary Approaches to Stop
Hypertension (DASH) diet: it is also based on fruits,
vegetable and whole grain and cereal, recommending
higher intake of fish and white meat, and lower
intake of low-fat dairy products. Low consumption of
red meat and sweets is also recommended. DASH diet
limits sodium, saturated fatty acids, and total fat
intake. (For interpretation of the references to colour
in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web
version of this article.)

various beneficial effects on health, such as regression of obesity and those with severe pulmonary hypertension [22]. There is no specific
insulin resistance, leading to overall improvement of cardiovascular risk recommendation for CHD patients, just emphasising a referral to the
factors. There are different fasting patterns: alternate-day fasting implies CHD specialist for an individualised decision. This individualised
alternate days of ≤25% intake of baseline energy needs with days of ad recommendation should take into consideration the unique fluid bal­
libitum food consumption, whereas periodic fasting subjects only fast for 1 ance of certain CHDs, such as cyanotic or Fontan patients, for example.
or 2 days a week. However, as a strategy to maintain body weight and The ketogenic diet (KD) is of particular interest in HF (Fig. 2). The
optimal cardiometabolic health, it appears less effective than simple failing heart progressively loses its capacity to oxidise free fatty acids
caloric restriction. This is due to the difficulty in sustaining such re­ (FA) and glucose switches the energy supply toward ketone body (KB)
gimes, which also limits the development of large studies with quality substrates (Fig. 2). Experimental studies suggested that the provision of
data to assess the long-term effects of intermittent fasting. A Cochrane KBs to the failing heart may have salutary effects by improving cardiac
review [20] published in 2019 concluded that, compared to ad libitum efficiency [23]. Ketosis can be achieved by prolonged fasting, a KD, or
feeding, intermittent fasting produces weight loss of 3–8% over the exogenous ketone administration. The KD is defined by a high intake of
course of 3–24 weeks, but without any clinical impact, probably due to long-chain FAs (55%–75% of daily caloric intake) and decreasing car­
the short-term follow-up. bohydrate intake (5%–10% of daily caloric intake). However, chronic
Regarding HF, a recently published study [21] found an association exposure to a KD is not exempt from concerns as it increases low-density
between regular periodic fasting and a reduction in all-cause mortality lipoprotein cholesterol, thus increasing atherosclerotic CVD. On the
and the incidence of HF. However, for those patients in advanced HF other hand, KD reduces peripheral glycogen stores, a strong determinant
with a fragile fluid balance, fasting should be discouraged. Indeed, the of exercise capacity.
recommendations published in 2020 by the British Islamic Medical As­
sociation advised against fasting for patients with advanced HF and

M. Lorente et al. International Journal of Cardiology Congenital Heart Disease 12 (2023) 100449

Fig. 2. The ketogenic diet: The KD is defined by a high intake of long-chain FAs (55%–75% of daily caloric intake) and decreasing carbohydrate intake (5%–10% of
daily caloric intake). The low carbohydrate intake induces the hepatic synthesis of ketone bodies, which are a source of energy.

3. Dietary supplements function [29].

On the other hand, trials on supplementation with vitamins B6, B12,
There are several studies focusing on the role of dietary supplements and C failed to show any beneficial effects [26]. Furthermore, vitamin D
in cardiovascular health, both in the setting of secondary and primary supplementation may have deleterious effects by a reduction in the
prevention. However, the conflicting nature of the results precludes 6-min walk test distance and worsening of HF symptoms. In turn,
strong recommendations for the general population and particularly in vitamin E supplementation has been associated with an increased inci­
patients with CVD. In the field of CHD, the evidence is scarce, and most dence of HF hospitalization [27].
recommendations are extrapolated from studies in patients with ac­ As for primary prevention, a recent meta-analysis of clinical trials
quired heart diseases. Only a few interventions in specific scenarios have and prospective cohort studies demonstrated that multivitamin and
demonstrated an improvement in cardiovascular health. mineral supplementation does not prevent CVD in the general popula­
tion [30].
While the normalisation of micronutrient deficiencies in CVD,
3.1. Micronutrient supplementation particularly in the HF population, seems to have a positive impact on the
overall patient status, there is no strong evidence supporting the benefits
Micronutrient deficiency is relatively common in patients with heart of multivitamin and mineral supplementation in the general population.
disease, particularly in those afflicted with HF. It is associated with poor
clinical status and correction of these deficiencies has been shown to
improve physical performance and quality of life [24]. 3.2. Macronutrient supplementation
Concerning minerals, coenzyme Q is known to have antioxidant
activity and its deficiency has been associated with worse cardiac Polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) supplementation through dietary
function in HF. However, a recent meta-analysis concluded that there sources, such as extra-virgin olive oil, fish, and nuts, was proven to
was no convincing evidence to support or refute the use of coenzyme improve cardiovascular outcomes within a Mediterranean diet [14]. In
Q10 for HF due to the limited quality of the data available from pub­ the IMPROVE-IT trial, supplementation with icosapent ethyl twice a day
lished studies [25]. Supplementation with magnesium or other reduced the risk of cardiovascular ischaemic events (including cardio­
commonly deficient minerals in HF, such as zinc, calcium, and folate, vascular death) compared to placebo in a cohort of patients with high
has also failed to improve cardiovascular outcomes [26]. cholesterol levels despite the use of statins [31]. In general population, a
Interest in the potential benefits of vitamin supplementation is sup­ low ratio between levels of eicosapentaenoic acid and those of arach­
ported by basic research and biological evidence regarding their ca­ idonic acid (EPA/AA) has been associated with higher incidence of
pacity to decrease thrombogenesis, the inflammatory profile, and coronary artery disease, heart failure and cardiac sudden death. A recent
improve endothelial function [27]. Severe thiamine (vitamin B1) defi­ in a congenital heart disease population, low EPA/AA was associated to
ciency can lead to reversible cardiomyopathy, and less severe deficits a higher risk of heart failure hospitalization [32], suggesting that eico­
are common in HF, related to diuretic use. Small trials suggested that the sapentaenoic supplementation coulg be beneficial in this population. A
thiamine supplementation could improve ejection fraction and HF more recent metanalysis, including 13 randomised control trials, marine
symptoms [28]. L-carnitine is a key cofactor for myocardial energy omega-3 supplementation was associated with significantly lower of
production, and essential for decreasing the pathological accumulation cardiovascular events such as myocardial infarction as well as a reduc­
of long-chain fatty acids that occurs during myocardial ischemia. Small tion in cardiovascular death, in a dose-dependent relationships, even
trials suggested that administration of L-carnitine in the setting of after exclusion of REDUCE-IT [29]. Based on these results, the European
myocardial infarction provides an antiarrhythmic effect and reduces Society of Cardiology recommends n-3 PUFAs in high risk patients with
ventricular volumes. A recent meta-analysis in the setting of chronic HF high triglycerides despite lifestyle measures and statin treatment (with a
suggested beneficial effects of L-carnitine on symptoms and cardiac class IIb recommendation). However, studies are very heterogeneous,

M. Lorente et al. International Journal of Cardiology Congenital Heart Disease 12 (2023) 100449

and results are inconsistent, thus more evidence is needed in primary fumarate was used and titrated to a maximum dose of 200 mg thrice
prevention. daily [37]. In a more recent study in a larger cohort of patients, intra­
venous iron carboxymaltose (500–1000 mg) appeared to be safe for
treating iron deficiency in cyanotic patients with CHD and/or pulmo­
3.3. Iron supplementation in HF and cyanotic CHD
nary hypertension. Iron deficiency was defined as ferritin concentration
<30 μg/L or transferrin saturation <20%. A significant increase in
Cyanotic CHD encompasses a heterogeneous group of lesions with
ferritin, transferrin saturation, and haemoglobin concentration was
different underlying anatomies and pathophysiology. These patients
observed in all subgroups, with no cases of excessive erythropoiesis
must generate different compensatory mechanisms to adapt to the low
resulting in new hyperviscosity symptoms [38]. There are no clear
oxygen tension and low oxyhaemoglobin saturations. Secondary eryth­
recommendations on how to supplement iron in cyanotic patients,
rocytosis develops to improve oxygen supply to peripheral tissues [33].
including the choice between intravenous and oral therapy, dose, and
Sufficient iron stores are required to achieve and maintain adequate
treatment target [39], however, a low dose of oral elemental iron (100
haemoglobin levels. On the other hand, hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF)
mg/day) is usually well tolerated and will suffice in the majority of
activity, a key determinant of the adaptation to chronic hypoxia, is both
cases, reserving the option of intravenous administration for those pa­
regulated by iron and HIF itself regulates aspects of iron homeostatic
tients intolerant to oral presentations (Fig. 3). For patients in HF, it is
control [34].
advisable that iron reposition follows the current recommendations
Unfortunately, iron deficiency is a relatively common finding in
[39], although no evidence supports this strategy in cyanotic patients.
cyanotic patients and is associated with adverse late outcomes [35]. Iron
deficiency causes a reduction in haemoglobin without a proportional
4. Special scenarios
change in haematocrit and, thus, compromises systemic oxygen trans­
port without reducing viscosity [33]. Assessment of serum iron, ferritin,
4.1. Protein-losing enteropathy
and transferrin levels is required for the earlier detection of iron defi­
ciency [36].
Protein-Losing Enteropathy (PLE) is defined as the abnormal loss of
An uncontrolled prospective study, in a small cohort of patients,
serum proteins into the intestinal lumen due to a loss of wall perme­
showed that replenishment of iron stores in iron-deficient cyanotic CHD
ability. PLE can complicate the course of different types of CHD, but it is
patients was safe and resulted in improved quality of life and exercise
characteristically associated with failure of the Fontan circulation and is
capacity, regardless of baseline haemoglobin levels. Iron deficiency was
expected to occur in 5%–12% of these patients. The importance of early
defined as serum ferritin <30 μg/L or serum ferritin <50 μg/L and
diagnosis and treatment of this complication lies in the associated high
transferrin saturation <15%. For iron supplementation, oral ferrous

Fig. 3. Iron status assessment and supplementation in cyanotic patients. Regarding that evidence is scarce, studies are heterogenic and Clinical Guidelines do not
provide a concise strategy for iron supplementation, we propose an algorithm for iron status assessment and supplementation in cyanotic patients. Proposed cut-off
values are based on the only study evaluating i. v. iron supplementation in cyanotic congenital heart disease or pulmonary hypertension [35].*TSI: transferrin
saturation index.

M. Lorente et al. International Journal of Cardiology Congenital Heart Disease 12 (2023) 100449

morbidity and mortality [40]. 5. Microbiome

The gold standard for the diagnosis of PLE is faecal alfa-1-antitrypsin
(α1-AT). An elevated level of α1-AT in a single stool sample, along with Nutrition cannot be completely understood without including the
an unexplained presence of serum hypoalbuminemia and peripheral gut microbiome in the equation. Intestinal flora interaction with nutri­
oedema, are necessary requisites for diagnosis. ments is crucial to understand the benefits or harms of a given diet. As an
The therapeutic approach towards PLE involves diuretics, albumin example, trimethylamine (TMA) is produced by certain types of bacte­
replacement, intravenous immunoglobulin administration, angiotensin- rial phyla via conversion of L-carnitine or choline found in red meat.
converting enzyme inhibitors, heparin, corticosteroids, or pulmonary TMA is transformed into trimethylamine-N-oxide (TMAO) in the liver,
vasodilators, as well as invasive treatment with transcatheter or surgical which has been associated with the development of coronary artery
techniques. However, nutritional support is crucial since all patients disease and poorer long-term clinical outcomes in chronic HF [49]. On
afflicted with PLE are malnourished. Patients loose calories due to the other hand, a diet with a high fibre content enhances
protein loss, associated fatty diarrhoea, and difficulty absorbing long- butyrate-producing microorganisms, which have been shown to stabilise
chain triglycerides through the intestinal lymphatic system. the atherosclerotic plaque [50].
Dietary recommendations are based on a high-protein intake (2 g/ The interest in the gut microbiome and its contribution to different
kg/day), usually by adding protein supplements, low-fat diet (≤25% of pathologies has been increasing over the last few years. Evidence sug­
calories from fat) with a higher proportion of medium-chain tri­ gests that the intestinal microbiome has an impact on different disorders
glycerides. Medium-chain triglyceride supplements are absorbed such as autoimmune, inflammatory bowel disease, obesity, and even
directly into the bloodstream, bypassing the damaged lymphatic system psychological conditions. In turn, certain diseases or situations (i.e.,
[41]. cardiopulmonary bypass) can alter the balance of the normal gut
There are no controlled studies supporting the efficacy of this diet; microflora and produce intestinal dysbiosis. Different bacterial phyla
dietary intervention alone has rarely produced clinical improvement. compose the microbiome: Bacteroidetes, Firmicutes, Actinobacteria,
However, enhancing nutritional status by increasing effective caloric Proteobacteria, Fusobacteria, and Verrucomicrobia. Bacteroidetes and
intake is crucial, considering the chronic hypercatabolic state of the PLE Firmicutes are the most predominant and are considered protective,
patient and the indolent course of the disease compromising growth, whereas Proteobacteria is a pro-inflammatory pathogenic bacteria
wound healing, immune response, coagulation, and bone metabolism. group. Therefore, the balance between the different bacterial phyla is
paramount. Gut-derived metabolites (TMAO, butyrate, nitric oxide, and
4.2. Nutritional prehabilitation in CHD surgery short-chain fatty acids), reflect alterations of the gut microbial flora and
have recently been shown to exert toxic effects on the heart, contrib­
It is strongly recommended that patients eligible for cardiac surgery uting to HF severity and adverse outcomes [51].
undergo perioperative nutritional screening and stratification of their A case-control study revealed that perturbations of maternal gut
surgical risk by measuring HbA1c, to optimise glycaemic controls, and microbiota and plasma metabolites may be associated with a CHD risk in
serum albumin. This risk assessment allows the identification of patients the offspring. CHD baseline haemodynamic characteristics may play a
that may benefit from perioperative nutritional support. Poor preoper­ role in the disruption of the microbiome. A recent cross-sectional study
ative nutritional status is associated with increased muscle wasting and proved that children with unrepaired TOF have intestinal dysbacteriosis,
is a predictor of delayed functional recovery after cardiac surgery. showing a clear interplay between the host characteristics and the
Furthermore, malnutrition has been found associated with prolonged altered gut microbiome. As expected, cardiopulmonary bypass further
ICU stay and is an independent risk factor for postoperative complica­ exacerbated these dysregulations.
tions [42]. Likewise, cardiac surgery may cause further deterioration of Recently, Dan Feng et al. [52], elaborated about the interplay be­
nutritional status due to postoperative catabolic reaction and decreased tween CHD haemodynamics and the gut microbiome. CHD may induce
dietary intake [43]. gut epithelial barrier dysfunction due to multiple stressors, such as
Concerning CHD, several studies have addressed the importance of reduced cardiac output, hypoxemia, and increased intestinal venous
preoperative nutritional status in children, suggesting that lower total congestion. This generates a pro-inflammatory state that increases in­
body fat mass and acute and chronic malnourishment are associated testinal permeability, leading to bacterial translocation and an increase
with worse clinical outcomes [44]. However, no specific studies in the in circulating toxins. In that way, proinflammatory bacterial perpetuate
adult CHD population undergoing cardiac surgery have been the pro-inflammatory status, inducing reactive oxygen species and
undertaken. cytokine activation. This reduces circulating nitric oxide (NO), which
To achieve the greatest benefit, preoperative nutritional support affects NO-dependent vascular function, leading to maladaptive vaso­
should be initiated at least 2–7 days prior to surgery, in a pre-admission constriction and subsequent development of pulmonary hypertension. It
setting. There are several scoring systems to evaluate patients’ preop­ is appealing to hypothesise that certain types of CHD, particularly those
erative nutritional status [45], however, there is no current evidence more exposed to hypoxemia, low cardiac output states, and increased
supporting that nutritional therapy would improve postoperative out­ central venous pressures, such as patients with Fontan circulation, may
comes [46]. be more prone to dysbacteriosis and its pernicious consequences (Fig. 4).
As important components of all Enhanced Recovery After Surgery However, evidence of dysbiosis and its effects on CHD is still scarce.
(ERAS) protocols, several randomised clinical trials have demonstrated Furthermore, the role of probiotics in the armamentarium of CHD
that non-alcoholic clear fluids can be safely given up to 2 h before the treatment is also unknown.
induction of anaesthesia, and a light meal can be given up to 6 h before
elective procedures requiring general anaesthesia [47]. 6. Conclusion
Postoperative nutritional support should be initiated early in pa­
tients with high nutritional risk and expected prolonged ICU stay (0–24 Patients with CHD are prone to nutrition disorders, including ab­
h after surgery), favouring enteral nutrition whenever possible [46]. normalities in body composition such as overweight or obesity which,
Finally, supplementation of fish oil emulsions appears to have a along with other classical cardiovascular risk factors, places our
benefit in modulating the inflammatory response occurring in the increasing and aging ACHD population at a higher risk of acquired CVD.
context of cardiac surgery, especially in patients undergoing complex Thus, it is expected that dietary interventions proven to lower the car­
procedures with longer cardiopulmonary bypass times. In addition, diovascular risk profile and risk factors, would be particularly beneficial
these emulsions were associated with a reduction in the duration of in this population.
mechanical ventilation and hospital stay [48]. These patients are also at risk of cachexia or sarcopenia, as well as

M. Lorente et al. International Journal of Cardiology Congenital Heart Disease 12 (2023) 100449

Fig. 4. The interplay between congenital heart diseases and microbiome: CHD may induce gut epithelial barrier dysfunction due to multiple stressors, inducing a pro-
inflammatory state that increases intestinal permeability, leading to bacterial translocation, and reducing reactive oxygen species and cytokine activation, reducing
circulating nitric oxide (NO), leading to maladaptive vasoconstriction and subsequent development of pulmonary hypertension.*CHD: congenital heart disease; HF:
heart failure; TMAO: trimethylamine-N-oxide; SCFA: Short-chain fatty acids.

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