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College of Agriculture
…setting trend towards sustainable development


TAKE ACTION # 1 (1 whole sheet of yellow paper)

1. Interview officials or anybody who are responsible in keeping cleanliness in your

community or barangay. Ask them the community problems about environment.
List at least 10 problems and suggest possible solutions in each problems
identified. (50 points)
Follow the format below in doing your activity.

Subject: AGRIC 14
Course/Year:BSA 2-1 AS

Let's make a schedule for
garbage collection, teach
Garbage piles up because it's not
1 folks to separate recyclables,
collected regularly
and set up a place to recover
useful materials.
We need to teach everyone
Trash thrown anywhere leads to how to toss trash properly
pollution and maybe give out fines if
they don't follow the rules.
We're not doing enough to keep Let's have more clean-up
3 our neighborhood clean and days and plant trees to make
green things nicer.
We should team up with
schools and groups to teach
Not many people know about
4 everyone about how to take
protecting the environment
care of nature and manage
waste better.
Barangay leaders should put
Sometimes we don't have enough aside some money and work
money or stuff to clean up with others to get what's
Let's get everyone excited
Not everyone pitches in to keep about cleaning up and
things clean taking care of their own
We should invest in more
There aren't enough trash bins or
7 bins and better places to get
places to throw garbage
rid of trash.
We need strict rules and
punishments for those who
Illegal dumping and littering are
8 dump trash illegally, and
still happening
make it easy for people to get
rid of their garbage properly.
We should team up more
Leaders, residents, and the
and talk to each other to
9 government need to work together
make sure our plans for
cleaning up are working.
Barangays should check in
We need to check if our plans are
regularly to see if our plans
10 working and make changes if
are working and make
changes if needed.

College of Agriculture
…setting trend towards sustainable development

1. In your own understanding discuss the meaning of sustainability?.

Sustainability means using stuff in a way that keeps things going smoothly for us and for
the folks who come after us. It's like making sure we don't use up all the good stuff and
leave nothing for the future.

2.who is responsible in protecting our environment? Why?

. Everyone's got a role in looking after our environment. We all make choices every day that
affect nature, from what we buy to how we get rid of our trash. But also,
governments need to make rules to keep things in check, and businesses
should do their part too by being eco-friendly.

3. Give at least 10 ways on how we protect or take care our environment

- Use less, reuse stuff, and recycle to cut down on waste.
- Save energy by using energy-efficient gadgets and turning off things when we're not
using them.
- Don't waste water, fix leaks, and use water-saving gadgets.
- Plant trees to help clean the air and give animals a home.
- Walk, bike, or use public transport to cut down on pollution from cars.
- Choose local and organic foods to support farmers and reduce pollution from farming.
- Keep nasty stuff out of the air and water by not using harmful chemicals.
- Protect natural places like forests and wetlands where animals and plants live.
- Tell others about how important it is to take care of our environment.
- Speak up for laws and policies that help protect nature and make our world a better

QUIZ #1 Self-Check (Answer in separate sheet)

Direction. Answer the following questions briefly.

1.What is sustainability?
Sustainability is about using resources in a way that meets current needs without
compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

2.What are the common goals of sustainability?

The common goals of sustainability include promoting environmental protection, fostering
economic prosperity, ensuring social equity, and maintaining ecological balance.

3.Who is responsible in protecting our environment? Why?

Everyone shares responsibility for protecting the environment. Individuals,
communities, governments, businesses, and organizations all play a role because our
actions impact the environment and future generations.
4.How to take care of the environment? Give at least 10 ways.
Reduce, reuse, and recycle
Conserve energy and water
Plant trees and preserve natural habitats
Practice sustainable transportation
Support sustainable agriculture
Reduce pollution
Educate and raise awareness
Advocate for policy change
Participate in clean-up efforts
Foster community involvement and cooperation


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