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9.03 Sources of Bias (40 Points)

Read each of the scenarios described below. For each description, determine the type of
1. Stacy wants to find out whether people undestand the election process, so Stacy sent
several surveys written in English to immigrants who just came to the US and don’t know
English. Which type of bias is this? Under coverage bias
2. Greg wants to find out how many people like to hunt. Greg mails out a to everyone at his
school. Which type of bias is this? Nonresponse bias
3. A resturaunt ask the first 20 custemer to complete a survey for a free dessert. Which type
of bias is this? Convenience bias
4. An internet poll ask you to click here if you support the president. Which type of bias is
this? Voluntary bias
5. A popular tv show ask the audience to vote for their favortie singer. Which type of bias is
this? Under coverage bias
6. A high school asks only the first lunch wave about the quality of food in the cafeteria.
Which type of bias is this? Convenience bias
7. The popular new history teacher asks his students to complete a survey about cheating.
Students want him to lie them so they lie on the survey. Which type of bias is this?
Response bias

Examine each of the following questions for possible bias. If you think the question is
 indicate bias,
 indicate how, and
 propose a better question.

8. Do you think the mayor should resign because of his criminal activity?
Write your response below:
Yes. Do you think the president shouldn't run next hear?

© ACCESS Virtual Learning 2021

9. 97% of dentists recommend brushing your teeth three time per day. How often do you
brush your teeth each day?
Write your response below:

Yes. How many times do you brush your teeth a month?

10. Will you vote for the current mayor of for another candidate?
Write your response below:

© ACCESS Virtual Learning 2021

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