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Reading and Writing Skills- Quarter 4

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Answer sheet
4th Quarter

Name of Student: Grade & Section:

Subject Teacher: Time Schedule:

Prepared by:
Rajan A. Galila
Arlyn B. Dawadias
Parent’s Signature over PRINTED NAME Greythyl Jane A. Pahayac
Date: _________________ Marivic C. Sotto
Cecelle Ortiz
Marie Lorraine C. Adiong

Reading and Writing Skills- Quarter 4

Lesson 8: Purposeful Writing in the Disciplines

Competency: Identifies the unique features of and requirements in composing texts that are useful across
disciplines. (EN11/12RWS-IVdg-12)

A. Book Review: True or False (10 Points)

Instruction: Read the following sentences and identify whether the statement is true or false.

_______ 1. A book review is exclusive for professionals.

_______ 2. A book description is similar to a book review.
_______ 3. A review or a critique involves higher-order thinking skills.
_______ 4. A book review or article critique uses the organization of ideas.
_______ 5. More than half of the review should be devoted to the summary.
_______ 6. The purpose of an article critique is to inform and persuade readers.
_______7. When reviewing a book or article, only one perspective should be used.
_______ 8. The reviewer’s overall impression of the work should be placed in the introduction.
_______ 9. A book review or article critique presents the strengths and weaknesses of a reading material.
_______ 10. The name of the author and title of the reviewed article is placed at the end of article critique.
B. Literature Review: True or False (10 Points)
Instruction: Read the following sentences and identify whether the statement is true or false.
_______1. A literature review shows a research gap.
_______2. A literature review is limited only to articles.
_______3. A literature review requires skills in selecting sources.
_______4. A literature review is an example of academic writing.
_______5. Direct quotation should be used as frequently as possible.
_______6. Writing a literature review involves higher-order thinking skills.
_______7. The scope of the review should be indicated in the introduction.
_______8. The quality of review is dependent on the quality of the reviewed articles.
_______9. A literature review require skills in summarizing but not in synthesizing information.
______10. The main purpose of making a literature review is to analyze literary texts such as short stories and
C. Research Report: True or False (15 Points)
Instruction: Read the following sentences and identify whether the statement is true or false.
_____1. Gathering references can be done recursively.
_____2. Title and thesis statement are written differently.
_____3. It is better to have as many direct quotations as possible.
_____4. Survey instruments should be aligned to research questions.
_____5. The abstract should be written prior to writing a conclusion.
_____6. An informative title is preferred when writing a research report.
_____7. Majority of the paper content should be devoted to literature review.
_____8. Two different documentation styles can be used in one research report.
_____9. The research report follows a format similar to that of an academic essay.
_____10. The conclusion contains the details of the finding obtained from the study.
_____11. The methodology contains the description of participants and instruments.
_____12. The discussion section presents the procedure undertaken to compete the study.
_____13. Tables and graphs for the gathered data are presented under the introduction section.
_____14. The literature review contains the explanation of relevant concepts and related studies.
_____15. The introduction contains the purpose of the study and the current state of the field of the study.

D. Project Proposal: True or False (10 Points)

Instruction: Read the following sentences and identify whether the statement is true or false.
_______1. Opinions add credibility to the proposal.
_______2. A project proposal is mainly informational.
_______3. A project proposal is usually one page only.
_______4. There is only one format for a project proposal.
_______5. It is ideal to include only the total budget needed.
_______6. A one-word title is more preferred to a descriptive title.

Reading and Writing Skills- Quarter 4

_______7. Only one team leader should write the project proposal.
_______8. The project proposal needs to address the specific problem.
_______9. A Gantt chart is one way to present the schedule of activities.
_______10. The qualification of personnel is crucial to the approval of project proposal.

E. Position Paper: True or False (15 Points)

Instruction: Read the following sentences and identify whether the statement is true or false.
_________ 1. An issue is a crucial component of a position paper.
_________ 2. The main goal of a position paper is to inform readers.
_________ 3. Opinions are better than facts in supporting arguments.
_________ 4. Statistics can be used as evidence to support an argument.
_________ 5. An issue is debatable if it cannot be answered by yes or no.
_________ 6. The content of a position should have only one paragraph.
_________ 7. The purpose of a position paper is to generate more issues.
_________ 8. Your position should be restated in the concluding paragraph.
_________ 9. The strongest type of appeal in a position paper is logical appeal.
_________ 10. Audience analysis will help you write a more persuasive position paper.
_________ 11. A good position paper considers all possible views on the issue at hand.
_________ 12. One way to establish your credibility as a writer is to boast about your credentials.
_________ 13. A position paper must answer specific questions vital in presenting your argument.
_________ 14. In the position paper, you should validate your position with authoritative references or primary
source quotations.
_________ 15. The most important thing in writing your position paper is how many sources you have that would
support your argument.

Lesson 9: Purposeful Writing for Professions

Competency: Identifies the unique features of and requirements in composing professional
correspondence. (EN11/12RWS-IVhj-13)

A. Resume
Instruction: Write T if the statement is true and F if false on the space provided before the number.
_______ 1. A resume is essential in helping you land a great job.
_______ 2. Employers prefer to read chronological resumes.
_______ 3. Use of personal pronouns (i.e... I, you, we, he/she, they) is highly recommended.
_______ 4. Use of color and fancy font will ensure that your resume will be noticed and read.
_______ 5. An ideal resume is about 2 pages.
_______ 6. Abbreviations must be spelled out.
_______ 7. Resumes should be written in past tense.
_______ 8. Include every detail of your employment history, (e.g. months).
_______ 9. A resume should read like a job description.
_______ 10. Use strong action verbs to describe your accomplishments

B. Application for Employment

B1: Write T if the statement is true and F if false on the space provided before the number.
_______ 1. The effectiveness of taking risks with the opening paragraph of your letter depends greatly on the field
in which you are seeking a job.
_______ 2. Employers like candidates to express a willingness to perform any available job.
_______ 3. If you are not fully qualified, it's always best to discuss the reasons why you aren't fully qualified in
the letter.
_______ 4. It's okay to mention skills gained in school even if they have nothing to do with the job sought.
_______ 5. Transferable skills should be portrayed both in the resume and in the cover letter.

B2: Read each item carefully. Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided before the
______ 6. A good cover letter will . . .
A. make a good first impression
B. answer the question "Why should I hire you?"

Reading and Writing Skills- Quarter 4

C. present your qualifications directly

D. all three
_______ 7. In which paragraph of a cover letter does the reader sell himself or herself?
A .First C. Third
B. Second D. Fourth
_______ 8. Applications are used by
A. some employers C. most employers
B. all employers D. only large firm

B3: : Identify and label the parts of the letter Write your answers on the blanks provided below the figure

1. _______________________________
2. _______________________________
3. _______________________________
4. _______________________________
5. _______________________________
6. _______________________________
7. What is the format used in the sample above?

C. Application for College Admission

_______1. Visiting a school and applying is really all I need to do to make myself known to the admissions office.
_______2. Most of the country’s top-tier schools are very expensive and unaffordable for the average person.
_______3. Your essay should highlight something about you that the admissions office couldn’t learn anywhere
else on your application.
_______ 4. College admissions officers are looking up applicants online and on social media.
_______5. Extracurricular activities only matter during the school year.


D. Writing an Office Correspondence

D1. Identify what is being describe or define of the following sentences.
_______________________________1. It is a written exchange of internal and external communication to
support all business processes.
_______________________________2. A type of correspondence that the communication is between the
company and another organization or firm.
_______________________________3. The traditional way of communicating information from one company
to another or used in external correspondence.
_______________________________4. It is a written communication strictly between the company’s offices to
another, or used in internal correspondence.
_______________________________5. This correspondence means that there is a communication or agreement
between departments or branches of the same company.

D2. Write T if the statement is true and F if it is false.

_______6. Business e-mail is an office correspondence that can either be internal or external.
_______7. The format used in writing a business letter depends on the requirements set by the company.
_______8. The difference between a memo and a letter is that the memo has its title line and series number.
_______9. The purpose of the correspondence is to communicate the information in a clear and professional way.
_______10. There is a required format in writing e-mail correspondence but it is expected that the writer maintain
a professional tone.

Reading and Writing Skills- Quarter 4

List of Performance Task for Quarter 4

(Note: This is 60% of your grade, so please do it wholeheartedly and have fun.)

General Instructions:

1. This should be accomplished individually.

o Position Paper (25 Points)
o Resume (25 Points)
o Application Letter for Employment (25 Points)
2. Your output should be encoded and follow the format below.
✓ Times New Roman
✓ 12”
✓ Single Space
✓ A4 size paper
3. It should be printed and compiled in a transparent folder.
4. Make a cover page of your compilation indicating your Full Name, Strand, and Section.
5. Submit it on the following dates:
o Position Paper – May 6, 2024
o Resume – May 13, 2024
o Application Letter for Employment – May 13, 2024

You have completed Module One.
Surely, you did well!

Prepared by:
Rajan A. Galila
Arlyn B. Dawadias
Greythyl Jane A. Pahayac
Marivic C. Sotto
Cecelle T. Ortiz
Marie Lorraine C. Adiong

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