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System User Manual

November 2003
Release 24

DCCS help Desk


Positek Inc.
Dry Cleaning Computer Systems (DCCS)
Also available to DCCS customers:

DCCS File Maintenance Reference Guide


DCCS Credit Card Processing System (Super


DCCS Home Delivery System (Super DOS)

Copyright 2004

Positek Inc.
Dry Cleaning Computer Systems (DCCS)
1210 Stanbridge St.
Norristown, PA 19401

DCCS User Manual (Windows) II

The DCCS System (Windows)............................................................. 1-1
Ticket Writing in 8 Steps....................................................................... 2-1
1. Click on: DCCS icon { }to obtain Front Counter Menu...... 2-2
2. Click on: Ticket Writing.......................................................... 2-2
3. Enter: Employee Number......................................................... 2-3
4. Click on: Start New Ticket........................................................ 2-4
5A. Locate: Customer Name or Account Number - or - ............... 2-5
5B. Add a New Customer (if not already an account)................... 2-6.
6. Select: Category - (ex: dry cleaning, laundry, shirts)............. 2-8
7A. List & Describe: Clothes in a Batch - or - ............................... 2-9
7B. List & Describe: Clothes Separately - or - .............................. 2-10
7C. List & Describe: Additional Category Selections.................... 2-11
8A. Print: Ticket & Associated Garment Tags............................... 2-12
8B. Enter: Garment Mark Manually.............................................. 2-16
Correcting Mistakes
Delete Item in Ticket............................................................................ 2-19
Insert (Additional) Item in Ticket....................................................... 2-20
Restart Ticket........................................................................................ 2-22
Void a Ticket......................................................................................... 2-23
Miscellaneous Functions
Reprint a Ticket.................................................................................... 2-27
Print a Receipt...................................................................................... 2-28
Change Ready Date.............................................................................. 2-29
Coupons/Discounts................................................................................ 2-30
Automatic Stub (Auto Stub) Writing..................................................... 2-32
Central Mark In..................................................................................... 2-34
Setting Auto Stub Option....................................................................... .2-36

DCCS User Manual (Windows) III



Pickup in 7 Steps.................................................................................... 3-1

1. Click on: DCCS icon { } to obtain Front Counter Menu..... 3-2
2. Click on: Pick Up....................................................................... 3-3
3. Enter: Employee Number.......................................................... 3-3
4. Click on: Start Pick Up............................................................. 3-4
5. Enter: Ticket Number.............................................................. 3-5
6. Select: Orders for Pick Up........................................................ 3-6
[ View Details of a Ticket ]................................................... 3-7
7. Select: Payment Method........................................................... 3-8
7A. Accept Cash................................................................................. 3-8
7B. Accept Check............................................................................... 3-10
7C. Accept Credit Card.................................................................... 3-11
7D. Accept Debit Card...................................................................... 3-12
7E. House Charge.............................................................................. 3-12

Search for an Order.............................................................................. 3-13

Coupons and Discounts........................................................................ 3-15


Introduction........................................................................................... 4-1

Assign each ticket to a different location - 7 Steps- overview.............4-2

1. Click on: DCCS icon { } to obtain Front Counter Menu..... 4-4
2. Click on: Location...................................................................... 4-4
3. Click on: Tickets for Different Locations................................ 4-5
4. Enter: Employee Number.......................................................... 4-4
5. Type: Ticket Number Assigned to a Location......................... 4-6
6. Type: Location Number............................................................. 4-6

DCCS User Manual (Windows) IV



Assign a batch of tickets to one location - 7 Steps - overview.............. 4-2

1. Click on: DCCS icon { } to obtain Front Counter Menu..... 4-8

2. Click on: Location...................................................................... 4-8
3. Click on: Tickets for 1 location................................................. 4-8
4. Enter: Employee Number.......................................................... 4-8
5. Type: Number of location......................................................... 4-8
6. Type: Ticket number being assigned to a location................. 4-9
Location History Report........................................................................ 4-10


Introduction…………………………………………………………... 5-1
Overview of Cash Drawers Function……………………………….. 5-2
Scope of Data in Audit Trail Report – When Specify Dates………. 5-4
Specifying Dates for an Audit Trail…………………………….…… 5-5
Obtain Audit Trail Report by Specifying Dates…………………… 5-6
Obtain Audit Trail without Specifying Dates….…………………… 5-13
Scope of Data in Audit Trail Report When Not Specifying Dates…5-13
Close a Drawer……………………………………………………….. 5-17
Cash Drawer Adjustments…………………………………………... 5-20
View Totals in a Cash Drawer………………...…………………….. 5-23

DCCS User Manual (Windows) V



Introduction…………………………………………………………... 6-1
Changing Prices…………………………………………...........…….. 6-2
Delete a Product Key………………………………………………… 6-3
Add a New Product Key……………………………………………... 6-7
Edit a Price……………………………………………………….…... 6-16
Create a Menu………………………………………………………... 6-19
Upcharges…………………………………………………………….. 6-27


Introduction........................................................................................... 7-1
DCCS System Reports.......................................................................... 7-2
Sales Reports......................................................................................... 7-3
Sales Reports.- By Store....................................................................... 7-4
Sales Reports.- By Store - Incoming Orders.- Summary.................. 7-5
Sales Reports.- By Store - Outgoing Orders - Details........................ 7-10
Sales Reports.- By Store - Outgoing Orders - By Ticket................... 7-12
Sales Reports.- By Cash - Summary................................................... 7-14
Sales Reports - By Cash - Details........................................................ 7-15
Sales Reports - by Cash - by Ticket..................................................... 7-16
Cash Reports - The Audit Trail.- Narrow Format............................ 7-19
Cash Reports - The Audit Trail - Wide Format................................ 7-20

DCCS User Manual (Windows) VI



2-1 Front Counter Menu.................................................................. 2-2
2-2 Employee Number Screen......................................................... 2-3
2-3 Ticket Writing Screen................................................................ 2-4
2-4 Customer List Screen................................................................. 2-5
2-5 Add Account Information Window.......................................... 2-6
2-6 Add Account Information Window - New Account............... 2-7
2-7 Categories Screen....................................................................... 2-8
2-8 Ticket Writing Buttons - Clothes Marked in a Batch............. 2-9
2-9 Ticket Writing Buttons - Clothes Marked in Separately........ 2-10
2-10 Additional Category Selections................................................. 2-11
2-11 The Printed Ticket...................................................................... 2-13
2-12 Garment Tags............................................................................. 2-15
2-13 Select Garment Marks Window................................................ 2-16
2-14 Garment Mark Number Entry Window.................................. 2-17
2-15 Garment Mark ID Window....................................................... 2-18
2-16 Deleting Mistakes with Delete Item Feature............................ 2-19
2-17 Before Inserting Item................................................................. 2-20
2-18 Selecting the Line for an Insertion............................................ 2-21
2-19 After the Insertion...................................................................... 2-21
2-20 Miscellaneous Functions Screen................................................ 2-23
2-21 Void Tickets Window................................................................. 2-24
2-22 Employee Number Voiding Window........................................ 2-25
2-23 Void Reason Window................................................................. 2-25
2-24 Cross Reference Ticket Number Window................................ 2-26
2-25 Reprint Ticket Number Entry Window................................... 2-27
2-26 Ticket for Receipt Entry Window............................................. 2-28

DCCS User Manual (Windows) VII


2-27 Ready Date Calendar................................................................. 2-29

2-28 Coupon/Discount Selection Window........................................ 2-30
2-29 Screen Reflecting Coupon or Discount..................................... 2-31
2-30 An Auto Stub Ticket................................................................... 2-33
2-31 A Pick Slip................................................................................... 2-33
2-32 Ticket Number Window for Auto Stub Writing..................... 2-34
2-33 File Maintenance Selections in Back Office............................. 2-36
2-34 Ticket Options Tab..................................................................... 2-37


Pick Up in 7 Basic Steps............................................................. 3-1

3-1 Front Counter Main Menu........................................................ 3-2
3-2 Employee Number Window....................................................... 3-3
3-3 Start Pickup Window................................................................. 3-4
3-4 Ticket Number Window............................................................ 3-5
3-5 Order Selection Window........................................................... 3-6
3-6 Ticket Details.............................................................................. 3-7
3-7 Cash Menu.................................................................................. 3-8
3-8 Cash To Pay All Window........................................................... 3-9
3-9 Amount of Customer Change Window.................................... 3-9
3-10 Credit Card Window.................................................................. 3-11
3-11 Ticket Number Window............................................................. 3-13
3-12 Customer Name/Account List................................................... 3-14
3-13 Coupon/Discount Selections Window..................................... 3-15

DCCS User Manual (Windows) VIII



Assigning Location in 7 Basic Steps......................................... 4-2

4-1 Front Office Menu...................................................................... 4-4
4-2 Location Screen.......................................................................... 4-5
4-3 Ticket Number Window for Location Assignment................. 4-6
4-4 Location Number Window......................................................... 4-6
4-5 Ticket Number Entry Screen for Different Locations............ 4-7
4-6 Enter Location Number Window.............................................. 4-8
4-7 Enter Ticket Number for Location Window............................ 4-9
4-8 Ticket Number Entry Screen for Location - in a Batch......... 4-10
4-9 Location Report Set up screen.................................................. 4-12
5-1 Capturing Data in the Audit File with Date Selection……….5-4
5-2 Front Office Menu…………………………………………….. 5-6
5-3 Reports Menu………………………………………………….. 5-7
5-4 Audit Trail Date Selection Menu – Drawer Selection………. 5-8
5-5 Audit Trail Date Selection Menu – Date Selection………….. 5-9
5-6 Audit Trail Report – “Wide”…………………………………. 5-11
5-7 Audit Trail Report – “Narrow”……………………………… 5-12
5-8 Back Office Menu……………………………………………... 5-14
5-9 Back Office Menu – Showing Cash Drawer Selections…….. 5-15
5-10 Audit Trail Selection Screen………………………………….. 5-16
5-11 Cash Drawer Menu…………………………………………… 5-18
5-12 Verification Drawer has been Closed………………………... 5-19
5-13 Cash Drawer Menu…………………………………………… 5-21

DCCS User Manual (Windows) IX



6-1 Back Office Menu...................................................................... 6-3

6-2 File Maintenance Selections....................................................... 6-4
6-3 Item Maintenance – Categories……………………................. 6-5
6-4 Dry Cleaning Product Keys....................................................... 6-6
6-5 Blank Maintenance Screen for New Product Key Main Tab. 6-7
6-6 Example Product Key Screen Information – Main Tab......... 6-8
6-7 Example Product Key Screen Information – Action Tab....... 6-10
6-8 Example Product Key Screen Information – Sales Tab……..6-12
6-9 Example Product Key Screen Information Production Tab 6-13
6-10 Example Product Key Screen Information –
Miscellaneous Tab.........………………………………. 6-14
6-11 Shirts Product Keys…………………………………………… 6-17
6-12 Screen With New Price...........……..…………………………. 6-18
6-13 Dry Cleaning Product Keys………………………………….. 6-20
6-14 Vest Product Key With Preset Values………………………. 6-21
6-15 Vest Product Key – Transformation into a Menu………….. 6-22
6-16 Product Key Renamed…………………………………….….. 6-23
6-17 New Item Menu…………………………………………….…. 6-24
6-18 Item Maintenance Window…………………………….…….. 6-25
6-19 New Item for Menu – Filled In……………………………….. 6-26

DCCS User Manual (Windows) X


6-20 An Item Maintenance Window………………………………. 6-28

6-21 Upcharge Input Window……………………………………… 6-29
6-22 Fabric Choices Window………………………………………. 6-30
6-23 Screen for a Specific Upcharge………………………………. 6-31


7-1 Back Office Main Menu............................................................. 7-1

7-2 DCCS System Reports................................................................ 7-2
7-3 Selecting a Type of Sales Report............................................... 7-4
7-4 Selecting Sales Report by Store, Incoming Order, Summary 7-5
7-5 Sales Report Selection Entry Screen with Calendar............... 7-6
7-6 Sales Report Selection Entry Screen......................................... 7-7
7-7 Sales Report - By Store, by Incoming Order, Summary........ 7-8
7-8 Selecting Sales Report by Store, Outgoing Orders, Details.... 7-10
7-9 Sales Report - By Store, by Outgoing Orders, Details............ 7-11
7-10 Selecting a Sales Report - by Store, Outgoing Orders,
by Ticket............................................................................ 7-12
7-11 Sales Report by Store, Outgoing Orders, by Ticket................ 7-13
7-12 Sales Report by Cash, Summary............................................... 7-14
7-13 Sales Reports - By Cash, Details............................................... 7-15
7-14 Cash Sales Reports - by Ticket.................................................. 7-19
7-15 Sales Report by Ticket, Incoming Orders - by Price List....... 7-17
7-16 Cash Drawer - Audit Trail - Narrow Format.......................... 7-19
7-17 Cash Drawer - Audit Trail - Wide Format.............................. 7-20

DCCS User Manual (Windows) XI

Blank Page

DCCS User Manual (Windows) XII

The DCCS System (Windows)

The DCCS computer system will allow you to automate your dry
cleaning business. Like a steam press or a motorized conveyor, it is
expressly designed to make you a faster, more efficient dry cleaner.

You will see your customers when they drop clothes off, and when they
pick them up. The system will handle the details of those two events,
and let you concentrate on keeping your customers happy and cleaning
their clothes.

Drop Off

At drop off, the system will print a detailed receipt or ticket for the
customer, listing and describing the clothes dropped off. This
numbered ticket tells when the order will be ready and the price.

The ticket number is stored in the system along with the information -
who dropped off what, and when.

Your copy of the ticket can include garment tag numbers that mark
each individual piece as it goes through processing. You can then attach
the tickets to the finished orders and hang them on a rack.

Pick Up

When the customer comes into the store, the front counter operator will
find the ticket quickly by entering the ticket number - or other
associated information, such as customer name or telephone number -
into the system. Ticket numbers can be typed into the system, or
scanned in with a bar code reader. The system responds immediately
with the order, which is paid for through the computerized cash register
using cash, credit card, check, or house charge. Large businesses can
use the Location feature to locate orders by Location areas.

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 1-1

Section 1 - Introduction

Your Business Office

The DCCS System keeps a history of all of your customer's orders. You
can run marketing reports to identify old customers in order to promote
a new service, or run coupon campaigns for customers who expend a
certain amount of money in a given time period. You can analyze which
parts of your business are costing too much, or are starting to grow - all
to help you keep strict control of your cash.

Back Up Your Computer Data

It is very important to back up your computer database every day.

Your computer system includes a back up program, and a tape drive or
a second disk drive to hold the back-up copy. If this information is lost
because of failure to perform back up it can be very costly and difficult
or impossible to reconstruct the lost information.

This User Manual

This manual is for users of the DCCS system based on Microsoft

Windows. It contains information similar to the DCCS manual,
Getting Started, and supersedes it. The sequence of information is in the
approximate order of use during a typical work day, beginning with
ticket writing.

The DCCS system for Windows is menu-driven, and so quite easy to

learn to use quickly. A companion manual for file maintenance is used
to create and maintain the system's internal information - its database.

The DCCS Help Desk provides technical support Monday through
Friday, 7:30 am to 8:00 pm, and Saturdays, 8:00 am to 5 pm, Eastern
time, on 800-969-0300.

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 1-2


Ticket Writing involves 8 basic steps as

described in the first few pages of this user guide.

1. Click on: DCCS icon { }to obtain Front Counter Menu

2. Click on: Ticket Writing
3. Enter: Employee Number
4. Click on: Start New Ticket

5A. Locate: Customer Name or Account Number - or

5B. Add a New Customer (if not already an account)

6. Select: Category - (ex: dry cleaning, laundry, shirts)
7A. List & Describe: Clothes in a Batch - or
7B. List & Describe: Clothes Individually - or
7C. List & Describe: Additional Category Selections
8A. Print: Ticket & Associated Garment Tags
8B. Enter: Garment Mark Manually

Return to Step 5 for next customer

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 2-1

Section 2 - Ticket Writing

Step 1- XClick on: FRONT COUNTER icon [€]

ªticket writing button

Figure 2-1. Front Counter Main Menu

There is a Front counter Main Menu and a Back Office

Main menu. These are separate programs.
The Front Counter is used at the front counter to accept and to
return cleaning to your company's customers
Note the icon of the book with a question mark - click on this
if you need on-line Help.

Step 2 - XClick on: TICKET WRITING

and the next screen will display.....

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 2-2
Section 2 - Ticket Writing

Step 3-XClick on or type: EMPLOYEE NUMBER

XClick on: OK

Figure 2-2. Employee Number Screen

Each store has two options regarding entry of employee number. It
can be required either once at the start of the day, or required for
every transaction.
With the first option, at the beginning of the work day, the system will
request an employee number prior to the first relevant transaction,
and will not ask for an employee number again that day. Therefore,
the system will consider that employee responsible for all transactions
at that work station that day. This option is not recommended. To set
this option: go to Back Office Menu, File Maintenance, Front Counter
Store Options, Misc. Tab, and check: Ask Employee Number Only
If this option is not checked, each employee must enter his/her number
for each transaction, providing a record of which transactions were
performed by which employee.
DCCS User Manual (Windows) 2-3
Section 2 - Ticket Writing

Step 4 - XClick on: START NEW TICKET

start new ticket button

ticket writing work area ticket writing buttons
Figure 2-3. Ticket Writing Screen

For an established account, go to Step 5A ¨

For a new account, go to Step 5B ¨

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 2-4
Section 2 - Ticket Writing

Step 5A - Locate: CUSTOMER NAME or


Figure 2-4. Customer List Screen

XType: first 3 or more letters of name,

-- or --
XClick on: customer name – Scroll down list if necessary
-- or --
XType: customer account no.

XClick on: OK (and go to Step 6)

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 2-5
Section 2 - Ticket Writing


who is not now an account

Figure 2-5. Add Account Information Window

The Add Account feature is used to skip the search for account
function. You should only use this if you are certain the customer
is not already in your system.

XType: CUSTOMER NAME (in Name box) Last Name first

Ex: WAYNE, JOHN - (You must have CAPS LOCK off.)
XType: TELEPHONE NUMBER (in Phone box to right
of customer name - area code is optional)
If customer has no telephone - or does not want to give
number - type 1 in the field.
XClick on: OK (If not selected, system will retain only
customer name and ticket no. Customer will not have an
XClick on: OK (If not selected, system will retain only
customer name and ticket number, and customer will
not be given an account.)
DCCS User Manual (Windows) 2-6
Section 2 - Ticket Writing

Step 5B - Add: NEW CUSTOMER-Cont.

Figure 2-6. Add Account Information Window - New Account

Type in additional information, as appropriate.

XClick on: SAVE

XClick on: OK

New accounts can also be added through the File Maintenance,

Account Maintenance portion of the software.

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 2-7

Section 2 - Ticket Writing

Step 6 - Select: Category

name & account number category buttons

Figure 2-7. Categories Screen

Note here the cleaning Categories, ex: Dry Cleaning, Shirts,
Laundry, etc.
X Click on a Category, ex: DRY CLEANING
For a category requiring more time to process, a calendar
window will automatically display showing a Ready Date. This
is the result of having an option, Force Ready Date, turned on
for that category. Click on the date shown, or a different date.
- or -
to select additional category lists, go to Step 7C
The number of hours to process field determines the system ready date. You
can set this up per category with different ready dates for different categories
without having the forced calendar. The force calendar option is only
recommended if you do not have a normal cycle determining how long it
takes garments marked in under that category to be cleaned.

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 2-8

Section 2 - Ticket Writing

Step 7A - List & Describe: Clothes in a Batch

name & account number product keys color & fabric buttons

help total price window ticket writing buttons
Figure 2-8. Ticket Writing Buttons - Clothes Marked in a Batch
XClick on: Product, ex: PANTS
XClick on: QTY (quantity)
XType: Number pairs of pants, ex: 3
XClick on: COLOR of one pair, ex: white
XClick on: FABRIC of one pair, ex: linen
Upcharges for any color or fabric can be set in your system and will
display whenever the specified color or fabric is selected.
Total price will display at bottom of screen. This may include coupons,
discounts, surcharges, and/or taxes, depending on how your
system is installed. Many dry cleaners label a surcharge
"ENVIRONMENTAL CHARGE," to recover the cost of disposing of

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 2-9

Section 2 - Ticket Writing

Step 7B - List & Describe: Clothes Separately

help total price window end ticket ticket writing buttons
Figure 2-9. Ticket Writing Buttons - Clothes Marked in Separately

XClick on product, ex: SHORTS

XClick on: color, ex: black
XClick on: fabric, ex: silk
XClick on product, ex: coat
XClick on: color, ex: red

Some items on the menu are marked with an asterisk (*). These
are unique to your system design and lead to additional, more
specific descriptions of clothing. See next step.

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 2-10

Section 2 - Ticket Writing

Step 7C - List & Describe:Additional Categories

Buttons with an asterisk (*) lead to additional products that
identify some garments more specifically. For example, the
button - SUITS * - leads to additional items shown in the figure

XWhile writing a ticket with the ticket writing

buttons window displayed -
Click on: SUITS *

Figure 2-10. Additional Category Selections

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 2-11

Section 2 - Ticket Writing

In the example, you can click on selections A through F to further

define the category for your customer.
The DCCS System has a Garment Tag function that automatically
prints tags for each ticket.


A prompt will ask: Write another ticket for this customer?

XClick on: No - the ticket and associated garment tags will

print, the customer screen will redisplay, and you can select
the next customer.

ª - OR -
XClick on: Yes - to write another ticket for the same customer,
and continue writing. After all orders for a given customer
are entered, click on No and they will all print at once.

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 2-12

Section 2 - Ticket Writing

Golden West Cleaners
1210 Stanbridge Street
Norristown, CA 19401
800 451-1234

0002048 Bar-coded ticket number

category D D
for Dry cleaning

1112222 1 / IE
7/19/00 1:11:07

1 Skirt $5.00
1 Shirt $3.50

Sub Total $8.50

Environmental Charge $0.43
Total $8.93
Balance $8.93
2 Pieces

READY Thu 7/20/00

GMark1 Red 78

Customer Copy

Figure 2-11. The Printed Ticket

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 2-13

Section 2 - Ticket Writing

Step 8A - Print: TICKET & GARMENT TAGS -


When you have finished marking in an order in one category,

such as Dry Cleaning, or Shirts, click on End Ticket. A prompt
will ask you if you want to write more tickets for this same

If you click on No, the ticket and its associated garment tag(s) will
automatically print.

If you click on Yes, the Categories Screen (Figure 2-7) will

redisplay for you to select the next category, ex: Shirts.

When you are finally through writing tickets for a given

customer, at the prompt asking if there are more tickets, click on
No. All the tickets and tags written for this customer will then
print at the same time, in sequence.

If you do not use DCCS garment tags, but use garment marks
from a separate source, the system has a feature that allows you to
associate garment marks with the appropriate ticket when
printing the tickets - or after the tickets have been printed. See
Step 8B.

For the functions in Steps 8A and 8B to work, they must be set up

correctly in the Back Office.

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 2-14

Section 2 - Ticket Writing

00500528 00500528
Wayne # 1 Store No.
3 Dry Cleaning 3:D 07/13 in 07/12 Date in
1st of 3 v:1/3 Pants
Pants 1
00500528 00500528
Wayne # 1
3:D 07/13 in 07/12
2nd of 3 v:2/3 Pants
Pants 1
00500528 00500528
Wayne # 1
3:D 07/13 in 07/12
3rd of 3 v:1/3 Pants
Pants 1

Figure 2-12. DCCS Garment Tags

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 2-15

Section 2 - Ticket Writing

Step 8B - Enter: GARMENT MARK Manually

If your system does not print DCCS garment tags, but uses
garment marks from some other source, the feature described
here will allow you to associate non-computer-generated garment
piece marks with tickets. You can enter garment marks, change
garment marks, or find ticket numbers for a garment mark
You can select and use this feature as described here - as a
separate function - or during ticket writing by setting this option
in the back office. In the latter case, the Garment Mark ID
Window (Figure 2-15) will appear when the End Ticket button is

XOn Front Office Menu, click on: Garment Mark.


Figure 2-13. Select Garment Marks Window

XClick on: Enter Garment Marks

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 2-16
Section 2 - Ticket Writing

Step 8B - Enter: GARMENT MARK Manually -


Figure 2-14. Garment Mark Number Entry Window

Note: This screen will not appear if you enter garment makrs during
ticket writing. It only appears if you enter a garment mark after the
ticket has been written.
XType: Ticket Number to be associated with the
Garment Mark

XClick on: OK

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 2-17
Section 2 - Ticket Writing

Step 8B - Enter: GARMENT MARK Manually-


Figure 2-15. Garment Mark ID Window

XType: Letters/numbers that identify the Garment, ex: R (red)

246 (lot no.)

XClick on: OK

The system now associates the ticket number [500519] with the
garment mark number [R246] . As a result, a ticket number can
be located in the system using the garment mark number - and a
garment mark can be found through a ticket number.

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 2-18

Section 2 - Ticket Writing

Correcting Mistakes

help total price window end ticket DELETE ITEM
Figure 2-16. Deleting Mistakes with Delete Item Feature

Delete Item in Ticket

XTo erase the last line of a ticket being written,
click on: DELETE ITEM.
Each click will delete the last line on the ticket. This could be a
garment, or a fabric, or a color.
XTo erase a specific line of a ticket being written, click on line,
then click on DELETE ITEM.
If a garment is deleted, any associated characteristics, ex,. color,
fabric, will also be deleted. In the example, skirt has been
selected. If Delete Item is clicked, the skirt and its description -
black, linen - will also be deleted at the same time.

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 2-19

Section 2 - Ticket Writing

Correcting Mistakes

Insert (additional) Item in Ticket

In the example in Figure 2-17, the counter person finds a necktie in the
order. He wants to list it on the ticket after the suit, and before the
sport jacket. He selects the line containing the sport jacket, then he
selects a product key - TIE - and the new item with its price is inserted
after the suit. He could add a color or fabric to describe the tie in the
same way.

To insert a garment, or a characteristic, such as fabric, in the

middle of a ticket, click on the line below the place where you
want to make an insertion.

Figure 2-17. Before Inserting Item

In the example, the user wants to enter a tie following the suit -
which is just above the light jacket.

XSelect: Light jacket

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 2-20
Section 2 - Ticket Writing

Correcting Mistakes

Insert (additional) Item in Ticket - Cont.

Figure 2-18. Selecting the Line for an Insertion

XClick on: Tie

Figure 2-19. After the Insertion

At this point, user could add additional information about tie,

such as color, etc.

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 2-21

Section 2 - Ticket Writing

Restart a Ticket

In case you started a ticket by selecting the wrong category - for

example, dry cleaning instead of laundry - this feature will delete the
ticket you started, and redisplay the customer screen so you can
begin a new ticket.

XAt the ticket writing buttons window (Figure 2-9),



XAt the prompt, click on: YES

customer list screen displays (See Figure 2-4)


Continue writing ticket for next customer.

Miscellaneous Functions

The following functions are used frequently at the front desk. They are
obtained by clicking on the MISCELLANEOUS FUNCTIONS button
on the Front Office Menu. (See Figure 2-1)

Void a Ticket
Reprint a Ticket
Print a Receipt
Stub Writing (See Auto Stub, below)

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 2-22

Section 2 - Ticket Writing

Miscellaneous Functions
Void a Ticket
This feature allows you to remove a ticket from the system. It is useful
if you need to correct a ticket that has already been written, for
example, to correct the price on a ticket. You can view a ticket before
you void it. This option is set up in File Maintenance, Employee

XFirst, write a correct ticket if there is to be one.

XIn the Front Office Main Menu (Fig. 2-1), click on:

Figure 2-20. Miscellaneous Functions Screen


Miscellaneous Functions
DCCS User Manual (Windows) 2-23
Section 2 - Ticket Writing

Void a Ticket - Cont.

Figure 2-21. Void Tickets Window

XType: Number of ticket to be voided.

Zeroes at beginning of number do not need to be entered.

Optional: Click on SHOW TICKET to see the ticket

before you void it - as shown in figure.


Miscellaneous Functions
DCCS User Manual (Windows) 2-24
Section 2 - Ticket Writing

Void a Ticket - Cont.

Figure 2-22. Employee Number Voiding Window

XType: Employee Number.
XClick on: OK. ª

Figure 2-23. Void Reason Window

XSelect from and click on: preset list of reasons for voiding
XClick on: OK.

Miscellaneous Functions

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 2-25

Section 2 - Ticket Writing

Void a Ticket - Cont.

Figure 2-24. Cross Reference Ticket Number Window

XIn the cross reference field, type number of the ticket replacing
the voided ticket. If no cross reference number is needed,
type 0 and press Enter.

XClick on: OK and ticket is voided.

A message displays indicating the ticket has been voided.

Miscellaneous Functions

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 2-26

Section 2 - Ticket Writing

Reprint a Ticket
This feature allows you to print another copy of a ticket.

XOn Front Office Main Menu (Figure 2-1) -

XOn the Miscellaneous Functions Screen (Figure 2-20)

Figure 2-25. Reprint Ticket Number Entry Window

XType: Number of ticket
XClick on: OK
Ticket will print.

Miscellaneous Functions

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 2-27

Section 2 - Ticket Writing

Print a Receipt
This feature enables you to give a customer a paid receipt for his/her
order when it is picked up.
XOn Front Office Main Menu (Figure 2-1) -
XOn the Miscellaneous Functions Screen (Figure 2-20)
click on: PRINT A RECEIPT.

Figure 2-26. Ticket for Receipt Entry Window

XType: Number of ticket

XClick on: OK
Receipt will print.

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 2-28

Section 2 - Ticket Writing

Miscellaneous Functions
Change Ready Date (During ticket writing)

Figure 2-27. Ready Date Calendar

This feature changes the Ready Date for a specific category to be ready

XObtain the ticket writing screen (Figure 2-8), and click on

XThe Ready Date is marked in Red. Change the date by clicking
on any date forward from today.
In addition to selecting a Ready Date calendar for a category, you
can set your system to automatically display the Ready Date
Calendar screen when marking in a particular category.

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 2-29

Section 2 - Ticket Writing

Miscellaneous Functions

This feature is used to take a coupon or give a discount. This can be during ticket
writing, or pick up, or prohibited to the operator.

XObtain the Ticket Writing Screen (Figure 2-8) and click on

COUP.DISC button
coupon/discount selections

Figure 2-28. Coupon/Discount Selection Window

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 2-30

Section 2 - Ticket Writing

XFrom the coupon or discount menu, select the entry you want.

Miscellaneous Functions

Coupons/Discounts - Cont.

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 2-31

Section 2 - Ticket Writing

Figure 2-29. Screen Reflecting Coupon or Discount

The amount of the coupon or discount is displayed as shown.

An option can be set in your system such that coupons and

discounts can be applied only during pick up.
Miscellaneous Functions

Automatic Stub (Auto Stub)

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 2-32

Section 2 - Ticket Writing

A faster way for your customers to drop off clothes is to give them an
abbreviated ticket or "autostub." Then the clothes can be marked in
after the customer has left the store. This is accomplished by following
almost the same procedure as described above in Ticket Writing's 8
steps. Except that when using Auto Stub, details such as pricing, fabric,
and color are omitted. Figure 2-31 shows a typical Auto Stub customer

Auto Stub ticket writing uses 5 steps:

1. XObtain the Front Office Main Menu (Figure 2-10) and

2. XOn the Ticket writing Screen (Figure 2-3)
3. XOn the Start New Auto Stub Screen,
4. XOn the Customer List Screen (Figure 2-4),
Click on: OK
5. XSelect: Category, ex: Dry Cleaning, which will calculate Order
Ready Date.

6. XClick on: Button with the number of pieces in the order.

The stub will print out.

Golden West Cleaners
1210 Rustlers Gulch
Hard Scrabble, CA 19401

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 2-33

Section 2 - Ticket Writing

800 451-1234

002048 Bar-coded ticket number

category D D
for Dry cleaning

1112222 1 / IE
7/19/00 1:11:07

2 Pieces »-------No details or

prices show on stub

READY Thu 7/20/00

GMark1 Red
Customer Copy
Figure 2-30. An Auto Stub Ticket

If customer has orders ready for pick up, at Step 4, when the
Customer Screen displays, the system will print out a PICK SLIP.
(See Figure 2-31.) This option is also available in ticket writing
when you are pricing at the counter.
Far West Cleaners
Tickets for Wayne Ph#1
Account #1112222

Date In Pcs Cat AmtDue Tik# Loc

7/10/00 2 D $9.50 0050005 101

Figure 2-31. A Pick Slip

Miscellaneous Functions
Central Mark In

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 2-34

Section 2 - Ticket Writing

Clothes can be marked in at the time they are received at the front
counter, or they can be marked in later. Also, they can be marked in by
different personnel, who may have more experience, and who can
appraise the condition of garments more carefully during mark in.

1. XObtain:Front Office Menu (Figure 2-1) and click on:

2. XAtthe Ticket Writing screen (Figure 2-3), click on:

Figure 2-32. Ticket Number Window for Auto Stub Writing

3. XAt the Enter Ticket Number window,

type the number on the stub.
The new, detailed ticket will have the same number. You can use
a bar code reader to enter the number, if available.

Miscellaneous Functions

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 2-35

Section 2 - Ticket Writing

Central Mark In - Cont.

4. XClick on: OK

This is an opportunity to verify that the correct category was selected for
the stub.

5. XOn the Ticket Writing Buttons screen (Figure 2-8), click

on: appropriate buttons to describe garment - colors,
fabric, etc.


Detailed ticket will print. (See example in Figure 2-11).

Also, if appropriate, you can change the Order Date, accept a

coupon or discount, or prepay the order.

Miscellaneous Functions

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 2-36

Section 2 - Ticket Writing


To select the Autostub Setup option, obtain the Back Office menu,
and click on: File Maintenance.

Figure 2-33. File Maintenance Selections in Back Office


(or press F11 key)

Miscellaneous Functions

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 2-37

Section 2 - Ticket Writing


Figure 2-34. Ticket Options Tab

XPlace checks in these three boxes:

1. Allow Auto Stubs in This Store?

2. Pieces Only for Auto Stubs?
3. Ask for Ticket Number (Central Marking)?
4. Select "Stub Price" in the field labeled "Price List to use for

XClick on: SAVE

XClick on: QUIT

The Auto Stub option is now set and will work as described above.

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 2-38

Section 2 - Ticket Writing

Blank Page

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 2-39


Pick Up of a customer's clothes involves 7 basic steps

as described in the first few pages of this user guide.

1. Click on: DCCS icon { } to obtain Front Counter Menu

2. Click on: Pick Up
3. Enter: Employee Number

4. Enter: Ticket Number

5. Click on: Pay.

6. Click on: Payment Method.
7A. Accept Cash, or
7B. Accept Check, or
7C. Accept Credit Card, or
7D. Accept Debit Card
7E. House Charge

Return to Step 4 for next customer

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 3-1

Section 3 - Pick Up

When the customer comes in to pick up his clothes, find the order in the
system and on the rack, and cash ticket out.

Step 1. -XClick on DCCS icon { } to obtain

the Front Counter Menu

Figure 3-1. Front Counter Main Menu

Remember - if you need help, the book with the question

mark (?) is the Help button .

Note the purposes of Pickup, as displayed in the menu:

Look up tickets
Examine ticket details
Cash out tickets
Retrieve tickets from inventory

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 3-2

Section 3 - Pick Up

Step 2.-XClick on: PICKUP

and the next window will display

Step 3-XClick on or type: EMPLOYEE NUMBER
XClick on: OK

Figure 3-2. Employee Number Window

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 3-3
Section 3 - Pick Up

Step 4.- XClick on: START PICKUP

Figure 3-3. Start Pickup Window

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 3-4

Section 3 - Pick Up

Step 5. XType or scan in: Ticket Number

Figure 3-4. Ticket Number Window

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 3-5
Section 3 - Pick Up

Step 6. Select Order(s) for Pickup

Figure 3-5. Order Selection Window

All orders for a customer are displayed, whether ready or not.
XTo select all orders at once, click on: SELECT ALL
To pick up only some orders, select desired orders in the window by
moving down the window and clicking on them. If you select one by
mistake, click again to de-select it, or click on: CLEAR SELECT and
start over.
If you make a mistake, you can start over by clicking on RESTART
PICK UP button. The current display will delete, and the Ticket
Number Window will display again.

The status of orders is color coded: Light green -order ready to be

picked up; Dark green - order ready to be picked up and is prepaid;
Red- order was voided; Purple - order was picked up; Light brown -
order at outside process; Dark brown -order was delivered.

XWhen selection is complete, click on: PAY

and go to Step 7 for payment
DCCS User Manual (Windows) 3-6
Section 3 - Pick Up

Selecting Ticket Details

Figure 3-6. Ticket Details

This feature allows you to view the details of a


To display the contents of a ticket, select the ticket in the

Order Selection Window (Figure 3-5) and click on:

You can use this to locate a particular garment in an order.

For an example, see Figure 3-6.

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 3-7

Section 3 - Pick Up

Step 7. Select: Payment Method

Figure 3-7. Cash Menu


fClick on: A. Cash

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 3-8

Section 3 - Pick Up

Figure 3-8. Cash To Pay All Window

The window shows the total cost of the order, ex: $30

fType: Cash Amount Tendered, ex: $40.00

This is the amount of cash the customer gives you.

Ex: to enter $40, type: 4 0 0 0

fClick on: OK ª

Figure 3-9. Amount of Customer Change Window

A blank ticket number window (Figure 3-4) is displayed for next

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 3-9

Section 3 - Pick Up


XOn Cash Menu (Figure 3-7),

click on: B. CHECK
check to pay all window (similar to figure 3-8)

fType: amount of check,

Ex: to enter $15.00, type: 1 5 0 0

fClick on: OK
enter check number window
fType: check number
fClick on: OK ª
customer change window (see figure 3-9)

If check is for more than the cost of the order, window will
display amount of change to give back to customer.

Ex: In Amount Charged field, type amount, ex: $8.85

In CHECK field, type check amount, ex: $15.00
CHANGE field will display amount of change.

To be able to accept checks for more than the balance due,

an option must be set through File Maintenance (system
wide codes and descriptions, credit codes).

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 3-10

Section 3 - Pick Up


XOn Cash Menu (Figure 3-7),
click on: C. CREDIT CARD
cash to pay all window (similar to figure 3-8)
XType: Amount being charged, ex: 27.75
XClick on: OK
window with fields for card number & expiration date
fType: credit card number
fType: credit card number expiration date
fClick on: OK ª

Figure 3-10. Credit Card Window

The amount to be charged on the credit card displays in the CREDIT
CARD field: $27.75 (unlike the example, which is $0.00)

Note: If this transaction is using the DCCS Credit Card package, you can
swipe the credit card instead of typing in the number. If you are using this
package, you have to have the "Use Online Credit Card" option turned on.
This is in File Maintenance/Front Counter Store Options/Credit Cards. To
accept credit cards without the package, using a swipe card not connected to
the DCCS computer, you only need to press the credit card payment button.
To configure this, turn on "No Automatic Credit Card" option in File
Maintenance/Front Counter Store Options/Credit Cards.

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 3-11

Section 3 - Pick Up


XOn Cash Menu (Figure 3-7),
click on: D. DEBIT CARD
debit card window (similar to figure 3-8)

The amount to be charged to the debit card displays.

XType: Amount being charged

XClick on: OK
Transaction is completed.


XOn Cash Menu (Figure 3-7),
click on: E. HOUSE CHARGE
house charge window (similar to figure 3-8)
The amount to be charged to the house displays.

To be able to pay with house charges, an option must be set

through File Maintenance for that specific account. Usually, a
ticket is paid by house charge automatically at ticket writing.

XType: Amount being charged

XClick on: OK

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 3-12

Section 3 - Pick Up


If you want to search for a ticket, and don't know the number,
obtain the Ticket Number Window (see Figure 3-4).

Figure 3-11. Ticket Number Window

XClick on: SEARCH

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 3-13

Section 3 - Pick Up


Figure 3-12.Customer Name/Account List

Look for customer name in the window. If necessary, move
down the list of customers with the cursor.
To find a customer far down on the list, type the first three
letters of his/her name. This will bring the account to the
window, and it will be shaded.

XClick on: the line displaying customer.

This will select the customer, and cause the account information
to be accessible to the system for pick up.

This will display the Order Selection Window (Figure 3-5),
allowing you to continue the pick up.

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 3-14

Section 3 - Pick Up


To accept a coupon or offer a discount during pickup,
obtain the Order Selection Window (Figure 3-5)

Figure 3-13. Coupon/Discount Selections Window

XSelect ticket(s) to be picked up.

XClick on: Coupon/Discount Button

XClick on: Desired Coupon or Discount

Price reduction will be applied and total adjusted.

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 3-15

Section 3 - Pick Up

Blank Page

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 3-16


This function is used to assign a location number to each ticket
after it has been processed . The location number can represent
your conveyor, stationary racks, other racks, or a shelf where you
keep finished orders.

At the time of pick up, the location number of a garment is shown

in the Order Selection window so that the order can be easily
located. See example in Figure 3-5, which indicates the order is at
Location 0.

Typically, this method is used with some form of bar code reader
to assign orders that have been processed and are ready for pick
up to a location on the conveyor.

You can use the system to print location labels that include the
numbers in bar code format.

There are two different ways to assign location:

(1) Assign each ticket to a different location.
(2) Assign tickets in a batch to 1 Location

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 4-1

Section 4 - Location

Assignment of location number to an order

has these basic steps as described in
the following pages.

Assign each ticket to a different location

1. Click on: DCCS icon { } to obtain Front Counter Menu

2. Click on: Location
3. Click on: Tickets for Different Locations
4. Enter: Employee Number and click on OK
5. Type: Ticket number being assigned to a location & click OK
6. Type: Number of location & click OK

Assign a batch of tickets to 1 location

1. Click on: DCCS icon { } to obtain Front Counter Menu

2. Click on: Location
3. Click on: Tickets for 1 location
4. Enter: Employee Number & click on OK
5. Type: Number of location & click on OK
6. Type: Ticket number being assigned to a location & click OK

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 4-2

Section 4 - Location

When the clothes are cleaned and bagged, hang them on

a rack.

Then tell the computer where they will be located.

Assign each ticket to a Different Location.

This is the more common way to file orders. Typically, some form
of bar code reader is used to assign locations to orders on the
conveyor that have been processed and are ready for pickup.
If a ticket's account number has other tickets on the conveyor,
you may be informed of the other order's location number so you
can put the orders together.

This method prompts you each time for the ticket number and
location number of each ticket.

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 4-3

Section 4 - Location

Assign each ticket to a Different Location

Step 1-XClick on DCCS icon { } to obtain the

Front Menu

Figure 4-1 Front Office Menu

XStep 2 - Click on: Location

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 4-4
Section 4 - Location

Assign each ticket to a Different Location - Cont.

Figure 4-2. Location Screen

XStep 3 - Click on: Tickets for Different Locations

employee number window (see figure 3-2)

XStep 4 - Enter: Employee Number

XClick on: OK

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 4-5
Section 4 - Location

Assign each ticket to a Different Location - Cont.

Figure 4-3. Ticket Number Window for Location Assignment

employee number window (see figure 3-2)

XStep 5 - Type: Ticket number being assigned to

a location
XClick on: OK ª

Figure 4-4. Location Number Window

XStep 6 - Type: Location Number

XClick on: OK ª
DCCS User Manual (Windows) 4-6
Section 4 - Location

Assign each ticket to a Different Location - Cont.

Figure 4-5. Ticket Number Entry Screen for Different Locations

As the example shows, Ticket No. 500546 has been assigned to

Location 13, and the next ticket has been entered for assignment
to a location, which can be a new location, or another location,
depending on what the operator types in.

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 4-7

Section 4 - Location

Assign a batch of tickets to 1 location

This method lets you assign any number of tickets to a single
location without having to repeatedly specify the location number.
After the location is entered the first time, the system will not ask
for it again, and each ticket in the batch will be assigned to the
same location number, ex: 5
The procedure for this function is very similar to the assignment
of tickets to different locations. The first five steps are the same,
except for step 4.
XStep 1 - Click on: DCCS icon { } to obtain Front Counter Menu
XStep 2 - Click on: Location
XStep 3 - Click on: Tickets for 1 location [instead of: Different
XStep 4 - Enter: Employee Number and click OK

Figure 4-6. Enter Location Number Window

XStep 5 - Type: Number of location, ex: 5

XClick on: OK ª
DCCS User Manual (Windows) 4-8
Section 4 - Location

Assign a batch of tickets to 1 location - cont.

Figure 4-7. Enter Ticket Number for Location Window

XStep 6 -Type: Ticket number being assigned to a location

and click on OK

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 4-9

Section 4 - Location

Figure 4-8. Ticket Number Entry Screen for Location - in a Batch

As the example shows, ticket 500546 has been assigned to

Location No. 5. The window is ready for entry of the next ticket
number, which will also be assigned to the same location - 5.

When through inputting a batch, click on: CANCEL

The procedure in this user guide shows how to use the Location function
from the Front Office Menu. This function can also be accessed from the
Back Office menu - which follows very similar procedures. It is recom-
mended that the new user use Location from the Front Office Menu

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 4-10

Section 4 - Location


Location Reports include
(1) A listing of tickets in location order, and
(2) A history report that shows any changes to a ticket's location.

To obtain location reports

X1 - Click on: DCCS icon for Back Office Menu

X2 - Click on: Reports
X3 - Click on: Location Reports
prompt: list ticket locations

X4 - Click on: prompt

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 4-11

Section 4 - Location

To obtain location reports - cont.

Figure 4-9. Location Report Set Up Screen

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 4-12

Section 4 - Location

To obtain location reports - cont.

This screen has options you select to determine the contents of

your reports:

¡Starting - Ending - Enter the starting and ending location

numbers for your plant. You may want to exclude some
locations, such as storage.

¡Available Stores - This is a list of all the stores for which

reports can be obtained.

¡Selected Stores - This lists the stores selected for reporting.

Use the Add and Remove buttons to select stores.

¡Add - Click on the desired stores in the Available Stores

column, then click on Add, and the selected store(s) will be
placed in the Selected Stores column.

¡Remove - Click on store to be removed from the Selected

Stores field and then click on Remove.

¡Include - Picked up tickets - in the report, if checked.

¡Location activity Log - This is a specific, separate report that

includes a description of who handled the order during the
various stages of processing.

¡Display - Printer - Choose one or the other for your report.

¡Start Report - Once you have made your choices as

described above, click on Start Report. If you want to quit
without running the report, click on EXIT.

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 4-13

Section 4 - Location

List Ticket Locations

Locations 0 - 999999
Include Picked Up No

Location # Ticket# Name Phone# Pieces Loc Date Loc Time Emp#

For Store: Golden West Cleaners

5 500542 WAYNE 1112345553 2 7/25/00 2:03pm 3

12 500544 MC CLAINE 1962358451 5 7/25/00 2:45pm 3
5 500543 DAVIS 1011234577 1 7/25/00 2:50pm 3
5 500545 MARTIN 2122358999 1 7/25/00 3:03pm 3
5 500546 MONROE 2122358451 1 7/25/00 3:04 pm 3

Store Total 5 Tickets 9 pieces


Grand Total 5 Tickets 9 pieces

Figure 4-10. The Location Report

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 4-14



The Cash Drawers function consists of these

basic steps:

Á Count the money

Á Print the cash drawer audit trail report

Á Compare the money to the report

Á Reconcile any differences

Á Close out the drawer

This section describes procedures for obtaining the Audit Trail as

well as for using the following Cash Drawer functions:

Close Drawer – Used to close a drawer at the end of a day or shift.

Cash Drawer Adjustments – Used to adjust a drawer for such

things as a payment for a delivery, or maintenance costs.

View Totals – Used to check the current cash status of a drawer

that is still open.

Note: Clicking on No Sale in the Cash Drawer Menu (Figure 5-11)

will allow you to physically open the cash drawer without a sale
being recorded.

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 5-1

Section 5 - Cash Drawers


Generally, the Cash Drawers function can be used at the Front

Counter much like a cash register. The View Totals procedure
allows the user to check the current cash status of a drawer that is
still open, and an audit trail can be either printed or displayed on
a monitor.

The Audit Trail report is a transaction-by-transaction account of

the activity of each drawer: all tickets picked up, and any cash
adjustments. It gives a total for each drawer, and a grand total
for all drawers.

The money in the drawer(s) is compared with the audit trail and
used to reconcile any differences. This is typically done at the end
of each shift or business day,

After reconciling, close the drawer and specify the amount of

money in the cash drawer for the start of the next business day or

The Audit Trail can be obtained from either the Front Counter
menu or the Back Office menu.

Importance of Closing Drawers

If a drawer is used over a period of time – say, several days -
without being closed, the transaction information in the Audit
Trail report will be for that whole period of time. Since there will
be no differentiation between days or shifts, it will be difficult to
perform the balancing function.

Also, if an audit trail is run for a drawer that has not been closed,
there may be no information in the report. (See below for more
information under the heading Scope of Data in the Audit Trail

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 5-2

Section 5 - Cash Drawers


The Auto Close function

The Auto Close function – which is an option set through the Back
Office – will close the cash drawers automatically during non-
business hours – at 12:01 AM. However, if this function should
fail to run – because of power outage or computer failure – only
drawers that were closed manually for each day/shift will yield
valid audit trails.
Therefore, it is highly advisable to manually close each drawer at the
end of each shift/day using the Close Drawer procedure and not rely
completely on the Auto Close function.

Report without Specifying Dates (via Cash

Drawer Menu)
No date range can be specified. The Audit Trail will show all
transactions from the time the drawer was last closed, usually the
most recent business day or shift.
This is accomplished by starting with the CASH DRAWERS
button on either the Front Counter or Back Office menu. (See
heading below, Obtain Audit Trail Report without Specifying

Specify Report Dates (via Reports Menu)

The dates for contents of an audit trail can be specified, as
described next.

This is accomplished by starting with the REPORTS button on

either the Front Counter or Back Office menu.

The ability to access the REPORTS function at the Front Counter

Menu can be disabled.

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 5-3

Section 5 - Cash Drawers



When specifying dates for an Audit Trail report, the information

captured is completely dependent on the dates when the drawer(s)
were opened and closed.
A drawer is both opened and closed with the same, single system
procedure, Close Cash Drawer. This procedure of opening and closing
is referred to simply as “closing a drawer.”
A drawer is typically closed and opened (using the Close Cash Drawer
function) at the end of the day or shift. The beginning and end of the
financial information and audit trail in a drawer is bound by these
opening/closing actions. The drawer may have been closed either
manually via the Close Drawer function or by the Auto Close option.
The data selected in an Audit Trail Report includes the transactions that
took place from the first closing of a drawer to the last closing of a
drawer in the range of dates selected. Within the range of dates selected,
there may have been many openings and closings. However, if a drawer
was not closed at least twice in the range of dates selected, there will be
no information in the report.
In order for a report to include any information, the date range
specified must include at least two closing dates. The example in Figure
5-1 depicts segments of information in the Audit File, which is used to
record your financial information.
The segment of information in the figure that could be retrieved is
shown as being bound by only two closing dates: 8/12 and 8/16. If the
user were to select these dates, he/she would receive all the transaction
information within these two closing dates.
However, if the user specifies a period not including at least two closing
dates, say, 8/14 to 8/16, no data of any kind will appear in the report,
which will be blank. Also, to obtain the information, the drawer will
have to have been closed on the 16th, the last date in the range selected.
8/12 8/14 8/15 8/16
Figure 5-1. Capturing Data in the Audit File with Date Selection

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 5-4

Section 5 - Cash Drawers


The following is the procedure for obtaining the audit trail by

specific dates. This procedure is identical from both the Front
Counter and the Back Office Menus.

XStep 1. Obtain either Front Counter or Back Office Menu

XStep 2. Click on: REPORTS

XStep 3. Click on: Audit Trail

XStep 4. Select: desired drawer(s)

XStep 5. Select: beginning and end dates

XStep 6. Select: format for report

XStep 7. Check: box for printing, or display

XStep 8. Count Cash & Use Audit Trail to balance drawer(s)

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 5-5

Section 5 - Cash Drawers


Step 1. Obtain either Front Counter or
Back Office Menu

Figure 5-2. Front Office Menu

From either the Front Counter Menu and the Back Office Menu
you can hit the REPORTS button and choose cash drawer
reports. This method allows you to specify starting and ending
dates for the report.

Step 2 – Click on: REPORTS

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 5-6
Section 5 - Cash Drawers

Figure 5-3. Reports Menu

Step 3 – Click on: CASH DRAWER REPORTS

prompt displays Audit Trail

Click on: Audit Trail

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 5-7
Section 5 - Cash Drawers


Figure 5-4. Audit Trail Date Selection Menu – Drawer Selection

Click on: Available Drawer window –

which will turn yellow.
If the date fields are not selected, the Drawer window is only
partially visible – behind the calendar.

Click on: Desired Drawer Nos.

Click on: Add

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 5-8

Section 5 - Cash Drawers


Figure 5-5. Audit Trail Date Selection Menu – Date Selection

Click on: Starting Date window – which will

turn yellow.

Click on: Desired month, year.

Double Click on: Desired starting day

Click on: Ending Date window – which will turn


Double Click on: Desired ending day

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 5-9

Section 5 - Cash Drawers


You can select either the “wide” format, or the “narrow” format.
And either format can be limited to providing only totals, at your

The wide format selection will yield a report with all the
information available for the dates selected. See Figure 5-6.

The narrow format will yield a more abbreviated report, which

will fit on a thermal ticket printer. See Figure 5-7.

The comma delimited format can be used to export a report to

another source, such as Excel or Access.

Click on: desired box(es) for format


Click on: desired report destination –

printing or display
Click on: Start Report
If you select Display, the report will display. Then you can click
on the small printer icon at the top of your screen if you want to
print the report.

If you select Print, the report will print immediately.



DCCS User Manual (Windows) 5-10

Section 5 - Cash Drawers

Cash Drawer Audit Trail

Drawers 1
Date 8/16/00 - 8/16/00

Date Time Employee Ticket Amount Run Total Tax1 Tax2 Tax3 Tax4 Type Adj Reason Prepaid

8/16/00 7:34:41PM JB 0 50.00 $50.00

8/16/00 10:08.10PM JB 0 -35.00 $15.00 CASH SUPPLIES
8/16/00 12:32:11PM JB 0 -11.11 ($31.11) CREDIT CARD NO SALE
8/16/00 12:45:11PM JB 10078 6.70 ($24.41) HOUSE CHARGE 6.70
8/16/00 12:50:11PM JB 10073 13.40 ($11.01) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 CASH
Totals for Open/Close Period -33.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.70

Total Transactions 12
Starting Cash $50.00 Adjustment Information Qty/Amount Deposit Information Qty/Amount


CARD -11.11
-70.00 CHARGE 6.70

Total 3 TRANS 0.00
Total 6

Figure 5-6. Audit Trail Report – “wide”


DCCS User Manual (Windows) 5-11

Section 5 - Cash Drawers

Cash Drawer Audit Trail

Drawer 1

Date Time Ticket Amt Type

10.4.00 10:08AM 5052 0.00 CREDIT CARD

10.4.00 10:10AM 5053 12.70 CASH
10.4.00 10:32AM 0 0.00 CASH
10.4.00 10:45AM 5054 0.00 CHECK
10.4.00 11:00AM 5055 0.00 SOF CC

Grand Total: $134.10

Total Transactions 30
Total Transactions prepaid transactions 140.88
Total Transactions paid at PU $161.95
Total Amount $302.83

Total Adjustments ($99.99)

Total Amount of Transactions $202.84

Starting Cash $50.00

Total Amount in Drawer $119.06

Figure 5-7. Audit Trail Report – “narrow”

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 5-12

Section 5 - Cash Drawers


Below is the procedure for obtaining the Audit Trail report when
not specifying dates. This audit trail contains the most recent
activity of the drawer – typically the most recent business day or

This procedure is very similar from both the Front Counter and
the Back Office Menus. The procedure shown here is for the
Back Office. Given this information you will find it easy to follow
the procedure for the Front Counter Menu.

XStep 1. Obtain either Back Office Menu or Front Counter Menu

XStep 2. On menu, click on: CASH DRAWERS

XStep 3. Click on prompt: Cash Drawer Audit Trail

XStep 4. On employee number pad, type: Employee No & click on: OK

XStep 5. At Audit Trail Selection screen, click on: OK

XStep 6. View display of audit trail & click on printer icon

XStep 7. Count Cash & Use Audit Trail to balance drawer(s)


When obtaining the Audit Trail Report for a cash drawer without
specifying dates, the system automatically selects all transactions
since the last close, including that close transaction.

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 5-13

Section 5 - Cash Drawers



Step 1. Obtain either Front Counter Menu

(Figure 5-1) or Back Office Menu (Figure 5-8)

Figure 5-8. Back Office Menu

To obtain the audit trail without specifying dates, on either menu, start
with the CASH DRAWERS button. (Note that to select the audit trail
by date, you start with the Reports button, not the Cash Drawers
The audit trail information obtained from the front counter is the same
as shown here. Only difference is that a print properties page comes
up first instead of the report.
Step 2 – Click on: CASH DRAWERS
DCCS User Manual (Windows) 5-14
Section 5 - Cash Drawers

Step 3 – Click on: CASH DRAWER AUDIT


Figure 5-9. Back Office Menu – Showing Cash Drawer Selections


Step 4 – Type: Employee Number

Click on: OK

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 5-15
Section 5 - Cash Drawers

Step 5 – Click on: OK

Figure 5-10. Audit Trail Selection Screen

XStep 6 –CLICK ON: OK – to print the report

audit trail (see figure 5-6)

XStep 7 – Count Cash & Use Audit Trail

to Balance Drawer(s)

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 5-16

Section 5 - Cash Drawers


Close Drawer indicates to the system you are ready to close out
the drawer for the day – or a particular time period.

Close Drawer closes out a cash drawer for the day or shift, and
must be processed in a particular order.

You should only close the drawer after you use View Totals
feature to check what the total cash is in the drawer according to
the system. This is sometimes referred to as the “X reading.”

If the drawer is closed before the Audit Trail is run, no data will
be retrieved. Only that close transaction will appear on the

Closing out the drawer resets the drawer to a starting amount you
select, and tells the system to include only transactions from this
point forward for the next time the drawer is closed and the audit
trail run.

Step 1 - Obtain: Front Counter Menu (Fig. 5-1)

or the Back Office Menu (Figure 5-8)

Step 2 - Click on: CASH DRAWERS

When using the Back Office Menu, a small list of selections will
overlay the CASH DRAWERS button when it is clicked on.
Click on: CLOSE CASH DRAWER, and follow the prompts
until the drawer is closed, as indicated by display of the
screen shown in Figure 5-12.
When using the Front Counter Menu, clicking on CASH
DRAWERS will display the Cash Drawer Menu.

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 5-17
Section 5 - Cash Drawers


Figure 5-11. Cash Drawer Menu

Step 3 - Click on: OPEN/CLOSE DRAWER

Employee No. Pad

Step 4 - Type: Employee No.

Step 5 - Click on: OK
Starting Amount Window

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 5-18

Section 5 - Cash Drawers


Step 6 - Type: Starting Amt, ex: 5 0 0 0 for $50.

Close drawer using $50.00 as the starting amount?
Yes No Cancel
Note: Instead of entering a starting amount each time, you can
set up an automatic starting amount through File Maintenance,
System Wide Codes and Descriptions, Cash Drawers.

Step 7 - Click on: Yes


Figure 5-12. Verification That Drawer Has Been Closed

To continue processing, you can select MAIN MENU.

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 5-19

Section 5 - Cash Drawers


Used to make an adjustment to a cash drawer, for example, to pay

for a delivery or a repairman, or to record no sale. This is set up
through File Maintenance/Employee Maintenance.

This function can be protected by requiring a password.

Allows you to adjust the total balance of the cash drawer for non-
picked up transactions.

Affects the View Totals results.

Step 1 - Obtain: Front Counter Menu (Fig. 5-1)

or the Back Office Menu (Figure 5-8)

Step 2 - Click on: CASH DRAWERS

When using the Back Office Menu, a small list of selections will
overlay the CASH DRAWERS button when it is clicked on. (See
Figure 5-9.)

Click on: ADJUST CASH DRAWER, and follow the prompts

until the drawer is adjusted, as indicated by display of the
window under Step 11, below. This procedure is very
similar to using the Front Counter menu, described below.

When using the Front Office Menu, this action will display the
Cash Drawer Menu.

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 5-20
Section 5 - Cash Drawers


Figure 5-13. Cash Drawer Menu

Step 3 - Click on: ADJUST DRAWER

Employee No. Pad
Step 4 - Type: Employee No.

Step 5 - Click on: OK


DCCS User Manual (Windows) 5-21

Section 5 - Cash Drawers


Enter Adjustment Amount Window

Step 6 - Type: Adjustment Amt,
ex: 3 5 0 0 for $35.
Step 7 - Click on: OK
Enter Adjustments Reason Window
Step 8 – Select & Click on: Reason for
adjustment, ex: supplies, no sale
Step 9 - Click on: OK
Enter credit code for adjustment
Note: The payment code refers to the type of payment you
are removing from the drawer. This is usually cash, but
can also be credit cards, house charges, or checks if
correcting an overpayment or refunding the cost of a
Step 10 – Select & Click on: Credit code for
adjustment, ex: cash, credit card.
Step 11 - Click on: OK
$ 35.00 adjustment for credit code CASH has been made
Step 12 - Click on: OK
To resume processing, you can click on MAIN MENU.

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 5-22

Section 5 - Cash Drawers

You can do a View Total at any time to see the running total in
the drawer. The amount of the View Totals is affected by any
Cash Drawer Adjustments.

Step 1 - Obtain: Front Counter Menu (Fig. 5-1)

or the Back Office Menu (Figure 5-8)
Step 2 - Click on: CASH DRAWERS
When using the Back Office Menu, a small list of selections will
overlay the CASH DRAWERS button when it is clicked on.

Click on: VIEW DRAWER TOTALS, and follow the prompts until
the drawer total is displayed. This procedure is very similar to
using the Front Counter menu, described below.
When using the Front Office Menu, this action will display the
Cash Drawer Menu.
Cash Drawer Menu (see Figure 5-11)

Step 3 - Click on: VIEW TOTAL

Employee No. Pad

Step 4 - Type: Employee No.

Step 5 - Click on: OK
Total $ 24.11

To resume processing, you can click on MAIN MENU.

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 5-23

Section 5 - Cash Drawers

Blank Page

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 5-24



To save you the trouble of creating a price list from scratch, your
system comes with a preset price list you are free to modify.

Products are organized into categories such as dry cleaning,

laundry, leather, household, etc. You can have up to 18
categories. Typical categories are shown in Section 2, Figure 2-7.

These categories are organized into product keys. A product key

may be for a single product, such as pants, or it may lead to a

For very unusual items, you can have a DESCRIBE AND PRICE
item, which during ticket writing prompts the user to type in a
free form description and a price.

Most product keys should be for a single item, which is usually

associated with a single price. This makes ticket writing faster. It
is possible to create menus leading to menus, leading to other
menus¸ but that would slow down the marking of orders. Also, it
is difficult to remember where you put something if your product
lists are too complex.

Items that are dealt with most often, such as pants and shirts,
should always be on a single product key.

With color and fabric descriptions, and upcharges, you should be

able to mark in anything using a short list of products.

Typical product keys and colors/fabric buttons are shown in

Section 2, Figure 2-8.

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 6-1

Section 6 - Prices


This section describes procedures for changing your prices. This

may involve some or all of the following activities, which are
described below:

Delete a product key

Add a new product key

Edit an existing price

Create a Menu

Custom Upcharges

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 6-2

Section 6 - Prices


Step 1. Obtain Back Office Menu

Figure 6-1. Back Office Menu

Click on: File Maintenance button

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 6-3

Section 6 - Prices


Figure 6-2. File Maintenance Selections


DCCS User Manual (Windows) 6-4

Section 6 - Prices


Figure 6-3. Item Maintenance - Categories

Note the tools icons displayed at the bottom of the screen in large
characters - and also in the top left corner of the screen. Either
set of buttons can be used.
Note the grouping of category buttons. In the example there are
five categories: Cleaning, Wash Dry Fold, Shirts, etc.
You can have up to 18 product keys for this category - Cleaning.

XClick on the category: Cleaning

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 6-5
Section 6 - Prices


Figure 6-4. Dry Cleaning Product Keys

In the example there are 14 product keys for the category -
To delete a product key,
Click on: DELETE button.
Release: Mouse button.
Position: delete icon (  ) on the product key to be deleted.
Click on: Product Key.
prompt: Do you wish to delete nnnnnn ? Yes No
Click on: Yes - and Product key will be deleted.

Note: If you delete a product key and then reprint a ticket that includes
that product, the reprinted ticket will be incomplete. If you run the
report SALES TRACK PRODUCT for a deleted product, the report
will contain no information.

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 6-6

Section 6 - Prices


To add a new product key, obtain the File Maintenance – Dry

Cleaning Product Keys screen as shown in Figure 6-4.

Click on: ADD

Position: Add icon (¬) to area where new product key is to be placed.
Main Tab

Figure 6-5. Blank Maintenance Screen for New Product Key - Main Tab
This blank screen for adding a new product key comes up with
the Main tab area displayed.

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 6-7

Section 6 - Prices


Figure 6-6. Example Product Key Screen Information – Main Tab

The first tab screen, MAIN, is used to input initial information, as

shown in the figure.
Subsequent information is input as needed to develop the new
product key by selecting the tabs across the top of the screen:
Action, Sales, Production, and Miscellaneous, each of which
presents a new screen for the input of additional information.

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 6-8

Section 6 - Prices


Complete the screen for the new product key, as appropriate,

following these guidelines:
Short Description - Type description, ex: Suits 3 pc
These words will appear on your display monitor when
writing tickets.
Long Description - Type description, ex: Men's 3 piece suit
These are the words that will appear on your tickets.
Price - Type price, ex: $7.50
Number of piece count - Usually 1 for most products. Two- and 3-
piece suits are the most common exceptions. For color and
Upcharge items, 0 is assigned.
Apply Tax 1 - 2- 3 - 4 - Click on applicable tax boxes that
relate to settings in your data base. If you do not charge
sales tax on this item, leave blank.
Upcharge Portion - Leave this reference field blank. If the button
you are programming is for colors or upcharge, you would put
any charge associated with this description in the Price on Tickets
field. When Save is pressed, the system will fill in this field.
Custom Upcharges - Check the box.

These are used to create fabrics and colors unique to this

one product. Most users do not need this feature.
Click on: SAVE
The screen will disappear, and revert to the File Maintenance –
Product Keys screen (Figure 6-4), displaying the new name.
Click on: new product key, ex: Suits 3 pc
Click on: Action tab at top of screen to continue adding
information to your new product key for Men's 3-Piece Suits.

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 6-9

Section 6 - Prices


Action Tab

Figure 6-7. Example Product Key Screen Information – Action Tab

To complete the screen for a new product key using the Action
Tab, follow these guidelines, clicking on appropriate boxes to
activate their associated functions.

Question to ask. Type any question here. When this product key
is used during ticket writing, it will display this question. When a
number is entered, the system will calculate the price associated
with this information.

Weight Table. Only used when a minimum weight is set for

pricing. Used mainly for wash, dry, and fold. Prices for WDF
orders will automatically be priced when the weight of order is

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 6-10

Section 6 - Prices


Read Scale? This box is checked only if the computer has a scale physically
connected to it, in which case the system will read the weight on it when this
product button is selected. If there is no scale connected, the weight must be
input manually.
Weight Units. Type the unit of weight to be used, ex: lbs, kgs.
Price this Item Later? If checked, user will price the ticket later.
Ask for a FreeFlow Description? If checked, during ticket writing, user
will be asked for, and will write in, his/her own description of the
Ask for a FreeFlow Price? If checked, during ticket writing, the
user will be asked for, and will write in, his/her own price in text.
Is this Item a Discount? and Percentage of Discount? are used together.
If you check the Discount option, you can use this button to take a
percentage off the price of cleaning a garment. After selecting Is this
Item a Discount, in the Percentage of Discount field, type the discount
percentage you want to associate with this item. For example, for a
press only button, to charge only 70%, enter a discount percentage of
Force Price. If this box is checked for an item created in the color or
upcharge column, the price on tickets set up for this button will
override the price programmed into each product button. The most
common example is a cleaner charging $1.00 for all garments on a
certain day. When this switch is on, it changes the price of any product
to its price. The amount is programmed on the Main tab of item
maintenance. (See Figure 6-5, Blank Maintenance Screen for New
Product Key - Main Tab.)
Force Price on Ups? Can be activated only after Force Price is
activated. This feature will override the price on any other upcharge
or fabric button.
Click on: SAVE
The screen will disappear, and revert to the File Maintenance – Product
Keys screen (Figure 6-4), displaying the new name.
Click on: new product key, ex: Suits 3 pc.
Click on: Sales – tab at top of screen - to continue adding
information to your new product key for Men's 3-Piece Suits.

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 6-11

Section 6 - Prices


Sales tab

Figure 6-8. Example Product Key Screen Information – Sales Tab

This tab - Sales - makes it possible to print as many garment tags
and tickets as there are pieces, but to retain a sales record of a
single price for the order. For example, the product key for our
3-piece suit has a Piece Count on Tickets of 3 (Figure 6-6) so the
system will print 3 garment tags. To ensure that the system
records a single price of $7.50 for all 3 garments, instead of $7.50
for each piece, type 1 in the Sales No of Pieces field.
General Ledger Number - A unique number for this product key
used by the Accounts Receivable ledger to identify the product.
(Not fully implemented as of V. 22.10.4.)
Click on SAVE
The screen will disappear, and revert to the File Maintenance –
Product Keys screen (Figure 6-4), displaying the new name.
Click on: new product key, ex: Suits 3 pc.
Click on: Production – tab at top of screen - to continue.

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 6-12

Section 6 - Prices



Figure 6-9. Product Key Screen Information – Production Tab

The functions in this screen are in development. When available, they
will improve your ability to analyze your actual production costs for
specific, selected items. The information in this screen is used only for
analysis purposes and does not affect actual production times.
Production Number of Pieces - This field may be used to reflect
additional time required to process a single garment. A dress may be
set as one piece in the main tab (for example, as 1, in the Piece Count
on Ticket field, see Figure 6-6) and priced accordingly. This field can
be used to record a greater production time for a difficult item. For
example, putting 2 in this field will indicate in your production reports
this extra effort. You can use 3 to represent a magnitude of 3, or 4, etc.
This feature does not change the price of the selected garment, but is
just for analysis purposes.
Production Price - Type the actual cost of cleaning/pressing a
garment, not the price you charge the customer.
Number of Hours to Process - Type how long this garment takes to
go through the entire production process: tagging, cleaning,
pressing, bagging, locating, etc.
Number of Hangers, Boxes - Number required to assemble item.
Make Special? Click in box, and type text in blank box explaining
Click on: SAVE
The screen will disappear, and revert to the File Maintenance – Product
Keys screen (Figure 6-4), displaying the new name.
Click on: new product key, ex: Suits 3 pc
Click on: Miscellaneous – tab at top of screen - to continue.

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 6-13

Section 6 - Prices



Figure 6-10. Example Product Key Screen Information – Misc. Tab

Complete the screen, following these guidelines, as appropriate.

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 6-14

Section 6 - Prices


Auto Outside Process – This field is used to specify a product that must
be sent elsewhere for the work to be done, including outside storage.

Click on: Auto Outside Process.

This will display a list of outside processes. Click on the
appropriate one, ex: Alterations. As a result, when a ticket is
written, the system will consider the order to be out of the
building for outside processing.


Type: amount required, ex: $25.00
If the final price for cleaning a garment, such as a wedding gown
or leather jacket is unknown, you may want to ask for a deposit
toward the final price.
When a ticket is written for this product, the system will ask for
the $25.00 deposit. When the product comes back from the
specialist, determine the price to be charged. On the Front
Counter Menu, press button: TICKET FUNCTIONS. From that
screen, press button: ENTER PRICE LATERS. Enter the
number of the ticket you are pricing. The details of that ticket
will display. Select the detail item to be priced and fill in the
price. You cannot pick up a price later ticket until it has been

Click on and select: appropriate Disclaimers.

For example, suede may not retain its original color after
cleaning. The disclaimer will appear on the screen during ticket
writing and, optionally, print on the ticket.

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 6-15

Section 6 - Prices

Batch Valet Line# - This number refers to the line

number of the hotel's preprinted form.

Click on: SAVE



A price is edited by displaying the Product Key, similar to the

above procedure, clicking on Edit, and typing in the new price:

Step 1. Obtain Back Office Menu (Figure 6-1)

Step 2. Click on: File Maintenance

item maintenance – see Figure 6-2

Click on: Item Maintenance

item maintenance categories – see Figure 6-3

Click on desired category, ex: Shirts


DCCS User Manual (Windows) 6-16

Section 6 - Prices


Figure 6-11. Shirts Product Keys

Click on: Edit icon []and position cursor

over desired product key, ex: multibag

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 6-17

Section 6 - Prices


Figure 6-12. Screen with New Price

Click on price field

Type new price in price field.
Click on: SAVE

Product now has the new price.

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 6-18

Section 6 - Prices


One of the preset product keys in the dry cleaning category is

VEST. Suppose a ski resort opened next to your store. You
might want to change the VEST key into a menu of ski products.

Step 1. Obtain Back Office Menu (Figure 6-1)

Step 2. Click on: File Maintenance

file maintenance selections – see Figure 6-2

Click on: Item Maintenance

item maintenance categories – see Figure 6-3

Click on desired category, ex: Cleaning

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 6-19

Section 6 - Prices


Figure 6-13. Dry Cleaning Product Keys

Click on desired product key, ex: Vest

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 6-20
Section 6 - Prices


Figure 6-14. Vest Product Key with Preset Values

Type in these fields to make these changes:

Short Description – Ski Stuff
Long Description – Ski Stuff
Price on Tickets – 0
Piece count on Tickets – 0

Click on: Save

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 6-21
Section 6 - Prices


PRODUCT button

Figure 6-15. Vest Product Key – Transformation into a Menu

These changes will enable you to change this key so it leads to a


Click on: PRODUCT (at top of screen, between CaTegory &


DCCS User Manual (Windows) 6-22
Section 6 - Prices


Figure 6-16. Product Key Renamed

The former VEST key now says SKI STUFF. From the bottom of
the screen, click on ADD tool and position the ADD icon ( ­ )
over the top of the SKI STUFF key and click once.
prompt – Respond Yes to turn Ski Stuff into a Menu

Click on: Yes


DCCS User Manual (Windows) 6-23

Section 6 - Prices


Figure 6-17. New Item Menu

Type in the New Item field: Ski Gloves

Click on: Ski Gloves

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 6-24
Section 6 - Prices


Figure 6-18. Item Maintenance Window

Type in these fields to make these changes:

Short Description – Ski Gloves
Long Description – Ski Gloves Gortex/Leather
Price on Tickets – $5.50
Piece count on Tickets – 2
Apply Tax 1 & 2

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 6-25

Section 6 - Prices


Figure 6-19. New Item for Menu – Filled In

Click on: SAVE
In order to add a second item to the menu, select the ADD tool at
the bottom of the screen, position the green icon (­) in the empty
space just below item A, and click one.

A new item, Item B, will appear. Fill it in for the second item just
the way you did the first item, saving each screen after it is filled

Continue to add new items until the menu contains the items you

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 6-26

Section 6 - Prices


The color and fabric keys are primarily for describing garments
dropped off. They can also be used to add upcharges to an order.
It costs you more to clean white colors or silks or cashmere.
Recover your costs by charging for those features.

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 6-27

Section 6 - Prices

Custom Upcharges
In addition to upcharges that can be applied to any product key,
you can also assign a fabric or color to a single product key.
These are custom upcharges.

Custom upcharges will appear only when you are marking in the
product they belong to. Otherwise you will not see them. The
purpose of custom upcharges is to avoid cluttering your regular
color and fabric lists with rare entries. As a rule, the use of
custom upcharges should be kept to a minimum.

You can develop a custom upcharge such that a single item has an
upcharge for a specific color or fabric. To do so, obtain an item
maintenance window, ex: for Ski Gloves

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 6-28

Section 6 - Prices


Figure 6-20. An Item Maintenance Window

Click on: A. Ski Gloves gortex/leather

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 6-29
Section 6 - Prices


Figure 6-21. Upcharge Input Window

Click in the box: Custom Upcharges?

Click on: Maintain Custom Fabrics.

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 6-30
Section 6 - Prices


Figure 6-22. Fabric Choices Window

Click on: ADD and drag icon ( ­ ) to Oxhide, and release

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 6-31

Section 6 - Prices


Figure 6-23. Screen for a Specific Upcharge

Fill in the screen as shown to complete entering a specific

upcharge for ski gloves made of oxhide.

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 6-32



This section describes reports available to support operation of DCCS systems.

To retrieve reports, obtain either the Front Counter or Back Office menu, which
are identical with respect to reports, and then click on Reports.

Figure 7-1. Back Office Main Menu

Access to the reports folder or to individual reports can be restricted to

secure sensitive financial information.

XClick on Reports, and the DCCS System Reports screen will display.
DCCS User Manual (Windows) 7-1
Section 7 - Reports


There are nine different, major areas of DCCS system reports, selectable
through the DCCS Reports screen. (Figure 7-2) These are:
1. Sales Reports
2. Cash Drawer
3. Ticket
4. Delivery
5. Production
6. Outside Processing
7. Valet
8. Location
9. Miscellaneous
10. Summary Invoice

Figure 7-2. DCCS System Reports

This section provides a description of these reports.
Sales Reports are described first.

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 7-2

Section 7 - Reports


There are six kinds of sales reports that can be used to track your
sales for a specified period of time: one or more days, a week, or
any time period.

Each of these reports provides information with emphasis on a different

component, or variable:
1. Sales By Store
2. Sales By Cash
3. Sales By Price List
4. Sales By Route
5. Sales By Employee
6. Sales Track Product

Further, some of these reports can be selected via different

options, examples of which are shown in this section.
Options for Sales Reports by Store:

1. By Incoming Order - Provides the total sales data for orders entering a
business during the time specified.
2. By Outgoing Order - Provides total sales data for orders that have been
picked up, i.e., orders that have left the store.
3. Summary - Provides a total for each category's sales and a store total.
4. Details - Provides a description of sales for each item, for example, how
many pants were cleaned and what is the total sales amount of pants for
the specified time period. The report will break down the category total
into a special item-by-item listing of sales. There is also a category total
and a store total.
5. By Ticket - Provides a detailed version of the sales report. It is a list of
tickets written that add up to your sales figures. It is an invoice-by-
invoice explanation of where your sales total originates.
The following is a description of sales reports By Store options, starting
with By Incoming Orders.

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 7-3

Section 7 - Reports


Figure 7-3. Selecting a Type of Sales Report

To begin to obtain a report type, use your mouse to select Sales

Reports as shown in Figure 7-3.
This sets up these kinds of sales reports for you to select:
By Store
By Cash
By Price List
By Route
By Employee

Use your mouse to select (darken) the items as shown in figure 7-4
- By Store, by Incoming Orders, Summary.
DCCS User Manual (Windows) 7-4
Section 7 - Reports


Figure 7-4. Selecting Sales Report by Store, by Incoming Order, Summary

As can be seen in the figure, a sales report by store can be selected

for either incoming orders or outgoing orders, and can be selected
by either: summary, details, or by ticket.

In this section, we will look at ac cross-section of the possible ways

to select your reports.

Printing a sales report by summary will give a total for each

category's sales and a store total.

With the selections darkened as shown in the figure - By Store, by

Incoming Orders, Summary - click once on your mouse.

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 7-5

Section 7 - Reports



Figure 7-5. Sales Report Selection Entry Screen with Calendar

The entry screen initially displays a small calendar used to select
the Starting Date for the report.
XUse your mouse to select the year, month, and day of the desired
Starting Date in the calendar, double click, and the date will
display in the Starting Date field.
XClick on the desired Ending Date field, which will cause a calendar to
display for the Ending Date field.
XDouble click on the desired Ending Date in the calendar, and the date
will display in the Ending Date field.
XClick on the Location field, and the calendar will disappear.
DCCS User Manual (Windows) 7-6
Section 7 - Reports


- SUMMARY - Cont.

Figure 7-6. Sales Report Selection Entry Screen

Complete the screen for your report, following these guidelines:
Location (Starting) - Click in field and type number of first store.
Location (Ending) - Click in field and type number of last store.
Available Stores - Add or remove listing of stores in system.
Selected Stores - Click on Available Stores, then on Add, to specify
store(s) to include in report.
Totals Only - Check to limit report to dollar totals. In this
example, do not check box.
Report Destination - Check for either Display on your monitor, or
printing on your Printer. For this example, check Display box.
Comma Delimited Format - Leave this box unchecked.
XClick on: Start Report ª
DCCS User Manual (Windows) 7-7
Section 7 - Reports



Sales Journal Summary Incoming Orders

Store Laundry Conglomerate

For the Period 06/01/2000 to 06/30/2000

Category #Ords Amount Tax 1/3 Tax 2/4 Pieces Ups Surchg Disc/Coup

Cleaning 7 137.33 0.00 0.00 10 -0.40 0.00 5.55

Revenue/Piece 13.73 Upcharge Percent (0.25)
Revenue/Ticket 19.62 Pieces/Ticket 1.43


Store Total 7 137.33 0.00 0.00 10 -0.40 0.00 5.55

0.00 0.00

Revenue/Piece 13.73 Upcharge Percent (0.25)

Revenue/Ticket 19.62 Pieces/Ticket 1.43

Figure 7-7. Sales Report - By Store, By Incoming Order, Summary

This report provides a summary of the total sales data for

incoming orders that entered the specified store during the dates

The report shows that for the period selected (June 1 - 30), for the
store selected, there were 7 incoming orders for cleaning, totaling

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 7-8

Section 7 - Reports


- SUMMARY - Cont.

Store - Laundry Conglomerate - Name of store that was specified

for this report.
For the Period - Time that was specified for the report to include.
Category - ex., Cleaning, Laundry, WDF, etc.
#Ords - Number of incoming orders to this store for this category.
Amount - Total amount of incoming orders for this category.
Tax 1/3 - Tax that can be applied to a specific product
Tax 2/4 - Tax that can be applied to another specific product
Pieces - Number of pieces in the 7 orders
Ups - Number of Upcharges in the 7 orders
Surcharge - Amount of surcharges
Disc/Coup - Amount of discounts or coupons. In the example,
there was a $5.55 discount, but no coupons.

After the above information for the first category is listed, any
additional categories are printed immediately below.

Store Total - Summary of all orders in same format as above


DCCS User Manual (Windows) 7-9

Section 7 - Reports



To obtain the same sales reports for outgoing orders instead of

incoming orders, follow the same procedure as above, except
specify Incoming instead of Outgoing. And, for this example,
specify Details instead of Summary.

Figure 7-8. Selecting a Sales Report - By Store, Outgoing Orders, Details

Printing a report by details provides a description of sales for each
item. The report gives a break down of the category total into a
special item-by-item listing of sales, category total, and store total.
Report is for all orders that were picked up in the specified time
period, per store, etc.
Set up the screen as shown and click on screen or press Enter.
Fill in the Sales Report Selection Entry Screen as shown in
Figures 7-5 and 7-6, then click on Start Report.
DCCS User Manual (Windows) 7-10
Section 7 - Reports



Sales Journal by Outgoing Products

Store Laundry Conglomerate
For the Period 06/01/2000 to 06/30/2000

Category Items Amount Pieces Ups

Pants 13 64.50 13 0.00
Shorts 1 46.56 1 0.00
Sweaters 3 13.90 3 0.00
Coat 2 0.00 0 0.00
2 pc suitShort 1 15.50 2 0.00
Describe and Price 1 43.54 1 0.00
Start - DryClean 1 5.45 1 0.00
====== ===== === ====
Cleaning Total 22 217.45 21 0.00

Store Total 22 217.45 21 0.00

Figure 7-8. Sales Report - By Store, By Outgoing Orders, Details

Selecting Details provides a description of sales for each item.

Report also gives a total for each category as well as a store total.

Store Summary Conglomerate - Name of store that was specified

for this report.

For the Period - Time specified for obtaining report.

Category - ex., Cleaning, Laundry, WDF, etc.

Items - Number of items in an order - as opposed to number of
pieces, ex: 1 item = a 3-piece suit - is 3 pieces.
Cleaning Total - Total for the first category listed, in this example,
Store Total - Total for all categories in this example store,
"Laundry Conglomerate."
DCCS User Manual (Windows) 7-11
Section 7 - Reports



Figure 7-10. Selecting a Sales Report - By Store, Outgoing Orders, by Ticket

Printing a sales report with the above selections provides a

detailed report of orders picked up by sorted by ticket number.

This is an invoice-by-invoice explanation of where your sales total


Set up the screen as shown in the figure and press Enter.

Fill in the Sales Report Selection Entry Screen as shown in

Figures 7-5 and 7-6, then click on Start Report.
DCCS User Manual (Windows) 7-12
Section 7 - Reports



Sales Journal by Outgoing Orders

Store Laundry Conglomerate
For the Period 06/01/2000 to 06/30/2000

Category TikNum Last Name Account# Net Sales Discount Coupon PriceLater Voids
Cleaning 10000000 Shwarznegger 1 13.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.00
Cleaning 10000001 Shwarznegger 1 19.50 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.00
Cleaning 10000003 Shwarznegger 1 28.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.00
Cleaning 10000004 Shwarznegger 1 24.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.00
Cleaning 10000012 Hogan 2358451 9.95 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.00
Cleaning 10000014 Hogan 2358451 5.45 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.00
Cleaning 10000005 Hogan 2358451 5.45 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.00
Cleaning 10000008 Hogan 2358451 49.94 5.55 0.00 0.0 0.00
Cleaning 10000032 Hogan 2358451 79.06 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.00
Cleaning 10000033 Smith 9162 10.90 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.00
Cleaning 10000034 Smith 9162 5.45 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.00
Cleaning 10000035 Smith 9162 5.45 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.00
Cleaning 10000045 Barnes 9999 16.65 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.00

Store Total 270.80 5.55 0.00 0.00 0.00

Figure 7-11. Sales Report - by Store, Outgoing Orders, by Ticket,

Store Laundry Conglomerate - Name of store specified for report.

For the Period - Time specified for obtaining report.
Category - ex., Cleaning, Laundry, or WDF, etc.
Tik Num - Ticket number
Last Name - Customer last name
Account # - Account Number= 1 or Phone Number
Net Sales - Net sale for the order
Discount - Any discounts applicable
Coupon-Any coupons applicable.
Price Later- Any price laters applicable.
Voids - Number of voided tickets would show here. There are no
voided tickets in this example.
Store Total - Total monetary amount for all categories

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 7-13

Section 7 - Reports


Sales reports by cash, by Outgoing Orders, track only orders that

are paid for (both prepaid and incoming orders, and post-paid
outgoing orders). TRUE?? The following provides three examples
of Sales by Cash reports:
1. Summary
2. Details
3. By Ticket.
You can retrieve these as shown above for similar reports.

Cash Sales Journal

Store Laundry Conglomerate
For the Period 01/11/2000 To 03/19/2001

Category #Ords Amount Tax 1/3 Tax 2/4 Pieces Up Surchg Disc/Coup

Cleaning 11 134.04

Revenue/Piece Upcharge Percent

Revenue/Ticket Pieces/Ticket

WDF 4 63.35

Revenue/Piece Upcharge Percent

Revenue/Ticket Pieces/Ticket

Store Total 15 197.39

Revenue/Piece Upcharge Percent

Revenue/Ticket Pieces/Ticket

Figure 7-12. Sales Report - By Cash, Summary

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 7-14

Section 7 - Reports


Cash Sales Journal by Product

Store Laundry Conglomerate
For the Period 01/11/2000 To 03/19/2001

Category Items Amount Pieces Ups

Cleaning 3 17.50 3 0.00

Total 17.50

Store Total 17.50

Figure 7-13. Sales Report - By Cash, Details

This report displays, for the period selected, for each category:

Number of items

Amount for each item

Number of pieces, and

Any Upcharges.

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 7-15

Section 7 - Reports


Cash Sales Journal by Product

Store Laundry Conglomerate
For the Period 01/11/2000 To 03/19/2001

Category Tik Num LastName Account# NetSales Discount Coupon PriceLater Voids

Cleaning 5052 Wayne 2358451 3 17.50 0.00 0.00 0

Total 17.50

Figure 7-14. Cash Sales by Ticket

This report displays, for the period selected, for each category:

Ticket Number
Last Name
Net Sales
Price Laters
Voids - number of voids, if any.

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 7-16

Section 7 - Reports



Sales reports can track sales information for a particular price

list. Exactly like reports by store, reports can be:
By incoming orders or outgoing orders, and
Summary, or Detail, or By Ticket.
For any given time period selected, data for the sales reports is all
the same, but organized into different formats. The following
example illustrates Sales Reports by Ticket, Incoming Orders, by
Price List
When selecting report(s), you can specify Price List number(s), or
Stub Price, or both.

Cash Sales by Ticket Incoming Orders - By Price List

Price List: Price List 1
For the Period 01/11/2000 To 03/19/2001

Category TikNum LastName Account# NetSales Discount Coupon PriceLater Voids

Cleaning 10027 STALLONE 2346009 10.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Cleaning 10028 STALLONE 2346009 13.88 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Cleaning 10029 STALLONE 2346009 5.45 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Cleaning 10034 STALLONE 2346009 22.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Cleaning 10038 STALLONE 2346009 10.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Cleaning 10041 SCHWARTZ 1233333 10.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Cleaning 10049 SCHWARTZ 1233333 13.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
WDF 10055 CLINTON 9999999 89.45 5.55 0.00 0.00 0.00
........................................................____ ___ ___ ___ ___.
Price List Total 255.78 13.45 2.00 49.94 0.00

Figure 7-15. Sales Report by Ticket, Incoming Orders - by Price List

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 7-17

Section 7 - Reports


There are several Cash Drawer reports. The main reports are for
the audit trail, which is printed in two formats, Wide and Narrow.
The wide format contains more complete information.

The audit trail is a listing of all cash drawer transactions, for one
or all drawers. Examples are shown in this section. See Section 5,
Cash Drawers, for more information.

Figure 7-16 shows an example Cash Drawer Audit Trail, narrow


DCCS User Manual (Windows) 7-18

Section 7 - Reports


Cash Drawer Audit Trail

Drawer 1

Date Time Ticket Amt Type

10.4.00 10:08AM 5052 0.00 CREDIT CARD

10.4.00 10:10AM 5053 12.70 CASH
10.4.00 10:32AM 0 0.00 CASH
10.4.00 10:45 5054 0.00 CHECK
10.4.00 11:00 5055 0.00 SOF CC

Grand Total: $134.10

Total Transactions 30
Total Transactions prepaid transactions 140.88
Total Transactions paid at PU $161.95
Total Amount $302.83

Total Adjustments ($99.99)

Total Amount of Transactions $202.84

Starting Cash $50.00

Total Amount in Drawer $119.06

Figure 7-16. Cash Drawer - Audit Trail - Narrow Format

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 7-19

Section 7 - Reports


Cash Drawer Audit Trail

Drawers 1

Date 8/16/00 - 8/16/00

Date Time Employee Ticket Amount Run Total Tax1 Tax2 Tax3 Tax4 Type Adj Reason Prepaid

8/16/00 7:34:41PM JB 0 50.00 $50.00

8/16/00 10:08.10PM JB 0 -35.00 $15.00 CASH SUPPLIES
8/16/00 12:32:11PM JB 0 -11.11 ($31.11) CREDIT CARD NO SALE
8/16/00 12:45:11PM JB 10078 6.70 ($24.41) HOUSE CHARGE 6.70
8/16/00 12:50:11PM JB 10073 13.40 ($11.01) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 CASH
Totals for Open/Close Period -33.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.70

Total Transactions 12
Starting Cash $50.00 Adjustment Information Qty/Amount Deposit Information Qty/Amount


CARD -11.11
-70.00 CHARGE 6.70

Total 3 TRANS 0.00
Total 6

Figure 7-17. Cash Drawer Audit Trail - Wide Format


DCCS User Manual (Windows) 7-20


Every night, your system will automatically copy your database to the CD
drive. If anything ever happens to the data on your hard disk drive, you can
recover it from the compact disc in the CD drive.

Every morning, look at the backup report from the night before. To do that, go
to your Back Office menu and press the button labeled Reports. Then press the
button labeled Miscellaneous Reports. From the list, choose Backup History.
Make sure the backup ran last night. If someone forgot to put a disc in the CD
drive, or if the disc or the drive is faulty, the report will tell you. The worst
time to find out that your backup has not been running, is when you need to
restore your database.

Your system comes with a supply of blank compact discs. The CD drive is not
only a disc player. It is also capable of writing onto a blank disc. One disc
will hold several days worth of backups. The first time you use your system,
you will need to format a disc. And every time you fill up a disc, you will
need to format a new one. Follow the directions below for Formatting a Disc.

If your backup disc fills up, the system will tell you. See below for Handling
a Full Disc. Rather than let it fill up, change your backup disc once a week.
Follow the procedures in this section for ejecting the disc. Label the disc with
the date and store it. You will not be able to write any more files to it, but it
will be readable on any CD ROM drive.

Sometimes, DCCS will deliver new software to you on a compact disc. To

read it, you will need to temporarily remove the backup disc. See below for
Handling a Disc that is Not Full.

To change the time when your automatic backup takes place, see Scheduling

For help, call DCCS technical support at 800-969-0300.

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 8-1

Section 8 - Automatic Database Backup

Formatting a Disc
1. Take a new, blank compact disc.
2. Press the button on the front of the CD drive to open the tray.
3. Place the disc in the tray, silver side up, blue side down.
4. Close the tray either by pressing the button or gently pushing the tray in.
5. The light on the CD drive will blink green and then stay a steady orange. If it does
not, open the tray and check that the disc is positioned correctly.
6. The system will recognize that the disc is blank and display this screen:

7. Click on the first option to create a CD that will be accessible through a drive
letter. The following window will appear:

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 8-2

Section 8 - Automatic Database Backup

8. Click on Next and the following window will appear:

9. Click on Next and the following window will appear:

10. Click on Next and the following window will appear:

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 8-3

Section 8 - Automatic Database Backup

11. Enter a name into the white bar. Choose a name that means something to you, such
as today’s date. Do not use characters such as /?*&%#\. Then click on Finish. The
following window will appear.

12. Click OK and you are done.

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 8-4

Section 8 - Automatic Database Backup

Handling a Full Disc

One blank disc will hold several days’ worth of backups, even more if your system is new and
your database is small. When a disc fills up, you will get a window like this:

Error copying file

Cannot copy <filename>: There is not enough free

disk space.

Delete one or more files to free disk space, and then try again.


1. Do not attempt to delete files from the disc. There is not enough room on it for
another copy of your database. Instead, press the button on the CD drive to eject the
disk. Before the disc ejects, you will see this window:

2. Click on the white circle next to “Organize the disc…” Then click Finish. The
program will take a couple of minutes to write a final directory onto the disc. Then
the disc will eject and you will see the window below:

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 8-5

Section 8 - Automatic Database Backup

Handling a Disc that is Not Full

If for any reason you need to remove a disc, but you want to resume writing to it later,
follow the steps below. One reason you might want to do this is to load new software
in from a disc sent by DCCS.

1. Press the button on the CD drive. You will see this window:

2. Leave the first white circle selected, the one that says “Leave the disc as it is…” Then
click on Finish and the disc will eject.

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 8-6

Section 8 - Automatic Database Backup

Scheduling Backup
Your backup is scheduled to run at 1:00 am. It takes a few minutes to run. If you want to
change the starting time, go to the Back Office menu. Click on the Backup button, and
choose Schedule Automatic Reorg. You will see this window:

Change the Reorg Start Time and click the Save button.

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 8-7

Section 8 - Automatic Database Backup

Blank Page

DCCS User Manual (Windows) 8-8

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