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1. How does MongoDB differ from traditional relational databases?

• MongoDB is a NoSQL database, while traditional relational databases are SQL-


• It stores data in flexible, schema-less documents, whereas relational databases

use structured tables with fixed schemas.

• It is designed for horizontal scalability and can handle large volumes of data,
while relational databases typically scale vertically.

2. Can you explain what a document in MongoDB is?

A document is a JSON-like data structure that stores and represents data. It can
contain key-value pairs, arrays, and nested documents. Documents are stored in
collections, equivalent to tables in relational databases.

3. What is a collection in MongoDB?

A collection in MongoDB is a grouping of documents. Collections are schema-less,

meaning documents in the same collection can have different structures.
Collections are similar to tables in traditional relational databases.

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4. How does MongoDB store data?

MongoDB stores data in BSON (Binary JSON) format, a binary-encoded serialization

of JSON-like documents. These documents are stored in collections within

5. What is a primary key in MongoDB?

In MongoDB, the `_id` field serves as the primary key for a document. It must be
unique within a collection and is automatically generated if not provided during
document insertion.

6. Can you explain the concept of sharding in MongoDB?

Sharding in MongoDB is a strategy used to distribute data horizontally across

numerous servers or clusters, efficiently managing extensive datasets and heavy
workloads. In this approach, data is divided into distinct subsets known as shards,
and MongoDB's query router directs queries to the relevant shard as needed.

7. What are indexes in MongoDB?

MongoDB employs data structures known as indexes to enhance query

performance, enabling the database to swiftly locate documents according to the
indexed fields. MongoDB offers support for a range of index types.

8. How do you create a database in MongoDB?

You create a database implicitly by switching to it or explicitly by running the `use

<database_name>` command in the MongoDB shell. When you insert data into it,
MongoDB will create the database if it doesn't already exist.

9. How do you insert data into a MongoDB collection?

You can insert data into a MongoDB collection using the `insertOne()` or
`insertMany()` method. You provide a document or an array of documents to be

10. What is a replica set in MongoDB?

It is a group of servers that maintain the same data. It provides data redundancy and
high availability. One server acts as the primary, while others are secondary servers
that replicate data from the primary.

11. What are the data types supported by MongoDB?

MongoDB supports various data types, including string, number, boolean, date, array,
object, null, regex, and more. It also helps geospatial and binary data types.

12. How do you update documents in MongoDB?

You can update documents in MongoDB using methods like `updateOne()`,
`updateMany(),` or `findOneAndUpdate().` You specify the query to select the
documents to update and provide an update operation.

13. What is the role of `_id` in MongoDB documents?

The `_id` field uniquely identifies each document in a collection. MongoDB uses it as
the primary key, and if not provided during document insertion, MongoDB generates
a unique value for it.

14. How do you delete data from a MongoDB collection?

You can delete data from a MongoDB collection using methods like `deleteOne()`,
`deleteMany()`, or `findOneAndDelete()`. You specify a query to select the
documents to delete.

15. What is a cursor in MongoDB, and when is it used?

A cursor in MongoDB is an iterator to retrieve and process documents from query

results. Cursors are used when fetching large result sets, allowing you to retrieve
documents in batches.

16. Can you explain the concept of data modeling in MongoDB?

Data modeling in MongoDB involves designing the structure of your documents and
collections to represent your data best and meet your application's requirements. It
includes defining document schemas, relationships, and indexing strategies.

17. How is data consistency maintained in MongoDB?

MongoDB provides strong consistency within a single document but offers eventual
consistency for distributed data across multiple nodes or shards. It controls data
consistency levels by using mechanisms like write concern and read preferences.
18. What is the role of collections in MongoDB?

Collections in MongoDB are containers for organizing and storing related

documents. They act as the equivalent of tables in relational databases, grouping
similar data.

19. How do you perform a query in MongoDB?

You can perform queries in MongoDB using the `find()` method, where you specify
criteria to filter documents. You can also use various query operators to refine your

20. Can you explain the concept of aggregation in MongoDB?

MongoDB's aggregation framework is a powerful tool designed for processing and

transforming documents within a collection. With it, you can execute various
operations such as grouping, sorting, and computing aggregate values on your

21. What is the difference between MongoDB and MySQL?

• MongoDB is a NoSQL database, while MySQL is a traditional relational database.

• MongoDB stores data in flexible, schema-less documents; MySQL uses structured

tables with fixed schemas.

• MongoDB is designed for horizontal scalability, while MySQL typically scales


• MongoDB is often used for unstructured or semi-structured data, while MySQL is

commonly used for structured data.

22. How do you backup a MongoDB database?

You can back up a MongoDB database using tools like `mongodump` or by

configuring regular snapshots at the file system or cluster level.
23. What are the main features of MongoDB?

Some prominent features of MongoDB include flexibility in data modeling, horizontal

scalability, support for unstructured data, powerful query language, automatic
sharding, high availability with replica sets, and geospatial capabilities.

24. What is the purpose of using MongoDB over other databases?

MongoDB is chosen over other databases for its ability to handle flexible,
unstructured, and rapidly changing data. It excels in scenarios where scalability,
speed, and agility are essential, such as web and mobile applications, real-time
analytics, and content management systems. Its horizontal scaling capabilities also
make it suitable for large-scale data storage and processing.

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