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A Qualitative Research

In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Subject

Practical Research I








Research Adviser:

Sir. Leovanny Aglibot







Background of the Study…………………………………….

Statement of the Problem…………………………………….

Significance of the Study…………………………………….

Scope and Delimitation………………...…………………...

Definition of Terms………………………………..………….


Foreign Literatures…………………………………...………...

Local Literatures……………………………………………….
Foreign Studies………………………………………………

Local Studies………………………………………………...


Research Design……………………………………………...

Participants of the Study……………………………………...

Profile of the Participants...…………………………………...

Data Gathering Procedures…………………………………...

Data Analysis…………………………………………………

Ethical Considerations………………………………….……..


Profile of the Participants…………………………………..…

How does political content on Facebook

influence your political views as a student……………..…….

Interpretation of Findings………………………….………….

How do you ensure that the content about politics

on Facebook is reliable………….…………….………………

Interpretation of Findings………...….………………….……

What are the challenges you faced by engaging in

political content on Facebook……………..…………………

Interpretations of Findings………………………....…………

In what ways do you think the information you encounter

on Facebook contributes to the evolution of your

political view….………………………………………….....

Interpretations of Findings……………...………………..……

Why are you engaging in political content on Facebook……..

Interpretations of Findings…………………..………..………….






B Gantt Chart

C Curriculum Vitae


This chapter contains the background of the study, statement of the problem, objectives of the

study, significance of the study, scope and delimitation, and research questions.

Background of the Study

New media and technology have changed interpersonal interaction, communication

patterns, and social and political discussions. Media and communication scholars, political

scientists, sociologists, and international relations scholars have conducted hundreds of

studies on various aspects of social media usage. Facebook has a significant impact on social

interactions, attachment, communication styles, and discussions on social and political issues

(Golan et al. 2019).

Gil de Zúñiga et al. (2010) and Shrestha (2013) further pointed out that internet use is a

predictor of offline political participation since the spread of political information online

increases the probability of engaging politically offline. Moreover, various empirical evidence

shows that the Internet has a significant role in transforming patterns of political participation.

Facebook is now playing important roles refers to as “migration process” wherein

youth around the world are using the platform to address their problem of political apathy,
and also engaging in online political discussion that may eventually promote good governance

and development in the society. Abdu SD. et al (2018).

According to (Mosquera et al. 2019) report that being off Facebook for a week

reduces news consumption and makes individuals less able to recognize bias in political news

stories, but they do not examine the effect on political polarization. It is likely that in both

cases the estimates represent the local average treatment effects (LATE), as the most

politically polarized individuals who use social media for political activities may be less

willing to participate in such experiments. Masiha et al. (2018) Political activities on

Facebook are new ways to engage in political matters because they are also low-cost

compared to offline political activism. Facebook provides a platform for individuals to get

political information and participate in public issues.

Based on The "National Youth Commission Act," officially known as Republic Act

No. 8044, is a Philippine law enacted on June 6, 1995. National Youth Commission Act's,

mission is to promote and protect the rights and welfare of young Filipinos, as well as to

ensure their active participation in nation-building and development. Republic Act No. 8044

promotes and supports the formation and growth of youth organizations. This also involved

advocating policies and programs that promote the well-being and development of youth,

ensuring their rights and interests are considered in government decisions.

Part of Presidential Decree No. 603 otherwise known as “The Child and Youth

Welfare Code” issued in December 1974 is the decree promotes the active participation of

children and youth in decision-making processes on matters affecting them and the decree
encourages the formation and participation of youth organizations, which can contribute to

the personal and social development of student.

Most students were found to use Facebook for political awareness and knowledge,

and higher political self-efficacy was found to significantly enhance political participation.

Facebook consumption among young adults is common in both the developed and developing

world. Almost all political parties and their affiliated, or independent individual politicians

have active Facebook accounts to share their political agenda and information about political

activities (Ahmad et al., 2019).

Vosoughi et al., (2018) also know that social media providers typically do not police

the accuracy or the sources of content posted to their platforms; and, because of how

Facebook functions, information—be it true or false—can be shared or promoted quickly,

easily, and repeatedly. Facebook’s capability for speedy dissemination poses an especially

acute challenge regarding false information because it tends to be shared or promoted more

often than accurate information.

The youths also use social media to participate in various political activities, chiefly

among which are political advocacy, political campaigns, communicating with politicians,

political discussions, monitoring and reporting electoral malpractices, public consultations,

joining interest groups that engage in lobbying, blogging about political issues and writing

letters to public officials. Since youths are prolific users of social media, it is easy for them to

use it to also participate in political activities. Omotayo, F., & Folorunso, M. B. (2020).

Statement of the Problem

The objective of this phenomenological study is to explore the impact of Facebook on

the political views of HUMSS Senior High School Students. The proliferation of Facebook as
a social media platform has raised concerns about its potential influence on the political views

and beliefs of Senior High School HUMSS students at Alaminos City National High School.

This study aims to explore how Facebook usage contributes to the formation, alteration, and

polarization of political opinions among these students. It will investigate content exposure,

peer interactions, and media consumption on Facebook and their implications for developing

political perspectives within this demographic. Additionally, this research will examine any

moderating or mediating variables that might shape the relationship between Facebook use

and the Political views of HUMSS Senior High School Students in this context.

This study attempts to answer the following questions.

1. What is the profile of the participants from the Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS)

Senior High that participated in this study:

a. Age;

b. Gender;

c. Address; and

d. Section;

2. How does political content on Facebook influence your political views as a student?

3. How do you ensure that the content about politics on Facebook is reliable?

4. What are the challenges you faced by engaging in political content on Facebook?

5. In what ways do you think the information you encounter on Facebook contributes to the

evolution of your political view?

6. Why are you engaging in political content on Facebook?

Significance of the Study

This Qualitative Research study titled “Exploring the Impact of Facebook on the

Political Views of Senior High School HUMSS Students in Alaminos City National High

School,” may contribute meaningfully to understanding, analyzing, and coping with the said

problem. This study can the:

Students. This will help them to be aware of how politicians use Facebook as a Platform for

their projects and plans for the future. This awareness can contribute to a more informed and

critical understanding of political content in the digital age.

Politicians. They can have better opportunities for improved engagement, data-driven

decision-making, and a more informed approach to addressing the concerns and issues that

matter to young adults.

Future researchers. This will help them to have more knowledge about the impact of

Facebook on political views, this study can also give them information on how Facebook

works in influencing the political views of students. They can use the study as a springboard

for further exploration, policy analysis, and interventions aimed at enhancing youth

engagement in this type of problem.

Scope and Delimitation

The research exclusively centers on Facebook, excluding consideration of other

social media platforms to uphold precision and depth. It specifically aims at students enrolled

in the Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) strand, enabling a more nuanced

investigation into how Facebook shapes the political perspectives of students in this particular

academic specialization. The primary focus of the study is on Facebook as the platform under
scrutiny, concentrating on comprehending how political views evolve through interactions on

this specific social media platform. This specificity is instrumental in crafting a more intricate

and meaningful exploration of how Facebook impacts the political views of Senior High

School HUMSS students in Alaminos City National High School.

The exploration of the impact of Facebook on the political views of Senior High

School Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) students in Alaminos City National High

School is delimited by several factors. First and foremost, the study focuses exclusively on

Facebook, deliberately excluding other social media platforms to maintain a clear and in-

depth investigation. The geographical scope is limited to Alaminos City National High

School, ensuring a localized context for the research. Furthermore, the study narrows down its

participants to students specifically enrolled in the HUMSS strand, recognizing the unique

academic orientation and potential differences in exposure to political content compared to

students in other strands.

Definition of Terms

The following terms were defined for a better understanding of the study.

Exploring. It means examining completely in order to find out more about something or to

investigate, study, or analyze.

Facebook. This is a social networking site that makes it easy for you to connect and share

with family and friends online.

Political Views. Political Views refer to a view that has some bearing on issues dealt with by

the government.
HUMSS Students. Students under the Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) strand that

are following this pathway develop strong communication and critical thinking skills, as well

as an understanding of cultural differences.

Impact. Impact is to have a strong effect or influence on a situation or a person.



This chapter presents the literature and studies which includes journal articles and other

reading materials which bear significance to the present study.

Review of Related Literature

Foreign Literature

According to Freitag (2003) we test the influence of social networks on political

participation. There are, however, vast differences in networks and the types of interaction in

these networks. The results show a strong positive relationship between social networking—

including network hierarchy and some forms of openness—and political participation.

Bosch (2013) In South Africa, discovered the high level of engagement among the

young generation on Facebook and Twitter. Furthermore, it revealed that the youth consider

these online platforms as essential channels for news information and space to freely associate

themselves with a specific cause or advocacy. Bode (2012) argues that, through interaction,

conversation, and possible preference alteration, Facebook use may not just lead to civic skills

but may also influence users. In that respect, future research should try to look at the effects

and benefits of civic interaction on social media beyond the instances of communication


According to Amaefule (2011) “Facebook, which is one of the first social media

tools was launched in 2004 and has over 664.03 million users in about 233 countries

worldwide”. Since Facebook was launched, there has been massive interest from Africans to

use the medium for different purposes, especially among the youth. This observation has been
echoed by Narnia Bohler and Charl (2010) thus: Facebook is currently the most visited

website by internet users on the African continent and currently17 million people on the

continent use Facebook.

Muzaffar (2016) in his study “Educational Institutions and Political Awareness in

Pakistan: A Case Study of Punjab” has found that Pakistani educational institutes, their

environment, and their curriculum, are not teaching the information to the students of

secondary school certificates. The results of this study showed that the level of political

awareness was 7.17%. This study is very comprehensive but it determined the political

awareness through educational institutions this study is designed to determine the effects of

social media in enhancing the level of political awareness among the students of BS and M.

Phil programs.

Vaccari et al. (2015) surveyed Italians who discussed the 2013 election on

Facebook and demonstrated that the more they acquired political information via

social media and expressed themselves politically on these platforms, the more they were

also likely to be involved in more demanding online political activities such as actively

campaigning for a party or candidate.

Local Literature

In the Philippines, internet have changed the lifestyle of the Filipino people because

they rely primarily on the internet as the medium of communication and information. For

millennials, social media is the lifeline of information (Buenaobra, 2016).

Pariabras, R. (2013) almost all students at Misamis University have only one social

media account. Facebook dominates among the social media sites that they prefer for political

issues. Rodrigo Duterte appeared to be their preferred presidential candidate for the 2016
Philippines presidential election. Student participation in social media on issues relating to

presidential candidates was relatively less.

In the Philippines, a study has revealed that social networking sites were used by the

youth as spaces for discussion with politicians, as well as venues for the expression of


opinion through social media posts and blogs, gathering public support through online


building, and mobilizing them through social media (David, 2013).

However, Sebastian (2014) asserted that the Filipino youth is not as disengaged as

people claim them to be. She underlined that the youth are most active in electoral

participation, including registering to vote, voting in local elections, and voting in national

elections. Her study revealed that the youth’s disappointment in national and local politics is

why they randomly participate in other political activities.

The essence of the Filipino youths’ existence is also enshrined in the 1987

Philippine Constitution. Article II (Declaration of Principles and State Policies) Section 13

acknowledges the imperative role of the nation’s youth in nation-building; thus, the Philippine

government ensures that its youth will achieve a good education.

Foreign Studies

In Asia, Hong and Lin (2017) reveal that Singaporean youth are more confident in

using online news media sources because of the ease of access, lower cost, and perceived

safety of online social media platforms. They further claim that there is a vast opportunity

offered by social media use as it can be the new online channel whereby the youth can learn

more about politicians and the issues related to public concerns.

Political participation in China extends beyond the confines of government-led

engagement, encompassing activities like protests, demonstrations, and, intriguingly, even

bribes.Political participation in China is not limited to the government-led political

participation discussed above. The purposes of some forms of political participation are to

challenge the authority or reduce the legitimacy of the CCP’s governance (Y. Cai 2008).

Political participation is one of the major characteristics of democracy. With the

ever-changing society, there is an expansion of the available forms of participation which

placed a problem in its conceptualization as there are new modes of participation (van Deth,


Local Studies

The study of Jacinto (2018) also reveals that political interest, efficacy, and social

networking-based political activities are significantly related to offline political participation

among Filipinos. Basilisco et al (2015) also argued that the convenient motivations of

Facebook use for communication, information, and news consumption can motivate the

Filipinos to be more politically engaged online.

The University of San Carlos (USC), Cebu Normal University (CNU), and the

University of the Philippines- Cebu College (UP-Cebu) in Cebu City were selected as the

research environment of the study primarily because the city itself has an impressive political

structure and culture as a result of historical developments (Sanchez, 2017). Also, the political

practices and economic activities strengthen the electoral competition and capital

accumulation, making Cebuano's politics dynamic throughout its history (Sanchez, 2017).

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