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VCE Music Repertoire performance


Performance descriptors

DESCRIPTOR: typical performance in each range

Very Low Low Medium High Very high
Demonstrates a strategy to Demonstrates some strategies Demonstrates planning and Demonstrates of a range of Demonstration of a wide range of
overcome a specific challenge. specifically linked to particular implementation of approaches to planned and implemented planned and implemented
Unit 3 challenges in the music being develop strategies relating to the strategies, developing specific strategies for developing a range
prepared for performance. program being prepared. techniques, including evidence of of specific instrumental, rehearsal
Outcome 2
approaches to developing and presentation/interpretation
Demonstrate and discuss interpretation. techniques relating specifically to
techniques related to the works selected for
performance of selected works, performance.
including aspects of
interpretation. Lists some strategies specific to a Describes some strategies and Describes some musical Discusses, using appropriate Uses appropriate music
music element or concept links them to music elements and challenges in works being music terminology, how works terminology when discussing a
identified in a work being concepts in works being prepared. prepared, and links them to the being prepared for performance variety of ways that works being
prepared for performance. strategies that are being are supported through identifying prepared for performance are
demonstrated. challenges, and developing supported and challenges
specific techniques to overcome overcome through planned and
them. implemented strategies.

KEY to marking scale based on the outcome contributing 30 marks

Task: Demonstration and discussion.

Very Low 1–6 Low 7–12 Medium 13–18 High 19–24 Very High 25–30


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