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Staying Calm during the CrossFit Open:

Strategies to Keep Your Cool for Competition

The essence of CrossFit lies in the relentless pursuit of enhancing performance through a blend of
diverse functional movements, all executed at a heightened level of intensity. This dynamic approach
forms the bedrock of every trial witnessed in the unfolding stages of the CrossFit Games season,
mirroring the very essence of your daily Workout of the Day (WOD).
Any CrossFit athlete knows, however, that the ultimate peak of competition in the CF community is in
fact the CrossFit Open— possibly the most thrilling and ambitious worldwide (and online) event that
takes place every year. It tests the courage of athletes, pushing them to their limits and challenging
them in many different aspects.
But it’s not just about sweat and strength, for physical strength is but only one aspect and half the battle
—mental resilience is the other and equally vital component, if not more. The Open is as much a
mental test as it is a physical one. And so crafting an approach that allows you to stay calm a midst the
chaos and excitement can be a game-changer for your performance.
In this blog post, we'll explore effective (yet seemingly obvious but still often overlooked) strategies to
help you train your mind to help ‘keep your cool’ and enhance your chance of success come comp time.

1. Preparation Breeds Confidence

It’s simple, having confidence in your own abilities significantly reduces anxiety, and so the absolute
foundation of staying calm starts with thorough preparation. Train consistently during the weeks
leading up to the Open, and spend time focusing on key movements and workouts which are likely to
appear. If you’re not sure what these are, take a look at what featured in previous years, or ask someone
who may have more experience. When you've put in the hard and necessary time and effort, especially
on the things which make you nervous, you will hopefully learn to trust yourself enough to tackle any
challenge that comes your way.

2. Develop a Ritualistic Warm-Up Routine

Establishing a ‘pre-competition’ routine can also be immensely calming. Create a warm-up routine that
caters for both the body and mind. This could include dynamic stretches, mobility exercises, and other
mental preparation techniques, such as visualization or breath-work. Having a familiar routine not only
provides a sense of comfort and confidence, but also sends specific signals to your brain when it's time
to focus, furthermore calming nerves and enhancing your overall readiness. Click here to to read what
Coach Hannes recommends to be the most ideal way to warm-up before any workout.

3. Set Realistic Goals

While ambition is always commendable, setting unrealistic goals may lead to unnecessary stress and
possible disappointment. Instead, define achievable targets based on your current fitness level and
capabilities, and stay focused on there more manageable and individualized tasks, with an emphasis on
‘INDIVIDUAL’. It’s important to remember that The CrossFit Open isn’t only about competition; it’s
also a journey of self-discovery, ergo your number one competitor should be yourself. This kind of
approach allows you to celebrate even the smaller victories, reinforcing a positive mindset.

4. Mindful Breathing Techniques

The power of breath should never be underestimated. Incorporate mindful breathing techniques into
your warm-up and during breaks between workouts. Deep, controlled breaths can help regulate your
heart rate, reduce stress, and keep you centered a midst the excitement of competition. If you’re at a
total loss with regards to what to actually do, reach out to one of your coaches for some advice or click
here to read about some help techniques.

5. Focus on the Process, Not the Outcome

It's easy to get overwhelmed when fixating on the leader-board or the final result. Instead, concentrate
on the process of each workout, and each individual task or exercise at hand. Break it down into
manageable segments and stay present in each moment. This approach not only eases anxiety but also
enhances your overall performance.

6. Embrace the Unknown

CrossFit is notorious for its unpredictability. Rather than fearing the unknown, embrace it. Cultivate a
mindset that views surprises as opportunities to showcase your adaptability and resilience. This mental
shift can transform anxiety into excitement.

7. Positive Self-Talk
Your inner dialogue has a profound impact on your mental state. Replace negative thoughts with
positive affirmations. Remind yourself of your capabilities and the hard work you've invested. Positive
self-talk builds confidence and can actually serve as a powerful tool for staying calm under pressure.
Click here to be inspired by some affirmations that will help you to embrace athletic success.
In the thrilling journey of the CrossFit Open, maintaining composure is a skill that can set you apart
from the rest, and ultimately be your key to success. With a foundation of self-awareness, a road-map
of goals, a diversified training regimen, mental fortitude, and positively affirming yourself, you'll be
primed to conquer the Open. But remember, staying calm isn't just about surviving the Open; it's about
thriving and achieving your personal best. So embrace the challenge, learn from every setback, and
celebrate every triumph.
Good luck, and may the calmness be with you!

For more information about the CrossFit Open 2024, click here to read what Coach Marnus has to
share regarding The What, The How and The Why.

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