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Assessment Workbook
CPC Construction, Plumbing and Services Training Package
Learner name: _______________________________

This Workbook incorporates the following unit:

CPCCBC4010 Apply structural principles to residential and commercial constructions

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Assessment Workbook CPCCBC4010 Apply structural principles to residential and commercial constructions V1 CPC Construction, Plumbing and
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Unit of competency ...............................................................................................................5
Overview/Competency demonstration .....................................................................................5
CPCCBC4010 Apply structural principles to residential and commercial constructions ...................5
Analyse the structural integrity of building project ................................................................5
Plan, coordinate and manage the laying of footings ..............................................................6
Plan, coordinate and manage laying of flooring systems ........................................................6
Plan, coordinate and manage the building of wall systems.....................................................6
Plan, coordinate and manage wall cladding ..........................................................................6
Plan, coordinate and manage the building of structural roof systems ......................................7
Assessment Workbook...........................................................................................................8
Assessment Overview ............................................................................................................8
Readiness for Assessment (Trainer to Complete) .....................................................................9
Unit of competency ...............................................................................................................9
Assessment Task 1 ± Written/Verbal Questions...................................................................... 10
Instructions ..................................................................................................................... 10
Assessment Task 2 ± Workplace Practical/Simulation Tasks .................................................... 10
Instructions ..................................................................................................................... 10
Assessment Task 3 ± Projects .............................................................................................. 10
Instructions ..................................................................................................................... 10
Assessment Overview Agreement ......................................................................................... 11
Agreement by the Learner ................................................................................................... 12
Agreement by the Assessor .................................................................................................. 13
Assessment Task 1 ± Written/Verbal Questions...................................................................... 14
Instructions ..................................................................................................................... 14
Written/Verbal Questions Assessment Record ........................................................................ 47
Unit of competency ............................................................................................................. 47
Instructions for the Learner .............................................................................................. 47
Instructions for the Trainer ............................................................................................... 47
Workplace Practical/Simulation Tasks Checklist and Assessment Record .................................. 48
Instructions for the Trainer ............................................................................................... 48
Workplace Practical/Simulation Task 2.1 ± Apply structural principles to residential and
commercial constructions..................................................................................................... 49
Part 1: Loads ...................................................................................................................... 52
Part 2: Conformance ........................................................................................................... 53
Part 3: Footings .................................................................................................................. 54
Part 4: Flooring ................................................................................................................... 55
Part 5: Framing and cladding ............................................................................................... 56
Part 6: Window schedule ..................................................................................................... 57
Workplace Practical/Simulation Task 2.1 Observation ± Apply structural principles to residential
and commercial constructions .............................................................................................. 58
Workplace Practical/Simulation Tasks Assessment Record....................................................... 64
Unit of competency ............................................................................................................. 64
Instructions for the Learner .............................................................................................. 64
Instructions for the Trainer ............................................................................................... 64
Assessment Task 3 ± Projects .............................................................................................. 65
Project 3.1 ± Apply structural principles to residential and commercial constructions ................. 66
Part 1: Pre-commencement checklist .................................................................................... 68
Part 1: Wall frame checklist ................................................................................................. 69
Part 1: Roof truss checklist .................................................................................................. 70
Part 1: Decorative ply wall cladding checklist ......................................................................... 71
Part 2: Conformance with the BCA........................................................................................ 73
3DUW ²³ %XLOGHU¶V REOLJDWLRQV ± warranties............................................................................... 75
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Projects Assessment Record ................................................................................................. 76

Unit of competency ............................................................................................................. 76
Instructions for the Learner .............................................................................................. 76
Instructions for the Trainer ............................................................................................... 76
Final Assessment Outcome Record ....................................................................................... 77
Unit of competency ............................................................................................................. 77
Agreement that competency has been achieved .................................................................... 78

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Unit of competency
CPCCBC4010 Apply structural principles to residential and commercial constructions

Overview/Competency demonstration
This Workbook covers the following unit of competency:

CPCCBC4010 Apply structural principles to residential and commercial

This unit of competency specifies the skills and knowledge required to apply structural principles to
the construction of residential or commercial structures. This unit includes applying structural
principles to footing, floor, wall and roof systems.

It applies to National Construction Code (NCC) classifications:

x Residential - Class 1 and 10 buildings, maximum two storeys

x Commercial - Class 2 to 9, Type C only constructions.

This unit of competency applies to builders, site managers, forepersons and other managers in the
building and construction industry who apply structural principles to the demolition or construction
of structures.

This unit of competency is suitable for those using specialised knowledge to complete routine and
non-routine tasks and using their own judgement to deal with predictable and sometimes
unpredictable problems relating to building application approvals.

Completion of the general construction induction training program specified by the model Code of
Practice for Construction Work is required for any person who is to carry out construction work.
Achievement of CPCCWHS1001Prepare to work safely in the construction industry meets this

Licensing, regulatory or registration requirements apply to this unit of competency in some

jurisdictions. Relevant state and territory regulatory authorities should be consulted to confirm
these requirements.

To demonstrate your competency in this unit you will need to provide evidence of your ability to:

Analyse the structural integrity of building project

9 Determine the class of building, intended use of building and climate zone from the NCC.
9 Analyse project for compliance with NCC bushfire, high wind, earthquake and alpine
environment requirements.
9 Analyse building design and structural integrity from project plans and specifications, building
standards and codes.
9 Determine the effect of section properties on various materials.
9 Determine if structural performance meets the General Requirements and Performance
Requirements of NCC.
9 Confirm analysis with relevant industry professionals.
9 Conduct pre-commencement site inspection to confirm analysis.
9 Assess new and emerging building technologies for application to the construction process and
their compliance with NCC requirements and relevant Australian Standards.

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Plan, coordinate and manage the laying of footings

9 Identify earthworks and footing or slab configuration from project plans and specifications.
9 Establish cut and fill, excavation and compaction compliance with geotechnical report.
9 Assess performance of reinforcement, concrete and other elements which contribute to
structural integrity of specified footings.
9 Determine compliance with building and construction regulations, standards and codes.
9 Set out footings in accordance with project plans and specifications.

Plan, coordinate and manage laying of flooring systems

9 Identify flooring systems materials, components and configuration from project plans and
9 Establish footing type and tie-down details.
span requirements.
9 Determine if floor framing and flooring is compliant with NCC Performance Requirements for
climate zone, fire resistance and rising damp requirements.
9 Supervise and check laying of specified floor system complies with project documentation.

Plan, coordinate and manage the building of wall systems

9 Identify and analyse structural and non-structural wall systems used in the planning of the
building and construction project.
9 Determine materials used for timber and steel framing and structural steel members meet the
Performance Requirements of the NCC and timber framing complies with AS 1684 Residential
timber-framed construction.
9 Identify, implement and check processes for erecting structural and non-structural wall systems
FRPSO\ ZLWK PDQXIDFWXUHU¶V VSHFifications and building and construction standards and codes.
9 Plan, implement and check requirements for application of bracing, tie-downs, tolerances,
allowances, and fixing and installation of wall frame components for compliance with relevant
Australian Standards, codes and manufacturer specifications.
9 Manage processes to ensure quality of the frame, whether factory pre-cut and pre-nailed,
factory pre-cut and assembled on site, or cut and assembled on site.
9 Identify and implement allowances for services to be installed.
9 Check compliance of installation of windows and doors with building and construction standards

Plan, coordinate and manage wall cladding

9 Identify type of structural roof system and components and determine compliance with
Performance Requirements of NCC.
9 Plan, implement and check erection of structural roof, roof trusses or hand cut roof members
comply with building and construction standards and codes and accepted industry construction
9 Plan, implement and check installation of roof sarking and cladding, skylights, roof ventilators
and service penetrations comply with building standards, codes and manufacturer specifications.

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Plan, coordinate and manage the building of structural roof systems

9 Assess structural performance of cladding to be used for bracing in the frame construction for
compliance with building and construction standards, codes and manufacturer specifications.
9 Determine cladding, vapour permeable sarking or waterproof membrane and components meet
the Performance Requirements of NCC.
9 Supervise and check installation of specified cladding complies with building and construction
standards, codes and industry-accepted industry practices.

Prerequisite units: CPCCBC4053 Apply building codes and standards to the construction process for
Class 2 to 9 Type C buildings
CPCCBC4001 Apply building codes and standards to the construction process for Class 1 and 10

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Assessment Workbook

Assessment Overview
To be deemed competent in this unit of competency, the Learner must successfully complete the

Learner Activity Complete the Learning Activities, Self-Assessment Questionnaire, and

Workbook Simulated Learning Activities, in the Learner Activity Workbook, and
submit the Learning Participation Outcome Record Sheet.

Learning Journal Complete and submit the Learning Journal.

Assessment Workbook These are a set of tasks you will be required to complete. You must
achieve a satisfactory result for each task to be deemed competent in
this unit of competency.

The tasks include:

Task 1: Written/Verbal Questions
Task 2: Workplace Practical/Simulation Tasks
Task 3: Projects

Workplace/Placement These are a set of tasks you will be required to complete during your
Workbook work placement. You must achieve a satisfactory result for each task
to be deemed competent in this unit of competency.

The tasks include:

Part 1: Reflective Journal and Logbook
Part 2: Third Party Report
Part 3: Workplace Observation Report/Verbal Interview

This Assessment Workbook is divided into the following tasks:

Task 1 Written/Verbal Questions
Task 2 Workplace Practical/Simulation Tasks
Task 3 Projects

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Readiness for Assessment (Trainer to Complete)

Unit of competency
CPCCBC4010 Apply structural principles to residential and commercial constructions

I certify that the Learner:

Has completed the Learning Activities, Simulated Learning Activities, and the Self-Assessment
Questionnaire in the Learner Activity Workbook
Has submitted the Learning Activities Record sheet from the Learner Activity Workbook
Has submitted the Simulated Learning Activities Record sheet from the Learner Activity
Has submitted the Self-Assessment Record sheet from the Learner Activity Workbook
Has submitted the Final Learning Participation Outcome Record sheet from the Learner Activity
Has completed and submitted the Learning Journal
Is ready to be assessed in this unit of competency

Trainer Name:

Trainer Signature: Date: ____/____/____

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Assessment Task 1 ± Written/Verbal Questions

x You are required to sign and date before starting Assessment tasks on the document provided
at the start of each task.
x You must have submitted your Readiness for Assessment signed in conjunction with your
Trainer. You must not move to assessment without completion of the Self-Assessment
x You are required to provide detailed answers, to the questions in the space provided. One-word
responses will not be accepted as a suffice answer.
x Written questions may be a combination of multiple choice, short answer or true or false
x The Trainer and Assessor will conduct reasonable adjustment should this be identified, and
x Your answers to these questions are used to determine an assessment judgement, part thereof
the overall assessment judgment includes this task.
x All questions if necessary will require a verbal interview from the Trainer to verify the responses
x If any supplementary documents are required to be submitted they must be marked with the
Learner Name, date completed, and submitted alongside this Assessment Task.

Assessment Task 2 ± Workplace Practical/Simulation Tasks

x Mandatory completion of all Workplace Practical/Simulation Tasks in conjunction with this
Assessment task must be conducted and deemed satisfactory to achieve competency in this
x All Workplace Practical/Simulation Tasks are tasks which will align to the duties performed in
this capacity in the workplace.
x Any machinery or equipment that is used during the process of these assessment tasks must be
safe for use and tagged if appropriate. All safety conditions performed under instruction of the
be re scheduled to a different site or day until the safety issu H LV UHFWLILHG´ 7KH /HDUQHU¶V VLWH
supervisor may be contacted in this event.
x If your Trainer feels the tasks has been not sufficiently covered, they may direct you to a similar
task, in line with a secondary Workplace Practical/Simulation Task which will be clearly advised
at the time of assessment.
x Multiple assessment of the same tasks may be necessary to ensure a satisfactory standard.
x An observation checklist will be conducted during the completion of this task, your Trainer will
notify you on the tasks they will be observing for this assessment.

Assessment Task 3 ± Projects

x Any templates needed to complete these Assessment tasks, are attached to the Assessment
Workbook and must be completed in conjunction with the Assessment task.
x You are able to provide supplementary evidence of the tasks performed on previous occasions,
if determined suitable by your Trainer and Assessor. Please ensure that you discuss this with
your Trainer if you are unsure.
x If the conditions of these Assessment tasks cannot be replicated in a real-life work task on the
day of assessment, your Trainer may conduct all or part thereof in a simulated work practical
task, in line with the assessment process for this task.

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Assessment Overview Agreement

In order to be assessed as Competent in the unit that makes up this Workbook you need to provide
evidence which demonstrates you can perform the required competencies to the required standard.
Competency depends on consistently demonstrating the skills and knowledge to enable you to
complete workplace tasks confidently in a variety of situations.

The content of this final assessment is designed to consolidate your learning to provide evidence
that you are indeed competent. More specifically, summative assessments are designed to
evaluate Learner learning at the end of an instructional unit and compared to a benchmark. The
Assessor will base the final outcome of each unit and deem the assessment competent for every
satisfactory task.

You must complete this assessment individually. If any answers are incorrect, your Trainer/Assessor
will work with you to identify gaps in your knowledge and understanding. You will be instructed to
revise learning activities for specific sections, before arrangements can be made for a reattempt at

You must sign the Agreement on the following page and so must your Trainer and Assessor. This
section is mandatory, you must not proceed without both agreements being competed.

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Agreement by the Learner

Please sign below to demonstrate that you understand what is required of you in relation to this

Have you read and understood what is required of you in terms of Yes No

Do you understand the requirements of this assessment? Yes No

Do you agree to the way in which you are being assessed? Yes No

Do you have any special needs or considerations to be made for this Yes No
assessment? If yes, what are they? _____________________________

Do you understand your rights to appeal the decisions made in an Yes No


I understand I have three attempts to complete each task satisfactorily. If Yes No

required to do further training before reattempting this unit.
I hereby certify that this assessment is my own work, based on my Yes No
personal study and/or research. I have acknowledged all material and
resources used in the presentation of this assessment whether they are
books, articles, reports, internet searched or any other document or
personal communication. I also certify that the assessment has not
previously been submitted for assessment in any other subject or any
other time in the same subject and that I have not copied in part or whole
or otherwise plagiarised the work of other learning and/or other persons.

I confirm that I understand that I must complete this assessment on my

own. I confirm that I will not cheat or plagiarise, or copy from another
Learner during the completion of this assessment.

I agree to allow the RTO to discuss the progress / results of my Yes No

assignment with my supervisor or a representative from my organisation
should this be required.

I give permission for the RTO to use my assignment for assessment Yes No
moderation / validation purposes.

I confirm that I have read and understood my responsibilities and requirements for assessment.

/HDUQHU¶V 6LJQDWXUH³ Date: ____/____/____

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Agreement by the Assessor

The Assessor is to complete this declaration with the Learner.

I have acknowledged the underpinning knowledge and skills may be Yes No

assessed on or off the job.
Context of and specific resources for assessment. Yes No

Resources required for assessment include access to:

x Appropriate workplace where assessment can take place
x Relevant workplace policies, protocols, manuals and procedures
x Tools, equipment and machinery normally used in the workplace
x Learner Activity Workbook

If you ticked NO, what arrangement has been made to satisfy the gap?

I confirm that I am a qualified workplace Assessor and will be conducting Yes No

the assessment for this unit and Learner.

Have all aspects of the Learner Agreement been explained and Yes No

Does the Learner understand they have three attempts to complete each Yes No
reattempting this unit.

I confirm that I have explained and confirmed all of the above items with the Learner.

Assessor Signature: Date: ____/____/____

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Assessment Task 1 ± Written/Verbal Questions

x You are required to sign and date before starting Assessment tasks on the document provided
at the start of each task.
x You must have submitted your Readiness for Assessment signed in conjunction with your
Trainer. You must not move to assessment without completion of the Self-Assessment
x You are required to provide detailed answers, to the questions in the space provided. One-word
responses will not be accepted as a suffice answer.
x Written questions may be a combination of multiple choice, short answer or true or false
x The Trainer and Assessor will conduct reasonable adjustment should this be identified, and
x Your answers to these questions are used to determine an assessment judgement, part thereof
the overall assessment judgment includes this task.
x All questions if necessary will require a verbal interview from the Trainer to verify the responses.
x If any supplementary documents are required to be submitted they must be marked with the
Learner Name, date completed, and submitted alongside this Assessment Task.

Refer to the Learner Activity Workbook to help you answer the questions in this

In this task, there are a total of 39 questions. You must satisfactorily complete all 39 questions.

The questions within this section address the following unit:

CPCCBC4010 Apply structural principles to residential and commercial constructions

Learner Name: Alexander Gonzalez Alvarez

Learner Signature: Date: ____/____/____

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1.1 List 7 structural principles that apply to erection or demolition of a low-rise commercial
Verbally interviewed

Behaviour of structural materials

Loads and loading

Performance of columns

Performance of roof trusses

Section properties

Solution of force systems

Wind bracing.

1.2 Identify the structural characteristics that define the performance characteristics below.
Verbally interviewed

Structural characteristic Performance characteristic

This structure with a uniformly distributed load will bend mid-span.

The deflection limit of this structure, or the degree to which it can
bend under a load, is calculated as length of span / 300.

These are built to hold back soil. Retaining walls may be inclined
Rataining Wall
(i.e. on a slope), gravity-supported (i.e. upright) or cantilevered

The slenderness ratio, which is a measure of the maximum load it

Buckling failure
can support

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1.3 Describe the following terms that help to understand the structural principles of residential low-
rise structures.
Verbally interviewed

Term Meaning
- Refers to the physical weight imposed on the building/structure and
the consequential pressure of this.
- Loads include those which are fixed, known as dead loads.
- Loads can be variable such as movement within the building,
known as live loads.
- Environmental loads also exist, such as wind and snow loads.

Dead load
A non-moveable weight, for example a concrete slab, walls, roof

Live load
A moveable weight, for example, people, house hold furniture, light
fittings etc.

Wind load
The positive pressure against a building, induced by wind.

Shrinkage load
volumetric change of one element due to loss of moisture without
external load for many factors. (Weather, or components chemicals)

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Term Meaning
Thermal load Temperature changes in the weather and seasons, have an effect on
building structures. Heat may cause expansion in building materials,
while cold may cause the opposite, which is contractions.
Heat is responsible for evaporation of moisture from soils and causes
contraction, while cold weather in the alpine regions; ice actually

Settlement load
Settlement is the downward movement of the base of a structure.
The effect upon the structure depends on its magnitude, its uniformity,
length of time it takes place, and the nature of the structure itself.

Compressive load
Compression is the opposite of tension as this force acts a manner
that tends to shorten/compress together. This force is a compressive
force and the body is in a state of compression when under load.

Shear load
Shear is when an object goes in opposite directions, a perpendicular
tearing force.

Tensile load
Tension is the force that tends to stretch/lengthen an object/body.
This force is known as tensile force and the body is commonly known
as in a state of tension if under load.

Bending loads
A bending force is when a weight forces a particular material to have
a bow. The member experiences compression in the top of it and
tension in the bottom.

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1.4 Identify the 3 type of forces acting on a retaining wall.

Verbally interviewed

Impact forces

Seismic wall self-weight forces

Lateral earth pressure

1.5 How does doming affect the structural integrity of the slab and floors?
Verbally interviewed

the affectation is about 100% it are working monoliticaly, it is mean that every structure

are doing force as slab, floors and wall because the vectors transferred on the soil.

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1.6 Describe in detail the job roles of the 4 listed relevant industry professionals that can be
consulted to gain advice regarding design and structural integrity of buildings?
Verbally interviewed

Industry professional Job role description

They produce construction/building designs and may also assist with:
• The design briefs • Concept sketches and artists impressions
• Working out the practicalities of the design
• Preparing site analysis reports including recognition of any site constraints
• Preparing contract documentation (including build specifications and
working drawings)
• Administering contracts and the tendering process

Building surveyors
They check that new buildings comply with the Building Code of
Australia (BCA); they also check that maintenance, repair, alterations and renovations of existing
buildings comply with the BCA. They employ building inspectors to check the site to ensure
the minimum requirements of the BCA are being met. They must also advise on laws and regulations
for construction and safety and undertake structural surveys and prepare reports of these;
they negotiate with local authorities to obtain approvals under planning acts and other relevant legislation. They may also:
• Assess building plans to check they meet the requirements of building regulations and codes of practice
• Advise builders and owners of potential problems in plans
• Recommend additional community facilities/amenities as a result of the build
• Inspect all types of buildings before purchase and inspect buildings during construction to ensure they meet building regulations
• Maintain records of progress on the construction and document occurrences of breaches in regulations or
unapproved alterations
• Give evidence in court for breaches of building regulations
• Issue certificates on completion of the build to show compliance
Drafts people

They produce different types of drawings for architects and structural advice on the build for engineers,
they may also:
• Work on the design brief
• Calculate structural requirements and strengths
• Prepare feasibility studies on constructing the build
• Estimate costs for the build • Prepare permit documentation


Engineering is a professional discipline that deals with the designing, planning, construction, and
management of infrastructures such as roads, tunnels, bridges, airports, railroads, facilities, buildings,
dams, utilities and other projects.
• Geotechnical engineers who assess the land and soil of the construction site; they inspect and take
samples to analyse and determine the best footing systems
• Services engineers who provide expertise for specific technical requirements of the build, for example,
acoustics, lighting and electrics, and security systems
• Structural engineers who design the structural components of a building such as the concrete slab or the
footings; they may also prepare reports about structural-related aspects

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1.7 List any 10 documents that are collected and analysed to assist the planning and construction
process of residential low-rise buildings.
Verbally interviewed

Building approval plans

Contract plans

Designs and specifications

Engineer footing designs and specifications

Original contour survey plan

Registered plans

Retaining walls

Site plans

Soil investigation reports

Structural floor systems, wall systems and roof systems - plans (or floor plans)

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1.8 What is a pre-commencement site inspection?

Verbally interviewed

A pre-commencement inspection is an analysis of the designs and plans and how they
will relate to a particular site. This is done to ensure that the preliminary designs and
plans are correct and match the site.
Often a pre-commencement inspection will involve the physical inspection of the land.
A comparison will be made of the drawings, plans and specifications to ensure that they
are the correct ones that are intended for the site in question.

• Checking the surveyors drawings, specifically the contours plans ensuring that they match
the site in question.

• Investigating the access to the site and whether it will facilitate the needs of a building project

i.e. can be trucks enter, turn around, Park or operate without obstruction.

• The location of all services will need to be verified against documentation to ensure that they

are correct. If assumptions made such as the availability of water or power and this proves to

be false then it could either be both are very costly exercise to rectify.

• Environmental inspection should also be undertaken these can include any issue that may

occur with drainage, or if any aspects of the project impact on the local environment. Often

a drainage plan or site drainage management plan will be referred to in this part of the


• The location of any adjacent buildings will also be noted.

• Any other obvious issues on site such as location of trees, location offences, as well as a site

set out can all be checked against documentation in a pre-site inspection.

• Requirements may also be under investigation such as the need for fencing for the site or

the need for centre Terry facilities such as portable toilets.

• Upon this inspection builders will usually compile an inspection report and can utilise pre-site
inspection checklist's to facilitate inspections.

• Various other items can be checked to ensure that everything is in place ready for the project

to commence.

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1.9 Develop a checklist and determine the wind classification and designated wind speed for a site
using the following data.

The house is located on the waterfront at Port Phillip Bay (Melbourne Victoria) and is located in a
residential suburbia development.

The area surrounding the proposed home is very flat in the immediate vicinity but changes to
gentle hills some 1km distance from the site. Building geometry conforms to requirements of
Verbally interviewed

The determination of the design just wind speed and wind classification should take
into account building height, the train category, topographic classification and should
classification as given in AS 1170.2 or AS 4055.

Some regulatory authorities provide wind classification maps or when classifications

for designated sites within the jurisdiction i.e. some councils principalities produce
wind classification maps.
In Victoria there are generally two wind classifications; these are:
• N1
• N2
The method for calculating the amount, type and arrangement of bracing in housing
and structures usually follows the same lines in that the areas wind classification and
subsequent bracing requirements are calculated by taking into account aspects of the
building and its situation such as:

• The level which is set by the BCA

• Direction
• Height
• Terrain
• Topography
• Shielding.

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1.10 List 3 termite system or component options for suspended floors, in accordance with Volume
Two of the NCC.
Verbally interviewed

Sheet material

Granular Material


1.11 Detail the actions that you would take and the clauses from the BCA or referenced standards
that you would use to ensure the structural integrity and compliance of the following. Each should
include the BCA volume and clause, and the Australian standard.
Verbally interviewed

Actions / compliance requirements

Strip footings
Volumen 2 clause 3.2.2.

(a)the base of the footing must be horizontal or have a slope

of not more than 1:10;

(b)be stepped in accordance with one of the methods

Concrete slab on ground Volumen 2 clause 3.2.2

(i)with an in-slab or in-screed heating or cooling system, must
have insulation with an R-Value greater than orequal to 1.0,
installed around the vertical edge of its perimeter; and

(ii)when in climate zone 8, must be insulated—

(A)around the vertical edge of its perimeter with insulation

having an R-Value greater than or equal to 1.0;and
(B)underneath the slab with insulation having an R-Value
greater than or equal to 2.0.

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1.12 Below is a table on footing selection wall load. List the weight, loading and minimum bearing
capacity for each type of construction.
Verbally interviewed

Type of construction Weight Loading Minimum bearing capacity


Brick veneer

Solid brick

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1.13 What is the first step that needs to be taken before starting to lay the footings?
Verbally interviewed

Before starting to lay the footings, It has to check the levels and rectific about the vertex geodesic

and topography with the plans, and check the section it. Must follow the rules of the designs as

structural, geology and building plans.

You are required to demolish an existing structure in order to build a new home. The existing strip
footings are found to be 2m deep and removing them will disturb the ground below the design level
of the new footings.

1.14 What type of consultants would you engage to recommend a solution to the problem? List 2.
Verbally interviewed

The consultants that I must engage are the Engineer geotechnical.

The consultants that I must engage are the Engineer Structural

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1.15 What are the options available to achieve compliance with building regulations and retain the
integrity of the new building?
Verbally interviewed

When undertaking maintenance activities, departments should investigate/consider

requirements to upgrade existing components of a building to meet the latest standards

(e.g.upgrading components to meet the latest energy efficiency standards of the BCA; upgrading

to meet the latest building accessibility requirements).

Further, not all maintenance can be carried out without regard to applicable codes.

Departments should check whether self assessment is required before carrying out

maintenance activities. The Building Regulation refers to building work that includes
'repairs, maintenance or alterations' that:

• do not affect a structural component of the building

• do not affect the building's fire safety system

• do not change the building or structure's floor area or height

• only affect a minor structural component of the building, and do not affect more than

20% of structural components of the same type

• only affect a minor component of the building's fire safety system, and do not affect

more than 20% of the system's components of the same type.

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1.16 Briefly explain how service pipes can be laid in concrete slabs/floor system for the following
Verbally interviewed

Conditions Methods
In recess through the slab
Where a pipe junction occurs beneath a slab, the angle at the
junction must be no more than 45°.
Drains must be laid to allow easy access for maintenance and
clearing blockages, with access points provided immediately
outside the building.
If two or more soil fixtures are connected to a branch drain
beneath a slab, an access point must be provided downstream
of the highest fixture connection. Where the access point is
within the building, it may be a sealed, floorlevel rodding point.
This must comply with the isolation and ventilation
requirements for the spaces in which the soil fixtures are

Running directly through

the slab
Drainage pipes passing through a foundation wall must be
sleeved with a minimum 25 mm clearance and filled with a
flexible material so they can move independently of the slab
or beam.
The pipe should be located in the middle third of the beam
both horizontally and vertically.

Running under the slab

The pipe must be on a minimum 100 mm compacted base
bedding of sand or other granular material with a maximum
particle size of 20 mm. Compacted side and cover bedding
is needed. The cover bedding depth varies according to the
depth of the trench.

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1.17 List 3 locations where the Building Code of Australia requires the use of vapor barriers,
waterproof membranes, and sarking or damp-proof courses.
Verbally interviewed




1.18 Describe 4 types of materials which can be used to construct wall frames.
Verbally interviewed

Sintetic material

Timber material

Metal material
Sheet material

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1.19 Provide a detailed description of the following parts of the wall frame.
Verbally interviewed

Wall frame part Description

Top plate
The top horizontal member of a frame building to which the rafters are

Lintels A lintel is a type of beam (a horizontal structural element) that spans

openings such as portals, doors, windows and fireplaces.

Jamb studs
Jamb studs are used to on either side of a lintel in an opening to lock the
lintel into position.

In light-frame construction, a trimmer is a timber or metal beam (joist)
used to create an opening around a stairwell, skylight, chimney, and
the like. Trimmers are installed parallel to the primary floor or ceiling
joists and support headers, which run perpendicular to the primary

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1.20 What are the applications of bracings. You should mention the standard that needs to be
followed for bracing, fixings and tie downs in residential low-rise constructions?
Verbally interviewed

Fixings - these are the mechanisms by which the building parts are connected to other parts

Tie-downs - these are fixings that specifically help to resist uplift and shear forces.

Sheets shall be securely glued and nailed to the top edge of the joists. Nails shall be 10 mm

from all edges and at 150 mm centres at ends and butt joints for square edge sheets. Nails

shall be at 300 mm max. centres at intermediate joists or nogging.

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