Article V Notes

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Article 5


Suffrage – it is the right and obligation to vote of qualified citizens in the election of
certain national and local officers.
Plebiscite – it is the name given to a vote of the people expressing their choice for or
against a proposed law or enactment submitted to them.
Referendum – it is the submission of a law or part thereof passed by the national or
local legislative body to the voting citizens of a country for their ratification or rejection.
Initiative – it is the process whereby the people directly propose and enact laws.
Substantive – real rather than apparent
Precluded – refers to making something legally impossible
Plenary – refers to the implication of fullness without qualification
Pardon – the excusing of an offense without exacting a penalty
Amnesty – the act of an authority (such as a government) by which pardon is granted
to a large group of individuals.
Sedition – incitement of resistance to or insurrection against lawful authority.
Secrecy – the condition of being hidden or concealed
Promulgate – to make known or public the terms of (a proposed law)
Untrammeled – not confined, limited, or impeded

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