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Petunjuk Pengerjaan:

1. Pilih salah satu case study berikut, sesuai dengan angka paling belakang NIM
a. Angka belakang NIM genap : Case Study 1
b. Angka belakang NIM ganjil : Case Study 2
Contoh : NIM 210810482  angka belakang genap. Case Study 1.

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3. Pilih salah satu software yang ingin kalian gunakan (SPSS atau JAMOVI).
Pengerjaan sesuai format APA akan mendapatkan nilai tambah.
4. Tuliskan identitas dan kasus yang kalian kerjakan pada pojok kanan atas lembar
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Case Study 1: Academic Performance in Different Teaching Methods


Mba Taylor is interested in assessing the impact of three different teaching methods (Traditional
Lecture, Group Discussions, and Online Modules) on students' academic performance. Mba
Taylor collects exam scores from students randomly assigned to each teaching method.


1. Use One-Way ANOVA to analyze the data and determine if there are any significant differences
in academic performance between the three teaching methods.
2. If the ANOVA results are significant, conduct post hoc tests to identify which teaching methods
differ from each other.


Student Teaching Method Exam Score

1 Traditional 76
2 Traditional 85
3 Traditional 75
4 Traditional 76
5 Traditional 85
6 Traditional 76
7 Traditional 85
8 Traditional 82
9 Traditional 85
10 Traditional 81
11 Traditional 82
12 Traditional 81
13 Traditional 77
14 Traditional 80
15 Traditional 80
16 Group Discussions 86
17 Group Discussions 87
18 Group Discussions 89
19 Group Discussions 90
20 Group Discussions 86
21 Group Discussions 86
22 Group Discussions 84
23 Group Discussions 88
24 Group Discussions 90
25 Group Discussions 90
26 Group Discussions 89
27 Group Discussions 86
28 Group Discussions 89
29 Group Discussions 84
30 Group Discussions 90
31 Online Modules 95
32 Online Modules 93
33 Online Modules 94
34 Online Modules 90
35 Online Modules 93
36 Online Modules 93
37 Online Modules 95
38 Online Modules 95
39 Online Modules 93
40 Online Modules 93
41 Online Modules 93
42 Online Modules 94
43 Online Modules 94
44 Online Modules 90
45 Online Modules 94
Case Study 2: Customer Satisfaction Across Store Locations


A retail chain with multiple store locations wants to examine customer satisfaction levels across its
stores. The company collects customer satisfaction scores from randomly selected customers at each
store and categorizes them into three groups: City Center, Suburban, and Rural locations.


1. Apply One-Way ANOVA to investigate whether there are significant differences in customer
satisfaction across the different store locations.
2. If there are significant differences, perform post hoc tests to identify specific pairs of store
locations with divergent satisfaction scores.


Customer Store Location Satisfaction Score

1 City Center 79
2 City Center 76
3 City Center 76
4 City Center 78
5 City Center 76
6 City Center 77
7 City Center 79
8 City Center 80
9 City Center 76
10 City Center 79
11 City Center 76
12 City Center 77
13 City Center 76
14 City Center 76
15 City Center 80
16 Suburban 84
17 Suburban 85
18 Suburban 84
19 Suburban 85
20 Suburban 85
21 Suburban 83
22 Suburban 83
23 Suburban 82
24 Suburban 87
25 Suburban 83
26 Suburban 84
27 Suburban 88
28 Suburban 84
29 Suburban 88
30 Suburban 86
31 Rural 65
32 Rural 68
33 Rural 69
34 Rural 67
35 Rural 70
36 Rural 68
37 Rural 71
38 Rural 72
39 Rural 66
40 Rural 69
41 Rural 70
42 Rural 66
43 Rural 68
44 Rural 68
45 Rural 67


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