The Story of Resident Evil

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The Story Of…

Resident Evil 0 :
On July 23, 1998, a train owned by the pharmaceutical company Umbrella, the Ecliptic Express,
came under attack from a swarm of leeches. As the passengers and crew are attacked, a
mysterious young man watches from a hillside. Two hours later, the Bravo Team of the Special
Tactics And Rescue Service (S.T.A.R.S.), a tactical unit of Raccoon City Police Department's
(R.P.D.), is sent to investigate a series of cannibalistic murders in the Arklay Mountains outside
of Raccoon City. On the way to the scene, its helicopter has an engine failure and crash-lands in
a forest. Searching the area, officer Rebecca Chambers of Bravo Team comes across the
Express, now motionless. She begins to investigate the scene, only to find the passengers and
crew transformed into zombies. She is unaware their transformation is a result of exposure to
Umbrella's T-virus contained within the leeches. As she explores the train, she teams up with
Billy Coen—a former Marine Force Reconnaissance officer, who was to be executed for killing
23 people until the military police van transporting him crashed in the region.
The pair notices the mysterious young man, moments before the train suddenly begins moving
again. Unbeknownst to the pair, two soldiers from Umbrella, on the orders of Albert Wesker and
William Birkin, attempt to take control of the train and destroy it, but are killed by leeches before
they can complete their mission. As the train speeds out of control, Rebecca and Billy apply the
brakes and avert its course towards an abandoned training facility for future executives of
Umbrella. They discover that the former director of the facility and the corporation's co-founder,
Dr. James Marcus, was responsible for discovering the so-called Progenitor virus in the 1960s,
and decided to examine its potential as a biological weapon. He combined it with leech DNA to
develop the T-virus that causes rapid mutations in living organisms and thus transforms humans
and animals into zombies and monsters.
As the pair continue to explore the facility, Wesker decides to leave Umbrella and join its rival
company, and makes plans for further research on the T-virus. William Birkin refuses his offer to
join him, instead opting to complete his research on the G-virus. Later, Rebecca becomes
separated from Billy. On her own, she encounters Captain Enrico Marini, who tells her that the
rest of the Bravo team will meet up at an old mansion they found, but allows her to stay behind
to find Billy. Just after Enrico leaves, Rebecca is attacked by the Tyrant. After temporarily
defeating the Tyrant, Rebecca meets up with Billy again and, together, they defeat it and
continue on towards a water plant.
Eventually, Rebecca and Billy catch up with the leech-controlling man, who happens to be
Marcus' final experiment, Queen Leech. In 1988, Marcus was assassinated on the orders of
Umbrella's other co-founder, Oswell E. Spencer, who sought his research. After his corpse was
dumped, Queen Leech entered his body and reanimated it, gaining his memories and the ability
to shapeshift, thus believing itself to be the resurrected Marcus and orchestrated the T-virus
outbreak in the facility and on the train as a means of revenge against Umbrella. After
temporarily defeating it, Billy and Rebecca attempt to escape to the surface via a lift, just as
William Birkin trips the facility's self-destruct mechanism. Pursued by Queen Leech, the pair
eventually kill it and escape before the facility is destroyed. Following their escape, Rebecca
notices the mansion that Marini mentioned and prepares to head for it. Before she does, she
assures Billy that her police report will list him as another casualty of the incident. Thanking her
for his freedom, Billy departs as Rebecca heads towards the mansion to seek out the
whereabouts of her fellow Bravo Team members (seen in Resident Evil).
Resident Evil :
On July 24, 1998, when a series of bizarre murders occur on the outskirts of the fictional
Midwestern town of Raccoon City, the Raccoon City Police Department's S.T.A.R.S. team are
assigned to investigate. After contact with Bravo Team is lost, Alpha Team is sent to investigate
their disappearance. Alpha Team locates Bravo Team's crashed helicopter and land at the site,
where they are suddenly attacked by a pack of monstrous dogs. After Alpha Team's helicopter
pilot, Brad Vickers, panics and takes off alone, the remaining members of the team — Chris
Redfield, Jill Valentine, Albert Wesker, and Barry Burton — are forced to seek refuge in a nearby
abandoned mansion. Depending on which character the player chooses to assume control of
(Chris or Jill), either Barry or Chris are separated from the rest of the team during the chase and
do not make it to the mansion. The team decides to investigate the mansion to search for their
missing team member.
As the team members explore the mansion, they encounter dangerous creatures roaming its
halls. The player character eventually learns that a series of illegal experiments were being
undertaken by a clandestine research team under the supervision of biomedical company
Umbrella Corporation. The creatures roaming the mansion and its surrounding areas are the
results of these experiments, which have exposed the mansion's personnel and various animals
and insects to a highly contagious and mutagenic biological agent known as the T-virus. The
player character may also encounter several members of Bravo Team, including Enrico Marini,
who reveals that one of Alpha Team's members is a traitor before being shot and killed by an
unseen assailant.
Eventually, the player character discovers a secret underground laboratory containing
Umbrella's experiments. In the lab, the player encounters Wesker, who reveals that he is a
double agent working for Umbrella, and plans to use the Tyrant, a giant, humanoid supersoldier,
to kill the remaining S.T.A.R.S. members. In the ensuing confrontation, Wesker is seemingly
killed, and the player character defeats the Tyrant. After activating the lab's self-destruct system,
the player character reaches the heliport and manages to contact Brad for extraction, at which
point the Tyrant may confront them one last time.
The game features multiple endings depending on the player's actions at key points over the
course of the game. The best ending sees that the player character saves their partner
(Rebecca Chambers for Chris's campaign, and Barry for Jill's campaign) as well as a team
member imprisoned in the lab (Jill for Chris's campaign, and vice versa). If at least the partner
survives, the Tyrant is defeated and the mansion destroyed, otherwise the mansion remains
intact and the Tyrant remains loose in the forest if the partner or team member is left to
permanently die.

Resident Evil 2 :
On the night of September 30, 1998 two months after the events of Resident Evil, rookie police
officer Leon S. Kennedy makes his way toward Raccoon City to start his first shift at the police
department. At a gas station on the city outskirts, he meets Claire Redfield who is looking for
her missing brother. The gas station is overrun by zombies, as well as the rest of Raccoon City
after a strain of the T-virus was carried into the city water supply. The two reach the Raccoon
City Police Department but are separated when a truck driver crashes his vehicle. The pair
discover the station is overrun by zombies, and Leon encounters a bitten Lieutenant Marvin
Branagh, who holds information about a secret passage out of the station. Branagh later
succumbs to his bite and turns. The player character eventually finds the underground passage
but is attacked by mutated Umbrella Corporation leading scientist William Birkin and wards him
Inside the parking garage, Leon is attacked by zombie dogs but is saved by Ada Wong. Ada
claims to be an FBI agent sent to retrieve the "G-virus", the virus responsible for mutating Birkin
which he developed with his wife and coworker Annette. She hopes to retrieve a sample of the
G-virus to incriminate Umbrella. Claire finds paperwork confirming her brother had left Raccoon
City weeks prior to investigate Umbrella elsewhere, and eventually she runs into Sherry— a
young girl and the daughter of William.
Leon discovers reporter Ben Bertolucci in the holding cells, imprisoned by corrupt Police Chief
and serial killer Brian Irons for investigating Umbrella. As Ben tries to convince Leon to release
him, he is killed by the Tyrant— a monster created by the T-virus. Leon attempts to leave the
station, but is attacked by the Tyrant and saved again by Ada. They discover gun salesman
Robert Kendo and his infected daughter Emma inside his gun shop. Leon pledges to help Ada
retrieve the G-virus sample to prove Umbrella's corruption after Robert is forced to kill his
daughter before committing suicide. Leon and Ada meet Annette in the sewers before she
forces them to pursue her to the underground Umbrella lab NEST, unwilling to give up the
G-virus sample. The two kiss as they descend to NEST.
Sherry is kidnapped by Chief Irons, who has been covering up Umbrella's activities, but William
arrives and injects Irons with a "G-embryo". Claire reaches the orphanage where Irons is
keeping Sherry, but the embryo births from Irons's stomach and kills him. Claire is knocked
unconscious by William as they flee into the sewers and she is separated from Sherry. William
infects Sherry— certain her body will not reject the G-virus and will allow it to replicate.
Finding Sherry and descending further underground into NEST, Claire finds the G-virus vaccine
and Annette administers it to her daughter. Leon finds the G-virus sample but runs into Annette
again. Annette outs Ada as a mercenary selling the sample to the highest bidder before she is
mortally wounded by William. Ada demands the sample from Leon at gunpoint, but is knocked
off into the abyss below the facility along with the sample and Leon is unable to save her.
Annette dies and as the NEST facility is set to self-destruct, Leon is attacked by the Tyrant, now
a mutated and deadlier "Super Tyrant". Ada, seemingly surviving her fall, tosses Leon an RPG
which he uses to finally kill the Tyrant. Claire staves off a further mutated William before the trio
reunites on a train out of the facility. William attacks the train once more in a final mutated form,
but the train is decoupled and William is destroyed in the lab's destruction. The next morning
Leon, Claire, and Sherry emerge far outside the confines of Raccoon City and into safety. Leon
and Claire vow to continue their fight against the Umbrella Corporation.

Resident Evil 3 :
On September 28, 1998, 24 hours prior to the events of Resident Evil 2, most of Raccoon City's
citizens have mutated as the result of an outbreak caused by the T-virus, a mutagenic virus
secretly developed by the pharmaceutical company Umbrella. Jill Valentine, former member of
the Raccoon Police Department's Special Tactics And Rescue Service (S.T.A.R.S.), is attacked
in her apartment by an intelligent bioweapon known as the Nemesis T-Type, programmed by
Umbrella to silence surviving S.T.A.R.S. members. Briefly accompanied by fellow S.T.A.R.S.
officer Brad Vickers before he is killed by zombies, Jill evades Nemesis and is then rescued by
Umbrella Biohazard Countermeasure Service (U.B.C.S.) mercenary Carlos Oliveira. Carlos
explains that he and his group of surviving U.B.C.S. mercenaries—Mikhail Victor, Tyrell Patrick,
and Nicholai Ginovaef—have set up subway trains to evacuate civilians from the city. Jill helps
them reactivate power to the subway and departs on a train with Nicholai and Mikhail, while
Carlos and Tyrell remain behind to find Dr. Nathaniel Bard, an Umbrella scientist who may have
developed a vaccine for the T-virus.
After Mikhail expresses his suspicions towards Nicholai over how their platoon was ambushed
by zombies, Nemesis attacks the train and kills the civilians. Nicholai then betrays and locks Jill
and Mikhail out, with the latter sacrificing himself by detonating an explosive that derails the
train. Meanwhile, reaching the police department on the notion that Bard is at the S.T.A.R.S.
office, Carlos and Tyrell learn the scientist took refuge at a nearby hospital. Carlos is then
contacted by Jill, who survived the crash while being pursued by a mutating Nemesis. She
manages to escape Nemesis, only to lose consciousness after the monster infects her with the
T-virus. Carlos finds Jill half a day later and takes her to the hospital, finding Bard murdered
along with the scientist's video entry revealing that Umbrella's board is wiping out the vaccines
and any evidence connecting the company to the T-Virus. After Carlos retrieves Bard's vaccine
and administers it to Jill, Tyrell discovers that the U.S. government plans to destroy Raccoon
City in a missile strike to eradicate the T-virus infestation. Carlos travels to a lab underneath the
hospital to find more vaccines, while Tyrell tries to contact whoever he can to prevent the missile
Jill awakens on the day of the missile strike, October 1, and pursues Carlos to the lab. Tyrell
then informs her that the U.S. government will not launch the missiles if they can retrieve a
vaccine from the lab within a few hours. Although Nemesis kills Tyrell shortly afterwards, Jill
manages to synthesize a vaccine. She also learns that Nicholai is a supervisor hired by an
unknown contractor to sabotage Umbrella's efforts to hide their involvement while collecting
combat data on the company's bioweapons, including Nemesis. An encounter with Nemesis
prompts Nicholai to retrieve the vaccine from Jill as he leaves her to fight the monster. Jill
eliminates Nemesis with a railgun and then meets up with Nicholai at a helipad. Nicholai
destroys the vaccine, acknowledging that the city's fate is not important as long as he gets paid
for sabotaging Umbrella. Carlos intervenes and restrains Nicholai, prompting Jill to shoot and
injure him. Disgusted by his greed, Jill escapes the city with Carlos via helicopter, leaving
Nicholai behind. As the city is destroyed by the missile strike, Jill vows to take down Umbrella at
all costs.

Resident Evil 4 :
Following the destruction of Raccoon City in 1998, Leon S. Kennedy (Nick Apostolides)
becomes an agent for the United States government and undergoes training with Major Jack
Krauser (Mike Kovac). Six years later in 2004, Leon is sent by the president to rescue his
daughter Ashley Graham (Genevieve Buechner) from a village in rural Spain with the remote
assistance of Ingrid Hunnigan (Raylene Harewood). Soon after arriving, Leon finds his escorts
brutally murdered by the villagers, who are being controlled by the parasite Las Plagas and
have pledged themselves to the Los Illuminados cult. Searching for Ashley, Leon meets Luis
Serra (André Peña), whom Ingrid confirms once worked for the Umbrella Corporation. Leon and
Luis are captured by the village head, Chief Bitores Méndez (Jon Bryant), who injects Leon with
a Plaga parasite. After escaping captivity, the pair separate.
Leon rescues Ashley, who has also been infected with a Plaga. They are pursued by Méndez
until Leon kills him. With their rescue helicopter delayed by inclement weather, the pair retreat to
a castle, but Lord Ramón Salazar's (Marcio Moreno) forces capture Ashley. Leon briefly
re-encounters Ada Wong (Lily Gao) following their last encounter in Raccoon City before
reuniting with Luis underground, who provides suppressants for the Plagas and reveals he
wants to atone for his actions while working as an Umbrella researcher and for Los Illuminados.
The pair use mining tunnels to reach the surface, but Luis is fatally stabbed by Krauser, who has
defected to Los Illuminados. Leon and Krauser engage in combat until Luis forces Krauser to
retreat. Before he dies, Luis gives Leon the key to his personal lab. Upon returning to the castle,
Leon battles and kills Salazar before pursuing Krauser and Ashley to an island facility with Ada's
Leon reunites with Ashley, but the pair encounter Osmund Saddler (Christopher Jane), Los
Illuminados' leader who intends to send the infected Ashley back to the United States to infect
her father so he can take over the world. Saddler uses their Plagas to control Ashley and
incapacitate Leon, separating them again. While moving through the facility, Leon discovers
Krauser kidnapped Ashley and brought her to the village out of resentment against the United
States government for their handling of "Operation Javier", a mission he narrowly survived two
years prior that resulted in his entire unit being killed. Desiring power, Krauser uses a Plaga to
mutate himself and fight Leon, who reluctantly kills him. Leon reunites with Ashley, but Saddler
returns and attempts to control Leon until Ada intervenes, allowing Leon to take Ashley to Luis's
lab and remove their parasites. While searching for a means of escape, Leon rescues Ada from
Saddler before joining forces with her to kill him, who drops a vial of Plaga amber. Ada takes the
vial and leaves in a helicopter while Leon and Ashley escape the exploding island on a jet ski.

Resident Evil 5 :
In 2009, five years after the events of Resident Evil 4, Chris Redfield, now an agent of the
Bioterrorism Security Assessment Alliance (BSAA), is dispatched to Kijuju in West Africa. He
and his new partner Sheva Alomar are tasked with apprehending Ricardo Irving before he can
sell a bio-organic weapon (BOW) on the black market. When they arrive, they discover that the
locals have been infected by the parasites Las Plagas (those infected are called "Majini") and
the BSAA Alpha Team have been killed. Chris and Sheva are rescued by BSAA's Delta Team,
which includes Sheva's mentor Captain Josh Stone. In Stone's data Chris sees a photograph of
Jill Valentine, his old partner, who has been presumed dead after a confrontation with Albert
Wesker. Chris, Sheva and Delta Team close in on Irving, but he escapes with the aid of a
hooded figure. Irving leaves behind documents that lead Chris and Sheva to marshy oilfields,
where Irving's deal is to occur, but they discover that the documents are a diversion. When
Chris and Sheva try to regroup with Delta Team, they find the team slaughtered by a BOW;
Sheva cannot find Stone among the dead. Determined to learn if Jill is still alive, Chris does not
report to headquarters.
Continuing through the marsh, they find Stone and track down Irving's boat with his help. Irving
injects himself with a variant of the Las Plagas parasite and mutates into a huge octopus-like
beast. Chris and Sheva defeat him, and his dying words lead them to a nearby cave. The cave
is the source of a flower used to create viruses previously used by the Umbrella Corporation, as
well as a new strain named Uroboros. Chris and Sheva find evidence that Tricell, the company
funding the BSAA, took over a former Umbrella underground laboratory and continued
Umbrella's research. In the facility, they discover thousands of capsules holding human test
subjects. Chris finds Jill's capsule, but it is empty. When they leave, they discover that Tricell
CEO Excella Gionne has been plotting with Wesker to launch missiles with the Uroboros virus
across the globe; it is eventually revealed that Wesker hopes to take a chosen few from the
chaos of infection and rule them, creating a new breed of humanity. Chris and Sheva pursue
Gionne but are stopped by Wesker and the hooded figure, who is revealed to be a brainwashed
Jill. Gionne and Wesker escape to a Tricell oil tanker; Chris and Sheva fight Jill, subduing her
and removing the mind-control device before she urges Chris to follow Wesker.
Chris and Sheva board the tanker and encounter Gionne, who escapes after dropping a case of
syringes; Sheva keeps several. When Chris and Sheva reach the main deck, Wesker
announces over the ship's intercom that he has betrayed Gionne and infected her with
Uroboros. She mutates into a giant monster, which Chris and Sheva defeat. Jill radios in, telling
Chris and Sheva that Wesker must take precise, regular doses of a serum to maintain his
strength and speed; a larger or smaller dose would poison him. Sheva realizes that Gionne's
syringes are doses of the drug. Chris and Sheva follow Wesker to a bomber loaded with
missiles containing the Uroboros virus, injecting him with the syringes Gionne dropped. Wesker
tries to escape on the bomber; Chris and Sheva disable it, making him crash-land in a volcano.
Furious‚ Wesker exposes himself to Uroboros and chases Chris and Sheva through the volcano.
They fight him, and the weakened Wesker falls into the lava before Chris and Sheva are
rescued by a helicopter, which is piloted by Jill and Stone. As a dying Wesker attempts to drag
the helicopter into the volcano, Chris and Sheva fire rocket-propelled grenades at Wesker, killing
him. In the game's final cutscene, Chris wonders if the world is worth fighting for. Looking at
Sheva and Jill, he decides to live in a world without fear.

Resident Evil 6 :
On 24 December 2012, Jake Muller (Troy Baker), son of late bio-terrorist Albert Wesker, flees
local authorities during a bio-terrorist attack in Edonia. He partners with Division of Security
Operations (DSO) agent and Raccoon City survivor Sherry Birkin (Eden Riegel) and learns that
she is to extract him from the country to create a vaccine for the new C-virus. However, they are
hunted by Ustanak, a hulking bio-weapon. Meanwhile, a Bio-terrorism Security Assessment
Alliance (BSAA) strike team led by Chris Redfield (Roger Craig Smith) and Piers Nivans
(Christopher Emerson) is deployed to combat the infected local populace. However, they are
attacked by the leader of Neo-Umbrella, who refers to herself as Ada Wong (Courtenay Taylor);
she kills most of the BSAA members, using a device that injects them with the C-virus, turning
them into monsters, except Chris and Piers. Chris goes into a self-imposed exile, afflicted with
post-traumatic amnesia. Meanwhile, Sherry and Jake's extraction by the BSAA is sabotaged,
forcing them to crash into the mountains. They are captured by "Ada" for six months.
On 29 June 2013, US President Adam Benford (Michael Donovan) attempts to publicly reveal
the truth behind the 1998 Raccoon City incident and the government's dealings with Umbrella,
to end further bio-terrorist activity. However, the venue in the American town of Tall Oaks is hit
by another attack, infecting the President; the sole survivors, DSO agent and Raccoon City
survivor Leon S. Kennedy (Matthew Mercer) and United States Secret Service agent Helena
Harper (Laura Bailey), are forced to kill him. The pair encounter the real Ada Wong (also Taylor),
and Leon learns that National Security Advisor Derek Simmons (David Lodge) is affiliated with
Neo-Umbrella and was responsible for the attack. Leon and Helena pursue Simmons into
Lanshiang, China, while faking their deaths. Meanwhile, Jake and Sherry escape captivity in
Chris returns to duty in the BSAA with Piers and a new team, arriving in a besieged Lanshiang.
Chris recovers from his amnesia and seeks revenge against "Ada", resulting in casualties for his
squad. Chris and Piers confront "Ada", until Leon intervenes. After being informed by Leon,
Chris and Piers pursue "Ada" to an aircraft carrier, destroying cruise missiles laden with the
C-virus. Leon, Helena, Sherry and Jake confront Simmons over his involvement with the
outbreaks, where Sherry covertly hands Jake's medical data to Leon in case of their captivity.
Leon and Helena corner Simmons, who has been infected by a J'avo, where he confesses to
having killed the President to maintain national security. The two see off a mutated Simmons
while Sherry and Jake are captured again. Attempting to leave the city, Leon and Helena are
warned by Chris that a missile carrying the C-virus has been launched, and its detonation
unleashes an outbreak in the city. Leon discloses Jake's real identity to Chris and has him
rescue Jake and Sherry in a remote oil platform. With Ada's assistance, Leon and Helena kill
On the oil platform, Chris and Piers head underground, freeing Jake and Sherry from captivity
before preventing a large-scale attack by a gigantic bioweapon named Haos. Heavily wounded
and in a desperate attempt to save Chris, Piers injects himself with the C-virus to help turn the
tide of the battle. He defeats Haos before evacuating. Aware that the mutation will worsen, Piers
sacrifices himself by pushing Chris to an escape pod, using his abilities to destroy the base and
Haos in a final act. Meanwhile, Jake and Sherry escape the facility and kill Ustanak as they ride
a rocket-powered lift to the surface.
The imposter Ada is revealed to be a scientist named Carla Radames, who was forced to
transform into an Ada lookalike by Simmons. The real Ada aids Leon and Sherry while
destroying the Neo-Umbrella lab in Lanshiang. Although presumed dead after being shot by one
of Simmons' soldiers, Carla attempts a final attack against Ada, after having injected herself with
a powerful dose of the C-virus, but is killed. Ada aids Leon and Helena in their battle with
Simmons, and destroys the lab where her clone was developed before accepting a new
assignment. Leon and Helena are cleared for duty; Chris remains with the BSAA in command of
a new squad, overcoming his guilt; Sherry continues her duty as a DSO agent; and Jake starts
a new life fighting B.O.W.s in an underdeveloped country with his identity covered up by the

Resident Evil 7 Biohazard :

In 2017, Ethan Winters, a civilian with an unknown background, is drawn to a derelict plantation
in Dulvey, Louisiana, by a message from his wife Mia, who has been missing for the past three
years. Exploring a seemingly abandoned guest house, Ethan finds Mia imprisoned in the
basement. She is distressed to see him, saying that she did not contact him at all. During their
escape, Mia suddenly goes berserk and attacks Ethan, forcing him to kill her. After receiving a
call from a woman named Zoe offering assistance, Ethan is attacked again by a revived Mia,
who cuts off his left hand. He manages to subdue her but he is then, in turn, subdued by Jack
Baker, patriarch of the Baker family. He then drags Ethan and Mia to the main house where Zoe
staples Ethan's hand back on. He is held captive by Jack, his wife Marguerite, their son Lucas,
and an elderly wheelchair-using woman. Although Ethan escapes his captors, he is repeatedly
confronted by Jack, who demonstrates the ability to regenerate from fatal wounds and even
After Ethan manages to subdue Jack by destroying his upper body, Zoe contacts Ethan again,
saying she is the Bakers' daughter. She informs him that she, her family, and Mia are all infected
with the same ailment, but can be cured with a special serum, which they need to obtain from
Marguerite. Ethan makes his way to an old house to retrieve the serum, where he manages to
kill Marguerite. After recovering the ingredients, Ethan experiences visions of an unknown
young girl. Lucas captures Zoe and Mia before Ethan's return, and forces him to navigate a
booby-trapped barn to find them. Ethan outwits Lucas, causing him to flee, and frees Zoe and
Mia. Zoe then develops two serum doses, but Jack, now heavily mutated, attacks Ethan, who,
on Zoe's advice, uses one dose to seemingly kill him. Ethan must then choose to cure either
Mia or Zoe.
● Choosing Zoe leaves Mia heartbroken. As he and Zoe escape on a boat, she reveals
that the Bakers were infected after Mia arrived with a young girl named Eveline when the
wreck of a tanker ship washed ashore. Just as they come across the same tanker,
Eveline psychically kills Zoe and Ethan is knocked from the boat by thick molded
● If Ethan chooses Mia (which is the canonical path), Zoe gives a bitter farewell to both,
despite Ethan's promise to send help. As he and Mia escape on the boat, they come
across the crashed tanker where both of them are knocked from the boat by the molded
filaments .
Following either choice, Mia ends up on the wrecked ship and searches for Ethan while
experiencing visions of Eveline, who refers to Mia as her mother. Eventually, Mia's memory is
restored, revealing that she was a covert operative for The Connections, a criminal organization
working on bio-weapon technology, that developed Eveline as a bioweapon. Mia and another
agent, Alan Droney, were to escort Eveline as she was being transported aboard the tanker
when Eveline realized the reality of the situation, escaped containment and started attacking
and infecting everyone on board (including Alan), killing crew members and turning them into
the Molded. Mia searched for Eveline throughout the ship when she meets Alan again who
encouraged her to kill Eveline, when the girl kills him. She then infected Mia in an effort to force
her to be her mother, when finally a hurricane sank the ship. In present time, after finding Ethan,
Mia gives him a vial of Eveline's genetic material.
● If Ethan cured Zoe, Mia succumbs to Eveline's control and attacks Ethan, forcing him to
permanently kill her.
● If Ethan cured Mia, she resists her control long enough to seal Ethan out of the ship to
save him, encouraging him to go kill her.
After leaving the shipwreck, Ethan discovers a hidden laboratory inside an abandoned salt
mine. There, he learns that Eveline is a bio-organic weapon capable of infecting people with a
black psychotropic fungus (referred to as the "mold") that gives her control over her victims'
minds, resulting in their insanity, superhuman strength and regenerative abilities, various
mutations, and turning them into the "Molded" (super organisms formed of molded filaments
who are capable of defending themselves ferociously on the slightest provocation). Eveline
grew up obsessed with having a family (due to her quarantined upbringing in a laboratory),
influencing her to infect Mia and the Bakers, and lure Ethan to the Bakers' home. Lucas is also
revealed to have been cured of Eveline's mental control by the organization in exchange for
providing observations on her. Using the lab equipment and Eveline's genetic material, Ethan
synthesizes a toxin to kill her, and proceeds through a series of tunnels that lead back to the
Bakers' guest house. There Ethan has visions of Eveline and also Mia when he was first
attacked by her, revealing that she was having the same visions of Eveline back then
commanding her to kill him. As Ethan approaches Eveline, she assaults him with wind blasts,
but he overcomes them and injects her with the toxin, which doesn't kill her, but reveals she was
the elderly woman in the wheelchair, who was watching Ethan all this time. As a side effect of
the powers she had, Eveline had to be put on medication to keep her young, or else she would
age rapidly. But since her escape, she had been aging 25 times faster than a normal human.
With the toxin taking effect, Eveline becomes susceptible to injuries and mutates into a giant
molded monster but, aided by the arrival of the Umbrella forces, Ethan is able to kill her. With
Eveline dead, the squad and their leader Chris Redfield extracts Ethan by helicopter. If Ethan
did not cure Mia, he throws his phone containing her last message to him from the helicopter,
saying "goodbye", otherwise, the canon ending has Mia rescued aboard Redfield's helicopter
with Ethan by her side. As the chopper flies away, it is shown to be branded with the logo of
Blue Umbrella.

Resident Evil Village :

Three years after Resident Evil 7, Ethan and Mia have been relocated to Europe by Chris
Redfield to start a new life with their newborn daughter Rosemary. One night, Chris and his
Hound Wolf squad raid the house, assassinate Mia, and abduct Ethan and Rosemary. Ethan
awakens next to a crashed transport truck in which he was riding, and discovers a village
terrorized by werewolf-like creatures called Lycans. Ethan fails to save the remaining villagers
and is captured by Karl Heisenberg and brought before the village priest Mother Miranda and
her lords: Alcina Dimitrescu, Donna Beneviento, Salvatore Moreau, and Heisenberg himself.
Ethan escapes a death trap made by Heisenberg and ventures into Dimitrescu's castle to find
Rosemary, with help from a mysterious merchant known as the Duke. Ethan eliminates
Dimitrescu and her daughters, finding a flask containing Rosemary's head. The Duke explains
that Miranda placed Rosemary's body parts in four different flasks for a special rite, and that she
can be restored if Ethan recovers the other flasks, held by the remaining lords.
While killing Beneviento and Moreau for their flasks, Ethan learns Hound Wolf is also in the
village. Ethan passes a test from Heisenberg for the fourth flask and is invited to the lord's
factory, where Heisenberg proposes they defeat Miranda together. Ethan refuses, once he
learns Heisenberg intends to weaponize Rosemary, and escapes. Ethan encounters and
confronts Chris over Mia's death, learning the "Mia" Chris killed was Miranda in disguise. Chris
reveals that Miranda possesses the power of mimicry and was attempting to abduct Rosemary,
succeeding when she crashed the transport truck. Chris destroys Heisenberg's factory while
Ethan uses a makeshift tank to defeat Heisenberg. After the battle, Miranda shows herself and
mocks Ethan, revealing her plans to take Rosemary as her own. She then rips his heart out,
killing him.
Witnessing Ethan's death, Chris leads Hound Wolf to extract Rosemary while a Bioterrorism
Security Assessment Alliance (BSAA) assault force distracts Miranda. Chris enters a cave
beneath the village and discovers the Megamycete, the source of the mold. He plants a bomb
on the Megamycete and finds Miranda's lab, learning that she has lived a century since coming
into contact with the fungus, and was a mentor to the Umbrella Corporation's founder Oswell E.
Spencer; Oswell used her knowledge to develop the T-Virus. Miranda experimented with the
fungus in an attempt to revive her daughter, Eva, who had succumbed to the Spanish flu; the
four lords, Lycans, and Eveline were failed experiments. Rosemary, however, is a suitable host,
due to her special abilities inherited from Ethan and Mia. Chris rescues the imprisoned Mia, who
reveals that Ethan should still be alive, due to his powers.
Ethan revives after encountering Eveline in limbo, who reveals that he was already killed in his
first encounter with Jack Baker in Dulvey, but was revived by her mold, which gave him
regenerative powers. The Duke brings Ethan to the ritual site where Miranda attempts to revive
Eva, but ends up reviving Rosemary instead. Enraged, she battles Ethan, who kills her, before
the Megamycete emerges from the ground. Ethan, with his regenerative powers finally having
reached their limit, sacrifices himself to detonate the bomb planted on the Megamycete, while
Chris transports Mia and Rosemary to safety. As Mia mourns the loss of Ethan, Chris discovers
that the BSAA soldiers sent to the village were organic bioweapons and orders his squad to
head for the BSAA's European headquarters.

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