The Brawler - A Martial Class - GM Binder

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The Brawler


eep in a swamp, a hydra lunges one of its heads Although you don’t gain features from your brawling forte
at a seemingly unarmed dwarf. Sidestepping until you reach 3rd level, plan ahead for that choice by
quickly, the dwarf grabs the maw, pushing it reading the forte descriptions at the end of the class and
forcefully into the marshy ground. consider what techniques your brawler employs. Are you
With a goblin in a chokehold in one arm, an particularly skilled at controlling groups of enemies, breaking
armored dragonborn dashes and jumps into the through enemy armor and shields, or simply being an
air, dropkicking a hobgoblin. After mere impenetrable wall of strength and steel?
moments, the whole goblin war party is lying in the dirt or Lastly, what caused you to apply your unconventional
running in frantic fear. fighting skills to adventuring? Was it simply the most
An ogre rushes a party of adventurers, swinging its club promising option for more gold or were you seeking more
wildly. A human throws herself in the way and ducks under a exotic experiences that couldn't be found in your local
menacing blow. Grabbing the ogre's arm, she launches circles? Perhaps you were forced out of your familiar life and
herself into the air and brings both fists down on the crown of onto the road by some rival or foe.
the brute's head. Stopping dead in its tracks, the ogre
crumples to the ground. Quick Build
These heroes are brawlers, warriors who train their bodies You can make a brawler quickly by following these
to be brutal weapons. Swinging their fists, and whatever else suggestions. First, make Strength your highest ability score,
they get their hands on, brawlers are devastating melee followed by Constitution (or Charisma if you plan on
combatants who control the battlefield as they effortlessly choosing the victor forte).
throw foes around, taking down those who pose too much Second, choose the folk
danger to their allies. hero background.
Opportunistic Bruisers
Deadly even with nothing in their hands, brawlers eschew
using the fighter’s heavy armor and the monk’s mysticism,
focusing instead on perfecting styles of brutal unarmed
combat. Versatile, agile, and able to adapt to all kinds of
attacks, a brawler’s body is a powerful weapon.
Brawlers use every opportunity in combat to gain the upper
hand, grabbing and throwing their foes when caught off-
balance and swiftly dispatching them when their defenses
falter. Skilled brawlers control the battlefield, maneuvering
their foes right where they want them and pinning them
down with ease.
Rolling with the Punches
Not every tavern drunk that throws a punch is a brawler.
Brawlers are those who have honed their ability to fight,
ignore pain when they take a hit, and expertly control their
foes in battle. They include those skilled in methods of
unconventional combat, and are often bodyguards,
bouncers, and street fighters.
A brawler's experience in unorthodox fighting makes
them a natural fit for the surprises often faced by
adventurers. Brawlers are strong, maneuverable, and
adaptable, able to protect their allies by enduring blows
and impeding the most threatening foes.
Creating a Brawler
To create your brawler, first consider how you first learned to
fight. Did you teach yourself or was there someone who
mentored you in brawling? Also consider why you first
learned to brawl. Was it to protect yourself on the street or to
earn some extra gold through fighting rings? Maybe you were
seeking revenge against someone who wronged you or a
loved one.

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The Brawler Table
Level Proficiency Bonus Cheap Shots Brawl Die Features
1st +2 — 1d4 Hard Knocks (1 use), Brawling
2nd +2 2 1d4 Dirty Fighting, Fast Movement
3rd +2 3 1d4 Brawling Forte
4th +2 4 1d4 Ability Score Improvement
5th +3 5 1d6 Extra Attack
6th +3 6 1d6 Forte Feature, Force of Will
7th +3 7 1d6 Danger Sense
8th +3 8 1d6 Ability Score Improvement
9th +4 9 1d6 Hard Knocks (2 uses)
10th +4 10 1d6 Forte Feature
11th +4 11 1d8 Dirty Fighting Improvement
12th +4 12 1d8 Ability Score Improvement
13th +5 13 1d8 Awesome Blow
14th +5 14 1d8 Forte Feature
15th +5 15 1d8 Size-Up Opponent
16th +5 16 1d8 Ability Score Improvement
17th +6 17 1d10 Hard Knocks (3 uses)
18th +6 18 1d10 Forte Feature
19th +6 19 1d10 Ability Score Improvement
20th +6 20 1d10 Legendary Brawler

Class Features You start with the following equipment, in addition to the
equipment granted by your background:
As a Brawler, you gain the following class features:
Any simple weapon
Hit Points (a) hide armor or (b) leather armor
Hit Dice: 1d10 per brawler level (a) a light crossbow and 20 bolts or (b) four javelins
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + your Constitution modifier (a) a dungeoneer's pack or (b) an explorer's pack
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + your Constitution
modifier per brawler level after 1st. Hard Knocks
Proficiencies At 1st level, you are accustomed to shrugging off blows and
Armor: Light armor, medium armor ignoring pain that would take down most people. Once per
Weapons: Simple weapons long rest, as a reaction to taking damage that would leave you
Tools: A gaming set with less than half your maximum hit points, you may choose
Saving Throws: Constitution, Strength to halve the triggering damage and temporarily gain
Skills: Athletics, and choose two skills from Acrobatics, resistance to all damage for one minute.
Insight, Intimidation, Medicine, Perception, Sleight of You can use this feature twice between long rests starting
Hand, and Survival. at 9th level and three times starting at 17th level.

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Depending on your choice
of brawler forte, you may gain
multiple features that allow you to
modify an attack by spending cheap shots. Only
Brawling one such feature may modify each attack. For example,
At 1st level, you know how to use your fists and whatever else if you use the wide swing feature from the bouncer forte, you
is available in combat. You gain the following benefits while may not spend additional cheap shots to grapple with those
you are unarmed or wielding only one melee weapon: attacks.
You can roll a d4 in place of the normal damage of your Fast Movement
unarmed strikes and other melee attacks. This die Starting at 2nd level, you are light on your feet. Your speed
changes as you gain brawler levels, as shown in the Brawl increases by 10 feet while you aren’t wearing heavy armor or
Die column of the Brawler table. a shield.
When you use the Attack action with an unarmed strike or
melee weapon on your turn, you can make one unarmed Brawling Forte
strike as a bonus action.
Your proficiency modifier is doubled for athletics checks At 3rd level, you gain a forte representing your personal
used in ability score contests. talents and brawling techniques. The forte you choose grants
you features at levels 3, 6, 10, 14, and 18.
Dirty Fighting
At 2nd level, you learn to take advantage of any opportunity Ability Score Improvement
your opponents give you. You have a number of cheap shots When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and
available according to the Cheap Shots column of the 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice
Brawler Table. You regain all expended cheap shots when by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by
you complete a short or long rest. 1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score above 20
When you use the attack action to hit an opponent with a using this feature.
melee attack, you may expend a cheap shot to attempt to Using the optional feats rule, you can forgo taking this
shove, grapple, or disarm the target as part of the same feature to take a feat of your choice instead.
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Extra Attack
Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of
once, whenever you take the attack action on your turn.
Force of Will
Beginning at 6th level, you put your whole will behind
every blow. Your unarmed strikes count as magical for
the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to
nonmagical attacks and damage.
Danger Sense
By 7th level, you've taken enough knocks to learn
how to avoid harm where possible. You have
advantage on Dexterity saving throws against effects
that you can see, such as traps and spells. To gain this
benefit, you can’t be blinded, deafened, or incapacitated.
Improved Dirty Fighting
Beginning at 11th level, when you attempt to grapple,
shove, or disarm, you can expend a cheap shot to give
the target disadvantage on their contesting check.
In addition, you can shove or grapple creatures up to
two sizes larger than yourself, and you no longer have
disadvantage when attempting to disarm an opponent
larger than you.
Awesome Blow
Beginning at 13th level, your critical hits become more
devastating. When you critically hit a creature with a
melee attack, you may expend one cheap shot to
automatically knock it prone and/or push it up to 10
feet away from you (your choice).
Size-Up Opponent
At 15th level, you have become so familiar with close
quarters brawling that you intuitively sense the
physical state of those you strike. Once per round,
when you hit an opponent with a melee attack, you
may choose to learn whether your opponent is near
death (25% or less of its maximum hit points
remaining), badly wounded (26-50%), winded
(51-75%), or fresh (more than 75%).
Legendary Brawler
At 20th level, your ability to keep your foes off-balance
is legendary. You have advantage on athletics checks
used in ability score contests.
In addition, you can shove or grapple any creature
regardless of size.

Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing with the
Brawler class, you must meet these prerequisites:
13 Strength.
Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the Brawler
class, you gain the following proficiencies: Simple
weapons, light armor, medium armor.

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Brawler Fortes Intimidating Technique
As they become more experienced, brawlers develop different Beginning at 3rd level, your fighting technique and intense
fighting maneuvers and specialties. A specific set of demeanor alarm those around you. You gain proficiency in
techniques is referred to as a "forte", which reflects a intimidation (or another brawler class skill if already
brawler's focus on mastering certain types of techniques. proficient) and can use strength for intimidation checks.
Eager Combatant
Bruiser Beginning at 6th level, you are always ready and itching for a
While all brawlers are brutal and unorthodox fighters, fight. You have advantage on initiative rolls.
bruisers take things a step further. Rushing headlong into
combat, bruisers astonish combatants with ferocious Bull Rush
charges, impacting their foes before they even have a chance At 10th level, you charge with such ferocity that your
to raise their weapons. opponents can't stay on their feet. When you successfully
Charge push a creature with a charge, you can spend an additional
cheap shot to automatically knock them prone.
At 3rd level, you've developed a staggering charging In addition, you can now charge creatures up to two sizes
technique. You may attempt to charge a creature by moving at larger than you.
least 15 feet in a straight line into their space and expending
one cheap shot. You make an athletics check contested by the Charging Strike
creature's athletics or acrobatics check (their choice). The
creature must be no more than one size larger than you. Beginning at 14th level, after attempting to charge a creature,
If you succeed, you push the creature back 5 feet. In if your next attack during the same turn hits that creature, the
addition, you may push them 5 additional feet for every 5 attack deals an extra two brawl die in damage.
points your check is greater than theirs. If you move the
creature any additional distance, you move with them so that Living Avalanche
you remain within 5 feet. If you fail or tie, you move 5 feet Beginning at 18th level, once per round, when you
back to where you were before you moved into successfully push a creature with charge, you may spend two
the creature's space. cheap shots to stun that creature until the beginning of your
next turn. In addition, you can charge any
creature regardless of size.

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Crowd Expertise
Bouncer At 6th level, you become expert at handling crowds. You
Bouncers are adept at subduing multiple foes at once and cannot be flanked and enemies no longer benefit from pack
employ techniques to control crowds. Powerful bouncers can tactics (or similar abilites that rely on nearby allies) when
even knock entire groups down with a single blow. targeting you.
Wide Swing Unyielding Swing
Beginning at 3rd level, you attack in such a way to take down Beginning at 10th level, when you use the wide swing feature,
multiple foes. Once per round, when you target a creature you may choose to target all creatures within range, including
with a melee attack, you may expend one cheap shot to target any allies, with the attack.
a second creature in range. You make a separate attack roll
against each target. Bouncer's Interruption
Intimidating Technique At 14th level, you learn to stop enemies in their tracks when
they try to get around you. Whenever a creature moves to a
Beginning at 3rd level, your fighting technique and intense space within 5 feet of you, you may use your reaction and
demeanor alarm those around you. You gain proficiency in expend one cheap shot to make a melee attack targeting that
intimidation (or another brawler class skill if creature. If you hit, the creature must make a strength saving
if already proficient) and can use strength throw (DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength
for intimidation checks. modifier). On a failure, their speed is reduced to 0 until the
end of their next turn.
Toppling Bash
Beginning at 18th level, when you use the wide swing or
unyielding swing features, you may spend an additional
two cheap shots. When you do so, creatures that are
hit by your attack must make a strength saving
throw (DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your
Strength modifier). On a failure, the creature
is knocked prone.

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Combat Performer
At 6th level, your fighting style becomes a sight to behold.
You gain proficiency in performance (or another brawler
class skill if already proficient).
Gladiator In addition, when you hit a creature with a melee attack,
Gladiators toe the line between trained fighter and you may expend a cheap shot to grant a conscious creature
unconventional brawler. They train themselves to wield you can see a number of temporary hit points equal to one
shields and new kinds of weaponry, using those weapons to roll of your brawl die + your proficiency modifier.
pin their foes, without needing to hold them down. Piercing Strike
Pinning Strike Beginning at 10th level, you may spend an additional cheap
At 3rd level, you learn to use your weapons to pin your shot when using the pinning strike feature. When you do so,
enemies in place. Once per round, when you target a creature your attack deals half damage (rounded down) instead of
with a melee or thrown weapon that deals piercing damage none.
and before you roll to hit, you may choose to spend one cheap In addition, you can now use pinning strike on creatures up
shot to attempt to perform a pinning strike. On a hit, your to two sizes larger than you.
attack deals no damage, but the target is restrained. The Crowd Pleaser
targeted creature must be no more than one size larger than
you. At 14th level, your attacks become envigorating to your allies
Your weapon is used to restrain the target and can be and other onlookers. When you use the combat performer
removed as an action by making a strength check (DC 10). feature to grant temporary hit points, you may spend an
On a success, the creature is no longer restrained. While your additional cheap shot to instead choose a number of
weapon is restraining a target, it cannot be used for other creatures you can see up to your proficiency bonus. Each
attacks. creature gains the temporary hit points.
Trained Fighter Masterful Pierce
At 3rd level, you have trained to fight with conventional arms, Beginning at 18th level, when you use the piercing strike
though you retain your unorthodox style. You gain proficiency feature, your attack deals its full damage instead of half. In
in tridents, short swords, nets, and shields. addition, you can now use pinning strike on any creature
regardless of size.
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At 3rd level, you expand your
knowledge of weaponry used to tear
apart defenses. You gain proficiency
in martial weapons.
Defensive Insight
At 6th level, you learn to quickly
identify your opponents defenses so
you can tear them down. Once per
round, you can identify a creature's
AC and the components of their AC
(no action required). For example,
you can learn that a wild creature
has an AC of 15 from its natural
armor or that a particular warrior
has an AC of 20 from its plate
armor and shield.
It is up to the DM's discretion if a
creature's source of protection is
inconspicuous and unable to be
discerned through this feature. For
example, you might be unaware of a
ring of protection or tricked by an
Deep Rend
Beginning at 10th level, your rends can
destroy armor more thoroughly. A creature can
be affected by your rend armor feature twice,
reducing their AC by 4 total.
In addition, when you reduce a creature's AC with
the rend armor feature, the attack deals additional
damage equal to one roll of your brawl die.
At 14th level, you expand your destructive capabilities to
weapons. When a creature hits you with a melee attack, you
may use your reaction and expend a cheap shot to attempt to
Steelbreaker sunder the triggering weapon. You make an athletics check
Masters of taking down heavily-armored knights and beasts contested by your opponent's athletics or acrobatics (their
with thick hide, steelbreakers specialize in tearing down choice). If you win, attacks with that weapon have
defenses. Ripping or crushing even the thickest armor, these disadvantage until repaired or healed.
brawlers leave their foes completely vulnerable. This feature works against manufactured or natural
weapons, but does not work against magical weapons. In the
Rend Armor case of natural weapons, the effects of sunder end after the
affected creature completes a long rest.
At 3rd level, you develop a technique to puncture, tear off,
smash, or otherwise destroy armor. Once per round, when Great Rend
you hit a creature with a melee attack, you may expend one
cheap shot to reduce their AC by 2. At 18th level, your ability to rend metal and hide alike
This feature works against natural or worn armor. Each becomes terrifyingly potent. When you use the rend armor to
creature can only be affected by this feature once, and a reduce an enemy's AC a second time, you may spend one
creature's AC can only be reduced to a minimum of 10 + their additional cheap shot to reduce the target's AC by 1 more
dexterity modifier. In addition, this feature, as well as "deep (total reduction of 5 from both uses of rend armor).
rend" and "great rend", do not destroy magical armor or A creature affected by great rend cannot have their AC
shields, but can still reduce the AC of creature's wearing reduced by further uses of rend armor, and a creature's AC
magic armor if they have other sources of AC that can be can only be reduced to a minimum of 10 + their dexterity
rent, such as nonmagical or natural armor. modifier.

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Victor Courageous Fighter
Victors are charismatic brawlers who inspire valor and Beginning at 6th level, you are immutably brave, inspiring
courage in their allies. Often champions of the common folk, fervor in your allies. You are immune to the frightened
victors use their abilities to protect and motivate those they condition.
fight for. In addition, when you hit a creature with a melee attack,
you may expend a cheap shot to grant a conscious creature
Rally you can see a number of temporary hit points equal to one
roll of your brawl die + your proficiency modifier.
Beginning at 3rd level, you encourage your allies in the midst
of combat. You may use your bonus action and expend a Motivating Shout
cheap shot to allow an ally to immediately make a weapon At 10th level, you learn to imbue your allies with renewed
attack or unarmed strike as a reaction. If the attack hits, it vigor by shouting inspiration. Once per short rest, as a bonus
deals additional damage equal to your brawl die + your action, you may spend two cheap shots to grant all allies you
charisma modifier. can see a bonus to attack and damage rolls equal to your
Heroic Presence charisma modifier. This bonus lasts until the beginning of
your next turn.
Beginning at 3rd level, you carry a heroic, confidence-
inspiring presence about you. You gain proficiency in Crowd Pleaser
persuasion (or another brawler class skill if already At 14th level, your attacks become envigorating to your allies
proficient). and other onlookers. When you use the combat performer
In addition, to determine your maximum hit point increase feature to grant temporary hit points, you may spend an
from brawler levels, you may use charisma in place of additional cheap shot to instead choose a number of
constitution. creatures you can see up to your proficiency bonus. Each
creature gains the temporary hit points.
Inspiring Rally
Beginning at 18th level, when you use the
rally feature, the target creature has
advantage on the attack rolls until
the end of its next turn.

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Whether due to alchemical accident, the nature of your race, Toxins
or through some other means, your attacks are infused with At 10th level, your venom becomes particularly impairing.
venom. You are able to poison your foes with a touch, leaving When you use the venom strike feature, you may spend an
them weak and faltering. additional cheap shot to make the target creature poisoned.
Venom Strike At the end of each of its turns, a poisoned creature may
attempt a constitution saving throw (DC = 8 + your
At 3rd level, you learn to use your innate venom to harm your proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier). On a
foes. Once per round, when you hit a creature with an success, the creature is no longer poisoned.
unarmed strike, you may spend a cheap shot to deal extra
poison damage equal to your brawl die + your Constitution Flowing Blight
modifier. Beginning at 14th level, your toxins weaken your opponents.
Intimidating Technique Creatures that are poisoned by your "toxins" feature deal half
damage on attacks that use strength.
Beginning at 3rd level, your fighting technique and intense
demeanor alarm those around you. You gain proficiency in Paralyzing Venom
intimidation (or another brawler class skill if already At 18th level, your venom becomes extremely deadly. Once
proficient). per round, when you hit a creature with an unarmed strike,
Poisoned Blood you may spend two cheap shots to attempt to paralyze the
target creature. The creature must make a constitution
Beginning at 6th level, the venom coursing through your body saving throw (DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your
grants you resistance to poison damage and immunity to the Constitution modifier). On a failure, the creature is paralyzed
poisoned condition. until the beginning of your next turn.

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Brute Heavy Brawler
Brutes are exceptionally durable individuals who brush aside At 3rd level, when you choose this forte, you learn to wear
even the most earth-shattering attacks. Adding on layers of heavy armor without inhibiting your brawling techniques,
protection to their already formidable forms, brutes become granting you the following benefits:
an unshaking barricade against their foes. You have proficiency in heavy armor
You can benefit from the "fast movement" feature while
Armor Deflection wearing heavy armor.
At 3rd level, you learn to use your armor to preemptively Steady Stance
knock aside blows before they would have hit you. When you
are the target of a melee attack from a creature you can see, Beginning at 6th level, at the end of each of your turns, if you
you may use your reaction and spend one cheap shot to have moved 15 feet or less, you are immune to being knocked
reduce their attack roll by one roll of your brawl die. You prone or moved against your will (you can still be teleported)
must be wearing medium or heavy armor to use until the beginning of your next turn.
this feature.
Brutish Durability
At 10th level, you become exceptionally adept at resisting
physical threats. When you fail a strength, dexterity, or
constitution saving throw, you may expend a cheap shot
to add one roll of your brawl die to the result.
Living Bulwark
At 14th level, you learn a technique to form a
blockade of just you and your armor by setting
your stance and preparing for enemies to
advance. On your turn, you may spend 20 feet
of movement and expend one cheap shot to
become a living bulwark until the beginning
of your next turn. Your living bulwark form
ends if you move, are forced out of your
current position, or are grappled, prone,
restrained, or incapacitated.
While you are a living bulwark, when a
creature starts their turn within 5 feet of you
or moves to within 5 feet of you, you may
force them to make an athletics or acrobatics
check (their choice, DC = 8 + your proficiency
bonus + your Strength modifier). On a
failure, their speed is reduced to 0 until
the beginning of their next turn.
Forceful Deflection
At 18th level, you brutishly counter
those who dare strike you. When you
use the armor deflection feature to
successfully prevent an attack that
would have hit you, you may spend an
additional two cheap shots. When you do
so, the creature that attacked you must
make a constitution saving throw (DC =
8 + your proficiency bonus + your
Strength modifier). On a failure, that
creature is stunned until the end of
their next turn.

This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
The Brawler
A martial class for those like punching without
monk mysticism. Throw your opponents off
balance and knock them out with seven Brawler
fortes: the Bruiser, Bouncer, Gladiator,
Steelbreaker, Victor, Venomfist, and Brute.

Art Credits:
Page 2: Pathfinder Monk by Jordan Kerbow
Page 4: Epic Confrontation by Wayne Reynolds
Page 5: Golden Punch by Wan Yun
Page 6: Savage Punch by Wesley Burt
Page 7: The Bar by Artur Fast
Page 8: Gladiator by Artem Khorchev
Page 9: Fall of Gods by Jan Ditlev
Page 10: Arena Athlete by Jason Chan
Page 11: Tainted Strike by James Ryman
Page 12: Lizard Warrior by Veli Nystrom
Page 13: Practice by Wen Yi

See Dragonshard's GM Binder profile for more

homebrew classes inspired by Pathfinder.

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