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NOME: _____________________________________________________________________________________

DATA: ____/____/____ - TURMA: _____________ PROFESSORA: ESTER SOARES PIRES NOTA: _____________



1) Complete com SOME ou ANY:

a) I do not need ___________ Money because I am going to bring my lunch to

b) He does not have ________pens.
c) Our teacher did not give us _____________ homework yesterday.
d) Do we have ________ time to take a nap?
e) Paul wants to buy _________ new shoes.
f) Excuse me, I need __________ information about a flight to Boston
g) I do not have ________ Money.
h) Mr. Smith hás ______________ questions that he wants to ask you.
i) They have ___________ apples.
j) They do not have __________ bananas.
k) I am sorry, but we do not have ______________ more tickets.
l) Thomas read ___________ interesting books last month.
m) I bought ___________ Milk and __________ sugar at the supermarket.
n) Do you have ___________ coins for the bus?
o) I need ____________ help with my homework.
2) Relacione :



( ) usamos na afirmativa.

( ) usamos na interrogativa e na negativa.

3) Identifique se a frase está na AFIRMATIVA, NEGATIVA ou INTERROGATIVA:

a) I do not have any grape in my fridge. ______________________________
b) My mom does not have any book in her house. _____________________
c) I need some lettuce. __________________________________________
d) Do you need any help? ________________________________________
e) Cris likes to eat some carrots every day. __________________________
f) I do not have any friends. _____________________________________
g) We want to eat some pasta. ___________________________________
h) There are some boats in the píer _______________________________
i) There is not any car in my garage. ______________________________
j) Are there any school in your neighborhood? _____________________
k) Does your friend need any help to study? _______________________
l) There are some teachers here right now. ________________________
m) There are some churchs in Paraty. _____________________________
n) My friend wants to buy some shoes. ___________________________
o) I do not need any potatos. ___________________________________

The end! Good luck

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