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Herald F.

Jayme JNHS
STEM 11-Maxthon. 4/21/24

ACTIVITY I: Please answer the following questions in your notebook:

1. Are these non-state institutions beneficial to us? Why or why not

Non-state institutions are organizations that are not controlled by

governments. I believe they are beneficial to us because they marked themselves as
to be one of the most productive helpers in the community during the pandemic.
Non-profits were vital during the pandemic. When governments lacked resources,
they aided communities. Local groups provided clinics, masks, and virus info. They
adapted efforts for specific needs. They collaborated for food, mental health support,
and aid for vulnerable groups. Their work saved lives and united people. Working to
get back on their feet, different nations learn from this crisis. NGOs show how vital
they are. Their people-powered projects add to what the government does. This
shows that community action is strong.

2. Imagine a construction worker earning minimum wage with no additional benefits

from the employer, no security of tenure from his work, and can be terminated any
time of the day.

a. What can cooperatives and trade unions do to improve his condition?
b. If you were the employer, how would you adjust your job policies to suit the needs
of the employee?

a. Cooperatives and trade unions can advocate for the construction worker's rights,
negotiate for better wages and benefits, provide access to training and education for
skill development, and offer support during job terminations through legal assistance
or reemployment programs.

b. As the employer, I'd enhance job policies. Offer higher pay and benefits. Secure
jobs through contracts. Implement worker safety. Provide chances to advance and
train. Set open talks for worker issues.

ACTIVITY II: Write a letter to the President suggesting ways as to how to improve
the situation of non-state institutions in the country.

Subject: Suggestions for Improving Non-State Institutions in the Country

April 21, 2024
North Poblacion,
Negros Oriental

Dear Mr. President,

I hope this letter finds you well.

I am writing to offer some suggestions on how to improve the situation of non-

state institutions in our country.

Firstly, I recommend implementing policies that provide greater support and

funding for non-state institutions. This could involve increasing government grants,
establishing dedicated funding programs, and offering tax incentives to encourage
private donations. By investing in these institutions, we can enhance their capacity to
deliver quality services and reach more people in need.

Secondly, it is crucial to streamline regulatory processes and reduce bureaucratic

barriers for non-state institutions. Simplifying licensing procedures, reducing red tape,
and ensuring transparent regulatory frameworks will make it easier for these institutions
to operate efficiently and effectively. Additionally, providing technical assistance and
capacity-building support can help them comply with regulations while maintaining high
standards of service delivery.

Thirdly, promoting collaboration and partnership between non-state institutions

and government agencies can lead to more effective and sustainable outcomes.
Encouraging joint initiatives, sharing resources and expertise, and fostering dialogue and
cooperation will maximize the impact of both sectors and address critical challenges
more comprehensively.

In conclusion, enhancing the support, reducing regulatory barriers, fostering

collaboration, and investing in research are key strategies for improving the situation of
non-state institutions in our country. By prioritizing these initiatives, we can strengthen
the role of non-state institutions as partners in development and enhance their ability to
serve the needs of our people effectively.

Thank you for considering these suggestions. I am confident that with your
leadership and commitment, we can create an enabling environment for non-state
institutions to thrive and make a positive impact on the lives of our citizens.

Yours sincerely,
Herald F. Jayme

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