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Wlease write your Bsa Rott Ni) xem Roll No. End TeRM EXAMINATION . SONU Heater [Lan duny 2023 1 Code: LLB. 302 Subject; Jurisprudence Time: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 75 Note: Attempt five dn atl inet U.No 1 of art A which is MPUlsory, Seteot one question from each unit of Part B. a PART A gq. Ww h tla in (Sx5=25) a) Signit sly a ja roachiew | Hudence PART ID unre Q2 ve : sprucdence? Explain and elucidate the nature and scope of ispruden (02.5) 3. Hig fe linkages of jurispy ‘© with other sciences, (12.5) vnirar a 8 ultimate analysis is not the product of mechanical thinking of legislature, but ession mon conscioustiess of the people”. How far do you agree with the statement? Exp date (12.5) 25. “Soe . aw is muc scientific theory of law as it relates to law in ts cl with society.” Critically examine (22.5) UNITAI wo sides of the same coin and one really cannot exist statement? Explain with reference to the 6. “Rights and without the gree with rights duty pa: as explained by Hohfeld (12.5) ”. t title and the law shall protect it”, How far do you agree with 1 a (12.5) “Principles of Justice, are to be determined behind the veil ignorance”, What d a above statement, Explain with reference to the theory of Just ied (12.5) uustice and therefore has been king on the subject", Critically evaluate the | ‘Modern India has dominantly guided above statement wit modern theories on justice known to the con world (12.5) @ scanned with OKEN Scanner I ————— Tease write your Bxam Rott My ) ENp Trem WRAMINATION STH See) iper Code: LEB goy SEVER LAM Hovsinen stay met Ra Note: Attent\any tice -- ing Marke, 76 STRERNY thie qnestinye, MM qitestions ensry equal marks fh Hithaprudence “Sociological Seproaches to law is much more solentific Felates to law in its close association with society.” Critically xz: “Rights and Duties are 5 of the other”, Critically above statement. 0 interwoven that one can not bs tho examine the tights-duty relationship “Possession is nine points of ownership". How far do Statement? Critically examine the essentials of possession in Rawlsian understanding of the idea of justice would not realities of socio-political life in as much as the ‘veil of ime: flawed assumption, How far do You agree with the statement? Critically examine. Moder frends in Indian Judsprudence hav Positivistic approaches. How always been dielined towards lo you agree with (he statement? Blaborate, Aneea nanan yy as 5 Pete si @ scanned with OKEN Scanner tease write your Exam Rott No,) f Exam Rott No, END TERM EXAMINATION Sucre S} Paper Code: LLB-302 besten [HUB] Arma. May 2019 : Toes Hours Subject: Jurisprudence | ane: oe tempt flee Ge Max Note: eee uestions in all including Q no. 1 of. Part A ‘onieh ry. Select one question from each unit of Part B. PaRTA (27 Qi Write short notes on the following:- tr Seattam ee on eh fllowing: (6x8=25) (bd) H.L.A. Hart (c) Social solidarity @ Morality _e} Being natural PART-B UNIT Q2 What is jurisprudence? What ject i Rat are the objectives of saying Q3 Explain the basic features of Hindu and Islamic jusrisprudence. (12.5) ‘UNIT-I Q4 Discuss the Von Savigny’s theory of law with its relevance to modern world. (12.5) Q5 What is social engineering? How is the concept of social engineering reflected in the Constitution of India? (12.5) UNIT-IIL Q6 What are rights? Give their conceptual framework with illustrations.(12.5) Q7 Explain the concept of Personality’ and its increasing importance in present day law and economics. (12.5) UNIT-IV What are the concepts of natural and social justice? To what extents these concepts are ingrained in legal system of India. (12.5) Write an explanatory note on Amartya Sen’s T (12.8) @ scanned with OKEN Scanner CE LL ve write your Extn Rott No.) xan Roll No, END TERM EXAMINATION Sixt Semester [LLB] May-Juwn-2018 er Code: LLB-302 Subject: Jurlsprudence [Batch 2014 Onwards] - Maximum Marks: 75 Note: AttemPt five questions in all including Q.No 1 of Part. A which ts compulsory. Select one question from cach wplt of Part B let walt of Pe fir } 2: 3 Hours Write short notes on the following: (a) Natural Justice {b) Primary and Secondary Rutes by H.L.A Hart gal Person st School of Jurisprudence (¢} Utilitarianism (5x5=25) PART-B g ITI “the aim of Jurisprudence is to develop those fundamental principles, the knowledge of which is essential for the application of law’, Explain and justi the statement, by discussing the meaning, nature, scope and sit jurisprudence. “analytical positivism emerged as a reaction to the vagueness of Natural lay Analyse the statement by theorizing Austin’s concept of sovereignty and disucss its relevance in Indian legal system, (12.5) UNIT Critically analye the distinctive characteristics of historical school of jurisprudence. (12.5) ‘Law is social engineering which means a balance between the competing in society, in which applied science are used for resolving individual and social problems’. Do you agree with Roscoe Pound? Rationalize your view (12.5) UNIT Discuss the conceptual framework of Holleld’s classification of rights and duties.(12.5 Explain the concepts of posseasion & ownership and highlight the differences between them with the help of relevant iilustrations, (12.5) fi UNIT.V (2) Define justice and discuss different forms of | 6) ) Analyse the Rawils's theory of justice (6.5) w far Amartys Sens’s ‘Iden of Justice’ in relevant to theNindian legal system? lain, / ‘ (12.5) \ @ scanned with OKEN Scanner a Q2 Qs Q6 Q write your Exaun Roll No.) Beam Roll No ott No, Enp TERM P-xAMINATION SuxTH SEMESTER 11.5] May 203 / five questions including Qno.I of Part A which is n from each unit of Part B. PART-A Write notes on the following: (Sx5=25) {a) Hoh. feldian model of Jural relations. (b) Human rights and fundamental rights / \ (c} Principle of absolute liability as applied in India (a) John Raw!’s difference principle. (c) Corporate aggregate and corporate sole PARTE a unt Discuss Diceys concept of ‘Rule of Law’. Is the concept of Rule of Law inconsistent with the concept of welfare state? (12.5) Austin defined Law in its most comprehensive signification es “a rule leid down for the guidance of an intelligent being having power over him.” How does Austin use the metapho: in explaining positive law? Discuss. (12.5) won source of law involve: the study of a number of its aspects. he origin, classification «ad the essentials of a ve id custom. (12.5) Write notes on the following: je) In modern times legislation tas become the most important source of (6) ¢ of law and {b) Discus in brief the position c! judicial precedent as & jte applications in India. (6.5) UNE What ere various theories of postession? Discuss the importance of these theories in Understanding of Law and Legal system. (12.5) Discuss the concept of iegsi personality with the help of leading theories. What are the implications of theve theories for Indian legal system?(12.8) uMrv A tort is a civil wrong which infringes a right in rem and is remedied by ‘an action for damages. Discuss the principles of such liability end exceptions: if any. (12.5) Write notes on any two of the ‘oll (e} Possession-in fact and Possession in Lav; (0) Intention and Negligence : (c) Doctrine of Nulla Poena sine lege. (6+6.5=12.5) @ scanned with OKEN Scanner idee tors Biorb aff Enb Term Examination /) ie age MMAR (LB Mat O17 eA Codey 5 Subject: rudencs “Hows faim Marks (75 Attempt any five questions ineluding On ane quention [ann om 1 whieh te compulsory, Select nit af Part B PART A Write short notes on the following, (5x5=25) {a) Define the term Jurapridence bb) Define the term Volkageiat {cj Clarify the term Duty {@) Realist Schoo! of Juriaprudence {fe} Bxplain the term Possession PART B UNIT-T Explain general and parituclar jurisprudence alongwith importance of Jurisprudence? (12.5) Explain Analytical Positivism in Indian Perspective? (12.5) UNIT-II ‘The practice of Dowry is a product of history in India? How will you relate this with Historical School of Law? (12.5) Mention the characteristics of Sociological Jurisprudence? (12.5) UNIT What is meant by Corporate Personality. Examine the Civil and Criminal liability of Corporation? (12.5) (12.5) inguish “Possession” & “Qwnership” with examples. UNIT-IV e kind of Justice? Quote the meaning of Justice and explain th (12.5) cases? on “Social choice ‘Theory” of Amartya Sen. (12.5) @ scanned with OKEN Scanner ve 'se write your Exam Roll No.) Exam Roll No. MERcy CHANCE EXAMINATION FirtH SEMESTER [LLB] FEBRUARY-MARCH2016 per Code: LLB-309 Subject: Jurisprudence| te: 3 Hours: are Maximum Marks: 75 €: Attempt any five question including Q.No1 of Part A which is compulsory. Select one question from each unit of part B. PART-A Write short note on:- (x5=25) {a) Definition of Jurisprudence (b) Subject matter of jurisprudence {o) Marxist approaches to jurisprudence {d) Analytical positivism {e) Common consciousness of the people Critically examine the needs and purposes of study of jurisprudence. (12.5) The ppiloeorhical underpinnings in the study of jurisprudence are essentially dependent on the contemporary socio-political theories. Examine and elucidate.(12.5) UNIT-IL “Problem with analytical positivism is its undue reliance on the trinity of sovereign, command and sanction”. How far do you agree with the statement? Explain. 12.5) ‘The problem with Savigny’s thinking on law is that in his estimation, law ceases to be a universal order and becomes localized in nature. Critically examine the above statement with reference to historical school of jurisprudence. (12.5) UNIT-INL Law is only @ part of human conduct and the dominant character of law is its purpose. Critically examine the ideas of sociological jurisprudence in the light of the above statement. 12.5) Law is the principal instrument in perpetuating the class relations between haves and have-nots. Comment. 12.8) UNIT-IV ical ordering of legal relations in India were designed on a balance between and rationality. Critically examine the classical approached to jurisprudence ia in the light of the above statement. 12.5) trends in Indian jurisprudence have always been inclined towards ivistic approaches. How far do you agree with the statement? Blaborate.(12.5) @ scanned with OKEN Scanner ge write your Rxam Rett No.) Bean | Enp TERM EXaminaTio: [_ frre Seatesrien (0.8) Deonmnnn 2015 jer Code: LLB-S0° pSHours Maximum Marks: 75 eer = nat any five questions inotuding Q.No 1 af Part A which ts [eomentvory. 5 Heot one question from eaoh untt af Part B, PART Rhort notes on: (5x5=25) Wo what is Jurisprudence? IB at is te purpose of teaching Jurigpradence? Ry on are Secondary rules? What is meant by ‘public interest’? PART-B z UNITI ; analyse the definition of jurisprudence as the ‘philosophy of law’. Does the definition hold well in its all modern connotations? (12.5) tig poet of law is to establish peace and justice in society.” In understanding functions of law what linkages jurisprudence has with social sciences.(12.5) (Critically analyse the definition of law as a ‘command of the sovereign’. Does the (definition hold well even in modern-day world? (12.5) ‘What were the reasons for emergence of his historical jurisprudence? Explain the ‘theory of law given by Von Savigny with its ‘relevance’ to modern times. (12.5) ‘UNIT-IN ‘Enumerate and explain the similarities and dissimilarities in the approaches of the two thinkers of Sociological Jurisprudence-Von Ihering and Roscoe Pound?(12.5) Describe the economic approach to law as adopted by Karl Marx to study and. understand law. (12.5) UNIT-IV ‘What were the main propositions of Indian Classical Jurisprudence according to ‘which the legal syste was devised in Ancient India? (12.5) the various factors which made Indian accept various influences from of law and jurisprudence more significantly in the area of caste justice. 7 (12.5) @ scanned with OKEN Scanner e ei je write your Exam Rott No) Exam Rott END TERM ExamrinaTION 'eSTER [LLB] May-Juwe-2018 Subject! Jurisprudence: 5 ea Maximum Marks: 73 e: Attempt any five questions including 0 no. part A 1g Q no.1 of part A which is rutsory. Select one question from each unit of part Be 7g Hours PART-A {aj Corporate Agerezate and Corporate Sale {b) Legal Rights and Fundamental Rights, {¢) Intention and Negligence {a) Positive Law and Morality {ej Jural postulates write Short notes on the following:- a2 PART-B Define ‘Sovereignty’. Discuss various theories of Sovereignty. (12.5) Define the Concept of law. What is the distinction believe law and administrative Justice. Explain the theories of justice in details. (12.5) UNIT-I Discuss the Custom as source of Law and distinguish between Custom ind Precedent. (12.5) n modern times Legislation has become the most important source of aw, Discuss. (12.5) UNIT-I tiscuss the theories of possession with Specic ul references to Salmond nd Savigy. (12.5) numerate the main features of Personality. What is the difference etween natural person and artificial person (12.5) UNIT-IV the essential characteristics of penal liability? Discuss in the je machine of Nulla Poena Sive lege (12.5) the doctrine of negligence in the civil liability. What are the to it? Tes. (12.5) @ scanned with OKEN Scanner ‘ase write your Exam Roll No.) Exam Rolt No, SUPPLEMENTARY EXAMINATION PART-A Write Short notes on the following (a) Analytical Positivism (0) Norm (as defined by kelsen) (¢) Volksgeist (4) Marxist approach to law (e) Henry Maine (5x5=25) PART-B UNIT1 2 Jurisprudence is founded on the attempt to con which will explain the relationship between law, the Life of society. Discuss struct a science s concepts and (12.5) 3 Differentiate between natural science and science of law. Discuss with concrete examples the relationship of sociology and psychology with law. (12.5) UNIT-I1 + Notion of ‘obligation’ is the characteristic feature that distinguishes Harts conception of law from that of Austin. Discuss. (12.5) 5 All humanly enacted laws are in accord with reason and if human law is at variance with reason, then it is no longer legal, but rather a comeption of law. Analyse the statement with special reference to the contribution of naturalists to the study of jurisprudence, (12.5) UNIT-II1 3 Sociological jurists conceive that legal principles get their ultimate authority from securing social interests. How does Roscoe pound define the term interest and classify it. How, according to Pound, Legal system secures recognized interests? (12.5) 7 Law is a ‘prediction’ of what the courts will decide. Discuss, UNIT-IV _ Discuss the contribution of ancient and medieval era in the growth Science of law in India. (12.5) (12.5) reme Court of India has played a significant role inthe growth isprudence in modern era. Discuss. \ (12.5) © He @ scanned with OKEN Scanner lease write your Exam Rott No.) Bam Rott Na END Tery EXAMINATION 7 FIFTH San Paper Code: LLB-309 LLB) Decemmer 2014 ime: 8 Hours 1 Write short notes on the followings. (a) Significance of the study of jurisprudence (b) Jurisprudence as lawyers {@) Command as law" °*t@-version fi: (d) American Realism (¢) Indian approaches to jurisprudence PART-B 2 How do define jurisprudences eet 2 isprudence? ‘i see cofjurispeiteeeatence? Explain and elucidate the Saari 3 Highlights the linkages of jurisprudence with other sciences. (12.5) UNITE + ‘law is Law because it is made by the sovereign and sovereign is sovereign Decause it makes law’, Critically examine the theory of Imperative law in the light of the above statement. (12.5) 5 “A legal system is not an abstract collection of bloodless categories but a living fabric in constant state of movement”. Explain and elucidate the ‘pure theory of law’ in the light of the above statement. (12.5) Bi UNIT-IT 3 “Sociological approach to law is much more scientific theory of law as it relates to law in its close association with society.” Critically examine. (12.5) “Realist movement of law did not have much of a theoretical significance and a major defect of realist movement has been the neglect of the more humanistic side of the law’. Explain and elucidate, (12.5) UNIT-IV “Indian approaches to studies of jurisprudence have always been characterized by a dominant element of morality and faith’. How far do you agree with the statement? Discuss. (12.5) | ‘Modern India has no indigenous thinking on jurisprudence and therefore has been dominantly guided by common law thinking on the subject”. Critically evaluate the above statement. with reference to jern approaches of Indian jurisprudence. “ (12.5) P @ scanned with OKEN Scanner fei yoursearcitett No) “= -* Exam Roll No. END TERM E: si Seren [a MENATION ode: o 7 Hours Maximum Marks: 75 ittempt any five questions including Qnol which is compulsory. Select» One gestion from each Unit of PartB. | Part-A, ite short notes on:- (5x5=25) ‘the Right: ‘The State; Person; Pete Legislation; ‘Property. Part-B Unit aat are the factors which contributed towards the development of the cept of State? What are the main functions of the State? (12.5) ve a detailed classification of laws ex as ‘plaining the nature and functions each set of them. (12.5) Unit-IT istom is no more an efficient source of law. However, earlier customary still works as a guide for legislatures. Discuss critically. (12.5) seuss judicial precedent as a source of law and explain its limitations.(12.5) Unit-IL tborate the Jural-correlelatives in Hohfeld’s analysis of rights. (12.5) Jat is ownership? Differentiate ownership from possession as a juristic rcept. (12.5) Unit-IV Scribe negligence as a ground for liability tinder Indian law and the ‘ent to which it is so (1215) t Ie case law in which the concept of absolute liability has aa (14.5) @ scanned with OKEN Scanner ase write your Exam Roll No,) SixtH SEMESTER [LLB} poder Bag EBL Serre 7 Subject: Jurisprudenc (ou nes 3 Hours ‘Maximum Marks :75_ tote: Attempt any five questions including of Part-A which _ is compulsory. Select one question from each unit of Part-B. PART.A Write short notes on the following s- (5x5=25) (a) Marxist notion of sovereignty (p) Doctrine of lifting of Corporate veil. SE (Doctrine of Prospective overruling, (d)Incorporeal ownership. (e) Doctrine of Absolute liability PART-B UNIT-T Explain the Concept of legal and Political Sovereignty. (12.5) 3. Explain the views of Plato, Aristotle and Bentham on the Concept of | Justice. (12.5) ; UNIT-11 } Legislation is a Superior Source of law than custom and precedent. (12.8) ; Do Judges make law or declare it? Critically discuss the above | Statement. (12.5) [ UNIT- ) “Rights and Duties are Correlative”. Explain (12.5) Explain the element of possessive. (12.5) UNIT-IV Explain the relevance of ‘Intention’ and ‘motive’ as elements of iminal liability, (12.5) ite notes on: Remedial and penal liability. Theory of Negligence (12.5) 5 aot @ scanned with OKEN Scanner write your Bxam Rott No) eam Batt he Auhjeet: juvtaprudtence 1 (4008 4913) Masinum Marka, 76 =~ = Port» PART A ga. Write short notes on: * enone fa) Law and culture ) Public Interest ic) Sovereign id) Realism / {e) Secondary Rules PART B UNIT 1 ena yg. ‘Juripradence is law and beyond that” Explain the true nate ye jurisprudence 13 Describe the relationship between Jaw and economics UNIT ~ 1 4 Discuss the relevance of Austin’s command theory of law to mes. How can be positi le mes. How Positive elements of this theory be relate: 5 Give a critical appraisal of the kelsins pure theory of law UNIT - 1 6 Explain the linkages between constitutional governance an engineering. 7. Elaborate the basic elements of natural law OR What do you understand by the economic approach to law? Exp) importance. UNIT IV Discuss the impact of globalization on the Indian law with illu ‘ations, an Indian jurisprudence be made totally dependent upon its classical eories of law. W @ scanned with OKEN Scanner ‘ete your Exar Roll No) xa Rall No. enone SUPPLEMENTARY ExaMINATION pp aoe 7 Serta 2013 Bs ffl \ Subject: Jurisprudence:t ‘oe POAT CORSA KE Maximum Marks £75 & ‘tempt one question from each unit in Part B. = PART ge short notes on the following. oe ) a ‘Significance of the study of jurisprudence eS a f) Jurisprudence as lawyer's extra-version ) Command as law ¢p, American Realism 6, Marxist approaches to jurisprudence = PART. . Unit-t (aspu2sy) fow do define jurisprudence? Explain and elucidate the nature and scope of srispraden fight the linkages of jurisprudence wit other sciences Unit-1 Law is Law because it is made by the sovereign and sovereign is sovereign because makes law”. Critically examine the theory of Imperative law in the light of the bove statement. +A legal system is not an abstract collection of bloodless categories but a living ahric in @ constant state of movement”. Explain and elucidate the ‘pure theory of tw’ inthe light ofthe above statement. . Unit-M Sociological approaches to law is much more scientific theory of law as it relates to qwin its close association with society.” Critically examine. Realist movement of law did not have much of a theoretical significance and a major ‘fect of realist movement has been the neglect of the more humanistic side of the aw”. Explain and elucidate, Unit Indian approaches to studies of jurisprudence have always been characterized by a ‘ominant element of morality and faith”. How far do you agree with the statement? Discuss. ‘Modern India has no indigenous thinking on jurisprudence and therefore has been inantly guided by common law thinking on the subject”. Critically evaluate the statement with reference to moder approaches of Indian jurisprudence. @ scanned with OKEN Scanner _ Subject: Jurispradence- Be ‘Maximum Marks :75. aA re compllbon Atlompt one question from aachunitin Part. | Bt PART-A (5x5) on the following: Fite short 9002 Ipossestio® Possession Poss pposites [eeovaoa Fellatio oy) Sues oF 2 sine 4 t Peate® PART -2 ef EY (12.5 x4) unin -1 {are the problems, with Robert Nozick’s philosophy of ‘elf fanige Do you think John Rawls’ idea of Ustice as Fairness! fs those problems? oR s ally discuss the difference in Hegel's and Marx's views on State. | "unin — 1 | «are the essential conditions that must be. satisfied by a custom id as a valid law? pe treate oR lat are.the circumstances that make a precedent weak and what the circumstances that make it binding? unre - nr Ronald Dworkin’s philosophy certain liberties get elevated to the 1H of rights. What is the notion of rights advocated by Dworkin; and At may be those liberties that may get protection despite favourable public sentiments? | OR ar as legal theory is concerned, @ person is any being whom the ) regards as capable of rights or duties’. ~ Salmond cuss the theories of personality in the light of Salmond’s views. |w do you distinguish between liability under civil law, criminal law | Flaw of torts? OR it circumstances can there @ scanned with OKEN Scanner ° e syn Exar Rett NO-) exam Rol! oe onopLEMENTARY EXAMINATION SU: eva SesoesT#n [ULB] Serveupen-ocroBEn 2018, ej. te etm Marks :75 tions including which is compulsory: Se gg B ode: —e Pott ve que jrtemP* Siect one question from each unit of Part B ___— pon notes on the FUE ies of Stale nition ; 2 ey of oerieny vb ordinate legislation or se ibility vs absolute liability Sect ner oF OFMETSEIP Part-B Malt Ci2see = ao eign combination of persons inthe form of goverament and governed on 8 # * How far do you agree with the statement? Elaborate the essentials nite territory Mein the light ofthe above statement. ate is unlimited, it may act unwisely and dishonestly but there ¢ Authority of 8S ; w the exercise ofits power”, Does the above statement truly define the o lito i ‘peter of Sovereignty? Discuss. Unit-IL is that source of law which consists in the declaration of legal rules by a sislaion f thority”. Highlight the importance of legislation as a source of law in the ipetent aut ofthe above statement. stom is the embodiment of those principles which have comimended themselves to ‘ational conscience as the principlés of justice and utility”. To what extent the ‘om can be an authoritative source of law? Discuss. Unit-0 ht is an essential and inherent element of human will”. Discuss the essentials of a J right in the light of the above statement. ‘nership denotes the relation between a person and the right that is vested in him”. *, it according to your understanding are the essentials of ownership? Elaborate. 4 Unit-IV. ' many types of liabilities are admissible in law and legal processes? Critically aine. sue of Absolute liability was never part of our lai, it was simply because the siary wanted to devise something different other than strict liability that it came... : \ the concept of absolute liability”. How far do you agres with the statement? a / : 2 wm Tata leo . a @ scanned with OKEN Scanner IS tse write your Exam Roll No,) PE, Enb TERM ExainATION 4 Sevenrn Semesrer [LLB] Dee 2011 - Jan 2012 eae) Subject: Jurisprudence | ie iRatch 2004) | [Bbeteccca is computsars- ae Maximum Marks :75 Note’ sory. Attempt any five questions from Part B. PART 9 pistinguish between legal foe stinesih b al theory aul jurisprudence. 55-25 bo ee EES of law and its relation hip with, morally ’ istinguish between corporation agarenate and i iB Distinguish botween eneions aa anaes ate and corporation sole. feeeeesPiain the difference between corporal and incorporal property. PART - B sritically analyse Austin Concept : A Critica icwzed? ?ption of law and in what ground Austin’s ey nas bee! date the salient fea ster pucidate the Salient features of kelson's pure theory of lass. On what basis elson’s described law as normative science? (10) s the significance of devel ne piscuss the significance of development of iaw’s through legal fiction, Equ and legistation in India context. mor's throu iene rita explain Roscoe Pourd theory of social postulates and its relevance? gincering. Also clucidate differen juray write short notes on the following fa) Delerrant theory of punishment (b} _ Reformative theory of punishment explain the various theories of transformation of custom into law and criticism against these theories? (10) Write short notes on the following (10) fa) Declaration theory of precedents. {b) Doctrine of prospective overrulins. (10) Write short notes on the following fa) Right and Duty. fb) Immunity and Disability. fon and its status under Indian Law? (10) date the various kind of pos: @ scanned with OKEN Scanner

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