Agriculture Assistant Chatbot

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Volume 9, Issue 5, May – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Agriculture Assistant Chatbot

K. Venkat Reddy1*; E. Sathvik2; K. Laya3; K.S.K. Sri Harsha4
Students of B. Tech, ECE Department, Sreenidhi Institute of Science and Technology, Hyderabad.
*Assistant Professor in Electronics and Communication Engineering, SNIST, HYD

Abstract:- Nowadays, every sector is developing in its “Speech Recognition”. The main objective of mobile farming
own way, except the agriculture sector. The main goal of startup applications is to provide farmers with the necessary
the project is to develop the agriculture sector and give tools to increase crop yield and sustainability as well as to
hope to the farmers to grow themselves. In our opinion, encourage the adoption of data-driven and sustainable
in the future there will be no farmers, so this project agricultural methods by giving farmers with immediate
may have an impact on agriculture. The chatbot will decisions and advices. We are focused on creating an
help humans gain more knowledge about the different atmosphere of helping the farmers in different parts of the
aspects of good agriculture. We have designed this world through this project and to provide them advanced
project using some ML techniques, AI, and NLP. The agricultural methods.
main results of this project will be about crop
management, such as fertilizer dosage and nutrient II. RELATED WORKS
requirements. The key strength of the chatbot lies in its
integration with authoritative sources from "The Indian By looking into the papers related to agriculture
Council of Agricultural Research" (ICAR). Overall, this assistance we have come with an idea to provide
project mainly gives results about how good agriculture accurate and better support to farmers. In our project the
can be done. farmers can easily upload the image of the crops and find
remedy in which CNN algorithm plays a major role, they
Keywords:- Natural Language Processing (NLP), Disease can ask different queries which are related to fertilizers, soil
Detection, Machine Learning, Chatbot, Crop Management. requirements through typing or voice, it can also give
information about weather which is an important factor. Our
I. INTRODUCTION project results in improving production, profit, sustainability
and enhanced crop management.
Indian agribusiness segment has been incredible
calculate of countries financial framework, development "An AI-Based Chatbot Using Deep Learning." In
over provincial lands. But there are numerous challenges Intelligent Systems [1]. This paper proposes the
and troubles that undermines the maintainability and lives of development of a chatbot system powered by deep learning
farmers. This is all since of the ancient cultivating techniques. It highlights the potential benefits of employing
techniques, inadequate materials, crop arranging and deep learning in chatbot development, such as improved
imbalanced utilize of fertilizers. To illuminate this there language understanding, enhanced response generation, and
cones the Chatbot which is implanted with control of NLP adaptability to diverse user inputs
and it lock in clients in discussions to their particular needs
and queries. This serves as a riches of information and ways “Agriculture Talk Bot Using AI”, International Journal
revolutionizing the agriculturists to get to data and make of Recent Technology and Engineering [2]. This paper
choices almost their crops. The fundamental objective of the likely delves into the specific functionalities of the
venture is to engage ranchers with appropriate information Agriculture Talk Bot, such as providing real-time advice on
and bits of knowledge and to bridge the hole between crop management practices, pest control, irrigation
cultivating hones and present-day technology. The chatbot scheduling, and weather forecasting.
will bring a alter in development inside rural community.
Machine learning procedures give unimportant data “Example-based chat-oriented dialogue system with
advertising prescient bits of knowledge of trim personalized long-term memory" [3]. This paper discusses a
administration chat-oriented dialogue system incorporating personalized
long-term memory for improved user interactions.
 Problem Defination
The main aim of our Agriculture Assistant Chatbot is to "Designing a Chat-bot that Simulates an Historical
develop farmers a comprehensive, easy-to-use and educative Figure" by E. Haller and T. Rebedea, [4] explores the design
tool that enhances crop health, achieve optimal agricultural of a chat-bot that simulates historical figures, potentially
methods and take informed decisions. The agent intends to offering educational and entertainment value.
solve the major problems which most of the farmers face like
disease detection, irrigation monitoring, and access to relevant "SASI: Smart Agriculture System Based on IoT",
agricultural information through the use of latest technology European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine,[5].
tools like “Image Analysis”, “Natural Language Processing”, This paper introduces a system designed to revolutionize

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Volume 9, Issue 5, May – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

agricultural practices through the integration of IoT (Internet  Advantages of Proposed System:
of Things) technology. The paper may discuss the
architecture and components of the SASI system, including  Instantaneous Tracking and Analysis
IoT sensors for monitoring soil moisture, temperature,  Personalized Recommendations
humidity, and other relevant parameters. Furthermore, it  Enhanced Efficiency and Productivity.
may detail how data collected from these sensors are  Better Sustainability
processed and analyzed to provide actionable insights for  Accessibility and Convenience
farmers, enabling them to make provide informed decisions
and remedies to problem in real time IV. METHODOLOGY
III. PROPOSED WORK The" Agriculture Assistant Chatbot" employs a
multipronged approach that integrates the most recent
The main objective of the project is to make a system technologies and algorithms into a platform for growers in
which would help farmers to get the most precise and order to give them a hand in managing and keeping
personal assistance with the aid of state-of-the-art flourishing fields and husbandry in general. At the very
technology, which would be available online. In this heart of the chatbot lies the capability to comprehend and
manner, farmers can simply upload the images of their crops decrypt the crop images, relate the factual inquiry and give
on the chatbot platform, which will then invite CNN based substantiated answers, all aimed to restructure husbandry
algorithms for the examination of any traces of diseases in and give a whole different outlook. A chatbot utilizes the
the leaves of their crops. When the chatbot detects an issue, approach" image analysis" as the base for the first step in its
it responds immediately by giving possible solutions, approach. When an agrarian who posts into the system a
therefore farmers can act fast. The right strategy is splint print, which has some complaint symptoms, the
employed even for critical scenarios. In addition, as the chatbot starts a set of image processing procedures. The
chatbot will have the knowledge to answer any type of process that's indicated by this way involves the image
farming inquiries concerning such aspects like crop details, improvement and unifying its format by landing the system
for instance, soil requirements, rainfall patterns, etc. Users to have a common format. Also, the reused image is taken
will be recognizable for their capacity to communicate with to the Image Analysis Module which is grounded on new
the chatbot by using voice instructions which is made imaging algorithms, especially" Deep literacy Convolutional
possible by speech recognition algorithms that understand Neural Networks (CNN)" for a precise identification of
and respond to any farmer’s query. Via making highly image's characteristics and patterns. These algorithms need
accurate medical diagnoses, providing guidance on how to of massive data- sets of crop photos for training, producing
make right choices, and delivering complete agricultural the capability to distinguish specific visual cues of different
information, this system holds the promise to greatly boost crop conditions. Its delicacy relies on the cross-checking the
agricultural production, profitability, sustainability and food uprooted features of the uploaded image with the learned
quality which in the end increases farmers income and patterns and, thus, it can fete the implicit presence of
development of the entire agricultural industry. Notably, it nonentity conditions, which negatively affect the factory.
achieves its goal by deploying deep learning algorithms on The capability of prognosticating pests and complaint will
the backend of a chatbot interface that farmers can allow growers to mileage of demanded interventions in time
conveniently access. Furthermore, this technology will and at the right area.
enhance the system's ability to recognize the symptoms of
diseases profoundly and therefore, farmers will manage their  System Design
remedial measures in a timely and effective manner based A system design refers to the process whereby an
on the proper diagnosis. In the forthcoming process, the architectural system, components, modules, and in its
chatbot acts like a virtual agricultural encyclopedia which interaction with interfaces and data through the exclusive
has a complete information consisting of a comprehensive delivery of certain criteria. At its core, this is a method or
knowledge regarding to agricultural aspects especially about concept whose technical underpinnings are clearly similar to
crops’ specifications, soil requirements, moisture level the system theory. The two most often used approaches to
determination and so on. Farmer also has wouldn't have a creating systems with computer systems are object-oriented
problem with the chatbot because it can respond to text analysis and design.
input and voice commands with the help of sophisticated
speech recognition algorithms.

 Disadvantages of Traditional Approach:

 Manual Assessment and Observation.

 Limited Precision and Accuracy
 Reliance on Traditional Practices.
 Very High operational costs.
 Inadequate real-time monitoring tools.

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Volume 9, Issue 5, May – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Such requests will be forwarded to the ones that automation

components are equipped to handle. In the Image Analysis
Module, the process starts with the CNN algorithms to
identify the diseases in the leaves and the last method
involves the NLP Module which reads and know the texts
queries. The ability to summarize disease related
information is the prime job of Response Generation
Module. It presents various related information in the
appropriate forms e.g. disease name and recommendations.
Moreover, it does answer so many text-based questions
about agriculture. Farmer’s voice commands are also
accessed by the system and are processed using speech
recognition, one of the technologies that can interpret the
spoken queries and give an answer. Through this integrated
architecture, the Agriculture Assistant Chatbot system
embraces comprehensive support for farmers, and they stick
to the methods they believe in best such as diagnosing
disease and crop advice, and accessibility to various forms
of communication. In the Agriculture Assistant Chatbot
system, the process of the disease identification starts when
the farmer puts an image of a plant leaf with disease signs in
the Interface of user Before going for the image to be
loaded, preprocessing of standardizing the image format and
improving the image quality is performed. Thus, the image
passes to the Image Analysis Modelled comprehensively
with deep learning CNN algorithms to carry out robust
image processing. The algorithms that look at the picture’s
structure and pattern in order to recognize picture’s any
irregularities or category of disease are used. Through
Fig 1 System Design matching the NN extracted features with the trained data set
of crop diseases algorithms become highly capable in
 System Architecture accurate prediction of disease such as the one distressing the
The structure of the Agricultural Assistant Chatbot plant. The predictive capacity, on the other hand, is essential
system is built up to be complex and strongly correlate with in giving proper assistance in addressing crop health issues.
the allocation of multiple functions. This layer is the user Farmers are able to get timely and targeted help whenever
interface layer that makes the application easy to use by required.
giving farmers intuitive ways to easily interact with the
application by uploading pictures of leaves with diseases,
text-based queries about crops, or issuing voice commands.

Fig 2 System Architecture

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Volume 9, Issue 5, May – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

“Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)” and Additionally, farmers can chat with chatbot by typing in the
“machine learning (ML)” play very important roles in text area. Based on the query the chatbot immediately
diagnosing plant diseases accurately based on the images responds to the given query by providing some details.
that the attendants upload. Among all the class of deep These details are fetched from the database. The dataset
neural networks, the CNN is the one that works on the consists of various information like seed name, which is the
vision part, so it is the best performer for image best season, amount of rainfall required annually and what
Classification tasks. CNNs use large scale datasets of are the fertilizers and pesticides that are to be used. Farmers
labeled images during training process that is also known as can also use voice feature instead of chat option. The
annotation and then they try to extract meaningful features chatbot recognizes the text and gives an output accordingly.
through a series of convolutional and pooling layers. Both The project aims at the smooth coordination of different
feature learning and pattern recognizing becomes possible components to produce a well working and hassle-free
with the help of learned features which make CNN to system in the implementation of the Agriculture Assistant
identify various diseases in crops. In the Space of the Chatbot. Plant Disease Detection Module will be
Agricultural Assistant Chatbot, the CNN is designed to be constructed from Python code and powered by the latest
used within the Image Analysis module and detects features machine learning techniques and CNN technology.
and patterns present in the uploaded plant images. Leaf Therefore, it will be responsible for recognizing the diseases
images which are subjected to comparison with pre-learned within the images that are being uploaded by the farmers. In
patterns during training, will ideally be producing the right addition, NLP module is incorporated in order to enable the
diagnosis, tort illness signs identification. chatbot to comprehend and respond to text-inquired queries
through the use of libraries such as NLTK and spaCy for
V. IMPLEMENTATION languages’ processing. Along these lines, the chatbot
creation scenario is complemented with a voice recognition
This User Interface Layer is intended to provide an feature that lets farmers communicate with the chatbot
intuitive and user-friendly interface for conversations through spoken commands. This functionality is done using
between farmers and the chatbot. This web application is solutions based on speech recognition algorithms and is
made with front-end technologies such as HTML, CSS, linked with the current NLP module which handles voice
BOOTSTRAP and JavaScript to make a responsive website input processing and appropriate response in an effective
that allots farmers the opportunity to upload plant images, manner. The complete implementation is about giving the
send text inputs, and use voice feature efficiently. This is a farmers a friendly user interface which will indeed make it
responsive website that can automatically adjust itself to easy for them to integrate the image analysis, text
various devices accordingly. In the Home page of the understanding, and the voice recognition functions to in turn
Agriculture Assistant Chatbot farmers can find an option for deliver the required management of crops and agricultural
uploading the image of the plant which is to be diagnosed. information in a timely and accurate manner.
After the image is uploaded the chatbot analyses the image
and predicts the disease of the plant. Not only that it also  Output Screens
gives possible remedy for the disease that is incurred.

Fig 3 Home Screen

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Volume 9, Issue 5, May – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Fig 4 Image upload page

Fig 5 Uploading Image

Fig 6 Disease Prediction

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Volume 9, Issue 5, May – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Fig 7 Remedy for Disease Incurred

Fig 8 Query Page (Chat)

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Volume 9, Issue 5, May – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Fig 9 Voice Search Page

VI. CONCLUSION Conclusively, the Agriculture Assistant Chatbot

initiative broke new grounds in applying advanced
The Agriculture Assistant Chatbot Project points out a technology to not just aid or benefit farmers but also
brand new idea to utilize the advanced technologies and the completely transform agriculture. The chatbot which makes
chatbot software to assist the farmers in crop management use of deep learning and NLP technologies is designed to
decision-making and solving the agriculture related provide the agri personals with tractable and timely
problems. Considering the project design and assistance in crop management, diseases diagnosis and
accomplishment, I come to think that there some important decision making in agriculture. Also, together with voice
takeaways. The capacity of image analysis by the chatbot is recognition technology this enriches the usability and
the main area that can be used to self-diagnose plant accessibility of the chatbot; hence the chatbot will remain
diseases in the farm that maybe installed on the farmer’s inclusive and accessible no matter the circumstance. In
mobile. The system is instant in detecting the disease and addition, the project can be a great resource for further
suggesting the preferred treatments that guarantees the development and extension, as it provides space for
eradication of the disease. On top of that, the voice is also a improvement of it durability through scaling of its influence
factor to the chatbot’s ability to fully see and see off the and impact. By continuing to work on this project and
farmers. This can also show to the farmers of how proactive cooperating, Agriculture Assistant Chatbot will make great
they are turning out to be which results to high crop yield progress in creating a more efficient sustainable and resilient
and high production output. Besides, by adding a voice agriculture that will benefit farmers and communities.
recognition feature, farmers can easily use the system
without straining themselves since the function can be done FUTURE SCOPE
through the voice which enhances the ease and accessibility
of use. It is the goal of this department to also accommodate For the next phase of the Agriculture Helper Chatbot,
the needs of smallholder farmers even if they are relating we are confident that there is a great potential for the
factors such as illiteracy and lack of technological skills. So, possibilities to expand and expand more. The potential of
they can easily access agriculture information and support achieving higher precision and effectiveness of disease-
easily. Therefore, by introducing conversational interfaces, detection algorithms can be explored by way of enhancing
the chatbot becomes inexpensive and easy to use by any algorithms in terms of accuracy and robustness by using
people of whatever levels of expertise since all are its users. upgraded and large datasets. Hence, continual training and
The second theme stressed the importance of teamwork and improvement will expand the chatbot’s capability in the
administrative actions to address the environmental recognition of a greater number of crop concerns with even
problems that exist in the community. This project involves more accuracy, which will thus enable farmers to take
a combination of computer science, agriculture, data science advantage of this tool for precise diagnosis. Also, the
and different other areas with the sole aim of offering a machine learning capabilities of the chatbot can be explored
broad and comprehensive solution that responds to the even further by expanding its range to provide customized
individual needs of the farmer. suggestions and info depending on the concrete

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ISSN No:-2456-2165

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Agriculture Helper Chatbot project is all set to be a boon for
farmers across the globe whose livelihoods hinge on
sustainable and resilient agriculture, and this intersection
will never be compromised in the foreseeable future.


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