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An analogy is a comparison

between two things for the purpose

of explanation or clarification.

Click the link below to

see Barrack Obama's
speech. Explain the
analogy he makes. What
is he comparing?

© Presto
© Presto Plans
Answer here: Obama is
using the analogy of ….
He is using the analogy of
people ruining our economy
then wanting to do it again.
He says it's like someone
crashing a car, us getting
out, and then asking for they
keys back.

© Presto
© Presto Plans
Answer here:
You see some great content
for a presentation, you
know it is copyrighted - do
I take ideas from it
you use it in your
into my own but do
presentation to make you
not outright steal it
look good?

© Presto Plans
What is the
meaning of
this quote?
Do you agree?
How does
it relate to
your life or
the world?

© Presto Plans
Don't judge a book
its cover. It will make
people doubt
themselves if you do. I
do agree with this
quote and it applies to
me in my life for people
I meet.

© Presto Plans
Click on the link below to watch a video clip. Respond in
writing by providing your thoughts on the following question:

Do you think making

something more fun
can change behavior?
Why or why not?
© Presto Plans
Click on the link below to watch a video clip. Respond in
writing by providing your thoughts on the following question:

Do you think making something more fun

can change behavior? Why or why not?
Answer here:
Sometimes it depends on how you go about it. If you make
something interesting people are going to be more apt to do
© Presto Plans
Study for
Stems Quiz

© Presto Plans

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