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1. Manager Ann : Guys, I’ve got some information about our new project. Don’t be noisy.

Employee : Yes, Sir.

A. I don’t understand
B. I got it
C. Are you with me
D. Can I have your attention, Please.

2. Tannie : Guys, May I have your attention, please?

We have to collect the assignment on our teacher’s table now, have you
finished it yet?
Yona : Yes. I have
Queen : Off course yes
The underlined sentence express….
A. Giving for attention
B. Asking for attention
C. Showing for attention
D. Asking opinion

3. Taehyung : Excuse me, Jungkook. Could I interrupt? I have something to talk about.
Jungkook : ______________________. I am listening.
A. Yes, Please
B. Sorry, I have to go now
C. Thanks
D. Are you with me?

4. Mother : Hey vee, can you help me to cook this fish soup?
Vee : Yeah, sure mom.
Mother : To cook fish soup, you need fish, a half litter of water,ginger, onion, and tomato.
----------------------------------- ?
Vee : I don’t Understand Mom, sorry. It was too confusing for me
A. Do you need a hand
B. Are you with me
C. Will you write it down
D. Will you buy all of them

Text for no.5-6

Jono : Have you finished the assignment from Ms.Jenny?

Jupri : Not Yet, I’m still confused in answering some questions especially
changing the verbs of active sentence into passive or vice versa.
Jono : Oh, That one. Before you change the sentence into passive or active. Please make sure
what kind of sentence it is, an active sentence or a passive. If it’s an active sentence,
you need to change the verb 1 into verb 3 or vice versa.
Jupri : Yeah, I understand what you are saying.
Thanks jono.
Jono : That’s Ok!
5. A. Do you get my point?
B. Can you tell me once again?
C. What do you mean?
D. Do you believe it?

6. The underlined sentence express…

A. Checking for understanding
B. Showing for understanding
C. Lack of understanding
D. Showing for misunderstanding

7. Ega : Mom, I got 100 in math test!

Mother : -------------------------------------
If mother will give compliment to Ega’s achievement, Mom will say…
A. That’s too bad!
B. Good job!
C. Terrible!
D. That’s awful

8. Kania : What do you think of our new classmate, Eunwoo?

Desta : He is really sociable student.

Kania : I think so. He makes friends easily

Desta : Nearly all of our friends know him well just in 2 weeks

Kania : Wow -----------------------------?

Desta : Yes sure.

A. What is he?
B. What a diligent person!
C. What a popular girl she is!
D. What a famous boy!
9. Rizky : I think our city is saved from the virus, so we can go around.
Febian : But I don’t think so.
-------------------------- Our city is saved. We must stay at home at least in lock down
A. In my opinion
B. See you next time
C. You know it
D. I am thinking of the virus

10. Hwan : K – Drama Vincenzo is so great series. And what do you think about K -Drama
Min : I think ----------------
A. Thank you, Vincenzo
B. You forget Vincenzo
C. I can’t hear you call Vincenzo
D. I love Vincenzo. Its so inspiring me

11. eyke : Kim, would you like to give me an opinion about my poetry?

Kim : Of course ! think you should use attractive themes and titles. It would be great poetry.

Jeyke : Thank you very much, Jey.

Kim : It’s okay

The dialogue above tells us that Jeyke is…

A. Asking for writing a poetry

B. Waiting for help
C. Sharing an opinion
D. Asking for opinion
12.Rafa : Gio, there will be “panggung gembira” in our town square this weekend. Senior high
school has no class every Saturday. So I’m free every Saturday. Would you
watch “panggung gembira” with me ?
Gio : I wish I could but junior high school still has 6 days school so I have class on Saturday.
Rafa : Why don’t you ask permission to your mother?
(the next morning Gio ask permission to his mother)
Gio : Mom, ……………………………………………….(12)……………………………..?
Mother : Sorry, you may not you have study at school. If you want to watch “panggung gembira” ,
you can watch it on Sunday, honey.
Gio : Ok, mom
A. May I watch “Panggung gembira “ on Saturday?
B. Can I call Alfa to ask permission with me?
C. Will you watch “Panggung Gembira” with me?
D. Would it be alrightn if I invite all my friends?
13. Lutfi : What is yourmplan next holiday, fin?
Arvin : ………………. Go to camping at Songolikur peak”
Lutfi : It sound great!
A. I can
B. I am going to
C. I may
D. I must
14. Olivia : Hi, Ji. Would you like to going with me to Jojo’s house?
Ajie : Of course, I would.
Olivia : But, can you drive a car?
Ajie : Don’t worry. It’s easy. I’ve got a driving license, but I can’t drive a big car.
Olivia : It doesn’t matter. My car is Porsche.
The underlined sentence shows….
A. Sympathy
B. Incapability
C. Capability
D. Possibility
15. Chanie : Can you explain me about the process of extraction in the laboratory?
Kai : Yes, No.Problem
Chanie : Do you have experience to lead the phisics seminar?
Kai : No, I have no experience to lead physics seminar.
From the dialogue can be concluded….
A. Chanie can explain about the process of extraction
B. Kai can explain about the process of extraction
C. Chanie has experience to lead the physics seminar
D. Kai has experience to lead the physics seminar

Text for No. 16-17

Rena : Ahh. I have a sore throat. I can’t sallow the food.

Arnold : have you taken medicine ?
Rena : Yes, but it does not get better
Arnold : You should see the doctor now.
Rena : No. I’m afraid of a doctor. I will stay at home.
16. From the text above we can conclude that…
A. Rena has seen the doctor
B. Arnold suggest Rena take medicine
C. Rena can eat well
D. Rena is still sick
17. The underlined sentence shows….
A. Asking suggestion
B. Giving suggestion
C. Stating obligation
D. Asking permission
Text for 18-19

Fai : I often get remedial but you never get remidial and you always be the best in the class.

Ilham : If you want to be the best student (18)……………………….

Fai : When I’m confused and don’t know the answer in the exam. O asked the answer to my
friend next to me but I still got remidial. I didn’t work.

Ilham : You ……………. (19)…………….in the exam. Believe in yourself and do the best.

18. A. You should study hard

B. You should copy your friend’s homework
C. You should cheat in the exam
D. You should study when you’ll have examination
19. A. Must not cheat
B. Must trust your friend
C. Must not do the best
D. Mustn’t be too serious

Text for no 20 – 22

Please join us
In celebrating the graduation of :
Namjoon Joz Mestine, M.Ed.

Sunday,September 7th, 2021 at 7 p.m

Abdul Wahid Avenue 67 Bandungsari
Mr.and Mrs. Suparjo

Please RSVP by September 1st , 2021

Sejin – 085739999789 (text only)

20. The writer’s intention of writing the text is for….

A. Attending Suparjo’s friend graduation
B. Informing Namjoon’s friend to celebrate his graduation
C. Asking Sejin for coming to his graduation
D. Inviting Namjoon’s friend to celebrate his graduation celebration.
21. When will probably the celebration be held?
A. At night
B. In the morning
C. In the evening
D. In the afternoon
22. After the readera read the text above, they will llikely…
A. Join to Namjoon’s friend graduation celebration
B. Confirm by Calling Sejin
C. Send message to Sejin soon
D. Send graduation card to Namjoon

Text for no. 23-25

To : All OSIS member 7th and 8th grade Hybe JSH

You are invited to come our weekly meeting which will be held on:

Day/date : Wednesday, 27th September 2021

Time : After school

Place : OSIS Room

Agenda : Discussing OSIS annual election event

Levi Adam Aksara

OSIS Chairperson

PS : Pleas come on time or we will start without you since It’s urgent

23. According to the text, what will OSIS members talk about in the meeting?
A. Meeting room
B. Argent Agenda
C. OSIS program
D. Election Party
24. What is the writer ‘s purpose to write the text above?
A. To do the writer’s urgent call to all OSIS members
B. To invite all OSIS members to attend OSIS meeting
C. To give information about OSIS annual election party
D. To inform reader hoe to do OSIS annual election party
25. These following sentences are true, except ….
A. The invitation is only for OSIS members
B. The invitee should come on time
C. The meeting will be held in the afternoon
D. The meeting discuss every week election event
Text For Number 26 to 30

Heal The world

By Michael Jackson

Heal the ……(26)

……(27) it better place

For you and for me

And the entire human…..(28)

There are people……(29)

If you …..(30) enough for the living

Make a better place for you and for me

26. The correct word to complete the song is…..

A. Wet
B. World
C. Word
D. Work
27. The correct word to complete the song is…..
A. Make
B. Made
C. Maked
D. Makes
28. The correct word to complete the song is…..
A. Rade
B. Rase
C. Race
D. Rude
29. The correct word to complete the song is…..
A. Die
B. Deal
C. Dying
D. Dear
30. The correct word to complete the song is…..
A. Cake
B. Come
C. Car
D. Care

Read the text and answer the following questions !

One day I flew from Denpasar to Makasar. I went with Kevin and Kathrin. Kevin is the Project Manager
for Cool Radio English and Kathrin is the Program Officer for AuSAID.

The pilot said something over the intercom in Bahasa Indonesia. I did not understand him. I asked
someone sitting near me for a clue. I looked out the window and could see the tires on my side of the
plane lowering. I felt a little weak in the knees. I realized I had been holding my breath for a quite a

1. where the writer flew?

2. Who is Kevin?
3. Who is Kathrin?
4. Did the writer understand with Bahasa Indonesia?
5. What is the writer feeling when he looked out the window?

Education is not a problem, education is an opportunity”

Don’t stop to learn! 🙂


1. D 6 B 11 D 16 D 21 C
2 B 7 B 12 A 17 B 22 C
3 A 8 D 13 B 18 A 23 D
4 D 9 A 14 B 19 C 24 B
5 A 10 D 15 B 20 D 25 D

26 B
27 A
28 C
29 C
30 D


Read the text and answer the following questions !

1. The writer flew from Denpasar

2. Kevin is the Project Manager for Cool Radio English
3. the Program Officer for AuSAID
4. No, the writer did not
5. The writer felt a little weak in the knees

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