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Why Archaeology Is Necessary for a Theory of Urbanization

Article in Journal of Urban Archaeology · January 2020

DOI: 10.1484/J.JUA.5.120914


19 547

4 authors, including:

Scott G Ortman Luís M A Bettencourt

University of Colorado Boulder University of Chicago


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Journal of Urban Archaeology
Journal of Urban Archaeology
Volume 1

Founding Editors
Professor Rubina Raja, Centre for Urban Network Evolutions and Department of
History and Classical Studies, Aarhus University, Denmark,
Professor Søren M. Sindbæk, Centre for Urban Network Evolutions and Department
of Archaeology and Heritage Studies, Aarhus University, Denmark,

Editorial Board
Professor Shadreck Chirikure, University of Cape Town, South Africa, and University of Oxford, England
Dr Manuel Fernández-Götz, University of Edinburgh, Scotland
Professor Roland Fletcher, University of Sydney, Australia
Sir Robert Ho Tung Professor Li Liu, Stanford University, USA
Associate Professor Nadine Moeller, University of Chicago, USA
Professor Rubina Raja, Aarhus University, Denmark
Professor Søren M. Sindbæk, Aarhus University, Denmark
Professor Christopher Smith, University of St Andrews, Scotland
Professor Michael E. Smith, Arizona State University, USA

Editorial Assistant
Dr Eva Mortensen, Centre for Urban Network Evolutions and
Department of History and Classical Studies, Aarhus University, Denmark

The founding of the journal was inspired by the research undertaken by Professors Rubina Raja and Søren
M. Sindbæk before 2015 and at the Centre for Urban Network Evolutions (UrbNet) at Aarhus University since
2015. UrbNet is a Centre of Excellence funded by the Danish National Research Foundation (grant: DNRF119).
It has existed since 2015 and is directed by Professor Rubina Raja and co-directed by Professor Søren M. Sindbæk.

The Journal of Urban Archaeology is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal.

Journal of Urban Archaeology

Volume 1

Cover illustration: Mosaic from the Umayyad Mosque in Damascus.
Photo by Rubina Raja, Damascus 2007.

This journal issue is made available as a Gold Open Access publication thanks to the generous
support of the Danish National Research Foundation’s Centre of Excellence for Urban
Network Evolutions (UrbNet), Aarhus University, under the grant DNRF119.

This is an open access publication made available under a CC BY-NC 4.0

International License:

© 2020, Brepols Publishers n.v., Turnhout, Belgium.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,

stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by
any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording,
or otherwise without the prior permission of the publisher.

ISBN: 978-2-503-59056-1
DOI: 10.1484/J.JUA.5.120877

Printed in the EU on acid-free paper.

Table of Contents

List of Illustrations  6

Rubina Raja and Søren M. Sindbæk

Urban Archaeology: A New Agenda — Editorial 9

Michael E. Smith
Definitions and Comparisons in Urban Archaeology 15

Roland Fletcher
Urban Labels and Settlement Trajectories 31

Shadreck Chirikure
Shades of Urbanism(s) and Urbanity in Pre-Colonial Africa:
Towards Afro-Centred Interventions 49

Federica Sulas and Innocent Pikirayi

From Centre–Periphery Models to Textured Urban Landscapes:
Comparative Perspectives from Sub-Saharan Africa 67

Christopher Smith
Urban Networks in Latium 85

Simon Stoddart
An Etruscan Urban Agenda: The Weaving Together of Traditions 99

Gonzalo Ruiz Zapatero, Jesús R. Álvarez-Sanchís,

and Jesús Rodríguez-Hernández
Urbanism in Iron Age Iberia: Two Worlds in Contact 123

Scott G. Ortman, Michael E. Smith, José Lobo,

and Luís M. A. Bettencourt
Why Archaeology is Necessary for a Theory of Urbanization 151

The Backfill
List of Illustrations

Figure 2.1. Relationship between the sociological and functional definitions of urbanism.  19

Figure 3.1. Greater Angkor, Cambodia. 32

Figure 3.2. East Coast Megalopolis, USA.  33

Figure 3.3. Cahokia, USA. 35

Figure 3.4. Sayil, Mexico.  36

Figure 3.5. Interaction-Communication Matrix. 38

Figure 3.6. Trajectories on the I–C matrix. 39

Figure 3.7. The trajectory and growth of London.  40

Figure 3.8. Yoruba towns, Nigeria. Nineteenth-century trajectories.  42

Figure 4.1. Map of Africa showing cities of different time periods, scattered across different regions.  50

Figure 4.2. Map of Great Zimbabwe showing layout of the main settlement concentration.  54

Figure 4.3. The Great Enclosure at Great Zimbabwe.  55

Figure 4.4. Map of Khami showing its spread-out nature and multiple platforms.  56

Figure 4.5. Photograph showing a) trade goods imported ceramics; b) ceremonial axe;
c) divining dice; and d) the western wall of the Hill Complex at Khami.  57

Figure 5.1. Map of Africa showing the location of Aksum and Great Zimbabwe. 70

Figure 5.2. View of Stelae Park, Aksum. 71

Figure 5.3. The Great Enclosure seen from the Hill Complex, Great Zimbabwe. 71

Figure 5.4. View and plan of the Dungur building (late sixth/early seventh century ad), Aksum. 72

Figure 5.5. Map of Aksum showing the distribution of Aksumite sites and structures. 73

Figure 5.6. Map of the greater Aksum area and distribution of ‘satellite’ settlements
mentioned in the text. 74

Figure 5.7. Settlement structures on the Hill Complex, Great Zimbabwe. 75

Figure 5.8. Plan of Great Zimbabwe showing the location of the so-called ‘peripheral’ settlements. 76
list of illust r ati o n s 7

Figure 5.9. View of Chenga enclosure with Hill Complex in the background. 77

Figure 5.10. Plan of the Chenga complex, showing the location of the trench (CH01) and the
archaeological stratigraphy. 78

Figure 5.11. View of domestic deposit with compact and degraded dhaka floor at CH01, Chenga. 78

Figure 5.12. A selection of lithic finds from CH01: quartz minute flakes and two cores.  79

Figure 5.13. View of large mound recently discovered at Chenga with scatters of pottery and
dhaka rubble visible. 79

Figure 7.1. Map of Etruria showing principal places mentioned in the text. 100

Figure 7.2. Comparison of frequency of references to Etruscan and Faliscan cities by Livy with
their estimated size. 101

Figure 7.3. Location of the major regional surveys. 105

Figure 7.4. Contrasting frequencies of settlement size between the Final Bronze Age and the
earliest Iron Age. 106

Figure 7.5. Staggered tipping points of transformation in different sectors of urbanism. 106

Figure 7.6. Veii in the ninth/eighth century bc. 107

Figure 7.7. Veii in the sixth century bc. 108

Figure 7.8. Map showing the territories of Murlo, Chiusi, Veii, and Cerveteri
and the location of Tuscania. 109

Figure 7.9. Comparison of Chiusi and Cerveteri. 109

Figure 7.10. Comparison of the density of settlement as a function of distance from the urban
centre: Cerveteri, Veii, Tuscania, and Murlo. 110
Figure 8.1. Map of the Iberian Peninsula with main regions, rivers, and the three cultural areas:
Mediterranean, inland (Meseta), and north-west/north. 124

Figure 8.2. Aerial view of Puente Tablas ( Jaén) oppidum. 125

Figure 8.3. Map showing sites discussed in the text. 126

Figure 8.4. Oppidum of La Bastida de les Alcusses (Mogente): A. Reconstruction drawing;

B. Aerial view of a sector. 127

Figure 8.5. A. Settlement pattern of the Turia Valley in the Iberian period;
B. Reconstruction of part of the town Edeta/Liria. 128
8 l i s t of i l lus tr ation s

Figure 8.6. Fortified village of Castellet de Bernabé (Liria): A. Map of the excavated site;
B. Aerial view; C. Proposal of the social structure of the living community. 129

Figure 8.7. Oppidum of Molí de l’Espigol (Tournabous): A. Aerial view;

B. Map of the excavated site. 130

Figure 8.8. Plan of the Banyeres del Penedès town (Tarragona) after a geophysical survey. 131

Figure 8.9. Aerial view of Numancia and map of its urban plan. 132

Figure 8.10. El Llano de la Horca (Santorcaz): A. Geophysical survey with streets and
structures; B. Reconstruction view. 133

Figure 8.11. A. Partial aerial view of Pallantia (Palenzuela); B. Pintia (Padilla de Duero). 133

Figure 8.12. The oppidum of El Raso (Candeleda), next to the Gredos mountain range,
preserves the remains of a dozen towers, houses, and stone walls. 134

Figure 8.13. Oppidum of Ulaca: A. Reconstruction view; B. Plan of the settlement;

C. The sanctuary with ‘altar’ for animal sacrifices; D. Vettonian sculptures
of bulls, generically known as ‘Toros de Guisando’ (El Tiemblo, Ávila). 135

Figure 8.14. Walls and internal structure of Santa Trega oppidum. 137

Figure 8.15. Plan of Sanfins and a view of some houses and the sauna. 138

Figure 8.16. Urban sanctuaries of the north-west and the avenues that lead to them, and warrior
statues of S. Jorge de Vizela (Guimarães, Braga) and Santo Ovidio (Fafe, Braga).  139

Figure 8.17. San Chuis hill fort. 140

Figure 8.18. Oppidum of Marueleza: A. Aerial view of the north-west gate; B. Reconstruction. 141

Figure 8.19. Model of ‘low-density’ urbanism. 143

Figure 9.1. Relationship between corvée labour pool size and public works
construction rate in three pre-Hispanic New World societies. 157

Figure 9.2. Schematic view of change over time in the economy of a settlement system. 159

Figure 9.3. Phase diagram illustrating movement of the centres of settlement size vs.
consumption and personal possessions in northern Rio Grande Pueblo
society between ad 1250 and 1650.  159
Scott G. O rtman, M ichael E . Smith, Jo sé Lobo,
and Luí s M. A. B ettencourt

Why Archaeology is Necessary

for a Theory of Urbanization
In recent decades technological and social devel-
ABSTRACT In recent decades researchers in sev- opments have stimulated the collection of unprec-
eral disciplines have promoted ‘urban science’ to edented amounts of information concerning what
acknowledge the advantages of multidisciplinary people do when they agglomerate in cities. For some,
approaches and the expanding ability to collect this big-data revolution driven by satellite imagery,
data for contemporary cities. Although practition- global positioning systems, smart phones, digital
ers tend to treat the city as the object of study, in cameras, and the internet, provides opportunities
our view the more appropriate focus is the pro- for engineering ‘smarter’ cities that manage peo-
cess of urbanization. When framed this way, the ple and resources more efficiently and effectively.
archaeological record becomes central to a robust At the same time, the realization that many of the
theory of urbanization, and even helps to clarify challenges facing humanity involve urban areas has
aspects of urbanization that are difficult to study led to the idea of the city as a unit of analysis for a
in a present-day context. In this paper, we illustrate multifaceted approach to human agglomeration,
this point by discussing examples where archaeo- as the Nobel-Prize winning economist Paul Romer
logical evidence has clarified and expanded aspects (2013) has argued:
of settlement scaling theory, an approach that was
initially developed in the context of contemporary The urban environment that humans are so busily
cities but which applies to settlements of all shapes, creating is many things: a biological environment,
sizes, and periods. a social environment, a built environment, a mar-
ket environment, a business environment, and a
KEYWORDS Urbanization; complex systems; political environment. It includes not only the
settle­ment scaling; archaeology; model systems. versions of these environments that exist inside a
single city, but also those that are emerging from
the interaction between cities. Our understand-
ing of the urban environment will draw on exist-
Acknowledgements and Funding Details
ing academic disciplines, but it will also develop
Portions of this research have been supported by a grant from its own abstractions and insights.
the James S. McDonnell Foundation (#220020438). We thank
Aaron Trumbo for compiling data on the dimensions of public This move to study cities in new ways has drawn on
works from the Santa Valley survey records. We also thank the prior research traditions — notably Jane Jacobs’s
editors of the Journal of Urban Archaeology for the opportunity (1961) treatment of cities as an instance of ‘organ-
to contribute to this inaugural issue.
ized complexity’ — and more recent developments

Scott G. Ortman ( is Assistant Professor of Anthropology at the University

of Colorado Boulder. His interests include North American archaeology, historical anthropology,
complex systems, and the contemporary relevance of archaeology.

Michael E. Smith is Professor of Anthropology in the School of Human Evolution and Social Change
at Arizona State University. His interests include Mesoamerican archaeology, ancient urbanism, and
interdisciplinary social science.

José Lobo is Clinical Associate Professor in the School of Sustainability at Arizona State University.
His interests include urban science, social development, economic history, and theories of innovation.

Luís M. A. Bettencourt is Director of the Mansueto Institute and Professor of Ecology and Evolution
at the University of Chicago. His interests include urban science, human development, and evolution in
complex systems.

This is an open access article made available under a cc by-nc 4.0 International License. Journal of Urban Archaeology, 1 (2020), pp. 151–167
FHG  10.1484/J.JUA.5.120914
152 s cott g. o rtman , m i c h ae l e . s m i t h , j o s é lo b o, and lu í s m. a. b e t t e nco u rt

in urban economics, complex systems, and network real and widespread (Bettencourt 2013; Keuschnigg,
science (Glaeser 2011; Newman 2010) has led to the Mutgan, and Hedstrom 2019; Lobo and others 2019;
emergence of a new field that has come to be known Rybski and others 2009; van Raan 2013).
as urban science (Batty 2013). As Michael Batty (2019, Several aspects of these developments are creat-
998) explains: ing opportunities for archaeologists to contribute
to a general theory of urbanization. First, models
Urban science deals with the structure and func-
proposed to account for urban scaling relationships
tioning of cities, and the generic laws that seem
do not rely on the specifics of modern technology,
to govern cities everywhere insofar as they can
democracy, capitalism, industrialization, or finance.
be articulated […] a science of human behavior
Instead, they build from the idea of a spatial equi-
as it applies to cities. […] This is not the science
librium that emerges from individuals balancing
of the physics of buildings or energy flows in cit-
movement costs with interaction benefits, follow-
ies (although it clearly relates in part to some of
ing the tradition of Johann Heinrich von Thünen
these aspects), it is the science of people flows,
(1966) and William Alonso (1964). As a result, there
flows of goods, and the flow of information and
is every reason to suspect that the social processes
ideas and the extent to which all these can be
responsible for contemporary urban scaling also
generalized over city size and scale.
operated in ancient cities and even in other (non-ur-
An exciting outgrowth of urban science has been the ban) settlements, with the same material effects. And
improved identification of empirical regularities in indeed, there is abundant evidence that this is the
the properties of cities across an urban system. Some case (Cesaretti and others 2016; Hanson and others
of these regularities — such as Zipf ’s Law of city-size 2019; Hanson, Ortman, and Lobo 2017; Lobo and
distributions, the Gravity Law of interaction, and others 2019; Ortman and others 2016; 2015; 2014;
Gibrat’s Law of system-wide urban growth — have Ortman and Coffey 2017). Upon reflection, this
been known for many decades (Gabaix 1999; Stewart should not be surprising. Darwin explicitly leaned
1941; Zipf 1949). In addition to these, researchers on uniformitarianism in adducing the evidence for
have identified genuinely new (allometric) scal- evolution, and today all accept that evolutionary the-
ing relationships that connect the population size ory should apply to the fossil record just as much as
of cities to a variety of other socio-economic and it applies to contemporary populations (Sepkoski
infrastructural quantities (Angel and others 2016; 2012). In the same way, a good theory of urbaniza-
Bettencourt and others 2007; Chave and Levin tion should apply to the archaeological record just
2003; Glaeser and Gottlieb 2009; Nordbeck 1971; as well as it applies to contemporary cities. So, the
Pumain and others 2006; West 2017). The aver- fact that the same scaling relations are as apparent
age relationship between these quantities across in past settlement systems as they are in contempo-
cities in an urban system generally takes the form rary urban systems is a promising sign.
, with representing a city’s popula- Second, archaeologists have a long tradition of
tion, the aggregate quantity for a city of size recording the aggregate properties of entire settle-
, a baseline value, and an exponent reflect- ments — from site areas to the numbers and sizes
ing the relative growth rate of relative to . For of houses, amounts of public works, and amounts
example, for circumscribing areas the value of this and varieties of artefactual debris. Indeed, these
exponent is typically , for quantities related sorts of quantities have been routinely collected as
to infrastructural and resource needs it is typically part of settlement-pattern surveys for many d­ ecades
, and for quantities related to socio-eco- (Adams 1981; Drennan, Berrey, and Peterson 2015;
nomic rates it is typically . In recent years, Kowalewski 2008; Kowalewski and others 1989;
increased awareness of these regularities has stim- Phillips, Ford, and Griffen 2003; Sanders, Parsons,
ulated new theory that seeks to account for these and Santley 1979; Willey 1953; Wilson 1988), and
relationships based on the multiplicative effects of archaeologists also have a long tradition of detailed
human interaction embedded in space (Bettencourt surface mapping and artefact analysis of entire settle-
2013; 2014; Lobo and others 2013). Although there is ments (Millon, Drewitt, and Cowgill 1973; Robertson
debate over the functional form of urban statistics 2015), with emerging technologies greatly facilitat-
(Clauset, Shalizi, and Newman 2009), the degree to ing the effort (Canuto and others 2018; Evans and
which is consistent over time and space (Depersin others 2007; Kvamme and Ahler 2007; Rassmann
and Marthelemy 2018), and the extent to which scal- and others 2014). So, at least on an empirical level,
ing relations depend on urban definitions (Arcaute the complex-systems approach to urban science,
and others 2015; Cottineau and others 2017), there is which takes a ‘crude look at the whole’, is some-
substantial evidence that scaling relations are both thing with which archaeologists are already famil-
w hy archaeo lo gy i s nece ssary fo r a t heo ry o f u rb anization 153

iar. Indeed, it maps very well onto the realities of We hope the implications of these examples will
archaeo­logical evidence, which at best provide be clear. If in fact uniformitarianism applies with
time-averaged indexes of aggregate human behav- respect to fundamental processes in human socie-
iour as opposed to the details of daily individual ties, then it would seem that archaeological evidence
activity (Perreault 2019). with its unique access to human diversity over long
Finally, if in fact urbanization can be defined in periods is essential for development of a theory of
terms of a set of uniformitarian social processes, it urbanization that is sufficiently general and predic-
is possible that they may actually be easier to study tive to guide future planning. If this is accepted, there
in smaller and simpler settlements of the past than is an important and as of yet unrealized opportunity
they are in contemporary cities. Many branches of for archaeologists to collaborate with social scien-
science have advanced through the use of model tists in other fields to investigate issues surround-
systems — relatively simple systems that neverthe- ing the urbanization process (Ortman 2019). We
less capture the fundamental properties and rela- hope our paper will convince at least some readers
tionships of interest. The clearest examples are in to follow this path.
biology, where C. elegans provides a model for the
nervous system, fruit flies a model for evolution, and
mice a model for cancer. There is also a long tradi- Cities vs Urbanization
tion of model-building in economic geography that
uses abstract models to capture fundamental entities Before diving into our examples, we want to empha-
and relationships (Haggett 1965). In many ways, the size an important distinction in the definition of
smaller and simpler settlements of the past approxi- urban science introduced above. All of us, even those
mate such models more closely than contemporary who do not live in urban areas, have experience of the
cities do. Consequently, although the past was cer- city as a physical object defined by arrangements of
tainly different from the present in as many ways buildings and infrastructure. This built environment
as one could choose to enumerate, in some cases of course facilitates the social process that charac-
it may be easier to study the urbanization process terizes cities; but it is this social process itself, and
using archaeological data than contemporary data. not the built environment in which it occurs, that
In this paper we share a few examples from our is most fundamental across time, space, and cul-
own work to illustrate ways in which archaeological ture. We have labelled this process the ‘social reac-
evidence is in fact contributing to a general theory tor process’ (Bettencourt 2013) or ‘energized crowd-
of urbanization that applies to the present as well as ing’ (Smith 2019), and urban science is ultimately
the past, and can even be used to make predictions about processes like these. It is not so much about
about the future. Importantly, we show that archae- the built environment itself as it is about the com-
ology is not merely being used to replicate pres- plex networks of people, goods, and information
ent-day findings in the past but is also being used that flow within built environments. This creates a
to clarify and expand a general theory of urbaniza- challenge for archaeologists because it is the mate-
tion, what we call settlement scaling theory (SST). rial traces of built environments, and not social pro-
We develop three examples to make this case. First, cesses themselves, that are most directly apparent
we show that the fundamental role of concentrated in the archaeological record.
social interaction in space is much clearer in pre­ Fortunately, there are two reasons why this is not
industrial cities than it is in contemporary cities due an insurmountable problem. First, built environ-
to the stronger correspondence between the physi- ments are not constructed all at once, but are built
cal and social aspects of settlements in an archaeo- over time in the context of a group of people par-
logical context. Second, we present archaeological ticipating in the social life of the community. This
cases where the temporal and spatial rhythms of is as true for contemporary cities as it is for settle-
social mixing were more varied than those in con- ments of the past. So, to the extent that the social
temporary cities, but increasing returns to population reactor process conditions the manner in which
scale are still apparent, to show that contemporary built environments develop, properties of the result-
cities represent only one of many ways people can ing environments should reflect the operation of
potentially take advantage of social networking in this process. Second, archaeological sites also con-
space. Finally, we show that the direct effects of tain artefact accumulations that are the net result of
agglomeration for economic growth are much eas- production, distribution, and consumption activ-
ier to isolate in smaller and simpler societies of the ities in the context of a social network, and these
past, where rates of technological change were gen- can be incorporated into the analysis independent
erally much slower than they are today. of measures drawn from the built environment. So
154 s cott g. o rtman , m i c h ae l e . s m i t h , j o s é lo b o, and lu í s m. a. b e t t e nco u rt

although archaeological contributions to urban sci- tially. Many of the urban definitions above allude
ence necessarily involve analyses of proxy measures, to density as an important property, but this con-
as opposed to direct observations of social life in pro- cept presupposes a relevant delimited physical
gress, there are good reasons to believe that these space over which people are counted. Such spaces
measures reflect the social processes urban scien- can be defined using residential densities, but due
tists are interested in. to commuting the resulting units need not capture
In the examples that follow, we illustrate several actual patterns of daily interaction — where people
ways in which archaeological data have deepened work, shop, and socialize — that are at the core of
our understanding of the social reactor process. To the city as a social entity. Since the 1960s the US
understand these contributions, it is necessary to Census Bureau has attempted to solve this problem
get ‘under the hood’ of the social reactor process, so using the concept of the Metropolitan Statistical
to speak, because it is in investigation of its under- Area (MSA) (Berry, Goheen, and Goldstein 1969).
lying assumptions that archaeological data have An MSA consists of a core county or counties in
proven most helpful. Derivations of the various for- which lies an incorporated city (a politico-admin-
mal models of settlement scaling theory have been istrative entity) with a population of at least fifty
presented in a number of places (Bettencourt 2013; thousand people, plus adjacent counties having a
Cesaretti and others 2016; Hanson and others 2019; high degree of social and economic integration with
Hanson, Ortman, and Lobo 2017; Lobo and others the core counties measured through commuting
2019; Ortman and others 2016; 2015; 2014; Ortman ties. Essentially, MSAs are unified labour markets
and Coffey 2017). Here, we discuss aspects of these revealed by daily commuting flows. These flows are
models that are relevant for each of our examples, interpreted as reflecting the frequent exchange of
highlighting the key assumptions that the archaeo- goods, labour, and information, which in turn is a
logical evidence helps to clarify. proxy for diverse and intense socio-economic inter-
action (Glaeser, Scheinkman, and Sheliefer 1995). It
is also important to note that scaling relations with
Settlements as Spatial and Social Entities respect to a variety of socio-economic measures
are apparent for MSA populations (Bettencourt
Our first example deals with the city as a spatial and others 2007).
and a social entity. A surprisingly complex issue Since the 1960s this functional approach to
in urban studies is the question of how to define defining cities has spread to many other nations
a city. Louis Wirth (1938) proposed that a city is a but some researchers have questioned the MSA
large and permanent settlement of heterogeneous approach, expressing concerns that the documented
individuals living and working at high population empirical characteristics of cities may be unduly
densities. Richard Sennett (1977, 39) suggested that influenced — or even determined — by the choice
‘a city is a human settlement where strangers are of spatial unit of analysis (Arcaute and others 2015;
likely to meet’. Architectural historian Spiro Kostof Cottineau and others 2017). This issue is often
(1991) observed that ‘cities are places where a cer- referred to as the Modifiable Areal Unit Problem
tain energized crowding of people takes place’. More (MAUP): ‘the areal units (zonal objects) used in
recently, the urban economist Edward Glaeser (2011) many geographical studies are arbitrary, modifia-
describes cities as ‘the absence of physical space ble, and subject to the whims and fancies of who-
between people and companies. They are proxim- ever is doing, or did, the aggregating’ (Openshaw
ity, density, closeness’. Finally, in a recent urban-eco- 1983, 3). This debate reinforces how essential it is
nomics textbook O’Sullivan (2011) defines cities as that the chosen spatial units encapsulate the phe-
geographical areas with concentrations of individu- nomenon of interest, which in the case of a city
als and activities that are higher relative to the sur- is a network of social interactions embedded in
rounding area. These various definitions illustrate space. The MSA definition attempts to capture
that the essence of urbanism is not physical space this, whereas urban spatial units defined by local
per se, but frequent and intense social interactions density thresholds, contiguous built areas, or polit-
among a diversity of individuals within a given space ical boundaries need not. And in fact the literature
(Smith 2019). demonstrates that the observation of urban scal-
Operationalizing this view of cities requires the ing phenomena does depend on the urban defini-
consistent identification of spatial units that cap- tion that is used (Arcaute and others 2015). So a
ture this social process. In a modern context this fundamental issue raised by these debates is the
task is difficult, even when large volumes of data at times complex relationship between built space
are available, because cities can be so large spa- and daily patterns of social mixing.
w hy archaeo lo gy i s nece ssary fo r a t heo ry o f u rb anization 155

Table 9.1. Relationship between population and area for contemporary cities and archaeological settlements. Note the
inconsistent results for contemporary cities vs the consistent results in keeping with the theoretical expectation
for historical and archaeological settlements (C.I. = confidence interval; SE = Standard Error; ha = hectares).­

Dependent Exponent
Case Variable N (95 per cent C.I.) R2 Source

Urbanized areas, Sweden (1965) Area 1800 0.65 (0.64–0.65) 0.89 (Nordbeck 1971)

Total area
Metropolitan Statistical Areas, USA (2000) 358 0.48 (SE = .03) 0.385 This study
(square miles)
Ancestral Pueblo villages, south-west Colorado, Circumscribing
278 0.66 (0–0.81) 0.22 (Ortman and Coffey 2017)
USA (ad 1060–1280) area (ha)
Mandan/Hidatsa villages, North Dakota, USA Circumscribing
35 0.64 (0.48–0.80) 0.65 (Ortman and Coffey 2017)
(ad 1200–1886) area (ha)
Farming/administrative settlements, Circumscribing
57 0.69 (SE = 0.06) 0.68 (Ortman and others 2016)
central Andes, Peru (ad 1000–1532) area (ha)
Herding settlements, central Andes, Circumscribing
39 0.66 (SE = 0.156) 0.32 (Ortman and others 2016)
Peru (ad 1000–1532) area (ha)
‘Amorphous’ settlements (pop.<5000), Settled (circum ­
1510 0.67 (0.65–0.69) 0.74 (Ortman and others 2015)
Basin of Mexico (1150 bc–ad 1520) scribing) area (ha)
Medieval Western European cities and towns
Settled area (ha) 173 0.71 (SE = 0.03) 0.81 (Cesaretti and others 2016)
(ad 1300)

Greek and Roman Cities (100 bc–ad 300) Settled area (ha) 53 0.65 ( 0.59–0.72) 0.88 (Hanson and Ortman 2017)

It turns out that defining a spatial entity that nomic interactions. As a result, the physical settlement
corresponds to a strongly interacting social net- (based on the circumscribing or built-up area) and
work is much easier to do in an archaeological con- the functional settlement (based on social mixing
text. Despite the many challenges of archaeological patterns) were essentially one and the same in the
evidence, one of its advantages is the intrinsic cor- ancient world. This reality suggests that testing the
respondence between settlement boundaries and idea that human settlements, including cities, rep-
spatial patterns of social interaction. In preindustrial resent social networks localized in space, may actu-
societies, people walked, or in some cases rode on ally be more straightforward using archaeological
animals or in carts, on paths that were much more evidence than contemporary evidence. SST rep-
uneven than modern roads. Most people who worked resents an attempt to formalize this view of cities,
within settlements lived close to — or even at — and below we show that archaeological data do in
their place of work (Laslett 1971). People rarely lived fact capture this idea more directly than contem-
in one settlement and worked in another (Laslett porary urban data.
1971; Sjoberg 1960). In addition, most workers were A basic assumption of SST is that when individ-
farmers who regularly walked out to their fields uals arrange themselves in space, they do so in a way
(Christiansen 1978). If there were ‘commuter flows’ that balances the benefits of interacting with others
at all they involved farmers commuting between set- with the costs of moving around to do so. When set-
tlements and their fields. tlements are small and unstructured, the cost of such
These features of transport, agriculture, and movement is given by , where is the energetic
movement lead to the conclusion that commuter cost of movement, and is the transverse distance
flows between ancient settlements were minimal. across the area over which people have settled. Note
Commuting served to disperse people for individ- that in this circumstance the distance is proportional
ual farm work, with most social interactions being to the square root of the circumscribed area,
confined to the settlement itself. This pattern is in . The social benefits resulting from such movement
strong contrast to contemporary cities, where com- are simply the number of interactions a person has
muting serves to concentrate people for socio-eco- per unit time, given by , where is the
156 s cott g. o rtman , m i c h ae l e . s m i t h , j o s é lo b o, and lu í s m. a. b e t t e nco u rt

average length of the path travelled by an individ- Social Mixing beyond Settlements
ual in a day, is the distance at which interaction
occurs, and is the average population density
A second area where archaeological evidence con-
within this circumscribing area. One can translate
tributes to a general theory of urbanization involves
these interactions into net benefits by considering
the identification of social mixing patterns that are
that there is some average net-material consequence
not characteristic of contemporary cities. A key
of interaction across all interaction types that can
assumption of the SST framework is that social mix-
occur such that . Then, by assum-
ing occurs on a regular basis. The idea embedded in
ing that , such that there is a spatial equilib-
Equation 1 above, for example, is that the balancing
rium of costs and benefits, , and
of costs and benefits occurs on a daily or near-daily
this simplifies to:
temporal rhythm, such that the resulting interac-
, (1) tions are part of an individual’s daily subsistence.
The implied model is of a metropolitan area where
where . Equation 1 proposes that as residents concentrate during the day, primarily in
the number of people who mix socially on a regu- city centres, via commuting. In this context, the
lar basis increases, the total area taken up by these relevant area over which the balancing of costs and
people will grow more slowly than the number of benefits occurs is defined by the network of public
people such that the area taken up by each person spaces and infrastructure, , through which indi-
decreases. Notice, however, that in order to see this viduals travel to interact during the day. This can be
process empirically one must be able to define the approximated by imagining a street network whose
circumscribing area over which the social mixing area is given by , where is the street area
of people occurs on a regular basis, and indeed, per person, and this is in turn proportional to the
a circumscribing area needs to be a reasonable way average area per person, or . Under
of characterizing the area over which people are this model, the total network area is:
The specific relationship specified in Equation . (2)
1 has been observed in at least one contemporary
From here, one can substitute for and sim-
urban system (Nordbeck 1971), but it does not char-
plify, leading to:
acterize the areas of US MSAs relative to their pop-
ulations. This is because MSA areas are sums of the . (3)
areas of entire contiguous counties whose people
commute to a central location, and this can lead to Equation 3 implies that, as the population of a set-
the inclusion of large amounts of extra space, espe- tlement grows, the area over which people interact
cially in the case of smaller cities. In addition, scaling grows more rapidly than the circumscribing area;
relations vary substantially, and can even disappear, namely, with population to the power. From
when cities are defined by different density thresh- here, SST proposes that socio-economic rates among
olds and commuting percentages (Arcaute and oth- mixing populations are proportional to the total
ers 2015). Despite these complications with respect number of interactions that take place per unit time.
to contemporary cities, the relationship specified in The maximum possible number of interactions that
Equation 1 is routinely found across ancient settle- can occur per unit time is given by
ments of all sizes (Table 9.1). We attribute this find- , but this is not feasible due to the time and ener-
ing to the fact that the ‘containers’ of daily interacting getic cost of movement. The total interactions that
populations in past societies correspond much more are feasible is given by , and given Equation
closely and directly to settlement boundaries, and 3 above this can be simplified to:
are more appropriately characterized as circular or
elliptical areas, than is often the case for contem- , (4)
porary cities, especially in first-world nations. So
even though the proposed spatial equilibrium may where is a baseline productivity and is the
be present everywhere behind the scenes, it appears aggregate (extensive) socio-economic rate of a settle-
easier to observe and measure it in an archaeo­logical ment with population . Notice, however, that this
context. model simply captures the effects of social mixing
in space, and this process is sufficiently general that
one might expect such effects to occur in any con-
text where people concentrate themselves in space
w hy archaeo lo gy i s nece ssary fo r a t heo ry o f u rb anization 157

for productive activities. Indeed, the network area

in Equation 3 could be defined for forms of social
mixing that take place less frequently, and even in
varying locations, relative to contemporary cities.
In such cases, one may be able to observe increasing
returns to population scale, as specified by Equation
4, for forms of social mixing that involve lower-fre-
quency movement, even when it is not feasible to
directly measure the associated interaction area. It
turns out that the archaeological record contains
examples of these slower dynamics.
The clearest example we have encountered thus
far involves public works construction in pre-His-
panic societies of Mesoamerica and the Andes. The
administrative hierarchies of these societies mani-
fest themselves as settlement hierarchies, such that
local centres administered adjacent hamlets, regional
centres adjacent local centres, and polity capitals the Figure 9.1. Relationship between corvée labour pool size and public
entire polity (Blanton and others 1993; de Montmollin works construction rate (in m3/year) in three pre-Hispanic New World
societies. The coordinates for each society have been centred so that
1995; Sanders, Parsons, and Santley 1979; Wilson
the mean coordinate of the cases from each region is at the origin.
1983; Wright and Johnson 1975). These administrative
centres also contain concentrations of public works
(temples, palaces, raised platforms, defensive walls, the duration of that period. When this is done, the
and roads) that were constructed via corvée labour, average relationship between corvée labour pools
and the labour pools for these construction projects and monument construction rates exhibits the same
appear to have mapped onto the span of control of returns to scale predicted by Equation 4. Table 9.2
a centre. This means that workers periodically trav- presents three examples, drawing upon settlement
elled to several different centres, at different positions pattern data from the Basin of Mexico,1 the south-
in the administrative hierarchy, to pay their labour west periphery of the Classic Maya world,2 and the
taxes (Ortman and others 2015). Since these labour Moche area of north-coastal Peru.3 All of these data
pools involved people working together simultane- were collected by others, and we used this informa-
ously (sort of like backfilling an excavation!), they tion to: 1) compile the surveyors’ population esti-
are analogous to the integrated labour markets of mates for individual settlements based on dwelling
contemporary metropolitan areas. However, they counts or a combination of settlement areas and
differ from contemporary labour markets in that cor- artefact densities; 2) estimate the volumes of civic
vée labour pools came into being only periodically, architecture at each site based on their recorded
and over a period of time subjects participated in dif- shapes and dimensions, and 3) associate each settle-
ferent labour pools, in different administrative cen- ment with its place in the regional settlement hierar-
tres. Robert Drennan and Christian Peterson (2012, chy during its occupation period. In all three cases,
75–76) label the ratio of the labour investment in we assume corvée labourers represent a consistent
civic architecture to polity population the ‘tax rate’ fraction of the population administered by a centre,
of a polity, and they show that this measure varied based on the position of that centre in the adminis-
considerably among early chiefdom polities around trative hierarchy and the estimated populations of
the world (Peterson and Drennan 2012). subject settlements. We also assume that the num-
This pattern of movement bears little resem- ber of days of labour service in each society had a
blance to the daily commute of contemporary urban- well-defined mean and variance. In all three cases,
ites, and indeed it is not feasible to directly measure the estimated value of is within a few hundredths
the relevant area over which people periodically of the predicted value of 7/6 or 1.167. Since sample
moved to engage in construction activity. But we sizes for each region are relatively small, Table 9.2
can still estimate the population sizes of the labour also presents a combined analysis using centred data
pools involved by summing the populations of set- for each region.
tlements administered by a given centre, and we can
measure the average rate of construction by divid- 1 See Ortman and others 2015 for details.
ing the total volume of public works constructed 2 Data from de Montmollin 1995.
in a centre during a given archaeological period by 3 Data from Wilson 1985; 1988; 2015.
158 s cott g. o rtman , m i c h ae l e . s m i t h , j o s é lo b o, and lu í s m. a. b e t t e nco u rt

Table 9.2. Relationship between corvée labour pool populations and public works construction rates in pre-Hispanic complex
societies of Latin America. In all cases the dependent variable is m3 of monument construction per year, and the contributing
populations to monument construction are based on the positions of settlements in the settlement hierarchy of the relevant
time period. All regressions are significant (P<0.0001). The analysis data are presented in the Appendix.

Exponent (95 per cent

Region N Confidence Interval) R2 Source
Basin of Mexico
48 1.177 (1.028–1.327) 0.85 (Ortman and others 2015)
(1150 bc–ad 1520)
Rosario Valley, Mexico This study (de Montmollin 1995,
27 1.184 (0.988–1.380) 0.85
(Maya) (ad 700–950) tables 10 and 14)
Santa Valley, Peru
41 1.161 (0.983–1.338) 0.81 This study (Wilson 1985; 1988; 2015)
(1000 bc–ad 1532)
Combined (centred) data4 110 1.170 (1.073–1.267) 0.84 This study

Centring places the mean coordinates of the cases

at the origin for each group. This has the effect of Model Systems for
controlling for the variety of factors that influenced Fundamental Processes
the baseline rate of monument construction in each
region (average days per year of labour service, con- Our final example involves isolating the determi-
struction material costs, etc.) while leaving the rela- nants of economic growth. In contemporary urban
tionship between labour pool size and construction economics there is debate regarding the extent to
rate intact. Analysis of the pooled, centred data yields which urbanization fosters increases in per-capita
the same result as the regional analyses, but with a outputs, with some arguing that growth is an intrin-
tighter confidence interval (also see Fig. 9.1). sic by-product of agglomeration, and others arguing
These results imply that interaction areas were that the effect is inconsistent (Duranton and Puga
associated with these labour pools, and that they 2004; Glaeser and Gottlieb 2009; Henderson 2003;
increased with population as specified by Equation Jedwab and Vollrath 2015). A key challenge in dis-
3. However, it is not feasible to measure these inter- entangling these issues is the fact that both popula-
action areas directly because they involved paths and tion and technology (interpreted broadly to include
spaces that are no longer preserved. It is also impor- cultural and institutional innovations) are viewed
tant to note that these data suggest increasing returns as factors behind contemporary economic growth
in public works construction are apparent, despite ( Jones 2013; Jones and Romer 2010), and in recent
the fact that the people who concentrated in space history both population growth (including migra-
to build these monuments did so at a much slower tion) and technological progress have occurred rap-
temporal rhythm than is characteristic of contem- idly and simultaneously. As a result, it is often diffi-
porary cities. Nevertheless, these results show that cult to control for these factors in ways that allow us
dramatically different patterns of movement, and to assess the contribution of each to the overall result.
social mixing at a range of temporal rhythms, can The archaeological record, in combination with
lead to increasing returns in socio-economic out- SST, provides a means of distinguishing technolo-
puts that have the same elasticities as contemporary gy-driven from agglomeration-driven growth. We
urban indicators. Consequently, it would seem that begin by noting that Equation 4 specifies the effects
the temporal and spatial patterns of movement and of settlement population for socio-economic rates,
social mixing that characterize contemporary cities but over time the energetic productivity of inter-
represent just one of many ways that human groups action can increase due to technological progress,
can potentially harness the social reactor process, and a variety of locally contingent factors affects the
and that the archaeological record is an important observed output of each settlement as well. Given this,
source of information on these alternatives, and Equation 4 can be written in a more precise way as:
potentially even ideas for the future.
, (5)

where is the aggregate output (a socio-eco-

4 Centring involves subtracting the group mean of a variable from
each measurement, after log-transformation, and then pooling nomic rate) of a given settlement with resident
the resulting data for analysis. The resulting pooled data have a population at time ; represents the range
single mean value at the origin (see Ortman 2019). of social and technological factors of a given time
w hy archaeo lo gy i s nece ssary fo r a t heo ry o f u rb anization 159

and place (common to all settlements) that convert

these interactions into output; ; and
captures the range of influences unique to each city
that lead to a deviation of productivity in any given
settlement from the average expectation.
One can take the natural logarithm of Equation
5 to express it as a linear function:

, (6)

and then express this in terms of the ensemble aver-

age ( ) across all settlements:

. (7)

Since by definition , it can be dropped Figure 9.2. Schematic view of change over time in the economy of a settlement
from the ensemble average. Equation 7 indicates that system. Between time and , two types of change can occur. First, the
the average log-output of settlements in a system at baseline output level can increase from to , with no change in the
a particular time is the sum of the log-baseline pro- settlement-size distribution. In this case, the x-coordinate of the centre (the
ductivity in that society and the average average coordinate across settlements) will be constant, but the y-coordinate
log-settlement population multiplied by the scaling will change. Alternatively, the baseline level of output can be constant while
the settlement-size distribution changes. In this case, will be constant but
exponent . Note also that the total log-out-
both coordinates of the centre will change. In contemporary cities both types
put of the society is given by , where
of change occur simultaneously, but in pre-industrial societies technological
is the number of settlements.
change was often very slow, leaving agglomeration as the primary mechanism.
Finally, we can differentiate both sides of Equation
7 to convert it to a growth equation:


Equation 8 states that the growth rate of mean set-

tlement output is the sum of the growth rate of base-
line productivity and the growth rate of the mean
settlement population multiplied by . This
result illustrates that overall economic growth can
be decomposed into growth in baseline productivity
, which is driven by the variety of technologies
that affect movement costs and interaction bene-
fits across the settlement system, and growth due
to agglomeration, which is given by .
This framework leads to an analytical strategy
for distinguishing agglomeration effects from tech-
nological progress using time-series data. First, one
can plot vs. by time period and use Figure 9.3. Phase diagram illustrating movement of the centres of settlement size
regression to estimate the slope and intercept of vs. consumption (grey) and personal possessions (black) in northern Rio Grande
the relationship for each period. A prediction of Pueblo society between ad 1250 and 1650. Note that with just a few exceptions the
the framework is that the slope of the fit line will be centres follow a single scaling relation with slope , consistent with Equation
consistent across periods and should be . 8 in the case of constant technology (after Ortman and Lobo 2020, fig. 6).
Second, one can examine the movement of the inter-
cept and the centre (average coordinate)
of the data from one period to the next to distin- movement of the centre (Bettencourt 2019). But in
guish the contribution of technology-driven and cases where technology was static, our framework
agglomeration-driven growth to the overall growth predicts the intercept of the fit line will be
rate (Fig. 9.2). constant, such that across periods. In
In contemporary societies such time-series anal- this circumstance, all growth will be attributable to
yses typically reveal both a changing intercept and a agglomeration effects.
160 s cott g. o rtman , m i c h ae l e . s m i t h , j o s é lo b o, and lu í s m. a. b e t t e nco u rt

Several studies of scaling relations in past socie- interaction in space, but such concentrations are
ties have found good evidence for correlated change much more readily apparent in archaeological sites,
in both and over time, but no good where built environments and mixing populations
evidence for change in (Ortman and others correspond much more closely. In the second case,
2015; 2016; Ortman and Davis 2019). This pattern we have shown that the daily pattern of movement
suggests that agglomeration, as opposed to techno- that is characteristic of contemporary metropolitan
logical progress, was the fundamental driver of eco- areas represents just one of the ways human groups
nomic growth in pre-industrial societies. In a recent can utilize social mixing to achieve increasing returns
paper, Ortman and Lobo (2020) provide an even to population size. And finally, in the third example,
clearer demonstration of this using data from the we have shown that it is possible to isolate the effect
pre-Hispanic northern Rio Grande Pueblos of New of agglomeration for economic growth by examin-
Mexico. Previous research suggests that between ad ing time-series data from a society where techno-
1250 and 1540 this society experienced substantial logical change was much slower than is characteris-
increases in agglomeration and per-capita outputs tic of industrialized nations. All three examples are
in the context of a relatively stable regional popu- cases where concepts embedded in SST, which was
lation (c. 35,000 people) and relatively stable tech- initially developed in the context of contemporary
nology with respect to transport, energy capture, cities, have been clarified and expanded through
and information processing (Adams and Duff 2004; application to the archaeological record.
Cordell and Habicht-Mauche 2012; Habicht-Mauche, Some readers may be surprised by our argument
Eckert, and Huntley 2006; Marshall and Walt 1984; that archaeological data, despite their many shortcom-
Ortman and Davis 2019; Snow 1981; Spielmann 1991; ings, nevertheless provide a clearer window through
1998; Wilcox 1981). Ortman and Lobo demonstrate which to study certain aspects of the urbanization
that several economic indicators developed from process than contemporary data. The reason for this
archaeological measures exhibit change over time is not because of the inherent quality of the archaeo-
that is consistent with Equation 8 in the case where logical record in comparison to contemporary urban
technology is constant, such that . The data data. Indeed, it should be obvious that contempo-
involved in these analyses are tabulations of room rary data have higher temporal resolution, are more
counts, room areas, and pottery assemblages from precise and accurate, and are more abundant overall.
excavation and surface survey. Room counts are Instead, the reason archaeological data are useful for
used as the proxy for maximum settlement popu- urban science is because they derive from relatively
lation; room areas are used to construct an index simpler and smaller-scale societies where the built
of personal possessions; and pottery assemblages environment relates more directly to its associated
are used to assign settlements to time periods and social network so that it becomes easier to disentan-
to construct an index of painted-pottery consump- gle social processes that are often conflated today.
tion. Figure 9.3 presents phase diagrams that show The examples we have discussed focus on clar-
the movement of the centres of these data over time. ifying and extending understandings of the social
The figure shows that the centres for each index sim- reactor process, which clearly characterizes contem-
ply track a single scaling relation, with a constant porary cities as well as many smaller-scale settlement
intercept and slope . This in turn systems of the past. But there is a much wider range
implies that and that all economic growth of topics related to urbanization for which archaeo-
in the society was given by . As a result, logical evidence is also relevant: What factors lead to
Ortman and Lobo could estimate the growth rate increasing or decreasing inequality over time? Why
in personal possessions and decorated-pottery con- do cities vary so much in density? Why do city-size
sumption in northern Rio Grande Pueblo society distributions tend to follow the rank-size rule? What
over time based on estimates of across the causes deviations from that rule? What aspects of the
society for each time period. built environment facilitate productivity in cities?
What do neighbourhoods do for cities? Are there
limits to how large cities can become? What factors
Engaging beyond Archaeology govern the persistence and sustainability of cities?
The realization that archaeologists can make real
The examples presented above illustrate several contributions to these and other important ques-
ways in which archaeological data are proving essen- tions about settlements and urbanism should inspire
tial for a general theory of urbanization. In the first us to generate the kinds of data required to address
case, we have shown that the source of increasing such questions. To do this, we will need solid quan-
returns in cities lies in the concentration of social titative data, especially measurements, that derive
w hy archaeo lo gy i s nece ssary fo r a t heo ry o f u rb anization 161

from rigorous fieldwork and analysis, both across based on the examples presented here, is that in
individual settlements and across settlement sys- addition to applying such models, archaeologists
tems. We will also need to recognize explicitly the can and should work to develop and test new the-
value of comparison and comparative analysis (see ory, not just for other archaeologists but for social
Smith, this volume) so that our data can be pre- scientists working in the present. This will require
sented and analysed in ways that contribute to these archaeologists to reach out beyond the discipline
broader discussions. to discover what the outstanding problems are for
Given that archaeological data have proven to questions like those posed above, and to collaborate
be essential for understanding scaling phenomena with researchers in geography, economics, demog-
in the present, it stands to reason that they are also raphy, and sociology to develop and test potential
necessary for useful answers to many of these addi- answers to these questions using archaeological evi-
tional questions. In this regard, we want to emphasize dence. We recognize that this approach represents a
that our examples have not emanated from discus- substantial expansion of effort relative to the tradi-
sions among archaeologists in isolation. Rather, they tional aims of archaeology, which have focused on
have emerged from engaged collaborations between constructing narratives of the past and cross-cultural
archaeologists and urban scientists on both a theo- comparison. But at least with respect to urbaniza-
retical and a methodological level. Archaeologists tion, tomorrow’s problems are also yesterday’s prob-
have a long tradition of applying models from urban lems, and our experience suggests archaeology has
geography to archaeological data. What we suggest, much to offer to the future.
162 s cott g. o rtman , m i c h ae l e . s m i t h , j o s é lo b o, and lu í s m. a. b e t t e nco u rt


The table below lists public works construction rates and subject populations for three pre-Hispanic New
World societies.
Volume of public works Subject
Site construction (m3)/yr population Notes
164 207.52 3135 Rosario Polity Capital
217 2.01 203 Population adjacent to the Ojo de Agua polity
219 41.32 325 Ojo de Agua E District Capital
227 80.84 2722 Ojo de Agua W District Capital
230 22.84 325 Ojo de Agua E population
232 2.87 201
234 2.64 153
238 1.44 73
241 6.47 152
242 267.76 3482 Ojo de Agua Polity Capital
244 1.52 29
250 3.11 70
253 2.54 108
261 2.08 277
264 28.49 805 Los Encentuaros Polity Capital
278 254.99 2520 Conception Polity Capital, subject population estimated
based on area and 70 houses/km2
285 0.87 43
286 1.44 93
289 1.66 42
294 0.39 54
302 45.26 799 Ontela Polity Capital
308 3.14 60
309 3.91 52
312 0.93 55
320 0.79 Not sure what associated population is
328 1.87 Not sure what associated population is
330 54.22 1756 Ojo de Agua W District Capital
335 2.13 170 Site descriptions missing, area estimated from district map
339 4.71 197 Site descriptions missing, area estimated from district map
Ixtapalapan 36.93 4933
Ixtapalucan 120.65 2106
Tenanco 125.33 7265
Tenayuca 437.50 12,500 Population estimated based on sizes of other regional centres
Mexica 7396.29 23,1375 Population is Mexica portion of Triple Alliance
Tlalmanalco-Chalco Excluded because both centres are beneath modern towns
Amecamecan 35.16 10,585
Tuexotla 139.06 25,590
Chimalhuacan 45.33 13,290
w hy archaeo lo gy i s nece ssary fo r a t heo ry o f u rb anization 163

Volume of public works Subject

Site construction (m3)/yr population Notes
Coatepec 107.24 3370
Coatlinchan 72.19 11,890
Tepetlaoztoc 188.98 23,525
Texcoco 2129.17 90,975 Population is total Acolhua confederacy
Cuitlahuac 65.63 10,125
Culhuacan Excluded because centre is beneath modern town
Xochimilco 44.50 3595
CH-LF-5 23.27 5200
CH-TF-16 29.17 2200
DF-1 213.33 20,000 Cuicuilco
IX-TF-4 8.54 1850
IX-TF-3 0.33 200
IX-TF-5 57.31 1600
IX-TF-8 0.25 50
TX-TF-1 9.18 2650 Includes TX-TF-2
TX-TF-14 2.00 500
TX-TF-36 6.00 1200
TX-TF-4 15.17 600
TX-TF-51 28.67 1200
TE-CL-1 6040.90 150,000 Teotihuacan; population is total Teotihuacan Valley population
CH-ET-31 16.33 800 Large nucleated village
CU-ET-21 12.73 850 Regional centre
TE-ET-21 3.78 1015 Large nucleated village
TX-ET-18 334.27 12,775 Regional centre (includes TX-ET-17 and IX-ET-1)
TX-ET-23 5.19 560 Small dispersed village; includes TX-ET-22 as well
TX-ET-4 17.28 7200 Regional centre; includes TX-ET-5)
TX-ET-7 191.80 8000 Regional centre
ZU-ET-12 27.21 1500 Local centre
TE-TF-101 1.29 200 Tezoyuca hill-top centre
TE-TF-23 1.28 440 Tezoyuca hill-top centre
TE-TF-26 0.91 300 Tezoyuca hill-top centre
TE-TF-33 1.24 320 Tezoyuca hill-top centre
TE-TF-34 4.72 350 Tezoyuca hill-top centre
CH-CL-12 1.05 1485 Large hamlet, population is total of Cluster 1
CH-CL-24 4.35 1710 Small dispersed village, population is total of Cluster 3
IX-EC-17 1.07 150 Small dispersed village
IX-EC-18 4.80 550 Large dispersed village, time span includes Late Classic
component (IX–LC-3)
IX-EC-7 2.50 900 Local centre, time span includes Late Classic component
TX-EC-26 1.07 130 Large hamlet, population includes adjacent TX-EC-27
164 s cott g. o rtman , m i c h ae l e . s m i t h , j o s é lo b o, and lu í s m. a. b e t t e nco u rt

Volume of public works Subject

Site construction (m3)/yr population Notes
SVP-CAY-12 4.06 375
SVP-CAY-15 3.18 150
SVP-CAY-17 2.58 110
SVP-CAY-19 4.68 150
SVP-CAY-21 0.77 50
SVP-CAY-22 21.80 450
SVP-CAY-23 2.35 125
SVP-CAY-25 4.88 150
SVP-CAY-26 2.23 150
SVP-CAY-28 2.42 50
SVP-CAY-31 1.25 100
SVP-CAY-32 4.62 200
SVP-CAY-34 0.92 55
SVP-CAY-36 3.48 150
SVP-CAY-39 0.28 15
SVP-CAY-4 1.20 115
SVP-CAY-40 1.98 100
SVP-CAY-5 7.83 165
SVP-CAY-52 0.78 150
SVP-CAY-6 7.69 175
SVP-CAY-8 4.23 75
SVP-CAY-9 3.69 100
SVP-ESUCH-122 14.60
SVP-ESUCH-123 10.80
SVP-ESUCH-34 18.00 85
SVP-ESUCH-50 17.23 90
SVP-ESUCH-90 30.00 450
SVP-ESUCH-92 7.82 85
SVP-LSUCH-116 1.31 180
SVP-LSUCH-134 26.40 210
SVP-LSUCH-77 7.93 160
SVP-LSUCH-84 2.30 50
SVP-GUAD-111 615.33 3600
SVP-GUAD-128 301.59 1765
SVP-GUAD-131 16.00 760
SVP-GUAD-202 50.00 1040
SVP-GUAD-204 3.84 150
SVP-GUAD-3 47.68 295
SVP-GUAD-93 102.67 2750
SVP-ETAN-100 3.04 110
SVP-ETAN-147 178.20 5870
Great Wall 828.00 19,355 Total Tanguche population of valley minus population of
sites with huacas
Roads 1000.00 11,300 Total population of S-C desert
w hy archaeo lo gy i s nece ssary fo r a t heo ry o f u rb anization 165

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