Cortes - Assignment 3 Biochem

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𝐹 = 100 𝐿/ℎ
𝑉1 = 500 𝐿
𝑉2 = 300 𝐿
µ𝑚𝑎𝑥 = 0. 3 /ℎ
𝐾𝑠 = 0. 1 𝑔/𝐿
𝑌𝑥/𝑠 = 0. 4 𝑔/𝑔
𝑆𝑜 = 5 𝑔/𝐿

a. What is 𝑆1 and 𝑋1
𝐹1 100 𝐿/ℎ
𝐷1 = 𝑉1
= 500 𝐿
= 0. 2 /ℎ

Sterile Feed
𝑆= µ𝑚𝑎𝑥−𝐷

(0.2 /ℎ)(0.1 𝑔/𝐿)

𝑆= 0.3 /ℎ−0.2 /ℎ
= 0. 2 𝑔/𝐿

𝑥1 = 𝑌𝑥/𝑠 𝑆𝑜 − 𝑆 )
𝑥1 = 0. 4 𝑔/𝑔(5 − 0. 2) = 1. 92 𝑔/𝐿
b. Since no growth, µ2 = 0
𝑞𝑝 = 0. 02 𝑔/𝑔
𝑌𝑝/𝑠 = 0. 6 𝑔/𝑔

µ2 =𝐷2 1 −( 𝑥1
𝑥2 )
0= 1− ( 𝑥1
𝑥2 )
𝑥1 = 𝑥2

𝐹 100 𝐿/ℎ
𝐷2 = 𝑉2
= 300 𝐿

𝑆2 = 𝑆1 − 𝐹𝑌𝑝/𝑠
In terms of Dilution Rate,

𝑆2 = 𝑆1 − 𝐷𝑌𝑝/𝑠

(0.02 𝑔/𝑔)(1.92 𝑔/𝐿)

𝑆2 = 0. 2𝑔/𝐿 − (1/3 /ℎ)(0.6 𝑔/𝑔)

𝑆2 = 8 𝑥10 𝑔/𝐿

To get the Product Concentration,

𝑃 = 𝑌𝑝/𝑠 𝑆1 − 𝑆2 )
(0. 6 𝑔/𝑔)(. 2 − 0. 008) 𝐿 = 0. 1152 𝑔/𝐿
Feed = 100 L/h

S Volume Dilution Rate

1 900 L 0.1111 /h

2 600 L 0.1667/h

3 300 L 0.3333 /h
Combination (900, 600, 300):

Via Trial and Error to evaluate 𝑥1 by satisfying θ1 = 9 with 𝑥𝑜 = 0

From graph we have,

θ1 = 𝑑𝑥
𝑑𝑡 (𝑥1 − 𝑥𝑜)
θ2 = 1. 236(7. 28)
θ1 = 9
(Plot here the corresponding P 1 and x 1 based from the solution given above)

θ2 = 𝑑𝑝
𝑑𝑡 (𝑝2 − 𝑝1)
θ2 = 14. 63(0. 5 − 0. 09)

θ2 = 6

θ3 = 𝑑𝑝
𝑑𝑡 (𝑝3 − 𝑝2)
θ3 = 42. 767(0. 527 − 0. 5)

θ3 = 3
Combination: (900, 300, 600)

Via Trial and Error to evaluate 𝑥1 by satisfying θ1 = 9 with 𝑥𝑜 = 0

From graph we have,

θ1 = 𝑑𝑥
𝑑𝑡 (𝑥1 − 𝑥𝑜)
θ2 = 1. 236(7. 28)
θ1 = 9
(Plot here the corresponding P 1 and x 1 based from the solution given above)

θ2 = 𝑑𝑝
𝑑𝑡 (𝑝2 − 𝑝1)
θ2 = 8. 82(0. 43 − 0. 09)

θ2 = 3

θ3 = 𝑑𝑝
𝑑𝑡 (𝑝3 − 𝑝2)
θ3 = 43(0. 572 − 0. 43)

θ3 = 6
Combination : (600, 300, 900)

Via Trial and Error to evaluate 𝑥1 by satisfying θ1 = 9 with 𝑥𝑜 = 0

From graph we have,

θ1 = 𝑑𝑥
𝑑𝑡 (𝑥1 − 𝑥𝑜)
θ2 = 0. 08451(7. 28)
θ1 = 6
(Plot here the corresponding P 1 and x 1 based from the solution given above)

θ2 = 𝑑𝑝
𝑑𝑡 (𝑝2 − 𝑝1)
θ2 = (0. 530 − 0. 08541)

θ3 = 𝑑𝑝
𝑑𝑡 (𝑝3 − 𝑝2)
θ3 = 57. 69(0. 582 − 0. 53)
θ3 = 3
Combination : (600, 300, 900)

Via Trial and Error to evaluate 𝑥1 by satisfying θ1 = 9 with 𝑥𝑜 = 0

From graph we have,

θ1 = 𝑑𝑥
𝑑𝑡 (𝑥1 − 𝑥𝑜)
θ1 = 7. 1(0. 08451)
θ1 = 6
(Plot here the corresponding P 1 and x 1 based from the solution given above)

θ2 = 𝑑𝑝
𝑑𝑡 (𝑝2 − 𝑝1)
θ2 = 8. 83(0. 425 − 0. 08451)
θ2 = 6

θ3 = 𝑑𝑝
𝑑𝑡 (𝑝3 − 𝑝2)
θ3 = 57. 32(0. 582 − 0. 425)

θ3 = 9
Combination x1 p2 p2 p3

900, 600, 300 7.28 0.09 0.5 0.572

900, 300, 600 7.28 0.09 0.43 0.572

600, 900, 300 7.1 0.08451 0.53 0.582

600, 900, 300 7.1 0.08451 0.425 0.582

300, 600, 900 - - - -

300, 900, 600 - - - -

Therefore, the configuration must be 600 L, 900 L, 300 L and 600 L, 900 L, 300 L, as they
produce the maximum production.

However, 300, 600, 900 and 300, 900, 600 combinations must be neglected since plotting ln (x)
vs. t to get umax gives µ𝑚𝑎𝑥 = 0. 30231562, which is less than the dilution rate of the 300 L
tank 𝐷 = 0. 3333 /ℎ. Therefore, the biomass will be washed out 𝐷𝑤𝑎𝑠ℎ𝑜𝑢𝑡

= µ𝑥
𝑙𝑛 𝑥 = µ 𝑡

Plotting ln x vs. t
Time Ln x

0 -1.203972804

3 0

6 0.832909123

8 1.386294361

9 1.62924054

10 1.871802177

This gives a slope of u = 0.302, so if a 300 L is the first tank in series, biomass will be washed

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