299 Project Report-3

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Project Proposal

Faculty Name: Tanzilah Noor Shabnam (Tns1)

Course Name: CSE 299
Section: 10
Team Members:
Name ID
1.Parsa Alam 2011902042
2.Raiyan Mugdho 2211394042
3. Rafid Islam 2022388 642

Fig : Temporary-id Form

Fig: Temporary Permission

Fig : Guest Registration form

Fig : Guest Granted part

Fig:Users Database in Mongodb

Fig:Guest Database in Mongodb

Fig:Temporary Id-1

Fig : Temporary id-2

Fig : Temporay permission Route

Fig : Guest Permission 1

Fig : Guest Permission 2

Fig : Guest Permission Granted

6.Netlify Server

Activity Diagram:

Project Plan:
Plan of Action for Automation System Development

Timeframe: 7 Weeks

Week 1: Designing the App Frontend and Setting Up Home Page After Login
• Create the Automation System user interface and user experience (UI/UX).
• After Login There will be Users Information in the Home Page

Week 2: Permission Access with Authentication System

• There will be portal for Temporary ID and also for Guest Permission.
• To verify this Permission Portal there will be Firebase Authentication system

Week 3: Sorting And Searching

• There will be sorting option for Library Books (e.g. A-Z or Z-A)
• Also, user can find exact book from the search option using keyword.

Week 4: Rent System with Payment Process

• Creating a System Where User Can Take Books for Rent.
• For effective management there will be payment process to make this more realistic.

Week 5: Food Order Management System

• User can order food from any place through this system and will get a soft copy of it.
• There will be payment method for ordering food.

Week 6: Lost and Found Update

• In this portal user can add any item which was lost and can search for it

Week 7: Smart Canteen Card and Service History Tracking

• User Will request for the smart canteen card with some minimum payment.
• For minimum payment there will be payment system.
• The services user has taken every information will be shown.
Gantt Chart :
Task Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7
Student Details
Display after
Temporary ID
Card & guest

Library Book
Online Book

Online Food
Ordering from
Online Lost and
Found Section:
Smart Canteen
Card & Service
Project Outcomes:
The NSU Automation System is poised to transform university operations by harnessing a suite
of innovative features aimed at enhancing personal organization, data security, and productivity.
Developed using the MERN stack with Firebase authentication, the system aims to streamline
campus management with the following key outcomes:
1.Enhanced Privacy Measures: Through the integration of biometric authentication and a
secure file vault, the NSU Automation System ensures robust data security, catering to users'
need for confidentiality and privacy in managing sensitive information.
2.Efficient Access Control: By facilitating the generation of Temporary ID Cards and managing
Guest Permissions seamlessly, the system simplifies access control processes, reducing wait
times and enhancing security for students and guests accessing university facilities.
3.Streamlined Library Services: With features like Library Book Location and Online Book
Rent, the system modernizes library services, enabling students to easily locate and rent books
online, thereby improving access to educational resources.
4.Smart Canteen Management: Implementing the Smart Canteen Card and Online Food
Ordering functionalities, the system revolutionizes campus dining experiences, offering cashless
transactions and facilitating online ordering for greater convenience and efficiency.
5.Efficient Lost and Found Tracking: Through the Online Lost and Found Section, the system
provides a centralized platform for reporting and claiming lost items, streamlining the process
and ensuring swift resolution.
6.Comprehensive Service Tracking: With Service History Tracking, the system offers a
holistic approach to tracking students' interactions with campus services, facilitating efficient
management and resource allocation.
7.User-Centric Design: By focusing on user-centric design principles, the NSU Automation
System ensures an intuitive and seamless user experience across all functionalities, promoting
adoption and utilization among students, faculty, and staff. In conclusion, the NSU Automation
System, powered by the MERN stack and Firebase authentication, promises to revolutionize
university management by delivering a comprehensive suite of features tailored to enhance
personal organization, data security, and productivity across campus operations.

In conclusion, NSU Automation System would provide a comprehensive solution for optimizing
various processes across its manifold operations, which would make lives of students easier,
increase efficiency, improve accuracy, and enhance productivity. By leveraging automation of
ordering food, the students of North South University (NSU) can save time, and utilize that
saved time for education, research, and innovation purposes. Our platform merges all the
fundamental services that would help to ameliorate the all in all campus experience of the

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