Dynamics Lab MODROB

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Annual Progress Report for AICTE funded project under
Modernization and Removal of Obsolescence (MODROBS)

File No. : F.No.9-7/IDC/MODROB-REG/Policy-1/2021-22

(As mentioned in sanction letter)
Date of Sanction : 12.01.2022
Subject Area : Mechanical Engineering

1. Project Coordinator :Veeman Dhinakaran

(Name and address)
2. Project Title : Modernization of Universal
vibration diagnostics and control
3. Date of Commencement of the Project : 12-01-2022
4. Duration of the Project : 2 Years
5. Amount Sanctioned by AICTE : Rs. 1350552
6. Amount Released by AICTE : Rs 1080441
7. Details of Expenditure :
S. No List of Equipment Procured Cost
1 Data Acquisition system 105787.50
2 IEPE Accelerometer 51150.00
3 Shaker, Amplifier & signal generator 255750.00
4 Impedance Head 63240.00
5 Impact hammer 60450.00
6 IEPE Microphone and 3meter cable 51150.00
7 Sensor and software addons 71825.00
8 Field Dynamic Balancing simulator 422500.00
9 Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting, Kit 64000.00
Model: E-821.EHD
10 Magnetorheological (MR) Damper 21100.00
11 Controller 4500.00
12 MR Fluid syringe 1100.00
GST (18%) 211059.50
Total 1383612.00
B. Recurring (Service charges etc.)
S. No. Items Cost
1 Transportation Handling charges 495.00

Total 495.00
Gross Total (A and B)= Rs 1384107
(Thirteen lakhs eighty four thousand hundred and seven)
8. Whether there is any Deviation from the Purpose for which: NO
Grant was Released. If so, Details of Amount to be Given

9. Has this Programme Augmented the Facilities of your :
Institute/ Department. (If so, please describe in 100 words)
Yes, the "Modernization of Universal Vibration Diagnostics and Control Platform"
project has significantly augmented the facilities of our institute/department. By integrating
state-of-the-art technologies and methodologies, we have enhanced our vibration
diagnostics and control capabilities to a level where we can now achieve higher efficiency,
accuracy, and reliability in monitoring and managing vibration-related issues across various
Through this project, we have upgraded our infrastructure with advanced
algorithms, IoT connectivity, and machine learning techniques, enabling real-time
monitoring, proactive fault detection, and intelligent decision-making. Our laboratory
facilities have been enhanced with improved data visualization capabilities, allowing for
better analysis and interpretation of vibration data. Additionally, this modernization
initiative has empowered our researchers and students with a versatile platform that can
adapt to evolving needs, thereby strengthening our research and educational capabilities in
the field of vibration analysis and control. Overall, the project has significantly enriched
our institute/department's facilities, enabling us to better serve our stakeholders and
advance our mission in the domain of vibration diagnostics and control.

10. Academic Application of the Equipment Procured, if any:

 Lab experiments such as condition monitoring using vibration, bearing vibration,
experimental modal analysis, balancing of rotating elements, vibration energy
harvesters, etc.,
 Conducted demonstration of MR dampers and its characteristics
 Research project setups such as Machine condition diagnosis and control system,
Vibration energy harvester test platform, Experimental modal analysis for composite
structures, Vibration analysis and damper design validation for civil models
 Conducted demonstrations for predictive maintenance of industrial machinery.

Project Coordinator Registrar/Director/Principal

(Signature and Seal with date) (Signature and Seal with date)



Sanction Letter No. .No.9-7/IDC/MODROB-REG/Policy-1/2021-22 Date: 07-05-2024

Sl. Name of the Equipment Procured Amount Amount Utilized Unspent
No. Sanctioned (Item wise) Balance
1 Data Acquisition system 105787.50 Nil
2 IEPE Accelerometer 51150.00 Nil
3 Shaker, Amplifier & signal generator 255750.00 Nil
4 Impedance Head 63240.00 Nil
5 Impact hammer 60450.00 Nil
6 IEPE Microphone and 3meter cable 51150.00 Nil
7 Sensor and software addons 1350552 71825.00 Nil
8 Field Dynamic Balancing simulator 422500.00 Nil
9 Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting, Kit 64000.00 Nil
Model: E-821.EHD
10 Magnetorheological (MR) Damper 21100.00 Nil
11 Controller 4500.00 Nil
12 MR Fluid syringe 1100.00 Nil
B. Recurring
Sl. Name of the Equipment Procured Amount Amount Utilized Unspent
No. Sanctioned (Item wise) Balance
1 MR Damper & controller 495 495 Nil
(Transportation & Handling

Certified that the grant has been utilized for the purpose for which it was sanctioned in accordance
with the “Terms and Conditions” attached to the grant. If, as a result of check or audit objection
some irregularity is noticed at a later stage, action will be taken to refund, adjust or regularize the
amount objected to.

-------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
Finance Officer Registrar /Principal/ Director
(Signature and Seal with date) (Signature and Seal with date)

Note: The Utilization Certificate (UC) will be signed by the Registrar/ Finance Officer in the case
of Universities, Principals in the case of Colleges and Executive Heads of other Institutions. The
Provisional UC may be countersigned by the internal auditors wherever the system of the internal
audit exists. In case of the Self Financing/ Private Institutions, UC has to be signed by a Chartered


File No. : F.No.9-7/IDC/MODROB-REG/Policy-1/2021-22

(As mentioned in sanction letter)

Date of Sanction : 12-01-2022

Subject Area : Mechanical Engineering
1. Project Coordinator : Veeman Dhinakaran
(Name and address)
2. Project Title : Modernization of Universal
vibration diagnostics and
control platform
3. Date of Commencement of the Project : 12-01-2022
4. Duration of the Project : 2 years
5. Date of Completion : 01-05-2024
6. Amount Sanctioned by AICTE : 1350552
7. Objectives of the Project :
To enhance the existing system by integrating state-of-the-art technologies and
methodologies to optimize vibration diagnostics and control processes. This
modernization aimed to improve the efficiency, accuracy, and reliability of vibration
analysis across diverse applications, ensuring better asset health monitoring, predictive
maintenance, and operational safety. The project focused on enhancing field balancing
of rotating elements and data visualization capabilities to enable real-time monitoring,
proactive fault detection, and intelligent decision-making.
8. Details of Expenditure :
S. No List of Equipment Procured Cost
1 Data Acquisition system 105787.50
2 IEPE Accelerometer 51150.00
3 Shaker, Amplifier & signal generator 255750.00
4 Impedance Head 63240.00
5 Impact hammer 60450.00
6 IEPE Microphone and 3meter cable 51150.00
7 Sensor and software addons 71825.00
8 Field Dynamic Balancing simulator 422500.00
9 Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting, Kit 64000.00
Model: E-821.EHD
10 Magnetorheological (MR) Damper 21100.00
11 Controller 4500.00
12 MR Fluid syringe 1100.00
GST (18%) 211059.50
Total 1383612.00

9. Future Plans for Utilizing the Equipment:
and/ or Facilities Created.
 Enhance the Lab exercises for Nondestructive testing of machines & assemblies
using vibration.
 Vibrations testing of electronics items and develop mechanical reliability
analysis for PCB boards.
 Develop a test platform for reliability analysis of gear box, belt & chain drives
using vibration
 Conduct a international conference on Vibration testing and analysis
 Training for industrial persons on Balancing, condition monitoring, vibration
monitoring of civil structures etc.,

10. Whether There is Any Deviation from the Purposes for which: No
Grant was Released. If so Details of Deviations to be Given.

Project Coordinator Registrar/Director/Principal

(Signature and Seal with date) (Signature and Seal with date)



Certified that out of Rs. 1350552 of Grant- in – aid sanctioned during the year Letter No.
F.No.9-7/IDC/MODROB-REG/Policy-1/2021-22, Rs.1383612 has been utilized for the
purpose of Modernization of Universal vibration diagnostics and
control platform for which it was sanctioned and the balance of Rs. NA remaining
unutilized at the end of the year has been surrendered to All India Council For Technical Education
(vide No. NA__ dated NA )/ will be adjusted towards the Grants – in – aid payable during
the next year i.e., as per the details attached.

Certified that the grant has been utilized as per laid down terms and conditions for which it was

________________ ___________________
Finance Officer Registrar/Principal/Director
(Signature and Seal with date) (Signature and Seal with date)

Chartered Accountant
(Signature and Seal with date)


(FORM GFR- 22)

Assets acquired wholly or substantially out of government grants

Register maintained by grantee institution
Block Account Maintained by Sanctioning Authorities
Name of Sanctioning Authority

 Serial No. :

 Name of grantee Institution :

 No. and date of sanction :

 Amount of the sanctioned grant :

 Brief purpose of the grant :

 Whether any condition regarding the

right of ownership of Government
in the property or other assets
acquired out of the grant was incorp-
orated in the grant –in-aid sanction :

7. Particulars of assets actually credited

or acquired :

8. Value of the assets as on :

9. Purpose for which utilized at present:

10. Encumbered or not :

11. Reasons if encumbered :

12. Disposed of or not :

13. Reasons and authority, if any,

for disposal :

14. Amount realized on disposal :

15. Remarks :


Sl.No. Receipt Amount Sl.No. Payments Amount

(Rs.) (Rs.)
1. To Opening Balance Nil 1. Tax invoice no: 498550.00
2. To Grants Received by 1080441.00 2. Tax invoice no: 778036.00
AICTE T/INV/2223/062
3. To Interest (if any) Nil 3. MRFD0307233 32001.00
4. Invoice no: 712 75520.00
Closing Balance -303171
Total 1080441.00 Total 1383612.00

Sanctioned : Rs. 1350552.00 Spend : 1383612.00

Released : Rs. 1080441.00
Remaining : Rs. 270111.00

(Signature of Chartered Accountant) (Signature of Head of the Institute)

Name of CA: Name:
Membership No.: Designation :
Full Address of CA: Full Address :
[With seal] [With seal]

(Signature of Finance Officer)

Full Address:
[With seal]
(Govt./Govt. Aided/University & wherever applicable)

Dated: _____________


AICTE File No. : F.No.9-7/IDC/MODROB-REG/Policy-1/2021-22

Title of the Project : Modernization of Universal vibration diagnostics and control


Name of the Co-ordinator : Veeman Dhinakaran

S.No Grant Sanctioned Cost

1 778036.00
2 498550.00
3 32001.00
4 75520.00
Total 1383612.00

(1) ____________________ (2) ________________________

Project coordinator Registrar/ Principal/ Director
( Signature and Seal with date) ( Signature and Seal with date)


1. AICTE’s Sanction Letter No. & Date: - F.No.9-7/IDC/MODROB-REG/Policy-1/2021-22 & 12.01.2022

2. Name and Address of the Institution: - Chennai Institute of Technology, Puduper village,
Nandambakkam, Chennai, Tamilnadu. 600069.
3. Name of the Department: - Mechanical Engineering
4. Title of MODROB Project: - Modernization of universal vibration diagnosis and control platform
5. Name(s) of the Project Coordinator(s) (all in case handled by more than one): - Veeman Dhinakkaran
6. Date of commencement of the project: - 12.01.2022
7. Date of completion of the project: - 01.05.2024
8. If the duration of the project is more than 2 years, please specify the reasons of delay: -
 Preparation of mountings for sensors got delayed because of unavailability of materials
 Supporting software updation and licensing took much time.
9. No. of students benefited: - 93
10. No. of faculty benefited: - 5
11. Workshops/Training organized (using the Lab): - 5
12. Consultancies offered using the Lab: - 1
13. Other institutions with which Lab facilities / equipment were shared: - Nil
14. Briefly mention about the technological/ academic/ or any other benefit to the Department/ Institution
due to MODROB project: -
The MODROB (Modernization and Removal of Obsolescence) project has brought several technological,
academic, and institutional benefits to our department/institution.
Technologically, it has upgraded our facilities with modern equipment and software, enhancing our capabilities in
teaching and research. This includes state-of-the-art machinery, tools, and software platforms relevant to our field
of study.
Academically, the project has enriched our curriculum by incorporating cutting-edge technologies and
methodologies into our courses. This ensures that our students receive a contemporary education that aligns with
industry standards and prepares them for the challenges of the modern workforce.
Institutionally, the MODROB project has improved our standing and reputation within the academic community
and industry. It demonstrates our commitment to staying current with technological advancements and our
dedication to providing students with a high-quality learning environment. Additionally, it has fostered
collaborations with industry partners, leading to opportunities for joint research projects, internships, and job
placements for our students.
Overall, the MODROB project has had a transformative impact on our department/institution, positioning us as a
leader in our field and equipping our students with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in their careers.

Name & Signature of Coordinator(s) Name & signature of Head of Institute
(with seal) (with seal)

Remaining Required Documents

 Copies of Bills and vouchers (verified by Institute Head)

 Photographs of equipment purchased

 Stock entry and register (verified by store incharge/ Institute



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