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BSc & FdSc 3D CGI Modelling & Animation / Architectural Visualisation

Level: 4 Unit: 3D Asset Development 1 Date: 28/03/2024

Student: Stacey Zack Cswk: 1 Title: Asset Modelling & Texturing Tutor: DH, SK

Grading Descriptors Weighting Grade

1 Documented 3D modelling and texturing workflow 60% Distinction

2 Final rendered portfolio images 20% Merit

3 Reflective evaluation of performance 10% Distinction

4 Personal Skills Development Plan 10% Merit

First Marker % Second Marker % Agreed mark %

Mark 68 68 68

Documented 3D Modelling and Texturing Workflow

Your well documented workflow demonstrates a clear understanding of the required 3D modelling and texturing
process. This includes extensive evidence of hard surface and organic character modelling. Also very well
documented is an introduction to texturing and UV unwrapping, along with a proficient demonstration of your
introduction to Substance Painter. Your detailed descriptions showcase your grasp of these fundamental concepts
and tools, laying a strong foundation for future assignments where these skills will undoubtedly be further developed
and refined.

Your commitment to research and reference is evident in your blog and designs. This level of research and literature
review is excellent and presents an opportunity for continued growth and exploration in future assignments. By
delving deeper into your research process and exploring a wider range of references, you can further enrich the
conceptualisation and execution of your projects.

Final Rendered Portfolio Images

The final rendered images show some consideration to composition and layout, with consideration of camera angles
and the arrangement of 3D sets. Your character is skilfully posed, complemented by the effective integration of
additional assets. The use of suitable light types and backplate scene imagery, effectively illuminates and
accentuates both character and scene/environmental elements. In future be clear to define your image style and
colour palette, drawing on reference and examples. If applicable, look to develop a more realistic style of texture

Reflective Evaluation of Performance

Your evaluation offers valuable insights into your work on this assignment and the obstacles you encountered along
the way. You openly acknowledge the steep learning curve you navigated throughout the task, demonstrating
commendable growth, particularly in your 3D modeling skills. Your grasp of the significance of clean and efficient
topology deserves recognition, as it lays a strong foundation for future projects.

Specific workflow challenges, particularly those related to rigging and character posing, were identified and
addressed. Your willingness to confront and overcome these hurdles speaks to your resilience and determination.

Furthermore, you identify the importance of utilising references when developing your assets. Your readiness to
draw from external sources and apply newfound knowledge to your work is commendable and indicative of a
mindset focused on continual growth.

You clearly show a proactive attitude towards learning and improvement. Your expressed commitment to achieving
greater efficiency in future endeavours reflects a commendable and positive approach to the development of your
modeling and visualisation skills. This mindset bodes well for your continued progress and success in your creative

Personal Skills Development Plan

Your development plan shows some thoughtful consideration and relevance in setting your goals. You've outlined
specific tasks and resources required to accomplish these objectives, demonstrating a keen awareness of what
success entails.

Be sure to regularly revisit your development plan, updating both your goals and successes. Additionally, consider
identifying personal goals beyond the scope of your studies. These goals may not be directly linked to your area of
study but can contribute significantly to your overall skills and personal growth.

Received by :

Signed: DH, SK

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