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Writing Exam – Semester 2 Al Mawakeb School 2023 – 2024

Name: _____________________ Duration: 50 minutes

Grade 9_____ Grade: _______ / 25

W.9.1 Write arguments to support claims in an analysis of substantive topics or texts, using valid reasoning and relevant and
sufficient evidence.

W.9.1 a. Introduce precise claim(s), and create an organization that establishes clear relationships among claim(s), reasons, and

W.9.1 b. Develop claim(s) fairly, and supply evidence for each.

W.9.1 c. Use words, phrases and clauses to link the major sections of the text, create cohesion, and clarify the relationships between
claim(s) and reasons, between reasons and evidence, and between claim(s) and counterclaims.

W.9.1 d. Establish and maintain a formal style and objective tone while attending to the norms and conventions of the discipline in
which they are writing. e. Provide a concluding statement or section that follows from and supports the argument presented.

General Instructions:

 Maintain a smooth writing flow. The essay must be completely consistent with the prompts and guiding questions.
 Make use your researches, experiences, contemporary news, and concepts that you can relate to.
 Make a strong introduction. Do not forget the thesis statement which should clarify your point of view and whether
you agree or disagree with the topic.
 If required, cite facts, figures, and data. It’s best to stay away from factual material if you’re not sure about the
statistics or stats. If you’re unsure about something, don’t write it down.
 The essay’s body should be persuasive, with all of the points, facts, and information listed in great detail.
 The essay must be written correctly in terms of grammar. Avoid using long, difficult sentences to avoid grammatical
 Once you’ve finished drafting your essay, proofread it. It enables you to scan for minor and large grammar and
spelling problems.


Use your graphic organizer and the information you gathered earlier to write a persuasive essay about
ONE of the following topics:

Topic 1: In recent years, the consumption of energy drinks has become increasingly prevalent among
individuals of all ages. Supporters argue that these beverages provide a quick boost of energy and enhance
alertness, especially during demanding times. However, mounting evidence suggests that the widespread
availability and consumption of energy drinks pose significant health risks, particularly among young people.
Considering the potential health consequences associated with energy drink consumption, these
beverages should be banned from being sold in supermarkets. Do you agree or disagree with this

Topic 2: Peer pressure, the influence that individuals exert to conform to certain behaviors, or attitudes, has
long been a topic of debate among psychologists, educators, and parents. Some argue that peer pressure is an
inevitable aspect of social interaction and serves as a mechanism for socialization and identity formation.
Others oppose by saying that peer pressure can lead to negative outcomes, including risky behaviors,
compromised decision-making, and diminished self-esteem. Considering the complexities of peer pressure,
it is a considerable problem in contemporary society. Do you agree or disagree to this statement?















































Persuasive Writing Rubric

Criteria Excellent (5) Good (4) Fair (3) Improvement (2) Inadequate (1)

Provides relevant
Engaging and background Introduces the
effectively sets up information and topic but lacks Introduction is
the topic. context. engagement. weak or irrelevant.
Missing introduction or
Thesis statement Thesis statement Thesis statement Thesis statement
clearly states a states a clear states a position presents a vague
strong and focused position but may but lacks clarity or or unclear No identifiable thesis
Introduction position. lack specificity. focus. position. statement.

arguments but
lacks depth or
Presents logical
Presents arguments with
compelling sufficient Evidence is
arguments with support. presented but Arguments are
strong support. may be weak or Arguments are absent or
Provides relevant
insufficient or unsupported. irrelevant.
Argument Provides ample, evidence but
Development and relevant, and may lack depth Evidence is lacking No evidence provided to
Evidence Support credible evidence. or variety. or irrelevant. support arguments.

Ideas are Ideas are not

Ideas are very well- organized but well-organized. Organization lacks
Organization and organized and flow transitions may Transitions are coherence and Lacks any discernible
Coherence smoothly. be weak. rarely used. logical flow. organization.

Language is Language is clear

sophisticated, and mostly Language may be Language is
appropriate, and appropriate for simplistic or lack awkward or Language is unclear or
Language and Style engaging. the audience. variety. inappropriate. incomprehensible.

Free of
grammatical errors, Few minor errors Several errors in Numerous errors
Grammar, spelling mistakes, in grammar, grammar, in grammar,
Mechanics, and and formatting mechanics, or mechanics, or mechanics, or Writing is difficult to
Formatting issues. formatting. formatting. formatting. understand due to errors.

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