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jour Exam Ro! cam Roll. No. fee your Exar No, Be se wrt a | | | END TERM EXAMINATION SIXTH S$) /B] JULY 2023 | 7 Code: LLB SOG ESTER ILL Subject: Property Law — (BATCH 2014 ONWARDS) a ra Hour eR ve questions in all inclu no. 1 of Part A which is t PART-A | Write short notes on the following: (Sx5-25) | 2 a) Essentials of valid gift | b) Movable and immovable property o) Transfer for the benefit of an unborn person d) Condition restraining transfer Transfer of Actionable claim PART-B UNIT-1 What is spes successionis? Is it Sansferable and how is it different (12.5) Oa com lecdine te grant by estoppel? T o3 "No ane can Teen obate and reprobate at the same time." Discuss with © the help of relevant provisions. Is there any exception to this rule> (12.5) Q5 a) Explain Fraudulent Transfers, (6) ement to sale of his house in favour of B for b) A registered an agre Rs. 80,000 in May 2018. B Paid Rs. 60,000 to A and took Possession of land and Promised to pay the balance at the time of registration of sale deed, to C for Rs, 1,00,000 by mean of Tegistered sale deed in August c. 2019. Discuss the Tights of B and P.T.O. @ scanned with OKEN Scanner (ad uNIT- ways a mortgage’. py, ‘once a mortgage @ by th soy, 2 rn PT one years with geet : .s his Jan Cong: hy 1M ean cea DOTA io, N the date of mortgage MONTY AMC, the? ehhh shall be treated as sale deed | Moy) ii) X mortgages his house t0 8 He wa ‘ the property after 50 years. Rts : oo 7 Bvery mortgage is a charge but every charge ig ,, Discuss the factors necessary to determine Whether = a i f& 4 1 mortgage is created by a deed. UNIT-IV Define sale and its essentials. Can there be a sale eaperty by unregistered agreement to sell along with it eneral ill? Dis i co of attorney and will? Discuss with the hat eh Of Eh 8 a Whet is the meaning of | is i i ps © meaning of lease. How is it dete ( hts and liabilities olessor and lessee? "©? Whay ' a sehen ty @ scanned with OKEN Scanner please write Your Beam Roy No.) Maximum Marks: 75 estions, AU questions carry equal marks. What d o conceptctige mre crstand by the tenn ‘property’? In what way you can Mi Classification of various types of property? Elaborate. “Perpetuity j : : 2 era halle pumaty sense of the term is a disposition which make pable for an indefinite period”. Dissree the wale ‘Against erpetuity i i : ae pce the light of the above statement, and the decided case law 93 _ Explain the rule of *Feeding the ein jn the light of ru pty grant by estoppel” in the light of relevant provisions and decided case law on the point. Q4 “Doctrine of part performance is a shield and not a sword”, How far do eee’ With the statement? Comment with special reference to statutory provisions and decided cases in India, Q5 How do you define sale, Elaborate the essential elements of sale, with reference to statutory provisions under TP Act, Q6 What is the doctrine of cleg? How the equity courts in England, have struggled hard to keep the equity of redemption intact by developing the doctrine of clog and fetter? Elaborate with reference to statutory provisions and case law on the point. 27 = Define lease and distinguish between the concept of lease and licens with the help of decided case law on the point. 28 ~ Define Easement and elucidate the types of easementary rights availab under Indian Law. Heebioni @ scanned with OKEN Scanner Bxam Rott No. ce " END TERM EXAMINATION venmseR 2020 ao ae aect: Property Law j__ PN TERM ‘ode: LLB-306 ee Os @ateh-2014 onwards) Maximum Meorkes: 75. ate abort notes on: - Rulé against perpetaity, G} ° Actionabie cla Explain witli | “One cannot SPPiopriate amt reprobate GE the sans tine, roranee 6 wbdsntary pense and judicial proneincanene Rew should be introduced.” Beamine critically: | | | (a) "Daring litigation, 2 [2 Basse Mpatiog, spain There was a prop: i te “ourt had pecuniary jurist in value. ‘The court after valuation returnes the plaiut as the suit was Ar ap isdiction; Bofore ‘A’ could file the suit in the competent eourt, i’ sci tne Propérty to. ‘P, Will the sale. of property to 'P’ be hit by the aacisine of fis pendens? f What ate thie pre-requisites fox the Property Act, 1882. 3A of Transfer of is statement with the | What is the doctrine of Part Berto. | application of the déetrine-undar Secei fa ‘Onte a morigagee: “always: & mortga, igagee”. Replaitr this seletence oh statutory provisions and decides ‘cases. ‘Marshalling: hy Bxpleer plat the folowing: concept ia brief. fh) No merger in the: case of subsequent encumbrances, b) Foreélosure, p) Subrogation, : fetine Lease as vein under thé Transfer of Pro ison : Sven ij °perly: Act, and. disouss Seentials of the ‘notice to be given Under Section 106 of the ct. What is: id ence? Discuss with’ the help of case Jaws, ference between lease and Ife [| With the Alp of the statintary Provisions and jyay ee E t of : JUdicial | ae a fot agit and Habilities of selie: and buyer beiore the lat ate the eSSentals.of Gilt under Transiep of Property Actp Pronouncemetits sale and @ scanned with OKEN Scanner Pete we, ) ase write your Exam Rott No.) Hcam Rall No, END TERM EXAMINATION a HATH SBMrs Ton (ULE (H | Avni. May 2019 ver Code: LLB-306 Subject: Property Law (Batch 2014 onwards) ve: 3 Hours _ Maximum Marks: 75 ste: Attempt five questions in ati including Q no. 1 of Part A which is e one question from each unit of Part B. PART-A Write short notes on the following: 4 (a) Rule of Election " eae (b) Actionable Claim and procedure for its (¢) Define Immovable Property. (a) Rule of ‘Lis pendens’ (c) Gift and its essentials, \ PART-B Le UNIT Define the term “Transfer of Property* with its essentials. Can a future property be transferred, explain with its exceptions if any. (12.5) Property of “any kind” ¢: "an be transferred but some property are non- transferable property. Explain with the help of relevant legal provisions. (12.8) UNIT-I Explain and mention the legal validity of “Fraudulent Transfer.” How the interest of person affected by these kinds of transfers are protected. (12.5) Can a transfer be made by “Ostensible owner.” How the interest of bonafide purchaser is protected in this trans fer. (12.5) UNIT-IIL Define and explain “Mortgage” with + ference to statutory provisions as given in the Act along with its various kinds. (12.5) | What is charge and how it is created on a property (12.5) UNIT-IV and its essentials along with the distinetion between Lease e. (12.5) distinguish it with “agreement to sale”, Mention the rights ties of buyer and seller (12.5) @ scanned with OKEN Scanner a seam Rot io 22 EwD TERM ExaMINATION & Sixt SEMESTER [LLB] May-June 2018 : ir Code: LLB-306 Subject: Property Law pSHours ngHours ‘Maximum Marks: 75 = it te: Attempt five questions in all including Q no.1 of Part A which is compulsory. Select one question from each unit of Part B. MPR OTY. Select one question from each unit of PartB. | PART-A Write short notes on the following:- (5x5=25) (a) Transfer to an unborn person (b) Transfer by Ostensible Owner (c) Once a mortgage always a mortgage. (@ Sale and Agreement to sel (e) Vested and Contingent Interest PART-B UNIT-1 ‘Property of any kind may be transferred, except as otherwise provided by this Act, or by any oth Y other law”. Blucidate with relevant provisions, (12.5) No one can approbate and reprobate at the same time. Explain with case laws. (12.5) UNIT-I Elucidate the Rule of Lis Pendens in detail (12.5) ‘In India the equity of part. Performance is a passive equity; it can be used only as shiel: Id not as a sword.” Explain. (12.5) UNIT-I1 What is Mortgage? Explain the relation between mortgagor and mortgagee. (12.5) Charge’ with its kinds. How Charge is extinct (12.5) UNIT-IV the constituents of Lease? Discuss with case laws. (12.5) Discuss essential ingredients of a valid Gift? When the gift Explain. a (12.5) eteneestee @ scanned with OKEN Scanner exam Roll No-) mens RM EXAMINAT: "exp TERM EXAM Anse aie sneaning and characteristics of U |[e) Discs ‘the duration of certain leases ® (o) Wneracts or local usage? |[o) Detine an onerous gift? ; (a) Discuss the concept of subrogation. ian Easement Act, 1882. [(e) Discuss Easement as per section 4 of the Indian E: Part-B i iate [piscuss the concept of sale with the help of case laws. Differentions between sale and contract of sale. | Discuss the right and liabilities of a buyer before the sale a | completed. | piscuss the concept of mortgage? Differentiate between conditional sale and sale with condition of repurchase. a mortgage by (10) Discuss the rights and liabilities of mortgagor. (10) 2 concept of Lease and differentiate this concept with agreement to lease. (10) (a) Define the concept of Gift. Discuss the mode of transfer of gifts. (5) (b) Discuss when gift may be suspended or revoked. (5) Differentiate between: (a) Easement and license (5) (b) Easement or profit a pendre (5) Tenn @ scanned with OKEN Scanner _ °° ° +72 ~~ exam Rott No.) . rite ep TeRM EXAMINA syne 2O8T sixrn Semester [LLB] May NS erty Law 2s et in arb: a in ane Latent pulsar ry Sect one questi ue a (5285-25) rite short notes on the oITOWwiNk (@) movable property / (el ituncof redemption (;; (9 Bete and agreement 0 2 c) Basementary Right Unit ay can FO aboratc(12-5) tand by the term ‘propert ou unde: What ail jfication of various type i of property? El conceptualize the cla: peor 5 a disposition which make Discuss the rule against ed case law (12.5) he primary sense of the term i «perpetuity in 1 1 is inalienable for an indefinite period. ; propery in the light of the above statement, and the decid on the point. Unit-II i omer? What are the rules relating to the transfer by an ostensible owners Explain with the help of decided cases on the subject. (12.5) “Doctrine of part performance is a shield and not a sword”. How far do rhea cree with the above nt? Comment with snecial ref e you agree with the above sts nt? Commer f : statutory provisions and decided cases in India. (12.5) Unit-IT How do you define sale. Elaborate the essential element of sale, with reference to statutory provisions under T.P. Act. (12.5) What are the main types of mortgages acce} 2 ty pted under Transfer of Property Act 1882. Distinguish the concept of cl harge and mortgage.(12.5) Unit-IV What are the essential of lease? Expl the subject. jain with the help of decided cases on : (12.5) Gift is essentially a transaction j i : the donee, action involving no consider: Explain the conce tof gift a ‘ation onthe part of Pee, Bill citing relevant case law. (12.5) me @ scanned with OKEN Scanner veotiannes desu ve av 4 Oe my iPitect one ort notes on af h0 ESSN ie ee rope rime Fading Ti Sependense eng ta sell atte ele Aarermination of Teac valet the generat rule and all properties 26 : Explain the rul provide by law. Explain relate ; ith the help of t interest wit (12.5) | of property nsferability ajerable except othe exceptions (© this rule. jstinguish between vested and contingen piside case law on the point | Unit-I | " L.olain the rule of “Feeding the grant by estopple” in the light of aay revisions and decided case law on the point. . i ication of the doctrine of tate the fundamental requirement of the application o 1 wat performance in India and distinguish it from English equity of part formance, in the light of statutory provisions and decided case re a e point. | Unit-I laborate the Rights & Liabilities of buyer & seller given under transfer (12.5) if Property Act. /hat is Marshalling by a subsequent purchaser? Discuss. (12.5) Unit-IV guish the same from the concept the concept of lease and distin (12.5) of license with the help of decided cases on the point. Define i Easement and explain the types of easement admissible under _ (12.5) Indian legal system, Wehbe @ scanned with OKEN Scanner i iva questions inctuding Q-NO rie Tees quastion from each Onerous gift ae ad ud ane Congant erst (e} PART-B SNITI = in various relevant jons in various 4 ne “Immovable Property” as per the prove TiS gion with efrments. Also, highlight the important ingredients of the (22.5) this rule? What wale against perpetuity. What are the exceptions to ee) tween section 13 and section 14. UNIT-IT spuring the litigation nothing new should be introd fis Pendens with the help of relevant Case Laws. ". Discuss the doctrine of iuced”. Dis irs 8) tract”. i e con ttn act of part performance must be done in performance of the © aay Discuss with the help of Case Laws. UNIT-IT sl the court jurisdiction to relieve a mortgagor from his bargain depends on unfair nature of the bargain whether it has been obtained by taking advantage of any difficulty’. Explain with the help of the relevant c (12.5) | (a) Explain the rights and liabilities of the Seller of immoveable property under Transfer of Property Act. (6.5) (b) Distinguish between:- (6) () Sale and Gift : ; | (i) Mortgage and Charge I UNIT-IV / (a) Elaborate the provisions for Revocation of License. 6. | (b) Discuss Tenant at Sufferance and Tenant at Will. * ; Pe | (a) Differentiate between ‘Profit a 7 f ) t prendre and Easemer (b) discuss the various modes of determination of Hens ia ; (6) theres @ scanned with OKEN Scanner ott No. rexaam Rott wr Regan Rott Me) END TERM ExaMINATION ‘Seancerire [LLB] May-JUNE-2016, write 90" ofpart A whiel Neiempt any flue questions including @ mont of PATA ip! ect one question from each um plaborate ¢ same time «a person cannot approbate and reprobate at the same tim teas) {and also give exception to this rule. erty”, Explain as to -rransferability is the most inherent quality of Property”. Explain a6 | Pat are the exceptions to this rule? UNIT-IT oe piscuss the transfer by unauthorized person who subsequently acdniret interests in the property transferred as given under i ao ol eee ah | Property Act 1882. Also differentiate between sec. 6( si kxplain the principle of Doctrine of Ostensible Ownership. How eran transfer by an ostensible owner affect the persons intereste immovable property? (12.5) | UNIT-IIT 7 (a) Define the term ‘Sale’. Explain the components of transfer by Sale. (7) (b) Distinguish between Sale and Gift. (5.5) Explain the meaning and essential elements of a “Mortgage”. Also examine the effect of failure of mortgage to advance the amount undertaken. Discuss the different kinds of mortgages. (12.5) UNIT-IV (a) What do you understand by the term “forfeiture of a lease”. Discuss.(8.5) (b) X lets a field to Y at a rent of Rs. 20,000 and then transfers the field to Z. Y pays rent to X in good faith after the transfer as he had notice of the transfer. Z files a suit against Y for the recovery of the arrears of the rent due after the transfer. Explain the legal position of Y. (4) (a) Define lease by giving its essential ingredients. (b) Distinguish between: fy (i) Lease and License (ii) Lease and Easement (6.5) (6) ECBO Re @ scanned with OKEN Scanner eee! oS “reson Hall Noe ti MERCY CHANGE EXAMINATION a( a ig SENT Sem [LLB] avause Ser rH ION arty Haedein | oe Maximum Marks paren which ts I op Pare. rg Hours ae , Attempt five ns ineluding Q.n0.1 of. misory. Select at least one question from cach uni Part-a i [yrite short notes on the following: (5x5=25) WH Doctrine of Holding Out J) Marshalling Securities 8) Spes Successionis [J] onerous Gift 13) Mortgage by conditional sate Part-B ‘ Unit-t PZ property ‘X’ is bequeathed to Prem for his life and-after his death to Gameer for his life and after Sameer’s death to such of Sameer’s sons as Sameer dies in the lifetime of tne Shall first attain the age of 25 years. e festator leaving one or more sons. Discuss the validity of the pequest giving the reasons for your answer. (12.5) interest’ and ‘contingent interest’. Distinguis! Is a vested interest defeated by the oo (12.5) Explain the ‘vested petween them citing illustrations. death of the transferee before he obtains possession? Unit : he lis pendens rule does not annual the transfer but only renders it subservient to the rights of the parties to the litigations’. Comment upon the statement with the help of case law. (12.5) Discuss the following: * a) Transfer by ostensible owner (6.5) b) Rule of part performance. (6) Unit-01 Discuss the doctrine of ‘clog on redemption’ citing illustrations and the case laws as the basis of the doctrine. (12.5) Enumerate the Rights & liabilities of the buyer & the seller of immovable property. (12.5) Unit-IV a) ‘A’ let his land to ‘B’, The lease expires but possession. ‘A’ brings a suit to eject B’. ‘B’ resists ‘A’ claim on the strength of an unregistered lease for a further period of 5 years at an increased rent. Discuss the principle of law involved in the decision of the case & state whether ‘A’ will succeed. (6.5) Bring out the distinction between ‘tenancy at will and a tenancy on sufferance’ (6) a) Differentiate between ‘Easement and profit.a prendre’. (6) b) Elaborate the provisions for revocation of Dos ie (6.5) continues in 4) 338 @ scanned with OKEN Scanner oe SUPPLEMENTARY Sixt SEMESTER (LI 13H ny five tempt any five Atwulsory. Select one question from. te: 15 COMME! PAR: t notes on the following write shor (2 ae ee roperty as defined in Section 3. \!.P. (2) immornce between vested and contingent interest (9 Ditterence between lease and licence. NP (a) Dintition making interest determinable on i © ienation. scoweniy or attempted UNI : joe 2.5) what are the essentials of a valid transfer of immovable property? (12.5) amin, then for life to anthony transfers his property for life to Benjamin, fanless and then for life to David, an unborn child and after 7 co a iMSiton. Decide the validity of interest created for the benefit of David 18 UNIT-II ay Explain the concept of part performance. What are the remedies aviva isthe transferee, if the transferor refuses to perform his part of the ob: ligation? (12.5) (a) Explain the concept of clog on redemption. (6) (p) “A man cannot reprobate and approbate’ Comment, (6.5) UNIT-IET What are the essentials of a valid gift? Can a Completed gift be altered or revoked? (12.5) ‘Mortgage implies transfer of limited interest in an immovable property. “Explain how limited interest is transferred under different kinds of mortgages. (12.5) UNIT-IV What are the grounds for forfeiture of a lease? Also discuss other methods of determination of lease. (12.5) i Balen easement by prescription. (6) sagen the difference between tenancy by sufferance and tenancy by (6.5) Seebiibheieete @ scanned with OKEN Scanner “SurrLeMENTARY EXAMI see ye MEMES RR LLM Speen OCF unsie , imum Marks ? : PART A (6x5-25) yovable property I irom ‘Contingent Interest’? (6) (6.5) oR that deal with transfers for the benefit of unbor » help of case law, nist Perpetuity’ with its scope-and.object undete) ‘operty Act. UNIT - (6.5) (6) oR ing to transfer by ostensible owner, What are the yplicability of this section under Uhe TPA, 1882?(12.5) UNIT ~ II tare the essential clements of sale, How does it (4.5) iabilitics of th nd the buyer. (8) OR Charge’ 5 ? Dineuss the e: ntials of this (7.8) UNIT — IV efine ‘Lease’. How dan, A Hit differ from Licenee ion in both? Whats the mode of 12. OR a Lasement and Licence ominant and Servient teneseyy| , (6's) PEPER DBAS @ scanned with OKEN Scanner pom hat He) 2°" ND TERM EXA\ ‘Sur Semester [LLB PART: A (erse28) write noes of the folloitig:= and See. 43: qs there any contradiction between Sec. 6(3) Ss in —— Difference berween Vested and Contingent int rest 45 p) Profita-prendie /s) ‘, 2 subrogation BG PART-B wo UNIT-1 (8 Marks) exception to the rule” _ then 10 e she had no male ants thant re no descendants of B, male or ‘alidity of the interest ine nephew's d (q2.a) Explain the Rule agcinst Perpetuity. 1s there ) A made a gift of her property to B for life. who B's male descendants (if any) absolutely. In 3 fo B’s daughter without power of alienation and fernale, then to her nephew. B died without is created in favour of: (i) Male descendants ii) Female descendants Nephew. ie. Explain the ¥ (4.5 Marks) _ Pxplain. Is there annot approbate and reprobate at the same time” nit with the suitable exumptes 3, “A person ci ny exception to the ule? If yes. exp UNIT-IE s there the fis is pending in the cour t can be created wher ntiate your answer with the help of suitable examples and (8M 4. (a) Whether a new inte py exception to the rule, subst Jaw. b) Mr. A files a case regarding property number | 2 es B sold the properts in favour of Mr. Rajesh. The c fr. B. After the decision of the court Mr. Rajesh claimed the property number | bu ainst B. During the pendency of the tis ourt pronounced the decision in favour ut Mr. B @ scanned with OKEN Scanner urite your Exar Roll No.) Exam Rott No. SUPPLEMENTARY EXAMINATIO! ‘sexre Si _Subject: Property = atttaitg tnt Pare fours Sparta is Compulsory. Attempt ona queation ——____"'2” PART-A rrite short notes: [a) Definition of Immovable property (§} Actionable claim fh Aesop ie paiget elect EE age Fee Ee ng ON a How is ‘Spes Successionis' differ ‘nt from ‘Contingent Interest’? (oad, See Successionig ciferenc rom es) OR with transfers for the benefit of unborn that deal with transfers for the | ail (6) (a) What are the rules elp of case law. igainst Perpetuity’ with its scope and object under erson. Explain with hi fp Analyse the ‘Rule a the Transfer of proper as UNIT ~ 10 Write notes. To (a) Feeding grant by Estoppel (6.5) (b) Rule of part-performance (6) OR What are the 5 Explain the rule relating to transfer by ostensible owner conditions for the applicability of this section under the TPA, 1882>(12.5) UNIT - 111 6 (a) Define ‘Sale’. What are the essential elements of sale, How does it differ from ‘Gift’ (4.5) (b) Explain the rights and liabilities of the seller and the buye (8) OR 7 {a) Distinguish between Mortgage’ and ‘Charge’ (5) {[b) What 1s Mortgage by conditional sale? Discuss the essentials of this type of mortgage (7.5) UNIT - IV 18 Define Lease’. How does it differ from Licence What is the mode of creation in both? (12.5) OR . , (6) (6.5) @ scanned with OKEN Scanner

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